A list of the most active GitHub users

Most active GitHub users in Belgium

This is a list of most active GitHub users in Belgium over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here. This list was generated at 2024-12-19 02:35:04 +0000 and machine-readable JSON is available for:

This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):

           .filter(_.location == 'Belgium') 

This list contains all public contributions for each user. There are 31847 total users in the region and you need at least 37 followers to be on this list.

Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:

[![ badge](](
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![ badge](](
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.

Rank User Contribs Picture
1. gjbex
(Geert Jan Bex)
18632 Avatar for gjbex
2. matttbe
(Matthieu Baerts)
8872 Avatar for matttbe
3. EloiStree
(Éloi Strée)
6781 Avatar for EloiStree
4. drupol
(Pol Dellaiera)
6563 Avatar for drupol
5. joostdecock
(Joost De Cock)
6413 Avatar for joostdecock
6. xvrh
(Xavier H.)
5878 Avatar for xvrh
7. nielsdos
(Niels Dossche)
4668 Avatar for nielsdos
8. dannywillems
(Danny Willems)
4606 Avatar for dannywillems
9. rubensworks
(Ruben Taelman)
4519 Avatar for rubensworks
10. boegel
(Kenneth Hoste)
4016 Avatar for boegel
11. folke
(Folke Lemaitre)
3728 Avatar for folke
12. cmoulliard
(Charles Moulliard)
3375 Avatar for cmoulliard
13. mvdbeek
(Marius van den Beek)
3149 Avatar for mvdbeek
14. aeonSolutions
(Miguel Tomas Silva)
2995 Avatar for aeonSolutions
15. chvp
(Charlotte Van Petegem)
2994 Avatar for chvp
16. brendt
(Brent Roose)
2861 Avatar for brendt
17. rcannood
(Robrecht Cannoodt)
2706 Avatar for rcannood
18. ml-evs
(Matthew Evans)
2690 Avatar for ml-evs
19. mauritsvanrees
(Maurits van Rees)
2475 Avatar for mauritsvanrees
20. snicoll
(Stéphane Nicoll)
2451 Avatar for snicoll
21. peterdesmet
(Peter Desmet)
2373 Avatar for peterdesmet
22. noteed
(Võ Minh Thu)
2271 Avatar for noteed
23. freekmurze
(Freek Van der Herten)
2270 Avatar for freekmurze
24. maleadt
(Tim Besard)
2235 Avatar for maleadt
25. hansott
(Hans Ott)
2223 Avatar for hansott
26. mariusandra
(Marius Andra)
2155 Avatar for mariusandra
27. wouterds
(Wouter De Schuyter)
2107 Avatar for wouterds
28. brentguf
(Brent Guffens)
2102 Avatar for brentguf
29. driesvints
(Dries Vints)
2023 Avatar for driesvints
30. JoviDeCroock
(Jovi De Croock)
1930 Avatar for JoviDeCroock
31. Janpot
(Jan Potoms)
1927 Avatar for Janpot
32. ntrogh
(Nick Trogh)
1902 Avatar for ntrogh
33. josd
(Jos De Roo)
1847 Avatar for josd
34. MattiasBuelens
(Mattias Buelens)
1679 Avatar for MattiasBuelens
35. estruyf
(Elio Struyf)
1678 Avatar for estruyf
36. PJB3005
(Pieter-Jan Briers)
1644 Avatar for PJB3005
37. sleepy-monax
(Sleepy Monax)
1635 Avatar for sleepy-monax
38. erikdubois
(Erik Dubois)
1624 Avatar for erikdubois
39. stephanj
(Stephan Janssen)
1618 Avatar for stephanj
40. ringods
(Ringo De Smet)
1593 Avatar for ringods
41. theomonnom
(Théo Monnom)
1535 Avatar for theomonnom
42. RobinMalfait
(Robin Malfait)
1530 Avatar for RobinMalfait
43. soxofaan
(Stefaan Lippens)
1521 Avatar for soxofaan
44. greged93
1496 Avatar for greged93
45. mauromorales
(Mauro Morales)
1493 Avatar for mauromorales
46. obiwac
(Aymeric Wibo)
1486 Avatar for obiwac
47. jeertmans
(Jérome Eertmans)
1479 Avatar for jeertmans
48. sbidoul
(Stéphane Bidoul)
1467 Avatar for sbidoul
49. themr0c
(Fabrice Flore-Thébault)
1461 Avatar for themr0c
50. roderik
(Roderik van der Veer)
1446 Avatar for roderik
51. cedk
(Cédric Krier)
1427 Avatar for cedk
52. JanDeDobbeleer
(Jan De Dobbeleer)
1425 Avatar for JanDeDobbeleer
53. Bond-009
1420 Avatar for Bond-009
54. olblak
(Olivier Vernin)
1404 Avatar for olblak
55. zbeyens
(Ziad Beyens)
1404 Avatar for zbeyens
56. brechtsanders
(Brecht Sanders)
1389 Avatar for brechtsanders
57. dsebastien
(Sebastien Dubois)
1370 Avatar for dsebastien
58. belgattitude
(Sébastien Vanvelthem)
1303 Avatar for belgattitude
59. nyamsprod
(ignace nyamagana butera)
1222 Avatar for nyamsprod
60. Alexander-Barth
(Alexander Barth)
1217 Avatar for Alexander-Barth
61. MaxOhn
1207 Avatar for MaxOhn
62. aiXander
(Xander Steenbrugge)
1204 Avatar for aiXander
63. blegat
(Benoît Legat)
1189 Avatar for blegat
64. Sitebase
(Wim Mostmans)
1173 Avatar for Sitebase
65. dcoraboeuf
(Damien Coraboeuf)
1168 Avatar for dcoraboeuf
66. Maximvdw
(Maxim Van de Wynckel)
1156 Avatar for Maximvdw
67. 9elmaz9
1154 Avatar for 9elmaz9
68. phochste
(Patrick Hochstenbach)
1141 Avatar for phochste
69. bmesuere
(Bart Mesuere)
1136 Avatar for bmesuere
70. moodymudskipper
(Antoine Fabri)
1117 Avatar for moodymudskipper
71. samdauwe
(Sam Dauwe)
1116 Avatar for samdauwe
72. despiegk
(kristof de spiegeleer)
1097 Avatar for despiegk
73. rousseldenis
(Denis Roussel (ACSONE))
1081 Avatar for rousseldenis
74. tovrstra
(Toon Verstraelen)
1081 Avatar for tovrstra
75. mempirate
(Jonas Bostoen)
1066 Avatar for mempirate
76. bddvlpr
(Luna Simons)
1054 Avatar for bddvlpr
77. burtenshaw
1052 Avatar for burtenshaw
78. Thanatermesis
1043 Avatar for Thanatermesis
79. carmenbianca
(Carmen Bianca BAKKER)
1038 Avatar for carmenbianca
80. sjorge
(Jorge Schrauwen)
1036 Avatar for sjorge
81. NicoJuicy
(Nico Sap)
1031 Avatar for NicoJuicy
82. GlenDC
(Glen De Cauwsemaecker)
1030 Avatar for GlenDC
83. pbelmans
(Pieter Belmans)
1021 Avatar for pbelmans
84. NielsRogge
1011 Avatar for NielsRogge
85. Duologic
(Jeroen Op 't Eynde)
1003 Avatar for Duologic
86. svenvc
(Sven Van Caekenberghe)
992 Avatar for svenvc
87. janhenckens
(Jan Henckens)
991 Avatar for janhenckens
88. cedricve
(Cédric Verstraeten)
970 Avatar for cedricve
89. duggytuxy
(Duggy Tuxy)
956 Avatar for duggytuxy
90. deepcloudlabs
(Binnur KURT)
948 Avatar for deepcloudlabs
91. francisdb
(Francis De Brabandere)
947 Avatar for francisdb
92. lgatto
(Laurent Gatto)
946 Avatar for lgatto
93. Nielsvanpach
(Niels Vanpachtenbeke)
941 Avatar for Nielsvanpach
94. markakash
927 Avatar for markakash
95. pieterprovoost
(Pieter Provoost)
906 Avatar for pieterprovoost
96. lekoala
(Thomas Portelange)
902 Avatar for lekoala
97. vanlooverenkoen
(Koen Van Looveren)
871 Avatar for vanlooverenkoen
98. mikhawa
(Michael J. Pitz)
870 Avatar for mikhawa
99. Frenzie
(Frans de Jonge)
860 Avatar for Frenzie
100. tmds
(Tom Deseyn)
857 Avatar for tmds
101. khufkens
(Koen Hufkens)
830 Avatar for khufkens
102. janboddez
(Jan Boddez)
824 Avatar for janboddez
103. plexus
(Arne Brasseur)
813 Avatar for plexus
104. timdeschryver
(Tim Deschryver)
811 Avatar for timdeschryver
105. jansenbe
(Bert Jansen)
810 Avatar for jansenbe
106. ElianCodes
810 Avatar for ElianCodes
107. benmerckx
778 Avatar for benmerckx
108. Athou
(Jérémie Panzer)
771 Avatar for Athou
109. daqhris
767 Avatar for daqhris
110. dvoituron
(Denis Voituron)
761 Avatar for dvoituron
111. yorikvanhavre
(Yorik van Havre)
758 Avatar for yorikvanhavre
112. espinielli
(Enrico Spinielli)
753 Avatar for espinielli
113. pietercolpaert
(Pieter Colpaert)
748 Avatar for pietercolpaert
114. r-vdp
744 Avatar for r-vdp
115. FDelporte
(Frank Delporte)
730 Avatar for FDelporte
116. sleeyax
723 Avatar for sleeyax
117. mvancanneyt
(Michaël Van Canneyt)
721 Avatar for mvancanneyt
118. veewee
(Toon Verwerft)
715 Avatar for veewee
119. tsmethurst
712 Avatar for tsmethurst
120. mlainez
(Marc Lainez)
710 Avatar for mlainez
121. matvp91
706 Avatar for matvp91
122. eMerzh
700 Avatar for eMerzh
123. hoh
(Hugo Herter)
698 Avatar for hoh
124. Seddryck
(Cédric L. Charlier)
697 Avatar for Seddryck
125. grubolsch
(Koen Eelen)
693 Avatar for grubolsch
126. ElNiak
691 Avatar for ElNiak
127. kikipoulet
(Clément Sepulchre)
688 Avatar for kikipoulet
128. xdamman
(Xavier Damman)
686 Avatar for xdamman
129. djbe
(David Jennes)
684 Avatar for djbe
130. kkostov
680 Avatar for kkostov
131. skyfloogle
679 Avatar for skyfloogle
132. barthanssens
(Bart Hanssens)
673 Avatar for barthanssens
133. pheyvaer
(Pieter Heyvaert)
672 Avatar for pheyvaer
134. rubenvanassche
(Ruben Van Assche)
671 Avatar for rubenvanassche
135. delboy1978uk
(Derek Stephen McLean)
669 Avatar for delboy1978uk
136. unixfox
(Émilien (perso))
663 Avatar for unixfox
137. IgnaceMaes
(Ignace Maes)
655 Avatar for IgnaceMaes
138. rien
646 Avatar for rien
139. cvandeplas
(Christophe Vandeplas)
644 Avatar for cvandeplas
140. bnjjj
(Coenen Benjamin)
644 Avatar for bnjjj
141. tomkerkhove
(Tom Kerkhove)
638 Avatar for tomkerkhove
142. amedee
(Amedee Van Gasse)
634 Avatar for amedee
143. ThierryO
(Thierry Onkelinx)
629 Avatar for ThierryO
144. christophevg
(Christophe VG)
627 Avatar for christophevg
145. neuroprod
(Kris Temmerman)
626 Avatar for neuroprod
146. Strooom
(Pascal Roobrouck)
611 Avatar for Strooom
147. Eideren
610 Avatar for Eideren
148. psi29a
(Bret Curtis)
609 Avatar for psi29a
149. elsmr
(Elias Meire)
605 Avatar for elsmr
150. koenvaneijk
(Koen van Eijk)
593 Avatar for koenvaneijk
151. bartbutenaers
588 Avatar for bartbutenaers
152. thim81
587 Avatar for thim81
153. LumpBloom7
(Derrick Timmermans)
585 Avatar for LumpBloom7
154. AnnaSasDev
(Anna Sas)
581 Avatar for AnnaSasDev
155. btj
(Bart Jacobs)
580 Avatar for btj
156. lathoub
(Bart De Lathouwer)
578 Avatar for lathoub
157. svlandeg
(Sofie Van Landeghem)
577 Avatar for svlandeg
158. MichaelDeBoey
(Michaël De Boey)
577 Avatar for MichaelDeBoey
159. quintenvandamme
(Quinten Van Damme)
576 Avatar for quintenvandamme
160. qkaiser
(Quentin Kaiser)
572 Avatar for qkaiser
161. gillesdemey
(Gilles De Mey)
572 Avatar for gillesdemey
162. jbelien
(Jonathan Beliën)
563 Avatar for jbelien
163. bramvdbogaerde
(Bram Vandenbogaerde)
556 Avatar for bramvdbogaerde
164. bramus
555 Avatar for bramus
165. geertu
(Geert Uytterhoeven)
553 Avatar for geertu
166. jwijffels
547 Avatar for jwijffels
167. codinsonn
(Thorr Stevens)
538 Avatar for codinsonn
168. lynn
531 Avatar for lynn
169. madnificent
(Aad Versteden)
527 Avatar for madnificent
170. chrisroadmap
(Chris Smith)
518 Avatar for chrisroadmap
171. SamBstorm
(Samuel Legrain)
514 Avatar for SamBstorm
172. pforret
(Peter Forret)
513 Avatar for pforret
173. muhamadazmy
(Muhamad Awad)
512 Avatar for muhamadazmy
174. jmMeessen
(Jean-Marc MEESSEN)
509 Avatar for jmMeessen
175. nudded
(Toon Willems)
503 Avatar for nudded
176. fdb
(Frederik De Bleser)
500 Avatar for fdb
177. botre
(Bjorn Krols)
498 Avatar for botre
178. wimdeblauwe
(Wim Deblauwe)
498 Avatar for wimdeblauwe
179. hazcod
(Niels Hofmans)
498 Avatar for hazcod
180. probberechts
(Pieter Robberechts)
495 Avatar for probberechts
181. riasvdv
492 Avatar for riasvdv
182. radu-matei
(Radu Matei)
490 Avatar for radu-matei
183. Prozilla
488 Avatar for Prozilla
184. tijsverkoyen
(Tijs Verkoyen)
482 Avatar for tijsverkoyen
185. qmfrederik
(Frederik Carlier)
480 Avatar for qmfrederik
186. icidasset
(Steven Vandevelde)
480 Avatar for icidasset
187. ljacomet
(Louis Jacomet)
475 Avatar for ljacomet
188. pouriyajamshidi
(Pouriya Jamshidi)
473 Avatar for pouriyajamshidi
189. AndrewRadev
(Andrew Radev)
472 Avatar for AndrewRadev
190. coekie
(Wouter Coekaerts)
470 Avatar for coekie
191. plmercereau
466 Avatar for plmercereau
192. NotAPenguin0
462 Avatar for NotAPenguin0
193. palatej
(Jean Palate)
459 Avatar for palatej
194. cristianvasquez
(Cristian Vasquez)
456 Avatar for cristianvasquez
195. octonato
(Renato Cavalcanti)
456 Avatar for octonato
196. nomisRev
(Simon Vergauwen)
449 Avatar for nomisRev
197. brechtvdv
(Brecht Van de Vyvere)
445 Avatar for brechtvdv
198. jacmet
(Peter Korsgaard)
439 Avatar for jacmet
199. LEDfan
(Tobia De Koninck)
439 Avatar for LEDfan
200. psikoi
(Ruben Amendoeira)
431 Avatar for psikoi
201. stijnmoreels
(Stijn Moreels)
431 Avatar for stijnmoreels
202. phmatray
(Philippe Matray)
430 Avatar for phmatray
203. GaloisField2718
(Galois Field)
429 Avatar for GaloisField2718
204. maartenba
(Maarten Balliauw)
429 Avatar for maartenba
205. roscale
(Alex Rosca)
427 Avatar for roscale
206. bryanhonof
(Bryan Honof)
426 Avatar for bryanhonof
207. TimBroddin
(Tim Broddin)
426 Avatar for TimBroddin
208. Woomymy
421 Avatar for Woomymy
209. bgotink
(Bram Gotink)
420 Avatar for bgotink
210. KommuSoft
(willeM_ Van Onsem)
420 Avatar for KommuSoft
211. kdubois
(Kevin Dubois)
418 Avatar for kdubois
212. joachimvh
(Joachim Van Herwegen)
416 Avatar for joachimvh
213. AntoineSoetewey
(Antoine Soetewey)
416 Avatar for AntoineSoetewey
214. romatthe
(Robin Mattheussen)
414 Avatar for romatthe
215. francois-rozet
(François Rozet)
414 Avatar for francois-rozet
216. Julien00859
(Julien Castiaux)
410 Avatar for Julien00859
217. stephantul
(Stephan Tulkens)
407 Avatar for stephantul
218. ged-odoo
(Géry Debongnie)
404 Avatar for ged-odoo
219. sebastiandedeyne
(Sebastian De Deyne)
404 Avatar for sebastiandedeyne
220. maxux
(Maxime Daniel)
402 Avatar for maxux
221. nicoe
(Nicolas Évrard)
402 Avatar for nicoe
222. Martichou
(Martin André)
401 Avatar for Martichou
223. AmauryD
399 Avatar for AmauryD
224. qlurkin
(Quentin Lurkin)
394 Avatar for qlurkin
225. WDaan
(Daan Wijns)
393 Avatar for WDaan
226. gdebrauwer
(Günther Debrauwer)
393 Avatar for gdebrauwer
227. dereckson
(Sébastien Santoro)
390 Avatar for dereckson
228. Djohnnie
(Johnny Hooyberghs)
389 Avatar for Djohnnie
229. renatolond
(Renato "Lond" Cerqueira)
386 Avatar for renatolond
230. timvw
(Tim Van Wassenhove)
385 Avatar for timvw
231. stiiifff
(Steve Degosserie)
379 Avatar for stiiifff
232. sammou00
(Sam Moustafa)
378 Avatar for sammou00
233. jlaine
(Jeremy Lainé)
374 Avatar for jlaine
234. ZeromusXYZ
371 Avatar for ZeromusXYZ
235. AlexandreRouma
370 Avatar for AlexandreRouma
236. wdecoster
(Wouter De Coster)
368 Avatar for wdecoster
237. driaug
(Dries Augustyns)
368 Avatar for driaug
238. j0r1
(Jori Liesenborgs)
366 Avatar for j0r1
239. JeroenMols
(Jeroen Mols)
365 Avatar for JeroenMols
240. rubdos
(Ruben De Smet)
363 Avatar for rubdos
241. rdehuyss
(Ronald Dehuysser)
359 Avatar for rdehuyss
242. acrobat
(Jeroen Thora)
358 Avatar for acrobat
243. Dherse
(Sébastien d'Herbais de Thun)
355 Avatar for Dherse
244. VlSomers
(Vladimir Somers)
354 Avatar for VlSomers
245. zjeffer
(Tuur Vanhoutte)
353 Avatar for zjeffer
246. welteki
(Han Verstraete)
351 Avatar for welteki
247. pejmankheyri
351 Avatar for pejmankheyri
248. lailabougria
(Laila Bougria)
347 Avatar for lailabougria
249. ti-mo
(Timo Beckers)
344 Avatar for ti-mo
250. matthieuGravy
(Matthieu Gravy)
342 Avatar for matthieuGravy
251. DylanVanAssche
(Dylan Van Assche)
339 Avatar for DylanVanAssche
252. CodeDead
337 Avatar for CodeDead
253. ecomdesignbe
(Steve Vandenbossche)
337 Avatar for ecomdesignbe
254. julianrojas87
(Julian Rojas)
336 Avatar for julianrojas87
255. XDoubleU
(Xander Warszawski)
335 Avatar for XDoubleU
256. MathMachado
(Nelio Machado)
332 Avatar for MathMachado


Rank Organization Members
1. spatie 6
2. dodona-edu 4
3. microsoft 4
4. nixos 4
5. odoo 4
6. zeuswpi 3
7. ropensci 3
8. linkeddatafragments 3
9. testing-library 3
10. comunica 3