A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Peru over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-02-03 04:11:24 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Peru')
This list contains all public commits for each user. There are 22234 total users in the region and you need at least 15 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | pablodz (Pablo) |
4381 | |
2. | Grazen0 (José Daniel Grayson) |
3732 | |
3. | luismayta (Lucho Mayta) |
3455 | |
4. | jmontes50 (Jorge Osmar Montesinos Aramayo) |
1914 | |
5. | marsam (Mario Rodas) |
1568 | |
6. | DeluxeAlonso (Alonso Alvarez) |
1555 | |
7. | avelasquezn (Angel Velasquez) |
1385 | |
8. | gustavocadev (Gustavo C. A.) |
1241 | |
9. | annaabsi (Anna Absi) |
1239 | |
10. | carlosal1015 (Oromion) |
1175 | |
11. | DavidMarioLC (DavidMarioLC) |
1160 | |
12. | sergiodxa (Sergio Xalambrí) |
1110 | |
13. | DEV-AusA (Cesar Ausa) |
1017 | |
14. | eddumelendez (Eddú Meléndez Gonzales) |
1005 | |
15. | KatashiFukushima (Katashi Fukushima ) |
1004 | |
16. | AngelFQC (Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos) |
963 | |
17. | LordMathi2741 (Mathias Alejandro Jave Diaz) |
960 | |
18. | jan-moxter (Jan Moxter) |
949 | |
19. | JulianB0315 (Julian Burga Bracamonte) |
945 | |
20. | xavimondev (Xavier Alfaro) |
927 | |
21. | jorgejacinto9701 (jorge jacinto gutarra) |
894 | |
22. | A-PachecoT (André Pacheco) |
850 | |
23. | ynoacamino (Yenaro Joel Noa Camino) |
837 | |
24. | PedroMolina17 (Pedro Molina Noa) |
815 | |
25. | akobashikawa (Antonio Kobashikawa) |
811 | |
26. | Ryzeon (Alex Avila) |
774 | |
27. | MAGALLANESJoseManuel (Jose Manuel MAGALLANES) |
771 | |
28. | joedayz (José Díaz) |
746 | |
29. | DiegoDefSan (Diego Defilippi) |
745 | |
30. | juancondorijara (Juan Gabriel Condori Jara) |
728 | |
31. | Jibaru (Ignacior) |
703 | |
32. | heblopez (Heberth López) |
682 | |
33. | Enriquefft (enrique flores) |
678 | |
34. | victormc13 (Victor MC) |
639 | |
35. | JhonatanDczel (Jhonatan David Arias) |
625 | |
36. | taldr27 (Diego Garcia) |
613 | |
37. | alainm23 (Alain) |
609 | |
38. | jeffreymonjacastro (Jeffrey Monja Castro) |
600 | |
39. | edwinrhc (Edwin HC) |
591 | |
40. | luisBazanDev (Luis Bazán) |
586 | |
41. | ambarja (Antony Barja ) |
544 | |
42. | kevinPerezGarcia (Kevin (Kevo) Perez Garcia) |
531 | |
43. | totallynotdavid (David) |
528 | |
44. | emachipana (Enmanuel Chipana) |
522 | |
45. | ivangonzalez224 (Iván Gonzalez) |
518 | |
46. | SkivaDev (Fabrizio Ortiz Orellana) |
516 | |
47. | grossir (Rossi) |
514 | |
48. | jorgektch (Jorge Jesús) |
506 | |
49. | joelibaceta (Joel Ibaceta) |
505 | |
50. | TMedalith (Tatiana Medalith) |
504 | |
51. | abrahamayquipa (abrancitouu) |
503 | |
52. | abengl (Alessandra Godoy) |
502 | |
53. | gastonrodrig (Gaston Alonso Rodriguez Herrera) |
499 | |
54. | ManuelLoaizaV (Manuel Loaiza Vasquez) |
496 | |
55. | drkdevv1 (Jose Calderon) |
496 | |
56. | darwinroa (Darwin Roa) |
473 | |
57. | arturopstem (arturop) |
467 | |
58. | pepeul1191 (Pepe Valdivia) |
451 | |
59. | valec3 (Victor Maye) |
447 | |
60. | Darkas-Overgold (Manuel Stephano Chavez Anton) |
443 | |
61. | Elcrackje (Jose Gutierrez) |
429 | |
62. | Geffrerson7 (Gefferson Casasola) |
422 | |
63. | jmayta1984 (Jorge M) |
421 | |
64. | juanRCoder (Juan Ramirez) |
412 | |
65. | eperedo (Eduardo Peredo Rivero) |
375 | |
66. | JosephLlacchua (Joseph Llacchua) |
372 | |
67. | characat0 (Marco Vela) |
365 | |
68. | atejada (Blag) |
362 | |
69. | Nkaleth (Nilton Segura) |
361 | |
70. | jgcamiloaga (Johann Camiloaga) |
357 | |
71. | zodiacfireworks (Martín Josemaría) |
351 | |
72. | RaulArmasBenavides (Raúl Armas Benavides ) |
347 | |
73. | bralegz (Bryan Alegria) |
345 | |
74. | jesus-canales (Jesús Canales) |
341 | |
75. | Kamaqen (Jorge Martín Capcha) |
338 | |
76. | luiisca (Luis Cadillo) |
331 | |
77. | mrverdant13 (Karlo Verde) |
325 | |
78. | storres20 (Italo Lon kan) |
320 | |
79. | dfloresgonz (Diego RFG) |
319 | |
80. | jguillermo (Jose guillermo) |
317 | |
81. | GaryHilares (Gary Hilares) |
315 | |
82. | Gitbertod (Gilberto Diaz) |
314 | |
83. | GustavoUT22 (Gustavo Ugarte) |
313 | |
84. | linder3hs (Linder Hassinger) |
313 | |
85. | elbereth (Alexandre Devilliers) |
307 | |
86. | programacionparaaprender (Programación para aprender) |
307 | |
87. | SegundoRP (Segundo Rebaza) |
305 | |
88. | Alvaro-Neyra (Alvaro Alberto Neyra Salazar) |
305 | |
89. | lgcarlinf (luiggy carlin) |
303 | |
90. | jhonatanseminario (Jhonatan Seminario) |
302 | |
91. | chrisllontop (Christian Llontop) |
302 | |
92. | loweffort-alt (Dario Alexander Farfan Navarro) |
300 | |
93. | csaybar (Cesar Aybar) |
297 | |
94. | jeguns (Jesus Eduardo Gamboa Unsihuay) |
296 | |
95. | Rigo85 (Rigoberto L. Salgado Reyes) |
288 | |
96. | elliotgaramendi (Elliot Leo Garamendi Sarmiento) |
288 | |
97. | jdbs9514 (Josué Benavides) |
285 | |
98. | romelgomez (Romel Gomez) |
283 | |
99. | alexmarinmendez (Alex Marin Mendez) |
282 | |
100. | derekcrosslu (Derek Cross) |
279 | |
101. | GAMM95 (Jhonatan Mantilla) |
279 | |
102. | dianaclabel (Diana Clabel ) |
279 | |
103. | JulioRuizdev (Julio Ruiz Aka. Julio Krack) |
278 | |
104. | nad21lc (Nadia Lucas) |
276 | |
105. | yusshu (Andre Roldan) |
274 | |
106. | yunica (Junior Flores) |
273 | |
107. | arnoldbgm (Arnold Gallegos) |
263 | |
108. | cjosue15 (Carlos Morales) |
259 | |
109. | bilthon (Bilthon) |
259 | |
110. | Williams392 (Williams Valle Dextre) |
258 | |
111. | PieroCastillo (Piero Castillo) |
254 | |
112. | Alejosor (Alejandro Soriano) |
253 | |
113. | annalbirena (Anna Albirena) |
248 | |
114. | PaulESantos (Paul Efren) |
245 | |
115. | NunezGabriel (Gabriel Nunez) |
245 | |
116. | AliceRamirez17 (Alice Ramírez) |
241 | |
117. | aleiva17 (Andrés Leiva) |
241 | |
118. | gianbdev (Giancarlo Silva) |
238 | |
119. | jh0rman (Jhorman) |
238 | |
120. | dilverdev (dilver.dev) |
235 | |
121. | diazgio (Giordano Díaz ) |
234 | |
122. | feelware (stevan) |
232 | |
123. | piero-vic (Piero Lescano) |
231 | |
124. | wizardrevenge (Royer Rutti Ramos) |
231 | |
125. | davidcarrillo10288 (David Carrillo Castillo) |
230 | |
126. | mario21ic (Mario IC) |
228 | |
127. | RoyHuamanAvila (RoyAndresDev) |
227 | |
128. | luismoriguerra (Luis Mori Guerra) |
227 | |
129. | JessicaMP (Jessica Manturano) |
227 | |
130. | nestorlls (Paul) |
226 | |
131. | carlosgub (Carlos Ugaz) |
225 | |
132. | justin-A18 (Justin) |
224 | |
133. | jaime-olivares (Jaime Olivares) |
221 | |
134. | mysticBel (Maribel Maza) |
221 | |
135. | calderonsamuel (Samuel Calderon) |
219 | |
136. | gabsss1 (Gabriel Francisco Ventura Moreno) |
213 | |
137. | marcelo-earth (Marcelo Arias) |
213 | |
138. | JillieChang (Jillie Chang) |
211 | |
139. | kevinrodbe (Kevin Rodríguez) |
211 | |
140. | Railly (Railly Hugo) |
211 | |
141. | kaloslazo (Kalos Lazo) |
211 | |
142. | AngelRodRo (Alejandro) |
208 | |
143. | mabelolivera10 (MABEL QUISPE OLIVERA) |
208 | |
144. | artmadeit (Arthur Mauricio Delgadillo) |
208 | |
145. | mateusfreira (Mateus Freira dos Santos) |
206 | |
146. | sebastianterleira (Sebastian Terleira) |
200 | |
147. | Popes117 (Pedro Lopes ) |
197 | |
148. | jcmachicao (Jose Machicao) |
196 | |
149. | sagoyanfisic (Yancel Moises) |
195 | |
150. | jersonlatorre (Jerson La Torre) |
194 | |
151. | bjrmatos (BJR Matos) |
193 | |
152. | bryanstgarcia (Bryan García) |
193 | |
153. | cxalem (Alejandro José Mena) |
192 | |
154. | CatRivas (Catherine Rivas) |
191 | |
155. | PaulGuillen (Paul Guillen Acuña) |
189 | |
156. | gustarting (Gustavo Mamani) |
187 | |
157. | Miguel080902 (Miguel Angel Ybañez Esquerre) |
184 | |
158. | mabmab159 (Miguel Berrio) |
181 | |
159. | bdiazc90 (Bruno Díaz) |
180 | |
160. | cesarmayta (César Mayta) |
177 | |
161. | olanaso (Erick Simón Escalante Olano) |
177 | |
162. | pieropr2k (Piero PR) |
176 | |
163. | rogergcc (Roger Colquehuanca) |
176 | |
164. | Akaidmaru (Reddmar J. Quevedo C.) |
175 | |
165. | collectivecloudperu (Nube Colectiva) |
172 | |
166. | gcoronelc (Eric Gustavo Coronel Castillo) |
168 | |
167. | krystalcode (Dimitris Bozelos) |
167 | |
168. | UltiRequiem (Eliaz Bobadilla) |
166 | |
169. | FrancoRosa (FrancoRosa) |
163 | |
170. | gcavanunez (Guillermo Antony Cava Nuñez) |
161 | |
171. | ErickChacon (Dr. Erick A. Chacón Montalván) |
160 | |
172. | dairdev (Dennis) |
158 | |
173. | Vjimenez-vasquez (Victor Jimenez-Vasquez) |
157 | |
174. | enzoftware (Enzo Lizama Paredes ) |
156 | |
175. | jmartins9 (João Martins) |
153 | |
176. | josephmatheus (Joseph Matheus) |
153 | |
177. | itmarck (Marcelo Velasquez) |
151 | |
178. | d4n3436 (d4n) |
150 | |
179. | brianmsm (Brian Norman Peña Calero) |
149 | |
180. | kranfix (Frank Moreno) |
149 | |
181. | NesoDev (Ever Frank) |
145 | |
182. | danielgis (Daniel Aguado Huaccharaqui) |
145 | |
183. | jjhoncv (Jhonnatan) |
145 | |
184. | LuisSalas94 (Fernando Salas) |
143 | |
185. | leotrs (Leo Torres) |
143 | |
186. | xzitlou (Lou Alcalá) |
140 | |
187. | alanegd (Alan Galavis) |
139 | |
188. | Alejandro1709 (Alejandro) |
139 | |
189. | alison304 (Alison-Paico) |
139 | |
190. | jrichardsz (JRichardsz) |
138 | |
191. | hydrocodes (Pedro Rau) |
136 | |
192. | brian-emarquez (Brian Marquez) |
133 | |
193. | Leonardo1924 (Leonardo Araújo Freitas) |
132 | |
194. | JonathanRosasV (Jonathan Rosas) |
132 | |
195. | erickorlando (Erick Orlando ©) |
132 | |
196. | fernandoflorez (Fernando Flórez) |
130 | |
197. | oliverTuesta (Oliver Tuesta) |
129 | |
198. | shinnmar (Shirley Ramos Martínez) |
128 | |
199. | Edurz135 (Eduardo Ramón) |
127 | |
200. | robintux (Abraham Zamudio Chauca) |
126 | |
201. | hackanonimous (Jose Alvarez Escobar) |
120 | |
202. | KhanMaytok (KhalO) |
119 | |
203. | gabrielromerod (Gabriel Romero) |
119 | |
204. | Camilo-J (Camilo Torre) |
119 | |
205. | test0n3 (Carlos A.) |
119 | |
206. | bkerz (Beicker) |
116 | |
207. | FranchescaF (Franchesca Fatima Zelaya Contreras) |
116 | |
208. | alexkander (Alexander Rondón) |
114 | |
209. | natalyrojas5 (Nataly Rojas) |
114 | |
210. | danielex1999 (Juan Daniel Cavero Tovar) |
114 | |
211. | faustoct1 (Fausto Torres) |
114 | |
212. | RogerHuauya (Roger Huauya Mamani) |
114 | |
213. | JoaoVitor0206 (João Vitor Rocha dos Santos) |
113 | |
214. | roxsyVel910 (Roxsana Velasquez) |
111 | |
215. | JCaballerot (John Caballero Terrazos) |
110 | |
216. | AAL1X (LeoBravo) |
109 | |
217. | jhonrolyol (Jhon Roly ) |
107 | |
218. | smavodev (Sergio Villagomez Ortega) |
107 | |
219. | CarlitosDroid (Carlos Leonardo Camilo) |
106 | |
220. | hugoangeles0810 (Hugo Angeles Chavez) |
106 | |
221. | jerson (Gerson Alexander Pardo Gamez) |
106 | |
222. | jpsca (Juan-Pablo Scaletti) |
105 | |
223. | OmarUTEC (Om@r) |
105 | |
224. | NaclaraSantos (Ana Clara) |
105 | |
225. | lokcito (ray) |
104 | |
226. | Mishmore (Michelle More) |
103 | |
227. | DarkOverlord689 (DarkOvs77) |
103 | |
228. | jsatch (Hernan Quintana) |
99 | |
229. | rafnixg (Rafnix Guzman) |
99 | |
230. | DaisyGeraldine (Tachi) |
99 | |
231. | jhonatanmacazana (Jhonatan Macazana) |
99 | |
232. | jamesrhurtado (James Hurtado) |
98 | |
233. | ByJuanDiego (Juan Diego Castro Padilla) |
98 | |
234. | geraldmoreno993 (Gerald Moreno Morales) |
98 | |
235. | LuisDev2001 (Aldair QR) |
97 | |
236. | aomineDev (Ariel Omar Carrión Alcocer) |
97 | |
237. | DaniCodex (DaniCodex) |
96 | |
96 | |
239. | rrivas-utec () |
93 | |
240. | devaige (Aige) |
93 | |
241. | fabian818 (Fabian Peña) |
93 | |
242. | Notflay (Sebastian Poma) |
93 | |
243. | dalessandro07 (Diego Alessandro Rios Villegas) |
92 | |
244. | tavolafourcade (Octavio Lafourcade) |
92 | |
245. | kellyfabiolafc (F a b i o laㅤF l o r e s) |
89 | |
246. | danqwas (Daniel Jesús Echegaray Apac) |
89 | |
247. | ajaflorez-teacher (Juan Flores Moroco) |
88 | |
248. | FraGoTe (Francis Gonzales) |
88 | |
249. | BryanPool99 (Bryan Arredondo) |
88 | |
250. | Kevincarlosqa (Kevin Quispe Aquise) |
87 | |
251. | 0skarmp (oscar morales) |
86 | |
252. | Emerson-Portugal (emersoncrp) |
85 | |
253. | GeomarPerales (Geomar Perales Apaico) |
84 | |
254. | Dulcedr2651340 (Dulce Rosales Valverde) |
84 | |
255. | imadori-PE (Junior Miguel Romero Maza) |
83 | |
256. | oscar-ramos (Oscar E. Ramos) |
83 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | perujug | 2 |
2. | r-earthengine | 2 |
3. | pachaqtec | 2 |
4. | hackspaceperu | 2 |
5. | upc-pre-202402-si642-sx85-g2 | 2 |
6. | crafter-station | 2 |
7. | eddiehubcommunity | 2 |
8. | healthinnovation | 2 |
9. | dgnest | 1 |
10. | painonotary | 1 |