A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Belgium over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2024-11-19 02:33:40 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Belgium')
This list contains all public contributions for each user. There are 31676 total users in the region and you need at least 40 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/belgium_public/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/belgium_public/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/belgium_public/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/belgium_public/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | gjbex (Geert Jan Bex) |
20354 | |
2. | matttbe (Matthieu Baerts) |
8628 | |
3. | EloiStree (Éloi Strée) |
7109 | |
4. | joostdecock (Joost De Cock) |
6627 | |
5. | drupol (Pol Dellaiera) |
6554 | |
6. | xvrh (Xavier H.) |
6530 | |
7. | rmdes (Ricardo) |
5876 | |
8. | dannywillems (Danny Willems) |
4603 | |
9. | nielsdos (Niels Dossche) |
4477 | |
10. | boegel (Kenneth Hoste) |
4220 | |
11. | rubensworks (Ruben Taelman) |
4121 | |
12. | cmoulliard (Charles Moulliard) |
3613 | |
13. | aeonSolutions (Miguel Tomas Silva) |
3239 | |
14. | mvdbeek (Marius van den Beek) |
3126 | |
15. | chvp (Charlotte Van Petegem) |
3120 | |
16. | folke (Folke Lemaitre) |
3004 | |
17. | ml-evs (Matthew Evans) |
2755 | |
18. | brendt (Brent Roose) |
2709 | |
19. | rcannood (Robrecht Cannoodt) |
2683 | |
20. | mauritsvanrees (Maurits van Rees) |
2424 | |
21. | snicoll (Stéphane Nicoll) |
2383 | |
22. | peterdesmet (Peter Desmet) |
2253 | |
23. | freekmurze (Freek Van der Herten) |
2250 | |
24. | noteed (Võ Minh Thu) |
2217 | |
25. | driesvints (Dries Vints) |
2214 | |
26. | mariusandra (Marius Andra) |
2174 | |
27. | maleadt (Tim Besard) |
2157 | |
28. | JoviDeCroock (Jovi De Croock) |
2140 | |
29. | wouterds (Wouter De Schuyter) |
2110 | |
30. | Janpot (Jan Potoms) |
2036 | |
31. | hansott (Hans Ott) |
1947 | |
32. | brentguf (Brent Guffens) |
1908 | |
33. | josd (Jos De Roo) |
1732 | |
34. | estruyf (Elio Struyf) |
1634 | |
35. | erikdubois (Erik Dubois) |
1621 | |
36. | sleepy-monax (Sleepy Monax) |
1615 | |
37. | PJB3005 (Pieter-Jan Briers) |
1612 | |
38. | mauromorales (Mauro Morales) |
1608 | |
39. | MattiasBuelens (Mattias Buelens) |
1601 | |
40. | ringods (Ringo De Smet) |
1550 | |
41. | soxofaan (Stefaan Lippens) |
1512 | |
42. | jeertmans (Jérome Eertmans) |
1508 | |
43. | sbidoul (Stéphane Bidoul) |
1506 | |
44. | obiwac (Aymeric Wibo) |
1486 | |
45. | RobinMalfait (Robin Malfait) |
1475 | |
46. | olblak (Olivier Vernin) |
1425 | |
47. | JanDeDobbeleer (Jan De Dobbeleer) |
1386 | |
48. | brechtsanders (Brecht Sanders) |
1378 | |
49. | cedk (Cédric Krier) |
1373 | |
50. | dsebastien (Sebastien Dubois) |
1348 | |
51. | dcoraboeuf (Damien Coraboeuf) |
1327 | |
52. | Bond-009 () |
1317 | |
53. | zbeyens (Ziad Beyens) |
1308 | |
54. | roderik (Roderik van der Veer) |
1307 | |
55. | Maximvdw (Maxim Van de Wynckel) |
1270 | |
56. | belgattitude (Sébastien Vanvelthem) |
1261 | |
57. | moodymudskipper (Antoine Fabri) |
1238 | |
58. | blegat (Benoît Legat) |
1225 | |
59. | 9elmaz9 (Dzhelianchyk) |
1192 | |
60. | nyamsprod (ignace nyamagana butera) |
1190 | |
61. | phochste (Patrick Hochstenbach) |
1162 | |
62. | themr0c (Fabrice Flore-Thébault) |
1161 | |
63. | Alexander-Barth (Alexander Barth) |
1140 | |
64. | MaxOhn (Badewanne3) |
1134 | |
65. | aiXander (Xander Steenbrugge) |
1120 | |
66. | samdauwe (Sam Dauwe) |
1112 | |
67. | tovrstra (Toon Verstraelen) |
1106 | |
68. | carmenbianca (Carmen Bianca BAKKER) |
1089 | |
69. | bddvlpr (Luna Simons) |
1066 | |
70. | NicoJuicy (Nico Sap) |
1052 | |
71. | moshix (moshix) |
1046 | |
72. | GlenDC (Glen De Cauwsemaecker) |
1041 | |
73. | bmesuere (Bart Mesuere) |
1039 | |
74. | janhenckens (Jan Henckens) |
1026 | |
75. | rousseldenis (Denis Roussel (ACSONE)) |
996 | |
76. | vanlooverenkoen (Koen Van Looveren) |
995 | |
77. | deepcloudlabs (Binnur KURT) |
984 | |
78. | svenvc (Sven Van Caekenberghe) |
981 | |
79. | pieterprovoost (Pieter Provoost) |
973 | |
80. | mikhawa (Michael J. Pitz) |
969 | |
81. | NielsRogge () |
968 | |
82. | Nielsvanpach (Niels Vanpachtenbeke) |
946 | |
83. | Thanatermesis (Thanatermesis) |
945 | |
84. | mempirate (Jonas Bostoen) |
940 | |
85. | lgatto (Laurent Gatto) |
936 | |
86. | lekoala (Thomas Portelange) |
927 | |
87. | cedricve (Cédric Verstraeten) |
927 | |
88. | ElianCodes (Elian) |
926 | |
89. | stephanj (Stephan Janssen) |
921 | |
90. | markakash (markakash) |
916 | |
91. | Duologic (Jeroen Op 't Eynde) |
900 | |
92. | duggytuxy (Duggy Tuxy) |
884 | |
93. | francisdb (Francis De Brabandere) |
876 | |
94. | plexus (Arne Brasseur) |
870 | |
95. | jansenbe (Bert Jansen) |
865 | |
96. | khufkens (Koen Hufkens) |
861 | |
97. | pbelmans (Pieter Belmans) |
832 | |
98. | tmds (Tom Deseyn) |
829 | |
99. | Frenzie (Frans de Jonge) |
800 | |
100. | pjaspers (Piet Jaspers) |
799 | |
101. | timdeschryver (Tim Deschryver) |
787 | |
102. | benmerckx (Ben) |
775 | |
103. | veewee (Toon Verwerft) |
765 | |
104. | hoh (Hugo Herter) |
760 | |
105. | dvoituron (Denis Voituron) |
757 | |
106. | tsmethurst (tobi) |
749 | |
107. | sleeyax (Sleeyax) |
748 | |
108. | Athou (Jérémie Panzer) |
748 | |
109. | r-vdp (Ramses) |
746 | |
110. | daqhris (Chris-Armel) |
744 | |
111. | espinielli (Enrico Spinielli) |
737 | |
112. | mvancanneyt (Michaël Van Canneyt) |
735 | |
113. | yorikvanhavre (Yorik van Havre) |
730 | |
114. | eMerzh (eMerzh) |
707 | |
115. | matthieuGravy (Matthieu Gravy) |
704 | |
116. | xdamman (Xavier Damman) |
700 | |
117. | pietercolpaert (Pieter Colpaert) |
700 | |
118. | Seddryck (Cédric L. Charlier) |
693 | |
119. | mlainez (Marc Lainez) |
691 | |
120. | ThierryO (Thierry Onkelinx) |
691 | |
121. | rubenvanassche (Ruben Van Assche) |
689 | |
122. | rien (Rien) |
687 | |
123. | bnjjj (Coenen Benjamin) |
686 | |
124. | skyfloogle (Floogle) |
684 | |
125. | amedee (Amedee Van Gasse) |
673 | |
126. | tomkerkhove (Tom Kerkhove) |
668 | |
127. | djbe (David Jennes) |
667 | |
128. | IgnaceMaes (Ignace Maes) |
663 | |
129. | matvp91 (Matthias) |
662 | |
130. | grubolsch (Koen Eelen) |
649 | |
131. | kikipoulet (Clément Sepulchre) |
648 | |
132. | cvandeplas (Christophe Vandeplas) |
643 | |
133. | LumpBloom7 (Derrick Timmermans) |
643 | |
134. | Strooom (Pascal Roobrouck) |
641 | |
135. | unixfox (Émilien (perso)) |
637 | |
136. | neuroprod (Kris Temmerman) |
636 | |
137. | lynn (Lynn) |
622 | |
138. | FDelporte (Frank Delporte) |
621 | |
139. | kkostov (Konstantin) |
611 | |
140. | christophevg (Christophe VG) |
604 | |
141. | psi29a (Bret Curtis) |
604 | |
142. | delboy1978uk (Derek Stephen McLean) |
581 | |
143. | svlandeg (Sofie Van Landeghem) |
574 | |
144. | frederikprijck (Frederik Prijck) |
574 | |
145. | muhamadazmy (Muhamad Awad) |
572 | |
146. | madnificent (Aad Versteden) |
563 | |
147. | jbelien (Jonathan Beliën) |
560 | |
148. | qkaiser (Quentin Kaiser) |
552 | |
149. | bartbutenaers () |
550 | |
150. | quintenvandamme (Quinten Van Damme) |
546 | |
151. | gillesdemey (Gilles De Mey) |
546 | |
152. | chrisroadmap (Chris Smith) |
545 | |
153. | fdb (Frederik De Bleser) |
544 | |
154. | bramvdbogaerde (Bram Vandenbogaerde) |
539 | |
155. | MichaelDeBoey (Michaël De Boey) |
536 | |
156. | sjorge (Jorge Schrauwen) |
533 | |
157. | plmercereau (Pilou) |
531 | |
158. | geertu (Geert Uytterhoeven) |
523 | |
159. | jmMeessen (Jean-Marc MEESSEN) |
522 | |
160. | phmatray (Philippe Matray) |
518 | |
161. | wimdeblauwe (Wim Deblauwe) |
510 | |
162. | hazcod (Niels Hofmans) |
509 | |
163. | TimBroddin (Tim Broddin) |
508 | |
164. | btj (Bart Jacobs) |
508 | |
165. | SamBstorm (Samuel Legrain) |
500 | |
166. | pforret (Peter Forret) |
489 | |
167. | psikoi (Ruben Amendoeira) |
485 | |
168. | jwijffels () |
481 | |
169. | radu-matei (Radu Matei) |
476 | |
170. | maartenba (Maarten Balliauw) |
476 | |
171. | pouriyajamshidi (Pouriya Jamshidi) |
475 | |
172. | qmfrederik (Frederik Carlier) |
474 | |
173. | icidasset (Steven Vandevelde) |
473 | |
174. | pheyvaer (Pieter Heyvaert) |
472 | |
175. | tijsverkoyen (Tijs Verkoyen) |
464 | |
176. | LEDfan (Tobia De Koninck) |
462 | |
177. | Sitebase (Wim Mostmans) |
459 | |
178. | lathoub (Bart De Lathouwer) |
457 | |
179. | AntoineSoetewey (Antoine Soetewey) |
457 | |
180. | ljacomet (Louis Jacomet) |
454 | |
181. | nomisRev (Simon Vergauwen) |
452 | |
182. | NotAPenguin0 (NotAPenguin) |
450 | |
183. | riasvdv (Rias) |
449 | |
184. | Julien00859 (Julien Castiaux) |
446 | |
185. | bgotink (Bram Gotink) |
446 | |
186. | Eideren (Eideren) |
439 | |
187. | joachimvh (Joachim Van Herwegen) |
438 | |
188. | coekie (Wouter Coekaerts) |
438 | |
189. | maxux (Maxime Daniel) |
435 | |
190. | norswap (norswap) |
433 | |
191. | jlaine (Jeremy Lainé) |
432 | |
192. | GaloisField2718 (Galois Field) |
428 | |
193. | brechtvdv (Brecht Van de Vyvere) |
425 | |
194. | stijnmoreels (Stijn Moreels) |
423 | |
195. | iSach (Sacha Lewin) |
422 | |
196. | kdubois (Kevin Dubois) |
420 | |
197. | romatthe (Robin Mattheussen) |
418 | |
198. | jacmet (Peter Korsgaard) |
417 | |
199. | AmauryD (Amaury) |
415 | |
200. | KommuSoft (willeM_ Van Onsem) |
414 | |
201. | probberechts (Pieter Robberechts) |
413 | |
202. | francois-rozet (François Rozet) |
412 | |
203. | sebastiandedeyne (Sebastian De Deyne) |
411 | |
204. | Woomymy (Woomy) |
404 | |
205. | CodeDead (CodeDead) |
400 | |
206. | nicoe (Nicolas Évrard) |
398 | |
207. | Martichou (Martin André) |
397 | |
208. | rdehuyss (Ronald Dehuysser) |
397 | |
209. | bryanhonof (Bryan Honof) |
395 | |
210. | julianrojas87 (Julian Rojas) |
395 | |
211. | sammou00 (Sam Moustafa) |
394 | |
212. | BramVanroy (Bram Vanroy) |
391 | |
213. | WDaan (Daan Wijns) |
388 | |
214. | nudded (Toon Willems) |
386 | |
215. | timvw (Tim Van Wassenhove) |
384 | |
216. | stephantul (Stephan Tulkens) |
381 | |
217. | gogoprog (Gauthier Billot) |
380 | |
218. | driaug (Dries Augustyns) |
376 | |
219. | rubdos (Ruben De Smet) |
375 | |
220. | wdecoster (Wouter De Coster) |
373 | |
221. | XDoubleU (Xander Warszawski) |
372 | |
222. | gdebrauwer (Günther Debrauwer) |
369 | |
223. | dereckson (Sébastien Santoro) |
367 | |
224. | ZeromusXYZ () |
367 | |
225. | Djohnnie (Johnny Hooyberghs) |
363 | |
226. | bramus (Bramus) |
362 | |
227. | acrobat (Jeroen Thora) |
361 | |
228. | cristianvasquez (Cristian Vasquez) |
360 | |
229. | JeroenMols (Jeroen Mols) |
358 | |
230. | ti-mo (Timo Beckers) |
355 | |
231. | AlexandreRouma (AlexandreRouma) |
354 | |
232. | octonato (Renato Cavalcanti) |
352 | |
233. | merlijn-sebrechts (Merlijn Sebrechts) |
349 | |
234. | digimezzo (Digimezzo) |
349 | |
235. | mietcls (Miet) |
349 | |
236. | j0r1 (Jori Liesenborgs) |
344 | |
237. | stiiifff (Steve Degosserie) |
343 | |
238. | DylanVanAssche (Dylan Van Assche) |
343 | |
239. | anthdm (Anthony De Meulemeester) |
339 | |
240. | ephys (Alyx) |
335 | |
241. | amine0110 (Mohammed El Amine Mokhtari) |
328 | |
242. | EliotVU (Eliot) |
326 | |
243. | sdebacker (Samuel De Backer) |
323 | |
244. | MarieLynneBlock (Marie-Lynne Block) |
320 | |
245. | meduzen (Mehdi) |
320 | |
246. | ged-odoo (Géry Debongnie) |
319 | |
247. | pieterclaerhout (Pieter Claerhout) |
318 | |
248. | lailabougria (Laila Bougria) |
311 | |
249. | cbeyls (Christophe Beyls) |
311 | |
250. | qlurkin (Quentin Lurkin) |
309 | |
251. | madewulf (Martin De Wulf) |
308 | |
252. | ademarco (Antonio De Marco) |
307 | |
253. | Chris00 (Christophe Troestler) |
304 | |
254. | fvanroie () |
299 | |
255. | fvdhoef (Frank van den Hoef) |
298 | |
256. | texus (Bruno Van de Velde) |
291 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | spatie | 6 |
2. | dodona-edu | 4 |
3. | odoo | 4 |
4. | microsoft | 3 |
5. | zeuswpi | 3 |
6. | linkeddatafragments | 3 |
7. | nixos | 3 |
8. | osoc15 | 3 |
9. | testing-library | 3 |
10. | comunica | 3 |