A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in The Bahamas over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-02-03 14:09:41 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'The Bahamas')
This list contains all public commits for each user. There are 333 total users in the region and you need at least 0 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | ItsSim (Sim) |
267 | |
2. | dorson755 (Dorson Williams) |
254 | |
3. | TerryJG (Terrance) |
137 | |
4. | ivoinestrachan (Ivoine Strachan) |
127 | |
5. | jsphpndr (Joseph Pinder) |
126 | |
6. | tdro () |
111 | |
7. | evilcore29 (Dmitry) |
64 | |
8. | javanocollins (Javano Collins) |
44 | |
9. | wogreene (Will Greene) |
36 | |
10. | andyctaylor (Angelus Taylor) |
36 | |
11. | ManInTheSky () |
35 | |
12. | Stanico-Knowles (Stanico Knowles) |
33 | |
13. | EmmanuelAlcime (Emmanuel Alcime) |
28 | |
14. | sapphire-haeward (Sapphire Haeward) |
25 | |
15. | amcollie (Alexandros Collie) |
22 | |
16. | Username-is-a-very-creative-username (Large Guy. ) |
22 | |
17. | TRL242 (Roy Lockhart) |
22 | |
18. | CoreyMckenzie (Corey Mckenzie) |
18 | |
19. | lmayorga1980 (lmayorga) |
17 | |
20. | Edeisha1 (Edeisha Rolle) |
17 | |
21. | Wraami (Wraami) |
17 | |
22. | idkwebdev (idk) |
16 | |
23. | JayRKyd (Jay Knowles) |
15 | |
24. | islandteks (VP) |
12 | |
25. | TheOneAndOnlyHolyBreadKing (S.Bullard) |
12 | |
26. | KINGH242 (Hareem Adderley) |
12 | |
27. | BahamaGames (Ricardo Joshua Carey) |
9 | |
28. | ryaustin (Ryan) |
9 | |
29. | balasubramanian-rengasamy (Bala) |
9 | |
30. | klzin () |
7 | |
31. | newb2pro (Samuel Adderley) |
6 | |
32. | Kris-Cy (Kris Cy) |
6 | |
33. | byabbie (abbie) |
5 | |
34. | Ethan-242 (Ethan Dames) |
4 | |
35. | JarriqTheTechie (Jarriq Rolle) |
4 | |
36. | ShoneNairn (Shone Nairn ) |
4 | |
37. | ed-alvarez (Eduardo Alvarez) |
4 | |
38. | tsor16 (tsor242) |
4 | |
39. | a9eesh () |
3 | |
40. | KurtwoodGreene (Kurtwood Greene Sr.) |
2 | |
41. | jasperhaeward (Jasper Haeward) |
2 | |
42. | Reheight (Dustin Palmatier) |
1 | |
43. | emajeru (Edison Hanchell) |
1 | |
44. | scott-mackenzie (Scott E. MacKenzie) |
1 | |
45. | brantheeman (Brandan Pratt) |
1 | |
46. | BigGiantRico (Rico) |
1 | |
47. | Rap12k (Robert Pitter) |
1 | |
48. | zoejessica (Zoë Smith) |
1 | |
49. | aulbytj (Aulbourn Knowles) |
1 | |
50. | yemix () |
1 | |
51. | steveWDamesJr (Steve) |
0 | |
52. | Munnyo (Sharma) |
0 | |
53. | anthonyjrg (Tony Gibson) |
0 | |
54. | johnsmith233 (Jonathan Turnquest) |
0 | |
55. | Azuregold242 (Azure Gold ) |
0 | |
56. | Rh0d0dendr0n (Lucky Luke) |
0 | |
57. | dbraganca (dbraganca) |
0 | |
58. | zotz (drew Roberts) |
0 | |
59. | MrEgs (Marcus Eggenberger) |
0 | |
60. | IndyZR (Indy) |
0 | |
61. | wheepbot (Wheep Bot) |
0 | |
62. | smokie-j (Joan S) |
0 | |
63. | dreamrsunite (Dreamr Labs) |
0 | |
64. | c0d3blu3 (Miller) |
0 | |
65. | feliciawoodside (Felicia Woodside) |
0 | |
66. | po8coin (PO8) |
0 | |
67. | Niikii-J (Nikita Johnson) |
0 | |
68. | bimini (Scott Saunders) |
0 | |
69. | mrguachin () |
0 | |
70. | AngelusTDev (Angelus Taylor) |
0 | |
71. | SplashyJr (Kanyé McKinney) |
0 | |
72. | nhayling (Noah Hayling) |
0 | |
73. | tyriem (Tyrie Moss) |
0 | |
74. | guachin () |
0 | |
75. | Ancilleno (Ancilleno Orlando Davis, PhD) |
0 | |
76. | Glint-web18 (Justin Glinton) |
0 | |
77. | jpadvisory (JP Advisory) |
0 | |
78. | andrerahming (Andre) |
0 | |
79. | PolyculeNetwork (Polycule Foundation) |
0 | |
80. | bvdmind (Duval Cash) |
0 | |
81. | xsadensio (Xsadensio Farrow ) |
0 | |
82. | DaCliqueMedia (Chris Rolle) |
0 | |
83. | FEMSTEM242 (FEM STEM Bahamas) |
0 | |
84. | ElijahHiggs (ElijahHiggs) |
0 | |
85. | VedaBeans (Aveda Samuels) |
0 | |
86. | exploramobile () |
0 | |
87. | Lost-Haveck (Philemon Petit) |
0 | |
88. | frasercg (Sam) |
0 | |
89. | baclarke (Buraian) |
0 | |
90. | StanicoAKnowles (Stanico Knowles) |
0 | |
91. | janajmccardy (Jana JM) |
0 | |
92. | Shaqmaverick (Shaquille Johnson) |
0 | |
93. | manerpuyawan (Maner Puyawan) |
0 | |
94. | snsmith92 (Sherzel Smith) |
0 | |
95. | twhittakerdev (Thomas Whittaker) |
0 | |
96. | valentin-mn (Valentin) |
0 | |
97. | TavetteHepburn (Tavette Hepburn) |
0 | |
98. | davonrolle (von) |
0 | |
99. | FenrirNN (Fenrir) |
0 | |
100. | Gnombo (Gnombo) |
0 | |
101. | ryanandersen (Peter Andersen) |
0 | |
102. | NadarioFerguson (Nadario Ferguson) |
0 | |
103. | vegansloth (Vegan Sloth) |
0 | |
104. | csbrown3 (C. Stephan Brown) |
0 | |
105. | nsburrows (Nigel Burrows) |
0 | |
106. | aerskine1 (Drew Erskine) |
0 | |
107. | littlehaiti (Centavo) |
0 | |
108. | LOXARTS (Kino Lockhart) |
0 | |
109. | Alanwalker2 (Alan) |
0 | |
110. | chelly242 (Bobbye Bethel) |
0 | |
111. | cicigomez3 (Cicely Gomez) |
0 | |
112. | borbaespindola921 (J. Mateus B. Espindola) |
0 | |
113. | Glori1994 (Gloritam1994) |
0 | |
114. | Marknel-Jacques (Marknel Jean-Jacques) |
0 | |
115. | kbsrolle (Sean Rolle) |
0 | |
116. | tamarpinder (Tamar Pinder) |
0 | |
117. | tcolebrooke (Travaughn Colebrooke) |
0 | |
118. | Cart242 () |
0 | |
119. | Aethercoin1 (Aethercoin1) |
0 | |
120. | ImranRahiem12 (Imran Rahiem) |
0 | |
121. | ClaudiaRolle (Claudia) |
0 | |
122. | denzcodez7 (Denzel Deveaux) |
0 | |
123. | NoName-tama (NoName-Tama) |
0 | |
124. | TheDaiyashi () |
0 | |
125. | SupaAnime (Michael Vsauce) |
0 | |
126. | carlossilvatbh (Carlos Silva) |
0 | |
127. | slodkiwiktor () |
0 | |
128. | isaacfountain242 (Isaac Fountain) |
0 | |
129. | Hydrodone (Julia Kim) |
0 | |
130. | mefederer (Melissa Federer) |
0 | |
131. | AntonMTDA (Anton M) |
0 | |
132. | amci1203 (Allen A. McIntosh II) |
0 | |
133. | alalahe (jerome johnson) |
0 | |
134. | AritraBagchi (Aritra Bagchi) |
0 | |
135. | ali242 (Allan Clare Jr) |
0 | |
136. | SarahLizHunt (Sarah Hunt) |
0 | |
137. | v-Life (Tren) |
0 | |
138. | Volpanian () |
0 | |
139. | MichaelCBFG (Michael Cooper) |
0 | |
140. | Millercb242 (Charles Miller) |
0 | |
141. | Rob-cero (Roblito) |
0 | |
142. | FromTheGenesys (Vincent Rahming) |
0 | |
143. | MLBSnS (Req1) |
0 | |
144. | ShawnTG-Portfolio (Shawn Gardiner) |
0 | |
145. | blakeacademy (Blake Academy) |
0 | |
146. | damons-git (D.) |
0 | |
147. | cloudcarib-developers (Cloud Carib) |
0 | |
148. | Bobbobby242 (Bob Bobby) |
0 | |
149. | unethicalcreator (Theo Thompson) |
0 | |
150. | SecSlump (Sec$lump) |
0 | |
151. | protonethub () |
0 | |
152. | QuentB989 (QBTP) |
0 | |
153. | LHeart22 (Richard Cius) |
0 | |
154. | Marfeeyou242 (Marfeeyou Tyrese Joseph) |
0 | |
155. | HariGareth (Hari Rolle) |
0 | |
156. | ishmaelferguson (Ishmael Ferguson) |
0 | |
157. | yt3595 () |
0 | |
158. | m-markopolo () |
0 | |
159. | Conviously (Convi) |
0 | |
160. | deepmindstech (Deep Minds) |
0 | |
161. | yonyvan (Iben rodriguez) |
0 | |
162. | NowisNext (Dakotah Moss) |
0 | |
163. | Dioneisland (Dione Island Club) |
0 | |
164. | TremTrem88 (Tremis Sands) |
0 | |
165. | KevinMcGregor242 (Kevin McGregor) |
0 | |
166. | InvoltaCoin (Involta Coin) |
0 | |
167. | lesliemillercbl (Leslie Miller) |
0 | |
168. | ladybug1989 (Berlin Patience) |
0 | |
169. | Ashisgood1 () |
0 | |
170. | SimonPCooper (Simon Cooper) |
0 | |
171. | BvsCapitalpay (Coinbasewallet.inc ) |
0 | |
172. | weince00 (weince00) |
0 | |
173. | Ragdeap (Alex Drask Ivanov) |
0 | |
174. | BREEF242 (Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation (BREEF)) |
0 | |
175. | larrywil55 (Larry O.) |
0 | |
176. | Naynay8181 (Nay Nay Moteyyy) |
0 | |
177. | RSpringer242 (RSpringer) |
0 | |
178. | Setota (Miguel Mackey) |
0 | |
179. | unshaped (unshaped) |
0 | |
180. | RedVelvet1999 (Jasmine Cunningham) |
0 | |
181. | peterbtaylor (Peter Taylor ) |
0 | |
182. | TheGoldenV2 (TheGolden) |
0 | |
183. | yyp (Yardie YPree) |
0 | |
184. | Ze2020 (ZeManel) |
0 | |
185. | Torianneymour (Torian Neymour) |
0 | |
186. | asievi () |
0 | |
187. | navarrobowe (Navarro Bowe) |
0 | |
188. | helder0xff (Hélder Rodrígues) |
0 | |
189. | Hilly242 (IslandCodeManonDemand) |
0 | |
190. | fathxr (fathxr) |
0 | |
191. | darringtonricardo () |
0 | |
192. | shepunkedyou (ka) |
0 | |
193. | Mini-3lves (RazhienC) |
0 | |
194. | tmill007 (Tony M) |
0 | |
195. | 10965123J (Daniel) |
0 | |
196. | g8soltis (Davon Soltis) |
0 | |
197. | Dexobox (Dexobox) |
0 | |
198. | davesdogr (Dave) |
0 | |
199. | paulcitarella (Paul Citarella) |
0 | |
200. | DJohnson242 (Danair M. Johnson) |
0 | |
201. | MarknelJacques (Marknel Jean-Jacques) |
0 | |
202. | millerdun11 (Montel Burrows) |
0 | |
203. | kingcre1 (Creighton Moxey) |
0 | |
204. | kalakrumanov (Kalak) |
0 | |
205. | RamsCeo (RamsCeo) |
0 | |
206. | primo-investiment-fund (DEVPRIMO Investimet Fund) |
0 | |
207. | seobuddy (SEOBUDDY) |
0 | |
208. | sammi221 () |
0 | |
209. | weince1 (weince joseph) |
0 | |
210. | Tizigamerrrr08 (Tizigamerrrr08) |
0 | |
211. | mroker242 (Michael Roker) |
0 | |
212. | bmo242 (Brandon Morrison) |
0 | |
213. | BeachMannix (Mannix Lee) |
0 | |
214. | Azuregold22 (Christopher Oliver) |
0 | |
215. | callex (Callex) |
0 | |
216. | ImhotepII (Charles Isaacs II) |
0 | |
217. | fwoodside100 (Felicia Woodside) |
0 | |
218. | Malissa0216 (Malissa McIntosh) |
0 | |
219. | senpai89 (Charles) |
0 | |
220. | slivon1337 (slivon) |
0 | |
221. | splahhh () |
0 | |
222. | Mathildex (Mathild.exe) |
0 | |
223. | Tara48 (Tara ) |
0 | |
224. | michaelbergman (Michael Bergman) |
0 | |
225. | justnardo (Just_Nardo) |
0 | |
226. | B-Patience (Patience) |
0 | |
227. | DrVidyananOM1988 (Dr. Michael John Ingraham. aka DrVidyanaOM ,DigitalDoctor , and HealthMeister) |
0 | |
228. | Illumniousart (Shaynelle Alexus Rigby) |
0 | |
229. | coakley4mical (Coakley4MICAL) |
0 | |
230. | CallMeAno (Razhien, Ano) |
0 | |
231. | perryv33 (Pereece Woods) |
0 | |
232. | Skydomain242 (Skydomain) |
0 | |
233. | SanLouise1042 (Sandie) |
0 | |
234. | johnsonalauddin (JOHNSON'ALAUDDIN') |
0 | |
235. | Yunkn (Rise Housing) |
0 | |
236. | xlxnchx () |
0 | |
237. | Nahsaan (Nahsaan Bain) |
0 | |
238. | SalamiIGuess (jamie) |
0 | |
239. | KameSages (Kame Sages) |
0 | |
240. | jaimexbt (Jaime) |
0 | |
241. | Dan-Dan64 (Daniel Caraballo) |
0 | |
242. | ivanstaro (Ivan Starostenko) |
0 | |
243. | MWFWeb (Donavan) |
0 | |
244. | Runderw1 (GittinNowhereFast) |
0 | |
0 | |
246. | rasbreon (Breon R Adderley) |
0 | |
247. | DoyleJohnson (Doyle Johnson) |
0 | |
248. | sillyjillybs (Pjillian) |
0 | |
249. | Keith242 () |
0 | |
250. | jeremylaterreur () |
0 | |
251. | darth-cy (Ray Gao) |
0 | |
252. | SamSepiol266 (Dana Bethel) |
0 | |
253. | DevonyaR (Devonya Rolle) |
0 | |
0 | |
255. | M3gaPixel (Pixelated) |
0 | |
256. | kristenmo20 (Kristen Moss) |
0 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | yemixzy | 3 |
2. | platoalpha | 1 |
3. | enterprise-grails | 1 |
4. | monroe-institute | 1 |
5. | grails-galahad | 1 |
6. | joinbubbel | 1 |
7. | cloudcarib | 1 |
8. | basecamp | 1 |
9. | automativecloud | 1 |