A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Niger over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-03-10 04:07:59 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Niger')
This list contains all public commits for each user. There are 931 total users in the region and you need at least 0 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | Ibrahim227 (Maman Sani Ibrahim) |
2183 | |
2. | lepronet85 (Soumanou Salifou Abdoul azize) |
1790 | |
3. | GanonthaBr (Ganontha Payang Bruno) |
1267 | |
4. | Chaibouu (Chaibouu) |
1152 | |
5. | Richouf95 (Abdoulaye Wouri Chouf) |
973 | |
6. | aditya-kr86 (Aditya Kumar) |
898 | |
7. | Beellal (Beellal-00) |
658 | |
8. | kodjodevf (Moustapha Kodjo Amadou) |
604 | |
9. | Hrk84ya (Harsh Kumar) |
506 | |
10. | Dickson2020 (Dickson) |
475 | |
11. | princekumarg (PRINCE KUMAR) |
388 | |
12. | FadelMamar (Fadel) |
383 | |
13. | bishwa-bandhu-parmar-06 (BISHWA BANDHU PARMAR) |
350 | |
14. | dexsrco (SUDHANSHU RANJAN) |
339 | |
15. | rohitkr5850 (Rohit Kumar) |
316 | |
16. | Kounou25 (Kounou Gilbert) |
288 | |
17. | AbdulConsole (Abdul Console) |
280 | |
18. | abass-dev (Abass Dev) |
263 | |
19. | CSampebgo333 (Clément Sampebgo) |
251 | |
20. | Mayank-singh-01 (Mayank singh) |
241 | |
21. | anasjawed283 (Anas Jawed) |
224 | |
22. | Mahamadou-Nouridine (Mahamadou Nouridine) |
216 | |
23. | feyroozecode (Ibrahim Ahmad (feyroozecode)) |
207 | |
24. | HamaBarhamou (HAMA Barhamou) |
190 | |
25. | itskartike910 (Kartik kumar) |
189 | |
26. | roxxadiiii (ADITYA KUMAR) |
185 | |
27. | ashutosh0640 (Ashutosh Kumar) |
175 | |
28. | harshputu (Harsh Sinha) |
163 | |
29. | KhalidMujahid () |
151 | |
30. | babloo59 (Babloo Kumar) |
149 | |
31. | professeur01 (Awalou Massaoudou Kalakala) |
143 | |
32. | Pinkuagrawal28 (Pinku Agrawal) |
142 | |
33. | NandanKumar1475 (Nandan Kumar) |
140 | |
34. | Godisouleymane (Souleymane Sabiou) |
138 | |
35. | 8409251542 (Ravi Shankar) |
136 | |
36. | heyitsmeravi (Ravi Kumar) |
127 | |
37. | abdoulkarim22 (Abdoul Karimoun Soumana) |
127 | |
38. | Kamran-007-lab (Kamran) |
123 | |
39. | elmagnifiko (Abdoul Razak) |
121 | |
40. | Amarjeetraj-in (Amarjeet Raj) |
118 | |
41. | gitcoder-aman (Aman Kumar) |
116 | |
42. | lorens247 (Lawrence Ikhidero) |
109 | |
43. | tanis-hkraj () |
104 | |
44. | deepanik (Laxmi Narayan Pandey) |
103 | |
45. | Abhishek-Mishra31 (Abhishek Mishra ) |
91 | |
46. | ayush827127 (Aayush Gupta) |
90 | |
47. | sau45 (Saurav Bharti) |
87 | |
48. | Phnix01 (Omar Farouk) |
86 | |
49. | Timosky81 (Thomas Akiou) |
84 | |
50. | RichaSinha01 (Richa Sinha) |
84 | |
51. | Srv2k21Codex (saurav ag.) |
76 | |
52. | arunishrajput (Arunish Rajput) |
75 | |
53. | Brahmahamadou () |
73 | |
54. | Judicaeld17 (Judicael Mahoutin DJIDONOU) |
72 | |
55. | demystik (Abdrasheed Thaoban) |
72 | |
56. | hmandela (Mandela HOUNGNIBO) |
71 | |
57. | ClintonNwokocha (Clinton Nwokocha) |
67 | |
58. | dsbtek (Muhammad Salihu) |
67 | |
59. | dheerajkumar823003 (Dheeraj Kumar ) |
66 | |
60. | universalDust123 (Satyam Kumar) |
66 | |
61. | MasubaCoder10 (MasubaCoder) |
66 | |
62. | Sauravk5421 (Saurav Kumar) |
65 | |
63. | masterpranay1 (Pranay Raj) |
65 | |
64. | ramanesdr (Abdourahamane Saley Haougui) |
65 | |
65. | hbardhan18 (hansh bardhan) |
63 | |
66. | Yacoubou-seidou (Yacos) |
62 | |
61 | |
68. | rahulkrrkn (Rahul kumar) |
57 | |
69. | Ibnlaouale (Zaharadine laouali) |
57 | |
70. | Mr-Abdoul (Mr.Abdoul) |
56 | |
71. | dilshad790 (Md Dilshad Alam) |
55 | |
72. | tech-911 (Babatunde Eric Olatunji) |
55 | |
73. | yuvraj-mehta (Yuvraj Mehta) |
54 | |
74. | Tezzpratap (Tezz pratap) |
53 | |
75. | shivamwebdevelopment (Shivam Kumar ) |
52 | |
76. | grv-vishal (Vishal Gaurav) |
49 | |
77. | aditya028 (Aditya Nandan) |
49 | |
78. | sexhax (Eclipse) |
48 | |
79. | youss-uiux (Aboubacar Youssif) |
48 | |
80. | auna007 (Mohammed Awwal Iliyasu) |
47 | |
81. | bobavad (boba) |
47 | |
82. | SatyamRaj67 (Satyam Raj) |
46 | |
83. | Webtecc (JibrilTech.Dev) |
46 | |
84. | mohitagrawal0412 (Mohit Agrawal) |
45 | |
85. | ShashankShekhar31 (SHASHANK SHEKHAR) |
45 | |
86. | Fosba (Fosba) |
43 | |
87. | sani9525 (Sani Kumar Sharma) |
42 | |
88. | skd0394 (Shivkant Dubey) |
41 | |
89. | Devdas-gupta (Devdas Kumar) |
41 | |
90. | youngsamconcepts (Young Sam) |
40 | |
91. | sahilkumarclass (SAHIL KUMAR) |
40 | |
92. | vivekkumar1994 (vivek kumar) |
40 | |
93. | Kunalsingh6163 (kunal singh) |
40 | |
94. | raunak-dev-edu (Raunak Kumar Gupta) |
39 | |
95. | Coded-Anubhav (Anubhav kumar ) |
37 | |
96. | Olagunju9148 (ItsJustMe41) |
37 | |
97. | shubham2270 (Shubham Kumar) |
36 | |
98. | abbuss11 (abbüss) |
35 | |
99. | Kina98 (Boubacar Kina) |
35 | |
100. | kumartrinetra () |
35 | |
101. | AgamAryan (Aryan Verma) |
34 | |
102. | nisha2k21 (Nisha Kumari ) |
32 | |
103. | DAMILARE1012 (Damilare) |
32 | |
104. | Kamleshkumar01 (Kamlesh Kumar) |
31 | |
105. | sha111tan (Vladislav Bykov) |
31 | |
106. | farhan-akhtar2003 (FARHAN AKHTAR) |
30 | |
107. | Avinawkumar (Avinaw Kumar) |
30 | |
108. | Shubham84095 (SHUBHAM RAJ) |
30 | |
109. | Bibhuti1221Bhushan (Bibhuti Bhushan) |
29 | |
110. | Giganiggua23 (GigaNiggua23) |
29 | |
111. | Tpiano (Tioluwanimi) |
28 | |
112. | Ritik73011 (Ritik Kumar Singh) |
28 | |
113. | vraj79 (Vishal Raj) |
27 | |
114. | shariqueazmat (Sharique Azmat) |
26 | |
115. | LeftClicka () |
25 | |
116. | F3T1W (Vlad Matiushin) |
25 | |
117. | abhijeetsenguptaa (Abhijeet Sen Gupta) |
25 | |
118. | Z0212 (Mounkaila) |
25 | |
119. | rahulprakash01 (Rahul Prakash) |
25 | |
120. | Ambarish-224 (Ambarish Singh) |
25 | |
121. | Peacefed (Peace FED ) |
24 | |
122. | presh-codlin (Yisrael Abraham) |
24 | |
123. | yousant (Adarsh Kumar) |
24 | |
124. | Aishanya25 (Aishanya Verma) |
24 | |
125. | abbabashir (Bashir Aliyu) |
24 | |
126. | dreamboxtech (Olaleye Moses Abiola) |
24 | |
127. | rahulrajak05 (Rahul kumar Rajak) |
23 | |
128. | BHATIA-java (Gaurav Bhatia) |
23 | |
129. | VivekKumar015 (Vivek Kumar) |
22 | |
130. | PawanEpisode (Pawan Kumar) |
21 | |
131. | databulance (DataBulance) |
21 | |
132. | Nishant9771 (Nishant Kumar) |
20 | |
133. | krishnaayishubablu (Ayishu Bablu Krishna) |
20 | |
134. | Harshkr2308 (Harsh kumar) |
19 | |
135. | haouaenikoye (QueenTech) |
19 | |
136. | ibrahimcheik (Amadou Moussa Ibrahim) |
19 | |
137. | ashutoshark (Ashutosh kumar) |
19 | |
138. | YBMS4 (Yacine Bachir) |
18 | |
139. | IndiverPiyush (Indiver Piyush) |
18 | |
140. | hulkmununer21 (Sauri Usman bamle) |
18 | |
141. | Ay-astro (Abdullahi Yusuf) |
17 | |
142. | robotronixmania (Shubham Kumar) |
17 | |
143. | AdnanAhmed01 (Adnan Ahmed) |
17 | |
144. | Aashujeet6260 (Aashujeet Rai) |
17 | |
145. | himanshukumar51 (Himanshu kumar) |
17 | |
146. | mamariam (Mariam) |
17 | |
147. | Mahamadou98 (Mahamadou Ibrahim Chaibou) |
16 | |
148. | wicked-smart (Prem) |
16 | |
149. | ashu-singh-rajput (Ashutosh Singh) |
16 | |
150. | ritik9931 (Ritik kumar) |
16 | |
151. | yashrajillusion (Yash Raj) |
16 | |
152. | cyam04 (Shyam Raj) |
16 | |
153. | RAJNIKANT1021 (Rajnikant) |
16 | |
154. | devKashifK (Kashif Khan) |
15 | |
155. | Alts-Dev (de fat hum) |
15 | |
156. | manish-yadav7 (Manish Yadav) |
15 | |
157. | redactedontop (Saltigrade) |
15 | |
158. | Satyarth007 (SATYARTH) |
15 | |
159. | jitendra80830 (jitendra kumar) |
15 | |
160. | HimaTondi (Hima Tondi) |
15 | |
161. | mevsnu (VISHNU KUMAR) |
14 | |
162. | shahbaz-shahid (Akhtar Mohammed shahbaz shahid) |
14 | |
163. | rajkr01001 (Rajnish Kumar) |
13 | |
164. | Kshubham11 (ShubhamKumar) |
13 | |
165. | Anj2805 (Anjali Sinha) |
13 | |
166. | dontipu (Ashish Dangi) |
13 | |
167. | raviraj57 (RAVIRAJ57) |
13 | |
168. | Rahulkumar6591 (Rahul Kumar) |
13 | |
169. | kranand290 (Anand Kumar) |
12 | |
170. | Abdoulaye-Ly (Abdoulaye Ly) |
12 | |
171. | IssaIbrahimMoubarak (ISSA IBRAHIM Moubarak) |
12 | |
172. | Rahul-Kumarrkg (Rahul Kumar) |
12 | |
173. | kumarishav (Rishav Kumar) |
12 | |
174. | ayushranjan636 (Ayush Ranjan) |
11 | |
175. | syeadmaaz (Syead Maaz Ahmed) |
11 | |
176. | Motilipz () |
11 | |
11 | |
178. | ishmo007 (Ismail ) |
11 | |
179. | Chandan9106 (Chandan Kumar) |
11 | |
180. | tukwn017 (Tinku kumar) |
11 | |
181. | Rishabh-Raj-21 (Rishabh Raj) |
10 | |
182. | flameolivka (fl_rossi) |
10 | |
183. | Alhataab-Digital (Alhataab Digital) |
10 | |
184. | Mcpraise (Mcpraise Leightong Okoi) |
10 | |
185. | brothertech (Oguntuyi Abiodun ) |
10 | |
186. | PrivateGM (PrivateGM) |
10 | |
187. | ibkhall (Ibrahim Boubacar) |
10 | |
188. | Benminoungou (Bernard) |
10 | |
189. | Szumir () |
9 | |
190. | aman71010 (Aman Gupta) |
9 | |
191. | pradeep824233 (Pradeep kumar) |
9 | |
192. | Mr-Ankushh (ANKUSH RAJ) |
9 | |
193. | SERVIR-WestAfrica () |
9 | |
194. | iampiyushkr (Piyush Kumar) |
8 | |
195. | Mujaheed003 (SAIDU MUJAHEED ZARMAI) |
8 | |
196. | Le0Staf (Leo Staf) |
8 | |
197. | kmles (Kamlesh Kumar) |
8 | |
198. | Kaifee0786 (Kaifee Parwez) |
8 | |
199. | mhatchabi (Mahamadou Hatchabi) |
8 | |
200. | solodevtech (Chinonso Iruke) |
8 | |
201. | RISHABHsharm (Rishabh Sharma) |
8 | |
202. | Mksharma5675 (Mohit Kumar) |
8 | |
203. | manohar72singh (Manohar Kumar Singh) |
8 | |
204. | Architraj499 (Archit raj) |
8 | |
205. | 1010ra (RakiaAdamou) |
7 | |
206. | Huxaipha01 (Huxaipha) |
7 | |
207. | Ufidtech (Danjuma Ibrahim) |
7 | |
208. | tchiffaMed (Tchiffamed) |
7 | |
209. | m-raj-glitch (Madhul Raj) |
7 | |
210. | Mukesh72600 (Mukesh Kumar) |
7 | |
211. | Big-Ach-max (Artilleur) |
7 | |
212. | codewithrintu (code with rintu) |
7 | |
213. | lewdkeqing (lewdk) |
7 | |
214. | iFaizanCSE (FAIZAN AHMAD) |
7 | |
215. | Amadou2 (Abdou Salami Abdou Amadou) |
7 | |
216. | prithiwi32 (Prithiwi Raj Shankar) |
7 | |
217. | Ashutosh-Singh-Rajput (Ashutosh Singh) |
6 | |
218. | wakasso (TOUKAL Zaberou) |
6 | |
219. | Adnan7786 (Md Adnan Akhtar) |
6 | |
220. | Transega (Collins Asega Amadala ) |
6 | |
221. | prashantsinha123 (Prashant Sinha) |
6 | |
222. | Kailash-Paswan (Kailash Paswan) |
6 | |
223. | priyanshu-923kumar (Priyanshu kumar ) |
5 | |
224. | hikmah94 (Shehu Ibrahim Muhammad) |
5 | |
225. | Ishu-2820 (Ishika Kumari) |
5 | |
226. | attlinks (Hakeem Attau) |
5 | |
227. | Moudysolutions (Mohamed ) |
5 | |
228. | rahul-kr63 (Rahul kumar) |
5 | |
229. | vaidyasen (Ritik Vaidyasen) |
5 | |
230. | yssoufou (Issoufou) |
5 | |
231. | Deepak210298 (Deepak kumar sidhartha) |
5 | |
232. | M1chuu (Michał) |
5 | |
233. | 5mamane (Mamane I.) |
5 | |
234. | kmrakash (Akash Kumar) |
5 | |
235. | adamu-tako (Adamu Tako) |
5 | |
236. | damal1997 (David-Malick Hamadou Ali) |
4 | |
237. | rohit0712-dev (ROHIT KUMAR) |
4 | |
238. | Inoussa971 (Rahama) |
4 | |
239. | neerad-ranjan (Neerad Ranjan) |
4 | |
240. | Eau-mar (Dodo Omar) |
4 | |
241. | Nariouss (Nariouss) |
4 | |
242. | Mrperfect1077 (Sumit Kumar) |
4 | |
243. | krmonu7250 (Monu Kumar (Rɘƴʌŋsʜ)) |
4 | |
244. | sabiou (Farouk Sabiou) |
4 | |
245. | APallavi0729 (Pallavi Bhardwaj) |
4 | |
246. | Ashishkumar4u (Ashish kumar) |
4 | |
247. | Userdeveloper123 () |
3 | |
248. | Zeeshan-Shan (Md Zeeshan Mushtaque) |
3 | |
249. | jibzmx1 (Nura jibrin) |
3 | |
250. | Ashwinicode (Ashwini kumar vishwakarma) |
3 | |
251. | Amankumar017 (Aman kumar) |
3 | |
252. | aBDULLATEEF1247 (Abdullateef Okunlola ) |
3 | |
253. | mravirajsingh (Avinash Raj) |
3 | |
254. | SurajRaj4542 (Suraj //R) |
3 | |
255. | LuisNasenspray (NasensprayMasenspray) |
3 | |
256. | BlackLover69 (BlackLover69) |
3 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | eddiehubcommunity | 2 |
2. | software-project-media-x | 1 |
3. | pytech | 1 |
4. | omdena | 1 |
5. | robotics-club-official-vitc | 1 |
6. | claspog | 1 |
7. | campus-experts | 1 |
8. | zero-to-mastery | 1 |
9. | agrhymet | 1 |
10. | binary-cumates | 1 |