A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Australia over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-03-09 00:21:40 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Australia')
This list contains all public commits for each user. There are 125843 total users in the region and you need at least 114 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | SimonCropp (Simon Cropp) |
13534 | |
2. | mdsumner (Michael Sumner) |
8988 | |
3. | merill (Merill Fernando) |
5369 | |
4. | elijahgummer (Elijah W Gummer) |
4359 | |
5. | engram-design (Josh Crawford) |
3699 | |
6. | aaronparker (Aaron Parker) |
3579 | |
7. | jjw24 (Jeremy Wu) |
3565 | |
8. | realityforge (Peter Donald) |
3191 | |
9. | bokkypoobah (ninjapants.eth) |
3174 | |
10. | freakboy3742 (Russell Keith-Magee) |
3124 | |
11. | 007revad (Dave Russell) |
3070 | |
12. | harlan-zw (Harlan Wilton) |
3063 | |
13. | abstractspoon (.dan.g.) |
3032 | |
14. | cjdsellers (Chris Sellers) |
2950 | |
15. | Eric-Guo (Eric Guo) |
2949 | |
16. | stenzek (Connor McLaughlin) |
2888 | |
17. | jxom () |
2567 | |
18. | sanjay-kv (Sanjay Viswanathan) |
2414 | |
19. | adamhsparks (Adam H. Sparks) |
2358 | |
20. | jph00 (Jeremy Howard) |
2339 | |
21. | wdhdev (William Harrison) |
2227 | |
22. | kim-em (Kim Morrison) |
2182 | |
23. | nyalldawson (Nyall Dawson) |
2068 | |
24. | tonybaloney (Anthony Shaw) |
2028 | |
25. | MaxwellBo (Max Bo) |
2027 | |
26. | ArjunAranetaCodes (Arjun Araneta) |
2019 | |
27. | robjhyndman (Rob J Hyndman) |
1936 | |
28. | cpmech (Dorival Pedroso) |
1900 | |
29. | kivikakk (Talya Connor) |
1840 | |
30. | Rosuav (Chris Angelico) |
1826 | |
31. | arobenko (Alex Robenko) |
1808 | |
32. | Tobias-Fischer (Tobias Fischer) |
1754 | |
33. | mokagio (Gio Lodi) |
1748 | |
34. | dipjyotimetia (Dipjyoti Metia) |
1710 | |
35. | Mause (Elliana May) |
1631 | |
36. | tcharding (Tobin C. Harding) |
1616 | |
37. | davidwengier (David Wengier) |
1605 | |
38. | peterbarker (Peter Barker) |
1592 | |
39. | johnnovak (John Novak) |
1572 | |
40. | Brendonovich (Brendan Allan) |
1571 | |
41. | SchrodingersGat (Oliver) |
1566 | |
42. | benswift (Ben Swift) |
1541 | |
43. | kring (Kevin Ring) |
1535 | |
44. | dmex (dmex) |
1527 | |
45. | Moult (Dion Moult) |
1516 | |
46. | thekevinbrown (Kevin Brown) |
1512 | |
47. | stuartwdouglas (Stuart Douglas) |
1491 | |
48. | yuleisui (Yulei Sui) |
1458 | |
49. | jcponce (Juan Carlos Ponce Campuzano) |
1451 | |
50. | jshwi (Stephen Whitlock) |
1419 | |
51. | RichardScottOZ () |
1368 | |
52. | centminmod (George Liu (eva2000)) |
1353 | |
53. | loftwah (Dean Lofts) |
1342 | |
54. | johndpope (John D. Pope) |
1312 | |
55. | gloveboxes (Dave Glover) |
1245 | |
56. | bradleyayers (Bradley Ayers) |
1214 | |
57. | mohammadKarimi (Mohammad Karimi) |
1208 | |
58. | oscartbeaumont (Oscar Beaumont) |
1170 | |
59. | aaronpowell (Aaron Powell) |
1160 | |
60. | KodrAus (Ashley Mannix) |
1150 | |
61. | stowball (Matt Stow) |
1119 | |
62. | pl4nty (Tom Plant) |
1115 | |
63. | bitcoinbrisbane (Lucas Cullen) |
1102 | |
64. | gridbugs (Stephen Sherratt) |
1100 | |
65. | Jason2Brownlee (Jason Brownlee) |
1079 | |
66. | dominikwilkowski (Dominik Wilkowski) |
1045 | |
67. | tridge (Andrew Tridgell) |
1024 | |
68. | jbampton (John Bampton) |
1021 | |
69. | mnot (Mark Nottingham) |
1006 | |
70. | thomaseizinger (Thomas Eizinger) |
1004 | |
71. | nnethercote (Nicholas Nethercote) |
1001 | |
72. | timacdonald (Tim MacDonald) |
998 | |
73. | ocavue () |
979 | |
74. | martinthomson (Martin Thomson) |
975 | |
75. | sammcj (Sam) |
974 | |
76. | alecthomas (Alec Thomas) |
959 | |
77. | AlexStormwood (Alex) |
950 | |
78. | ashleydavis (Ashley Davis) |
938 | |
79. | hamishwillee (Hamish Willee) |
935 | |
80. | lukeholder (Luke Holder) |
935 | |
81. | thelindat (Linden) |
921 | |
82. | cpmpercussion (Charles Martin) |
919 | |
83. | navidcy (Navid C. Constantinou) |
908 | |
84. | Aisuko (Bowen) |
896 | |
85. | mitchelloharawild (Mitchell O'Hara-Wild) |
895 | |
86. | stebo85 (Steffen Bollmann) |
895 | |
87. | coolbutuseless (mikefc) |
886 | |
88. | Adnan25z (Adnan) |
885 | |
89. | NiREvil (Ransomware Evil) |
878 | |
90. | grahamegrieve (Grahame Grieve) |
878 | |
91. | davidlattimore (David Lattimore) |
858 | |
92. | martinbjeldbak (Martin Bjeldbak Madsen) |
833 | |
93. | phamquiluan (Luan Pham) |
828 | |
94. | stemangiola (Stefano Mangiola) |
826 | |
95. | adamhannigan (Adam Hannigan) |
819 | |
96. | cxong (congusbongus) |
807 | |
97. | BradyAJohnston (Brady Johnston) |
798 | |
98. | djmdjm (Damien Miller) |
795 | |
99. | dicook (Dianne Cook) |
786 | |
100. | MelbourneDeveloper (Christian Findlay) |
777 | |
101. | DonJayamanne (Don Jayamanne) |
769 | |
102. | stevecassidy (Steve Cassidy) |
760 | |
103. | dd32 (Dion Hulse) |
753 | |
104. | JoshuaBatty (Joshua Batty) |
751 | |
105. | robn (Rob Norris) |
748 | |
106. | adammurdoch (Adam Murdoch) |
741 | |
107. | kipcole9 (Kip Cole) |
740 | |
108. | robbibt (Robbi Bishop-Taylor) |
727 | |
109. | jacobh (Jacob Haslehurst) |
721 | |
110. | kevin-lee (Kevin Lee) |
719 | |
111. | ajsutton (Adrian Sutton) |
717 | |
112. | jni (Juan Nunez-Iglesias) |
712 | |
113. | RoyalIcing (Patrick Smith) |
707 | |
114. | auxesis (Lindsay Holmwood) |
702 | |
115. | hazzik (Alex Zaytsev) |
696 | |
116. | Maikuolan (Caleb Mazalevskis) |
695 | |
117. | JaseZiv (Jason Zivkovic) |
693 | |
118. | emitanaka (Emi Tanaka) |
682 | |
119. | daftspunk (daft) |
680 | |
120. | esteinig (Eike Steinig) |
676 | |
121. | TheCSharpAcademy (The C# Academy) |
674 | |
122. | scudette (Mike Cohen) |
668 | |
123. | xunholy (Michael Fornaro) |
662 | |
124. | GrahamDumpleton (Graham Dumpleton) |
657 | |
125. | phillip-kruger (Phillip Krüger) |
654 | |
126. | glasnt (Katie McLaughlin) |
650 | |
127. | alexgleith (Alex Leith) |
649 | |
128. | oleg-shilo (Oleg Shilo) |
645 | |
129. | michaelneale (Michael Neale) |
642 | |
130. | linsalrob (Rob Edwards) |
641 | |
131. | brendanzab (Brendan Zabarauskas) |
631 | |
132. | luispedro (Luis Pedro Coelho) |
630 | |
133. | paulfioravanti (Paul Fioravanti) |
628 | |
134. | AshKyd (Ash Kyd) |
625 | |
135. | jborean93 (Jordan Borean) |
622 | |
136. | DamienIrving (Damien Irving) |
619 | |
137. | olamy (Olivier Lamy) |
619 | |
138. | davidar (David A Roberts) |
616 | |
139. | alexmurray (Alex Murray) |
608 | |
140. | basarat (Basarat Ali Syed) |
607 | |
141. | peterwilsoncc (Peter Wilson) |
607 | |
142. | codess-aus (Michelle Mei-Ling Sandford) |
604 | |
143. | gavanlamb (Gavan Lamb) |
603 | |
144. | hach-que (June Rhodes) |
601 | |
145. | dagronf (Darren Ford) |
595 | |
146. | lunacookies (Luna Razzaghipour) |
591 | |
147. | samcm (Sam Calder-Mason) |
587 | |
148. | EvieePy (Mysty) |
587 | |
149. | wolfeidau (Mark Wolfe) |
581 | |
150. | atymic () |
569 | |
151. | pentestfunctions (Opabinia) |
563 | |
152. | isaac-mason (Isaac Mason) |
555 | |
153. | evgenyneu (Evgenii Neumerzhitckii) |
553 | |
154. | thepowersgang (John Hodge (Mutabah)) |
549 | |
155. | jonocarroll (Jonathan Carroll) |
546 | |
156. | wassname (Michael J Clark) |
546 | |
157. | dae (Damien Elmes) |
545 | |
158. | gbouras13 (George Bouras) |
545 | |
159. | lifeparticle (Mahbub Zaman) |
543 | |
160. | ychescale9 (Yang) |
542 | |
161. | brendanmurty (Brendan Murty) |
538 | |
162. | robmorgan (Rob Morgan) |
534 | |
163. | rvagg (Rod Vagg) |
520 | |
164. | settermjd (Matthew Setter) |
520 | |
165. | vicr123 (Victor Tran) |
513 | |
166. | eliocamp (Elio Campitelli) |
510 | |
167. | stackotter () |
509 | |
168. | maks (Maksim Lin) |
509 | |
169. | physwizz () |
508 | |
170. | willvelida (Will Velida) |
504 | |
171. | BernieWhite (Bernie White) |
501 | |
172. | FedericoTartarini (Federico Tartarini) |
499 | |
173. | beeradmoore (Brad) |
497 | |
174. | btnguyen2k (Thanh Ba Nguyen) |
494 | |
175. | paocorrales (Paola Corrales) |
494 | |
176. | domesticmouse (Brett Morgan) |
484 | |
177. | Vini2 (Vijini Mallawaarachchi) |
483 | |
178. | jc21 () |
475 | |
179. | wezm (Wesley Moore) |
472 | |
180. | sayboras (Tam Mach) |
472 | |
181. | david-cattermole (David Cattermole) |
468 | |
182. | eudoxia0 (Fernando Borretti) |
466 | |
183. | SamSaffron (Sam) |
464 | |
184. | kirb (Adam Demasi) |
463 | |
185. | bfollington (Ben Follington) |
455 | |
186. | geshan (Geshan Manandhar) |
455 | |
187. | mihar-22 (Rahim) |
454 | |
188. | drewnoakes (Drew Noakes) |
452 | |
189. | stephenbradshaw (Stephen Bradshaw) |
451 | |
190. | josephj (Joseph Chiang) |
445 | |
191. | DelphiWorlds (DelphiWorlds) |
444 | |
192. | php1301 () |
441 | |
193. | timriley (Tim Riley) |
438 | |
194. | KaelWD (Kael) |
436 | |
195. | madhavajay (Madhava Jay) |
435 | |
196. | projectgus (Angus Gratton) |
433 | |
197. | Zemerik (Hemang Yadav) |
430 | |
198. | yamadapc (Pedro Tacla Yamada) |
429 | |
199. | lsf37 (Gerwin Klein) |
425 | |
200. | kitsonk (Kitson Kelly) |
424 | |
201. | brainstorm (Roman Valls Guimera) |
424 | |
202. | kaievns (Kai Evans) |
415 | |
203. | LesleyLai (Lesley Lai) |
412 | |
204. | Firstyear (Firstyear) |
410 | |
205. | michaeltaranto (Michael Taranto) |
409 | |
206. | foyzulkarim (Foyzul Karim) |
406 | |
207. | r-martins (Ricardo Martins) |
405 | |
208. | abcminiuser (Dean Camera) |
404 | |
209. | mbhall88 (Michael Hall) |
403 | |
210. | jsun969 (Justin Sun) |
403 | |
211. | mgreen27 (Matthew Green) |
399 | |
212. | erikd (Erik de Castro Lopo) |
399 | |
213. | rdahis (Ricardo Dahis) |
396 | |
214. | danoli3 (Dan Rosser) |
394 | |
215. | tqwewe (Ari Seyhun) |
392 | |
216. | prouast (Philipp Rouast) |
389 | |
217. | jondubois (Jonathan Gros-Dubois) |
388 | |
218. | JasonXuDeveloper (JasonXuDeveloper - 傑) |
387 | |
219. | samwilson (Sam Wilson) |
386 | |
220. | dpgeorge (Damien George) |
384 | |
221. | futantan (Tantan Fu) |
378 | |
222. | ncoghlan (Alyssa Coghlan) |
377 | |
223. | devraj (Dev Mukherjee) |
375 | |
224. | jayvdb (John Vandenberg) |
374 | |
225. | jakka351 (Tester Present Specialist Automotive Solutions) |
374 | |
226. | rrwick (Ryan Wick) |
373 | |
227. | NobodyXu (Jiahao XU) |
372 | |
228. | robbievanleeuwen (Robbie van Leeuwen) |
371 | |
229. | sjpiper145 (Steph Piper) |
371 | |
230. | directorcia () |
365 | |
231. | itsdouges (Michael Dougall) |
364 | |
232. | thomasdavis (Thomas Davis) |
360 | |
233. | djnavarro (Danielle Navarro) |
358 | |
234. | airlied (Dave Airlie) |
358 | |
235. | hasindu2008 (Hasindu Gamaarachchi) |
358 | |
236. | cerbero90 (Andrea Marco Sartori) |
356 | |
237. | liamzebedee (Liam Zebedee) |
355 | |
238. | oxinabox (Frames White) |
354 | |
239. | mitchmindtree () |
354 | |
240. | dkarunakaran (Dhanoop Karunakaran) |
353 | |
241. | jarrodnorwell (Jarrod Norwell) |
352 | |
242. | ayoubfaouzi (Ayoub Faouzi) |
351 | |
243. | insin (Jonny Buchanan) |
346 | |
244. | bjeanes (Bo Jeanes) |
344 | |
245. | LightAndLight (Isaac Elliott) |
342 | |
246. | Vheissu (Dwayne Charrington) |
341 | |
247. | steshaw (Steven Shaw) |
340 | |
248. | wspr (Will Robertson) |
340 | |
249. | kevinresol (Kevin Leung) |
340 | |
250. | davidmoten (Dave Moten) |
336 | |
251. | ray-x (rayx) |
332 | |
252. | abruzzi (Juntao Qiu) |
331 | |
253. | RManLuo (Linhao Luo (Raymond)) |
325 | |
254. | sporto (Sebastian Porto) |
324 | |
255. | justrealmilk (Tom Chapman) |
323 | |
256. | amykapernick (Amy Kapernick) |
323 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | microsoft | 7 |
2. | apache | 4 |
3. | eddiehubcommunity | 4 |
4. | epicgames | 3 |
5. | nixos | 3 |
6. | design-and-code | 2 |
7. | mindbuffer | 2 |
8. | azure-samples | 2 |
9. | django | 2 |
10. | nannou-org | 2 |