A list of the most active GitHub users

Most active GitHub users in Austria

This is a list of most active GitHub users in Austria over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here. This list was generated at 2025-03-09 00:26:06 +0000 and machine-readable JSON is available for:

This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):

           .filter(_.location == 'Austria') 

This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 32412 total users in the region and you need at least 47 followers to be on this list.

Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:

[![ badge](](
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![ badge](](
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.

Rank User Contribs Picture
(Gernot Höflechner)
8783 Avatar for LFDM
2. lazka
(Christoph Reiter)
7140 Avatar for lazka
3. ich777
5643 Avatar for ich777
4. sebastiandero
(Sebastian De Ro)
5471 Avatar for sebastiandero
5. ckirsch
(Christoph Kirsch)
5440 Avatar for ckirsch
6. altink7
5143 Avatar for altink7
7. klausi
(Klaus Purer)
4947 Avatar for klausi
8. rsimon
(Rainer Simon)
4907 Avatar for rsimon
9. alanhamlett
(Alan Hamlett)
4864 Avatar for alanhamlett
10. mikepenz
(Mike Penz)
4739 Avatar for mikepenz
11. aleho
(Alexander Hofbauer)
4328 Avatar for aleho
12. phax
(Philip Helger)
4316 Avatar for phax
13. nerolation
(Toni Wahrstätter)
4241 Avatar for nerolation
14. secustor
(Sebastian Poxhofer)
4168 Avatar for secustor
15. mrousavy
(Marc Rousavy)
3792 Avatar for mrousavy
16. myell0w
(Matthias Tretter)
3784 Avatar for myell0w
17. Rabbid76
(Gernot Steinegger)
3738 Avatar for Rabbid76
18. silverwind
3658 Avatar for silverwind
19. winstonallo
(Arthur Bied-Charreton)
3638 Avatar for winstonallo
20. hannibal002
3603 Avatar for hannibal002
21. itislu
3484 Avatar for itislu
22. rstropek
(Rainer Stropek)
3474 Avatar for rstropek
23. mitschabaude
(Gregor Mitscha-Baude)
3463 Avatar for mitschabaude
24. shockbytes
(Martin Macheiner)
3442 Avatar for shockbytes
25. dpfaffenbauer
3355 Avatar for dpfaffenbauer
26. cxkoda
3255 Avatar for cxkoda
27. weichsel
(Thomas Zoechling)
3224 Avatar for weichsel
28. mkurz
(Matthias Kurz)
3181 Avatar for mkurz
29. pbek
(Patrizio Bekerle)
3097 Avatar for pbek
30. wsdt
(Riedl Kevin, Bsc.)
3093 Avatar for wsdt
31. TomTasche
(Thomas Taschauer)
3006 Avatar for TomTasche
32. ViktorHofer
(Viktor Hofer)
2896 Avatar for ViktorHofer
33. zerok
(Horst Gutmann)
2853 Avatar for zerok
34. cinemast
(Peter Spiess-Knafl)
2798 Avatar for cinemast
35. poeschko
(Jan Pöschko)
2794 Avatar for poeschko
36. jycouet
2768 Avatar for jycouet
37. herber
(Tobias Herber)
2767 Avatar for herber
38. nefarius
(Benjamin Höglinger-Stelzer)
2721 Avatar for nefarius
39. Dav1dde
(David Herberth)
2688 Avatar for Dav1dde
40. mfussenegger
(Mathias Fußenegger)
2666 Avatar for mfussenegger
41. steos
(Stefan Oestreicher)
2656 Avatar for steos
42. akoeplinger
(Alexander Köplinger)
2623 Avatar for akoeplinger
43. mydea
(Francesco Gringl-Novy)
2503 Avatar for mydea
44. thet
(Johannes Raggam)
2502 Avatar for thet
45. chassing
(Christian Assing)
2481 Avatar for chassing
46. tinohager
(Tino Hager)
2479 Avatar for tinohager
47. tdeekens
(Tobias Deekens)
2462 Avatar for tdeekens
48. finom
(Andrii Gubanov)
2437 Avatar for finom
49. christiannagel
(Christian Nagel)
2415 Avatar for christiannagel
50. PiMaker
2402 Avatar for PiMaker
51. maff
(Mathias Geat)
2400 Avatar for maff
52. ahocevar
(Andreas Hocevar)
2379 Avatar for ahocevar
53. philipp-spiess
(Philipp Spiess)
2357 Avatar for philipp-spiess
54. konnov
(Igor Konnov)
2350 Avatar for konnov
55. 1fexd
2258 Avatar for 1fexd
56. thomaspeklak
(Thomas Peklak)
2197 Avatar for thomaspeklak
57. enginelesscc
2193 Avatar for enginelesscc
58. taketwo
(Sergey Alexandrov)
2178 Avatar for taketwo
59. antosubash
(Anto Subash)
2178 Avatar for antosubash
60. lforst
(Luca Forstner)
2172 Avatar for lforst
61. flipace
(Patrick Hübl-Neschkudla)
2154 Avatar for flipace
62. alexander-schranz
(Alexander Schranz)
2151 Avatar for alexander-schranz
63. mrothauer
(Mario Rothauer)
2121 Avatar for mrothauer
64. mplatzer
(Michael Platzer)
2105 Avatar for mplatzer
65. ChristophWurst
(Christoph Wurst)
2102 Avatar for ChristophWurst
66. khaeru
(Paul Natsuo Kishimoto)
2093 Avatar for khaeru
67. hannojg
(Hanno J. Gödecke)
2079 Avatar for hannojg
68. Atrox
2065 Avatar for Atrox
69. alexandersandberg
(Alexander Sandberg)
2063 Avatar for alexandersandberg
70. niksumeiko
(Nik Sumeiko)
2059 Avatar for niksumeiko
71. LeaYeh
2039 Avatar for LeaYeh
72. marandaneto
(Manoel Aranda Neto)
2035 Avatar for marandaneto
73. clason
(Christian Clason)
2027 Avatar for clason
74. Skinz3
(Marius Lumbroso)
2025 Avatar for Skinz3
75. michaelbromley
(Michael Bromley)
2020 Avatar for michaelbromley
76. Swatinem
(Arpad Borsos)
2013 Avatar for Swatinem
77. c-ehrlich
(Christopher Ehrlich)
2005 Avatar for c-ehrlich
78. rhcarvalho
(Rodolfo Carvalho)
2003 Avatar for rhcarvalho
79. alexrashed
(Alexander Rashed)
1977 Avatar for alexrashed
80. christophscheuch
(Christoph Scheuch)
1972 Avatar for christophscheuch
81. christophfroehlich
(Christoph Fröhlich)
1964 Avatar for christophfroehlich
82. akirk
(Alex Kirk)
1937 Avatar for akirk
83. firefart
(Christian Mehlmauer)
1917 Avatar for firefart
84. ch1bo
(Sebastian Nagel)
1894 Avatar for ch1bo
85. michael1011
1891 Avatar for michael1011
86. taherfattahi
(Taher Fattahi Tabalvandan)
1882 Avatar for taherfattahi
87. hagen1778
(Roman Khavronenko)
1855 Avatar for hagen1778
88. not-matthias
1836 Avatar for not-matthias
89. obrienser
(Serhii Tal)
1825 Avatar for obrienser
90. jonasgeiler
(Jonas Geiler)
1825 Avatar for jonasgeiler
91. matmair
(Matthias Mair)
1824 Avatar for matmair
92. pujux
(Julian Pufler)
1806 Avatar for pujux
93. krobelus
(Johannes Altmanninger)
1805 Avatar for krobelus
94. ahirner
(Alexander Hirner)
1799 Avatar for ahirner
(Jakob Hofer)
1791 Avatar for SIMULATAN
96. iambriccardo
(Riccardo Busetti)
1789 Avatar for iambriccardo
97. simon04
(Simon Legner)
1773 Avatar for simon04
98. flagbug
(Dennis Daume)
1769 Avatar for flagbug
99. chriskalmar
(Chris Kalmar)
1755 Avatar for chriskalmar
100. dni
(dni ⚡)
1747 Avatar for dni
101. rfc2822
(Ricki Hirner)
1743 Avatar for rfc2822
102. chrysn
1741 Avatar for chrysn
103. dewey
(Philipp Defner)
1735 Avatar for dewey
104. sebastinas
(Sebastian Ramacher)
1723 Avatar for sebastinas
105. twu
1695 Avatar for twu
106. bernhardmgruber
(Bernhard Manfred Gruber)
1682 Avatar for bernhardmgruber
107. TkDodo
(Dominik Dorfmeister)
1648 Avatar for TkDodo
108. julianrubisch
(Julian Rubisch)
1643 Avatar for julianrubisch
109. reitermarkus
(Markus Reiter)
1627 Avatar for reitermarkus
110. elftausend
1618 Avatar for elftausend
111. amannn
(Jan Amann)
1607 Avatar for amannn
112. priscilawebdev
(Priscila Oliveira)
1586 Avatar for priscilawebdev
113. nor0x
(Joachim Leonfellner)
1579 Avatar for nor0x
114. Curve
1577 Avatar for Curve
115. gi0baro
(Giovanni Barillari)
1570 Avatar for gi0baro
116. vertesy
(Abel Vertesy)
1556 Avatar for vertesy
117. timolins
(Timo Lins)
1542 Avatar for timolins
118. DerYeger
(Jan Müller)
1527 Avatar for DerYeger
119. danthe1st
1510 Avatar for danthe1st
120. philipphofmann
(Philipp Hofmann)
1509 Avatar for philipphofmann
121. johann-petrak
(Johann Petrak)
1487 Avatar for johann-petrak
122. zeha
(Chris Hofstaedtler)
1487 Avatar for zeha
123. adtzlr
(Andreas Dutzler)
1485 Avatar for adtzlr
124. jensens
(Jens W. Klein)
1483 Avatar for jensens
125. dhth
(Dhruv Thakur)
1460 Avatar for dhth
126. dsumer
(Dominik Sumer)
1451 Avatar for dsumer
127. Luna-devv
1421 Avatar for Luna-devv
128. pichlermarc
(Marc Pichler)
1407 Avatar for pichlermarc
129. MayaRainer
1397 Avatar for MayaRainer
130. pmig
(Philip Miglinci)
1380 Avatar for pmig
131. krystofwoldrich
(Krystof Woldrich)
1374 Avatar for krystofwoldrich
132. kevinpapst
(Kevin Papst)
1364 Avatar for kevinpapst
133. NullDev
(NullDev // Chris)
1348 Avatar for NullDev
134. AydinHassan
(Aydin Hassan)
1326 Avatar for AydinHassan
135. chrispader
(Christoph Pader)
1315 Avatar for chrispader
136. mherrmann
(Michael Herrmann)
1309 Avatar for mherrmann
137. jdjuan
(Juan Herrera)
1302 Avatar for jdjuan
138. xsoheilalizadeh
(Soheil Alizadeh)
1301 Avatar for xsoheilalizadeh
139. antonpirker
(Anton Pirker)
1299 Avatar for antonpirker
140. korenmiklos
(Miklós Koren)
1290 Avatar for korenmiklos
141. ream88
(Mario Uher)
1289 Avatar for ream88
142. BioPhoton
(Michael Hladky)
1278 Avatar for BioPhoton
143. oliver-zehentleitner
(Oliver Zehentleitner)
1270 Avatar for oliver-zehentleitner
144. Quillraven
1252 Avatar for Quillraven
145. mariachris
(Maria Christakis)
1241 Avatar for mariachris
146. jaquesgrobler
(Jaques Grobler)
1233 Avatar for jaquesgrobler
147. busypeoples
1218 Avatar for busypeoples
148. pangratz
(Clemens M�ller)
1204 Avatar for pangratz
149. ansibleguy
1199 Avatar for ansibleguy
150. andreashappe
(Andreas Happe)
1199 Avatar for andreashappe
151. wiederm
(Marcus Wieder)
1199 Avatar for wiederm
152. stefnotch
1197 Avatar for stefnotch
153. keshrath
(Mathias Markl)
1193 Avatar for keshrath
154. mahdikhashan
(Mahdi Khashan)
1190 Avatar for mahdikhashan
155. suereact
1188 Avatar for suereact
156. apetersson
(Andreas Petersson)
1186 Avatar for apetersson
157. peerdavid
(Peer David)
1184 Avatar for peerdavid
158. NimmLor
(Lorenz Nimmervoll)
1182 Avatar for NimmLor
159. JOJ0
(J0J0 Todos)
1176 Avatar for JOJ0
160. chrcit
(Christian Cito)
1161 Avatar for chrcit
161. mme
(Markus Ecker)
1160 Avatar for mme
162. marceldobehere
1151 Avatar for marceldobehere
163. Eprince-hub
(Victor Ejike Nwosu)
1139 Avatar for Eprince-hub
164. ahmedetefy
(Ahmed Etefy)
1134 Avatar for ahmedetefy
165. themanoftalent
(Mehmet Akif Cifci)
1133 Avatar for themanoftalent
166. mitsuhiko
(Armin Ronacher)
1132 Avatar for mitsuhiko
167. laurensk
(Laurens Kropf)
1123 Avatar for laurensk
168. andreasgerstmayr
(Andreas Gerstmayr)
1117 Avatar for andreasgerstmayr
169. moritzschaefer
1109 Avatar for moritzschaefer
170. DaniruKun
1104 Avatar for DaniruKun
171. michael
(Michael Aufreiter)
1103 Avatar for michael
172. gcarq
(Michael Egger)
1102 Avatar for gcarq
173. sudara
1096 Avatar for sudara
174. phiilu
(Florian Kapfenberger)
1086 Avatar for phiilu
175. cknitt
(Christoph Knittel)
1086 Avatar for cknitt
176. haraldschilly
(Harald Schilly)
1085 Avatar for haraldschilly
177. AleshaOleg
(Oleh Aloshkin)
1082 Avatar for AleshaOleg
178. florianbeer
(Florian Beer)
1078 Avatar for florianbeer
179. danielhuppmann
(Daniel Huppmann)
1070 Avatar for danielhuppmann
180. beikov
(Christian Beikov)
1069 Avatar for beikov
181. hola-soy-milk
(Carmen Huidobro)
1064 Avatar for hola-soy-milk
182. Empiree
(Oleg Dubovoi)
1060 Avatar for Empiree
183. peter-gy
(Péter Gyarmati)
1052 Avatar for peter-gy
184. zbynek
(Zbynek Konecny)
1051 Avatar for zbynek
185. gebes
(Christoph Krassnigg)
1040 Avatar for gebes
186. ceee
1037 Avatar for ceee
187. wkulhanek
(Wolfgang Kulhanek)
1036 Avatar for wkulhanek
188. AdmiralCurtiss
(Admiral H. Curtiss)
1034 Avatar for AdmiralCurtiss
189. D3SOX
1033 Avatar for D3SOX
190. ArcAnya
1023 Avatar for ArcAnya
191. desandro
(David DeSandro)
1022 Avatar for desandro
192. aentinger
(Alexander Entinger)
1008 Avatar for aentinger
193. hlavacs
(Helmut Hlavacs)
1003 Avatar for hlavacs
194. qu0b
1003 Avatar for qu0b
195. georgringer
(Georg Ringer)
1001 Avatar for georgringer
196. KrauseFx
(Felix Krause)
998 Avatar for KrauseFx
197. mikex86
989 Avatar for mikex86
198. natterstefan
(Stefan Natter)
986 Avatar for natterstefan
199. Tomato6966
(Chrissy8283 (aka Tomato6966))
985 Avatar for Tomato6966
200. cleptric
(Michi Hoffmann)
985 Avatar for cleptric
201. ennioVisco
(Ennio Visconti)
981 Avatar for ennioVisco
202. mneise
(Maria Geller)
980 Avatar for mneise
203. ausi
(Martin Auswöger)
979 Avatar for ausi
204. kovzol
(Zoltán Kovács)
972 Avatar for kovzol
205. dsseng
(Dmitry Sharshakov)
971 Avatar for dsseng
206. DavidXanatos
966 Avatar for DavidXanatos
207. fashxp
(Christian Fasching)
965 Avatar for fashxp
208. namjul
(Samuel Hobl)
964 Avatar for namjul
209. petronetto
(Juliano Petronetto)
964 Avatar for petronetto
210. mika
(Michael Prokop)
958 Avatar for mika
211. metachris
(Chris Hager)
947 Avatar for metachris
212. rfuzzo
(Moritz Baron)
941 Avatar for rfuzzo
213. ThomasLamprecht
(Thomas Lamprecht)
930 Avatar for ThomasLamprecht
214. planger
(Philip Langer)
922 Avatar for planger
215. bettysteger
(Betty Steger)
919 Avatar for bettysteger
216. jochumdev
(René Jochum)
916 Avatar for jochumdev
217. ProchaLu
(Lukas Prochazka)
906 Avatar for ProchaLu
218. mschubert
(Michael Schubert)
889 Avatar for mschubert
219. poechlauerbe
(Benjamin Pöchlauer)
878 Avatar for poechlauerbe
220. lisilinhart
(Lisi Linhart)
875 Avatar for lisilinhart
221. nekowinston
873 Avatar for nekowinston
222. adlk
(Stefan Malzner)
873 Avatar for adlk
223. d-ivashchuk
(Dima Ivashchuk)
872 Avatar for d-ivashchuk
224. hannestschofenig
(Hannes Tschofenig)
871 Avatar for hannestschofenig
225. LuckyIntegral
(Vitalik Frants)
870 Avatar for LuckyIntegral
226. enyo
(Mat Simon)
869 Avatar for enyo
227. weigert
(Nick McDonald)
863 Avatar for weigert
228. thomasfr
(Thomas Fritz)
847 Avatar for thomasfr
229. wachterjohannes
(Johannes Wachter)
839 Avatar for wachterjohannes
230. mlocher
(Marko Locher)
838 Avatar for mlocher
231. loreabad6
(Lorena Abad Crespo)
836 Avatar for loreabad6
232. lukfor
(Lukas Forer)
834 Avatar for lukfor
233. TannerGabriel
832 Avatar for TannerGabriel
234. motz0815
828 Avatar for motz0815
235. andriisoldatenko
(Andrii Soldatenko)
828 Avatar for andriisoldatenko
236. alizeyn
(Ali Zeynali)
827 Avatar for alizeyn
237. jan-auer
(Jan Michael Auer)
825 Avatar for jan-auer
238. sharnik
(Wojciech Ogrodowczyk)
823 Avatar for sharnik
239. victorpantoja
(Victor Pantoja)
822 Avatar for victorpantoja
240. iw4p
(Nima Akbarzadeh)
818 Avatar for iw4p
241. julianocosta89
(Juliano Costa)
812 Avatar for julianocosta89
242. mandrasch
(Matthias Andrasch)
811 Avatar for mandrasch
243. gzsombor
809 Avatar for gzsombor
244. nickcernis
(Nick Cernis)
807 Avatar for nickcernis
245. nenadmarinkovic
(Nenad Marinković)
800 Avatar for nenadmarinkovic
246. dwinkler1
799 Avatar for dwinkler1
247. gentilfp
(Felipe Gentil)
789 Avatar for gentilfp
248. michaeltroger
(Michael Troger)
789 Avatar for michaeltroger
249. cbrnr
(Clemens Brunner)
789 Avatar for cbrnr
250. manuelbernhardt
(Manuel Bernhardt)
779 Avatar for manuelbernhardt
251. mkg20001
(Maciej Krüger)
778 Avatar for mkg20001
252. cbx
775 Avatar for cbx
253. clemenshelm
(Clemens Helm)
768 Avatar for clemenshelm
254. k9ordon
(Klemens Gordon)
764 Avatar for k9ordon
255. untitaker
(Markus Unterwaditzer)
755 Avatar for untitaker
256. mozman
(Manfred Moitzi)
750 Avatar for mozman


Rank Organization Members
1. getsentry 14
2. open-telemetry 5
3. iiasa 4
4. margelo 3
5. upleveled 3
6. epicgames 3
7. tc39 2
8. fastprj 2
9. titanpad 2
10. nixos 2