A list of the most active GitHub users

Most active GitHub users in The Bahamas

This is a list of most active GitHub users in The Bahamas over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here. This list was generated at 2025-02-03 14:09:41 +0000 and machine-readable JSON is available for:

This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):

           .filter(_.location == 'The Bahamas') 

This list contains all public commits for each user. There are 333 total users in the region and you need at least 0 followers to be on this list.

Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:

[![ badge](](
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![ badge](](
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.

Rank User Contribs Picture
1. ItsSim
267 Avatar for ItsSim
2. dorson755
(Dorson Williams)
254 Avatar for dorson755
3. TerryJG
137 Avatar for TerryJG
4. ivoinestrachan
(Ivoine Strachan)
127 Avatar for ivoinestrachan
5. jsphpndr
(Joseph Pinder)
126 Avatar for jsphpndr
6. tdro
111 Avatar for tdro
7. evilcore29
64 Avatar for evilcore29
8. javanocollins
(Javano Collins)
44 Avatar for javanocollins
9. wogreene
(Will Greene)
36 Avatar for wogreene
10. andyctaylor
(Angelus Taylor)
36 Avatar for andyctaylor
11. ManInTheSky
35 Avatar for ManInTheSky
12. Stanico-Knowles
(Stanico Knowles)
33 Avatar for Stanico-Knowles
13. EmmanuelAlcime
(Emmanuel Alcime)
28 Avatar for EmmanuelAlcime
14. sapphire-haeward
(Sapphire Haeward)
25 Avatar for sapphire-haeward
15. amcollie
(Alexandros Collie)
22 Avatar for amcollie
16. Username-is-a-very-creative-username
(Large Guy. )
22 Avatar for Username-is-a-very-creative-username
17. TRL242
(Roy Lockhart)
22 Avatar for TRL242
18. CoreyMckenzie
(Corey Mckenzie)
18 Avatar for CoreyMckenzie
19. lmayorga1980
17 Avatar for lmayorga1980
20. Edeisha1
(Edeisha Rolle)
17 Avatar for Edeisha1
21. Wraami
17 Avatar for Wraami
22. idkwebdev
16 Avatar for idkwebdev
23. JayRKyd
(Jay Knowles)
15 Avatar for JayRKyd
24. islandteks
12 Avatar for islandteks
25. TheOneAndOnlyHolyBreadKing
12 Avatar for TheOneAndOnlyHolyBreadKing
26. KINGH242
(Hareem Adderley)
12 Avatar for KINGH242
27. BahamaGames
(Ricardo Joshua Carey)
9 Avatar for BahamaGames
28. ryaustin
9 Avatar for ryaustin
29. balasubramanian-rengasamy
9 Avatar for balasubramanian-rengasamy
30. klzin
7 Avatar for klzin
31. newb2pro
(Samuel Adderley)
6 Avatar for newb2pro
32. Kris-Cy
(Kris Cy)
6 Avatar for Kris-Cy
33. byabbie
5 Avatar for byabbie
34. Ethan-242
(Ethan Dames)
4 Avatar for Ethan-242
35. JarriqTheTechie
(Jarriq Rolle)
4 Avatar for JarriqTheTechie
36. ShoneNairn
(Shone Nairn )
4 Avatar for ShoneNairn
37. ed-alvarez
(Eduardo Alvarez)
4 Avatar for ed-alvarez
38. tsor16
4 Avatar for tsor16
39. a9eesh
3 Avatar for a9eesh
40. KurtwoodGreene
(Kurtwood Greene Sr.)
2 Avatar for KurtwoodGreene
41. jasperhaeward
(Jasper Haeward)
2 Avatar for jasperhaeward
42. Reheight
(Dustin Palmatier)
1 Avatar for Reheight
43. emajeru
(Edison Hanchell)
1 Avatar for emajeru
44. scott-mackenzie
(Scott E. MacKenzie)
1 Avatar for scott-mackenzie
45. brantheeman
(Brandan Pratt)
1 Avatar for brantheeman
46. BigGiantRico
1 Avatar for BigGiantRico
47. Rap12k
(Robert Pitter)
1 Avatar for Rap12k
48. zoejessica
(Zoë Smith)
1 Avatar for zoejessica
49. aulbytj
(Aulbourn Knowles)
1 Avatar for aulbytj
50. yemix
1 Avatar for yemix
51. steveWDamesJr
0 Avatar for steveWDamesJr
52. Munnyo
0 Avatar for Munnyo
53. anthonyjrg
(Tony Gibson)
0 Avatar for anthonyjrg
54. johnsmith233
(Jonathan Turnquest)
0 Avatar for johnsmith233
55. Azuregold242
(Azure Gold )
0 Avatar for Azuregold242
56. Rh0d0dendr0n
(Lucky Luke)
0 Avatar for Rh0d0dendr0n
57. dbraganca
0 Avatar for dbraganca
58. zotz
(drew Roberts)
0 Avatar for zotz
59. MrEgs
(Marcus Eggenberger)
0 Avatar for MrEgs
60. IndyZR
0 Avatar for IndyZR
61. wheepbot
(Wheep Bot)
0 Avatar for wheepbot
62. smokie-j
(Joan S)
0 Avatar for smokie-j
63. dreamrsunite
(Dreamr Labs)
0 Avatar for dreamrsunite
64. c0d3blu3
0 Avatar for c0d3blu3
65. feliciawoodside
(Felicia Woodside)
0 Avatar for feliciawoodside
66. po8coin
0 Avatar for po8coin
67. Niikii-J
(Nikita Johnson)
0 Avatar for Niikii-J
68. bimini
(Scott Saunders)
0 Avatar for bimini
69. mrguachin
0 Avatar for mrguachin
70. AngelusTDev
(Angelus Taylor)
0 Avatar for AngelusTDev
71. SplashyJr
(Kanyé McKinney)
0 Avatar for SplashyJr
72. nhayling
(Noah Hayling)
0 Avatar for nhayling
73. tyriem
(Tyrie Moss)
0 Avatar for tyriem
74. guachin
0 Avatar for guachin
75. Ancilleno
(Ancilleno Orlando Davis, PhD)
0 Avatar for Ancilleno
76. Glint-web18
(Justin Glinton)
0 Avatar for Glint-web18
77. jpadvisory
(JP Advisory)
0 Avatar for jpadvisory
78. andrerahming
0 Avatar for andrerahming
79. PolyculeNetwork
(Polycule Foundation)
0 Avatar for PolyculeNetwork
80. bvdmind
(Duval Cash)
0 Avatar for bvdmind
81. xsadensio
(Xsadensio Farrow )
0 Avatar for xsadensio
82. DaCliqueMedia
(Chris Rolle)
0 Avatar for DaCliqueMedia
83. FEMSTEM242
(FEM STEM Bahamas)
0 Avatar for FEMSTEM242
84. ElijahHiggs
0 Avatar for ElijahHiggs
85. VedaBeans
(Aveda Samuels)
0 Avatar for VedaBeans
86. exploramobile
0 Avatar for exploramobile
87. Lost-Haveck
(Philemon Petit)
0 Avatar for Lost-Haveck
88. frasercg
0 Avatar for frasercg
89. baclarke
0 Avatar for baclarke
90. StanicoAKnowles
(Stanico Knowles)
0 Avatar for StanicoAKnowles
91. janajmccardy
(Jana JM)
0 Avatar for janajmccardy
92. Shaqmaverick
(Shaquille Johnson)
0 Avatar for Shaqmaverick
93. manerpuyawan
(Maner Puyawan)
0 Avatar for manerpuyawan
94. snsmith92
(Sherzel Smith)
0 Avatar for snsmith92
95. twhittakerdev
(Thomas Whittaker)
0 Avatar for twhittakerdev
96. valentin-mn
0 Avatar for valentin-mn
97. TavetteHepburn
(Tavette Hepburn)
0 Avatar for TavetteHepburn
98. davonrolle
0 Avatar for davonrolle
99. FenrirNN
0 Avatar for FenrirNN
100. Gnombo
0 Avatar for Gnombo
101. ryanandersen
(Peter Andersen)
0 Avatar for ryanandersen
102. NadarioFerguson
(Nadario Ferguson)
0 Avatar for NadarioFerguson
103. vegansloth
(Vegan Sloth)
0 Avatar for vegansloth
104. csbrown3
(C. Stephan Brown)
0 Avatar for csbrown3
105. nsburrows
(Nigel Burrows)
0 Avatar for nsburrows
106. aerskine1
(Drew Erskine)
0 Avatar for aerskine1
107. littlehaiti
0 Avatar for littlehaiti
(Kino Lockhart)
0 Avatar for LOXARTS
109. Alanwalker2
0 Avatar for Alanwalker2
110. chelly242
(Bobbye Bethel)
0 Avatar for chelly242
111. cicigomez3
(Cicely Gomez)
0 Avatar for cicigomez3
112. borbaespindola921
(J. Mateus B. Espindola)
0 Avatar for borbaespindola921
113. Glori1994
0 Avatar for Glori1994
114. Marknel-Jacques
(Marknel Jean-Jacques)
0 Avatar for Marknel-Jacques
115. kbsrolle
(Sean Rolle)
0 Avatar for kbsrolle
116. tamarpinder
(Tamar Pinder)
0 Avatar for tamarpinder
117. tcolebrooke
(Travaughn Colebrooke)
0 Avatar for tcolebrooke
118. Cart242
0 Avatar for Cart242
119. Aethercoin1
0 Avatar for Aethercoin1
120. ImranRahiem12
(Imran Rahiem)
0 Avatar for ImranRahiem12
121. ClaudiaRolle
0 Avatar for ClaudiaRolle
122. denzcodez7
(Denzel Deveaux)
0 Avatar for denzcodez7
123. NoName-tama
0 Avatar for NoName-tama
124. TheDaiyashi
0 Avatar for TheDaiyashi
125. SupaAnime
(Michael Vsauce)
0 Avatar for SupaAnime
126. carlossilvatbh
(Carlos Silva)
0 Avatar for carlossilvatbh
127. slodkiwiktor
0 Avatar for slodkiwiktor
128. isaacfountain242
(Isaac Fountain)
0 Avatar for isaacfountain242
129. Hydrodone
(Julia Kim)
0 Avatar for Hydrodone
130. mefederer
(Melissa Federer)
0 Avatar for mefederer
131. AntonMTDA
(Anton M)
0 Avatar for AntonMTDA
132. amci1203
(Allen A. McIntosh II)
0 Avatar for amci1203
133. alalahe
(jerome johnson)
0 Avatar for alalahe
134. AritraBagchi
(Aritra Bagchi)
0 Avatar for AritraBagchi
135. ali242
(Allan Clare Jr)
0 Avatar for ali242
136. SarahLizHunt
(Sarah Hunt)
0 Avatar for SarahLizHunt
137. v-Life
0 Avatar for v-Life
138. Volpanian
0 Avatar for Volpanian
139. MichaelCBFG
(Michael Cooper)
0 Avatar for MichaelCBFG
140. Millercb242
(Charles Miller)
0 Avatar for Millercb242
141. Rob-cero
0 Avatar for Rob-cero
142. FromTheGenesys
(Vincent Rahming)
0 Avatar for FromTheGenesys
143. MLBSnS
0 Avatar for MLBSnS
144. ShawnTG-Portfolio
(Shawn Gardiner)
0 Avatar for ShawnTG-Portfolio
145. blakeacademy
(Blake Academy)
0 Avatar for blakeacademy
146. damons-git
0 Avatar for damons-git
147. cloudcarib-developers
(Cloud Carib)
0 Avatar for cloudcarib-developers
148. Bobbobby242
(Bob Bobby)
0 Avatar for Bobbobby242
149. unethicalcreator
(Theo Thompson)
0 Avatar for unethicalcreator
150. SecSlump
0 Avatar for SecSlump
151. protonethub
0 Avatar for protonethub
152. QuentB989
0 Avatar for QuentB989
153. LHeart22
(Richard Cius)
0 Avatar for LHeart22
154. Marfeeyou242
(Marfeeyou Tyrese Joseph)
0 Avatar for Marfeeyou242
155. HariGareth
(Hari Rolle)
0 Avatar for HariGareth
156. ishmaelferguson
(Ishmael Ferguson)
0 Avatar for ishmaelferguson
157. yt3595
0 Avatar for yt3595
158. m-markopolo
0 Avatar for m-markopolo
159. Conviously
0 Avatar for Conviously
160. deepmindstech
(Deep Minds)
0 Avatar for deepmindstech
161. yonyvan
(Iben rodriguez)
0 Avatar for yonyvan
162. NowisNext
(Dakotah Moss)
0 Avatar for NowisNext
163. Dioneisland
(Dione Island Club)
0 Avatar for Dioneisland
164. TremTrem88
(Tremis Sands)
0 Avatar for TremTrem88
165. KevinMcGregor242
(Kevin McGregor)
0 Avatar for KevinMcGregor242
166. InvoltaCoin
(Involta Coin)
0 Avatar for InvoltaCoin
167. lesliemillercbl
(Leslie Miller)
0 Avatar for lesliemillercbl
168. ladybug1989
(Berlin Patience)
0 Avatar for ladybug1989
169. Ashisgood1
0 Avatar for Ashisgood1
170. SimonPCooper
(Simon Cooper)
0 Avatar for SimonPCooper
171. BvsCapitalpay
( )
0 Avatar for BvsCapitalpay
172. weince00
0 Avatar for weince00
173. Ragdeap
(Alex Drask Ivanov)
0 Avatar for Ragdeap
174. BREEF242
(Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation (BREEF))
0 Avatar for BREEF242
175. larrywil55
(Larry O.)
0 Avatar for larrywil55
176. Naynay8181
(Nay Nay Moteyyy)
0 Avatar for Naynay8181
177. RSpringer242
0 Avatar for RSpringer242
178. Setota
(Miguel Mackey)
0 Avatar for Setota
179. unshaped
0 Avatar for unshaped
180. RedVelvet1999
(Jasmine Cunningham)
0 Avatar for RedVelvet1999
181. peterbtaylor
(Peter Taylor )
0 Avatar for peterbtaylor
182. TheGoldenV2
0 Avatar for TheGoldenV2
183. yyp
(Yardie YPree)
0 Avatar for yyp
184. Ze2020
0 Avatar for Ze2020
185. Torianneymour
(Torian Neymour)
0 Avatar for Torianneymour
186. asievi
0 Avatar for asievi
188. helder0xff
(Hélder Rodrígues)
0 Avatar for helder0xff
189. Hilly242
0 Avatar for Hilly242
190. fathxr
0 Avatar for fathxr
191. darringtonricardo
0 Avatar for darringtonricardo
192. shepunkedyou
0 Avatar for shepunkedyou
193. Mini-3lves
0 Avatar for Mini-3lves
194. tmill007
(Tony M)
0 Avatar for tmill007
195. 10965123J
0 Avatar for 10965123J
196. g8soltis
(Davon Soltis)
0 Avatar for g8soltis
197. Dexobox
0 Avatar for Dexobox
198. davesdogr
0 Avatar for davesdogr
199. paulcitarella
(Paul Citarella)
0 Avatar for paulcitarella
200. DJohnson242
(Danair M. Johnson)
0 Avatar for DJohnson242
201. MarknelJacques
(Marknel Jean-Jacques)
0 Avatar for MarknelJacques
202. millerdun11
(Montel Burrows)
0 Avatar for millerdun11
203. kingcre1
(Creighton Moxey)
0 Avatar for kingcre1
204. kalakrumanov
0 Avatar for kalakrumanov
205. RamsCeo
0 Avatar for RamsCeo
206. primo-investiment-fund
(DEVPRIMO Investimet Fund)
0 Avatar for primo-investiment-fund
207. seobuddy
0 Avatar for seobuddy
208. sammi221
0 Avatar for sammi221
209. weince1
(weince joseph)
0 Avatar for weince1
210. Tizigamerrrr08
0 Avatar for Tizigamerrrr08
211. mroker242
(Michael Roker)
0 Avatar for mroker242
212. bmo242
(Brandon Morrison)
0 Avatar for bmo242
213. BeachMannix
(Mannix Lee)
0 Avatar for BeachMannix
214. Azuregold22
(Christopher Oliver)
0 Avatar for Azuregold22
215. callex
0 Avatar for callex
216. ImhotepII
(Charles Isaacs II)
0 Avatar for ImhotepII
217. fwoodside100
(Felicia Woodside)
0 Avatar for fwoodside100
218. Malissa0216
(Malissa McIntosh)
0 Avatar for Malissa0216
219. senpai89
0 Avatar for senpai89
220. slivon1337
0 Avatar for slivon1337
221. splahhh
0 Avatar for splahhh
222. Mathildex
0 Avatar for Mathildex
223. Tara48
(Tara )
0 Avatar for Tara48
224. michaelbergman
(Michael Bergman)
0 Avatar for michaelbergman
225. justnardo
0 Avatar for justnardo
226. B-Patience
0 Avatar for B-Patience
227. DrVidyananOM1988
(Dr. Michael John Ingraham. aka DrVidyanaOM ,DigitalDoctor , and HealthMeister)
0 Avatar for DrVidyananOM1988
228. Illumniousart
(Shaynelle Alexus Rigby)
0 Avatar for Illumniousart
229. coakley4mical
0 Avatar for coakley4mical
230. CallMeAno
(Razhien, Ano)
0 Avatar for CallMeAno
231. perryv33
(Pereece Woods)
0 Avatar for perryv33
232. Skydomain242
0 Avatar for Skydomain242
233. SanLouise1042
0 Avatar for SanLouise1042
234. johnsonalauddin
0 Avatar for johnsonalauddin
235. Yunkn
(Rise Housing)
0 Avatar for Yunkn
236. xlxnchx
0 Avatar for xlxnchx
237. Nahsaan
(Nahsaan Bain)
0 Avatar for Nahsaan
238. SalamiIGuess
0 Avatar for SalamiIGuess
239. KameSages
(Kame Sages)
0 Avatar for KameSages
240. jaimexbt
0 Avatar for jaimexbt
241. Dan-Dan64
(Daniel Caraballo)
0 Avatar for Dan-Dan64
242. ivanstaro
(Ivan Starostenko)
0 Avatar for ivanstaro
243. MWFWeb
0 Avatar for MWFWeb
244. Runderw1
0 Avatar for Runderw1
245. CowboySnake
0 Avatar for CowboySnake
246. rasbreon
(Breon R Adderley)
0 Avatar for rasbreon
247. DoyleJohnson
(Doyle Johnson)
0 Avatar for DoyleJohnson
248. sillyjillybs
0 Avatar for sillyjillybs
249. Keith242
0 Avatar for Keith242
250. jeremylaterreur
0 Avatar for jeremylaterreur
251. darth-cy
(Ray Gao)
0 Avatar for darth-cy
252. SamSepiol266
(Dana Bethel)
0 Avatar for SamSepiol266
253. DevonyaR
(Devonya Rolle)
0 Avatar for DevonyaR
0 Avatar for KINOLOCK
255. M3gaPixel
0 Avatar for M3gaPixel
256. kristenmo20
(Kristen Moss)
0 Avatar for kristenmo20


Rank Organization Members
1. yemixzy 3
2. platoalpha 1
3. enterprise-grails 1
4. monroe-institute 1
5. grails-galahad 1
6. joinbubbel 1
7. cloudcarib 1
8. basecamp 1
9. automativecloud 1