A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Argentina over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2024-10-04 01:35:04 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Argentina')
This list contains all public commits for each user. There are 89104 total users in the region and you need at least 47 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/argentina/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/argentina/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/argentina/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/argentina/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | solidsnk86 (Gabriel Calcagni) |
3778 | |
2. | fabriguespe (Fabri) |
3301 | |
3. | ggarra13 (Gonzalo Garramuño) |
3044 | |
4. | SweetmanTech (sweetman.eth) |
2666 | |
5. | AlejandroDiBattista (Alejandro Di Battista) |
2542 | |
6. | ulises-jeremias (Ulises Jeremias) |
2109 | |
7. | emapeire (Emanuel Peire) |
2039 | |
8. | LazyDuchess (Nahuel Rocchetti) |
2011 | |
9. | retrofox (Damián Suárez) |
1729 | |
10. | gerMdz (gerMdz) |
1653 | |
11. | rolivencia (Ramiro Olivencia) |
1637 | |
12. | lucperkins (Luc Perkins) |
1598 | |
13. | elrebelde21 () |
1598 | |
14. | Yakuhito (yakuhito) |
1412 | |
15. | azimut (NCM) |
1398 | |
16. | tiago1820 (Tiago de Oliveira) |
1364 | |
17. | fedebenelli (Federico E. Benelli) |
1329 | |
18. | gerlero (Gabriel Gerlero) |
1296 | |
19. | EduMMorenolp (EduMMoreno) |
1277 | |
20. | kzu (Daniel Cazzulino) |
1246 | |
21. | enzonotario (Enzo Notario) |
1235 | |
22. | Fabian-Martinez-Rincon (Fabian Martinez) |
1232 | |
23. | yabellini (Yanina Bellini Saibene) |
1117 | |
24. | ITurres (Arthur ITurres) |
1064 | |
25. | jd-apprentice (Jonathan) |
1046 | |
26. | fdodino (Fernando Dodino) |
1041 | |
27. | saiotest (Saitest) |
1012 | |
28. | lajbel (Daniel Báez) |
994 | |
29. | arpowers (Andrew R. Powers) |
951 | |
30. | theethernaut (Alejandro Santander) |
941 | |
31. | emiarias (Emilse Arias) |
920 | |
32. | seppo0010 (Sebastian Waisbrot) |
920 | |
33. | groldan (Gabriel Roldan) |
896 | |
34. | tomirodeghiero () |
860 | |
35. | imlauera (Andrés Imlauer) |
854 | |
36. | davidoreiro97 (David Oreiro) |
844 | |
37. | MarcosNicolau (Marcos Nicolau) |
809 | |
38. | Soyagvs (Agustin Martinez) |
795 | |
39. | lrusso (Leonardo Javier Russo) |
795 | |
40. | facundoolano (Facundo Olano) |
770 | |
41. | RaniAgus (Agustin Ranieri) |
764 | |
42. | humbertodrc (Humberto Rivero) |
750 | |
43. | natanael-lima (Natanael Lima) |
715 | |
44. | julianbenegas (Julian Benegas) |
703 | |
45. | gurupratap-matharu (Gurupratap Matharu) |
697 | |
46. | Nekidev (Rafael Bradley) |
649 | |
47. | jvuletich (Juan Vuletich) |
641 | |
48. | SpartanJ (Martín Lucas Golini) |
637 | |
49. | bguiz (Brendan Graetz) |
637 | |
50. | eugenioclrc (Eugenio) |
629 | |
51. | FlyingPumba (Iván Arcuschin) |
629 | |
52. | paocorrales (Paola Corrales) |
623 | |
53. | carpicoder (Matias Coletta) |
618 | |
54. | mmontone (Mariano Montone) |
604 | |
55. | TomMalbran (Tomás Malbrán) |
602 | |
56. | fernandomg (Fernando Greco) |
600 | |
57. | ferminrp (Fermin Rodriguez Penelas) |
593 | |
58. | aloctavodia (Osvaldo A Martin) |
592 | |
59. | dacap (David Capello) |
591 | |
60. | honi (Joni Bekenstein) |
590 | |
61. | scarmuega (Santiago Carmuega) |
588 | |
62. | mrmalvicino (Maximiliano Raúl Malvicino) |
576 | |
63. | petobens (Pedro Ferrari) |
558 | |
64. | Markkos89 (Marcos Iglesias) |
543 | |
65. | TomasSorgetti (Tomás) |
513 | |
66. | linuxmobile (L I N U X ( リナックス )) |
511 | |
67. | Lartu (Lartu) |
505 | |
68. | NicolasOmar (Nicolás Omar González Passerino) |
499 | |
69. | jknack (Edgar Espina) |
498 | |
70. | gabrielmartinezghioma (Gabriel Martinez) |
475 | |
71. | FdelMazo (Federico del Mazo) |
458 | |
72. | fabrinucci (Fabrizio Nucci) |
454 | |
73. | MatiasGuaymas (Matias Guaymas) |
446 | |
74. | ayalamarcelo (Marcelo Ayala) |
446 | |
75. | florluzduarte (Florencia Luz Duarte) |
441 | |
76. | elmato (Matias Romeo) |
438 | |
77. | FelipeSBarros (Felipe Sodré M. Barros) |
437 | |
78. | sgobotta (Santiago Botta) |
436 | |
79. | BenjaTK (BenjaTK) |
428 | |
80. | goncy (Gonzalo Pozzo) |
426 | |
81. | matichewer (Matias David Schwerdt) |
425 | |
82. | phreda4 (Pablo Hugo Reda) |
425 | |
83. | jpromanonet (Juan P. Romano) |
423 | |
84. | ulysses-ck (Ulises) |
422 | |
85. | Wolftein () |
418 | |
86. | jpgonzalezra (jpgonzalezra) |
415 | |
87. | fgiuliani (Facundo Giuliani) |
413 | |
88. | EXtremeExploit (Pedro Montes Alcalde) |
411 | |
89. | nearnshaw (Nicolas Earnshaw) |
409 | |
90. | maurobonfietti (Mauro Bonfietti) |
407 | |
91. | spalladino (Santiago Palladino) |
405 | |
92. | sjdev2212 (Anibal Amoroso) |
404 | |
93. | ThomasMiz (ThomasMiz) |
399 | |
94. | HoracioGutierrez (Horacio Gutierrez) |
396 | |
95. | bkmay1417 (Michael Martinez) |
391 | |
96. | brunograssano (Bruno Grassano) |
390 | |
97. | alejandroautalan (Alejandro Autalán) |
388 | |
98. | pepoviola (Javier Viola) |
386 | |
99. | israpps (Matías Israelson) |
377 | |
100. | santisq (Santiago Squarzon) |
377 | |
101. | fedeya (Federico Minaya) |
370 | |
102. | maitzeth (André Iván) |
369 | |
103. | ignacionr (Ignacio Rodríguez) |
367 | |
104. | facundocarballo (Facundo Carballo) |
367 | |
105. | TuQmano (Juan Pablo Ruiz Nicolini) |
358 | |
106. | Martin-Molinero () |
358 | |
107. | Phosphorus-M (Phosphorus Moscu) |
355 | |
108. | MarcoDDM (Marco Almada) |
352 | |
109. | Cesar-Ignacio (César I. Tello) |
351 | |
110. | NachoKai (Nacho Caiafa) |
349 | |
111. | juancarlospaco (Juan Carlos) |
348 | |
112. | Israel-Laguan (Israel Antonio Rosales Laguan) |
347 | |
113. | munshkr (Damián Silvani) |
343 | |
114. | linsaftw (LinsaFTW) |
341 | |
115. | gvolpe (Gabriel Volpe) |
337 | |
116. | darksylinc (Matias N. Goldberg) |
326 | |
117. | rozagerardo (Ger Roza) |
323 | |
118. | kblok (Darío Kondratiuk) |
322 | |
119. | TevesManuel (Manuel Teves) |
318 | |
120. | contepablod (Pablo Conte) |
316 | |
121. | Blackpachamame (Marcos Andrés Travaglini) |
308 | |
122. | victorkane (Victor Kane) |
306 | |
123. | markski1 (Markski / JG) |
304 | |
124. | epidemian (Demian Ferreiro) |
303 | |
125. | ncostamagna (Nahuel) |
301 | |
126. | carohadad (Carolina Hadad) |
292 | |
127. | jonathanhecl (Jonathan Hecl) |
290 | |
128. | jsotuyod (Juan Martín Sotuyo Dodero) |
290 | |
129. | Mar12358 (Martín Ezequiel González) |
290 | |
130. | ignacio-Jose-Rocha (IGNACIO JOSE ROCHA) |
286 | |
131. | safernandez666 (Santiago Fernandez) |
284 | |
132. | marcosnils (Marcos Nils) |
281 | |
133. | vlasvlasvlas (Vladimiro Bellini) |
279 | |
134. | tehuel (Tehuel) |
279 | |
135. | lucaszhh (Lucas Zarandón) |
278 | |
136. | ronibandini (Roni Bandini) |
278 | |
137. | mateoiba30 (mateoiba30) |
275 | |
138. | CrisGadea (Cristian Gadea) |
275 | |
139. | Marindala (Marina) |
271 | |
140. | ianaya89 (Nacho Anaya) |
270 | |
141. | roxsross (Rossana Suarez) |
270 | |
142. | arielj (Ariel Juodziukynas) |
269 | |
143. | EmmanuelMess (Emmanuel) |
267 | |
144. | bauti-defi (bauti.eth) |
266 | |
145. | tinchoz49 (Martín Acosta) |
264 | |
146. | jrgarciadev (Junior Garcia) |
263 | |
147. | mcabreradev (Miguelángel Cabrera ) |
263 | |
148. | N1CKWEB (Nicolás Díaz) |
260 | |
149. | gnandretta (Gabriel Andretta) |
258 | |
150. | emiliacb (Emilia) |
258 | |
151. | sergiomedinaio (Sergio Medina) |
257 | |
152. | facundobatista (Facundo Batista) |
256 | |
153. | qmacias (Cristian Quinto) |
253 | |
154. | FacuM (Facundo Montero) |
250 | |
155. | bcamandone (Belu Camandone) |
250 | |
156. | hrajchert (Hernan Rajchert) |
247 | |
157. | lontivero (Lucas Ontivero) |
247 | |
158. | allkern (Lisandro Alarcón) |
247 | |
159. | astrovm (astro) |
246 | |
160. | JavierBalonga (Javier Balonga (MetalitoDev)) |
243 | |
161. | gastoncaminiti (Gaston Caminiti) |
241 | |
162. | jfromaniello (José F. Romaniello) |
241 | |
163. | javierhuebra (Javier Emanuel Huebra) |
238 | |
164. | abustosp (Agustin Bustos Piasentini) |
234 | |
165. | sammwyy (Sammwy) |
234 | |
166. | JerePrograma (Jeremías) |
232 | |
167. | glpecile (Gian) |
232 | |
168. | AleHts29 (Alejandro) |
232 | |
169. | avdata99 (Andres Vazquez) |
230 | |
170. | JoaquinSuarezVallejos (Joaquín) |
230 | |
171. | Ccangaro747 (Camilo Manuel Cangaro) |
228 | |
172. | FabioDrizZt (Fabio D. Argañaraz A.) |
226 | |
173. | Aubar48 (Nahuel Argandoña) |
225 | |
174. | adore1968 (Germán) |
224 | |
175. | mrpep (Leonardo Pepino) |
222 | |
176. | DanielRiverol (Daniel Riverol) |
222 | |
177. | Mauro069 (Mauro Vera) |
220 | |
178. | spancavil (Sebastián) |
220 | |
179. | elianparedes (Elian Paredes) |
220 | |
180. | cmgustavo (Gustavo) |
219 | |
181. | FernandoFH () |
218 | |
182. | hugoArregui (Hugo Arregui) |
218 | |
183. | set-soft (Salvador E. Tropea) |
215 | |
184. | veronicajujuy (Veronica Valdez) |
214 | |
185. | fernandezja (Jose A. Fernandez) |
211 | |
186. | TomFern (Tomas Fernandez) |
209 | |
187. | juanbono (Juan Bono) |
209 | |
188. | dileofrancoj () |
208 | |
189. | DarioSamo (Darío) |
208 | |
190. | opensas (opensas) |
208 | |
191. | asterite (Ary Borenszweig) |
208 | |
192. | stephanieizquierdo (Stephanieizquierdo) |
207 | |
193. | elamperti (Enrico Lamperti) |
200 | |
194. | outaTiME (Ariel Falduto) |
200 | |
195. | valpackett (Val Packett) |
197 | |
196. | aaizemberg (Ariel Aizemberg) |
196 | |
197. | josecondori-ai (Jose Luis) |
196 | |
198. | diegodorado (Diego Dorado) |
194 | |
199. | mateusfccp (Mateus Felipe C. C. Pinto) |
193 | |
200. | Jordan-Iralde (Jordan Iralde) |
193 | |
201. | agusrnfr (agus) |
191 | |
202. | elopez (Emilio López) |
190 | |
203. | cardenasmaximiliano (maximiliano ) |
189 | |
204. | YasarChavez (YasarChavez) |
187 | |
205. | FiammaMuscari (Fiamma Muscari) |
187 | |
206. | hugoruscitti (Hugo Ruscitti) |
186 | |
207. | chrisvdev (Christian Villegas) |
186 | |
208. | matricali (Jorge Matricali) |
185 | |
209. | nylzen (Nelson Tugores) |
185 | |
210. | veroandreo (Veronica Andreo) |
183 | |
211. | xaiki (Niv Sardi) |
182 | |
212. | leotorrez (Leandro Torrez) |
181 | |
213. | jlsuh (Joel Suh) |
178 | |
214. | danielcshn () |
178 | |
215. | gzalo (Gonzalo Avila Alterach) |
177 | |
216. | JimeFioni (María Jimena Fioni) |
175 | |
217. | Aglowkeys (Emiliano Alfonso) |
175 | |
218. | ChristianGrimberg (Christian Grimberg) |
174 | |
219. | sebastian-asm (Sebastián Sánchez) |
174 | |
220. | iancinti (Ian Cinti) |
174 | |
221. | FrancoCirielli16 (FrancoCirielli) |
174 | |
222. | anadiedrichs (Ana Laura Diedrichs) |
173 | |
223. | Nilton94 (José Nilton Gonçalves de Andrade) |
173 | |
224. | kaenovsky (Martin Kaen) |
172 | |
225. | MarianoVizzo (marianovizzo) |
172 | |
226. | Flaviodc7 (Flavio Coscarella) |
171 | |
227. | Lawxsz (Lawxsz) |
171 | |
228. | alanrios21 (Alan Rios) |
170 | |
229. | damianarielm (Damian Ariel) |
169 | |
230. | lfir (Leandro) |
167 | |
231. | fedebayer (Fedebayer) |
164 | |
232. | Josemiranda989 (José Miranda) |
164 | |
233. | Kapelu (⠀) |
163 | |
234. | julicastro (Julian Castro) |
163 | |
235. | nventuro (Nicolás Venturo) |
158 | |
236. | drmaquino (Mariano Aquino) |
158 | |
237. | cedavilu-web-academy (Cedavilu Web Academy) |
158 | |
238. | tomicapretto (Tomás Capretto) |
156 | |
239. | PabloLopez23 () |
156 | |
240. | SebastianMestre (Sebastián Mestre) |
155 | |
241. | MarsicoFL (Franco Marsico) |
154 | |
242. | jjscarafia (Juan José Scarafía) |
154 | |
243. | MCarlomagno (Marcos Carlomagno) |
154 | |
244. | rodrigomelo9 (Rodrigo A. Melo) |
153 | |
245. | mgaitan (Martín Gaitán) |
150 | |
246. | Dante-Leoncini (Dante leoncini) |
150 | |
247. | shirosweets (Valentina V.) |
149 | |
248. | pangolp (Walter Pagani) |
149 | |
249. | ediaz13 (Emanuel) |
148 | |
250. | cacalo (Gonzalo Bechara) |
147 | |
251. | matiasngf (Matias Gonzalez) |
147 | |
252. | RiedelNicolas (Nicolás Riedel) |
146 | |
253. | alejandrobernardis (Alejandro M. BERNARDIS) |
145 | |
254. | WorldLanguages (David) |
145 | |
255. | PatriLoto (Patricia A. Loto) |
144 | |
256. | pazguille (Guille Paz) |
144 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | mercadolibre | 3 |
2. | nardoz | 2 |
3. | cuis-smalltalk | 2 |
4. | 2lstudios | 2 |
5. | staroverlay | 2 |
6. | dotmsn | 2 |
7. | rladiesenargentina | 2 |
8. | arkflame-net | 2 |
9. | rustlanges | 2 |
10. | democraciaconcodigos | 2 |