A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Bolivia over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-02-02 02:34:37 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Bolivia')
This list contains all public contributions for each user. There are 5338 total users in the region and you need at least 3 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/bolivia_public/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/bolivia_public/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/bolivia_public/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/bolivia_public/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | OscarGauss (Oscar Gauss Carvajal Yucra) |
2197 | |
2. | SergioRibera (Sergio Alejandro Ribera Costa) |
2098 | |
3. | raulzarzadev (raulzarza) |
2072 | |
4. | adimerpaul () |
1632 | |
5. | Alba070503 (Alba070503) |
1463 | |
6. | ivancidev (Ivan Herlan Herbas Zubieta) |
1411 | |
7. | KevinOmega (Kevin Huayllas) |
1189 | |
8. | caleeli (David Callizaya) |
1164 | |
9. | Juliocj7 (SimplyTheBest) |
949 | |
10. | nicobytes (Nicolas Molina Monroy) |
879 | |
11. | alxmcr (Alejandro M. Coca) |
843 | |
12. | pachonjcl (Jose Carlos Laura Ramirez) |
798 | |
13. | lalomax (Orlando) |
747 | |
14. | MorveN11 (Morales Patty Jose Manuel) |
743 | |
15. | CarlosFULLHD (Carlos Nina Reynaga) |
699 | |
16. | CarrascoAlejandro (Alejandro Carrasco C.) |
659 | |
17. | ruddypazd (Roy Ruddy Paz Demiquel) |
638 | |
18. | LarryIVC (Larry Ivan Villegas Costas) |
636 | |
19. | Disenandowebs (Developer) |
634 | |
20. | mathiasmendozav (Mathias Mendoza) |
609 | |
21. | cchura94 (Cristian Chura Poma) |
598 | |
22. | BorisAngulo (Boris Anthony Angulo Urquieta) |
574 | |
23. | ikanadev (Kevv) |
546 | |
24. | devmiguelangel (Miguel Angel) |
536 | |
25. | farias-hecdin (Hecdin Farias) |
528 | |
26. | crisdux (Cristian Fernando Villca Gutierrez ) |
510 | |
27. | geekhadev (Irwing) |
480 | |
28. | rodrygo-c-garcia (Ariel Rodrigo Colque Garcia) |
477 | |
29. | LuisCalleLazo () |
476 | |
30. | OscarCampohermoso (Oscar Campohermoso Berdeja) |
475 | |
31. | nahuelXZV (Nahuel Zalazar) |
468 | |
32. | ChristianConchari (Christian Ricardo Conchari Cabrera) |
466 | |
33. | Aliaga23 (Arturo Aliaga) |
444 | |
34. | devferx (Fernando Quinteros Gutierrez) |
423 | |
35. | DanielTorres1 (Daniel Torres Sandi) |
412 | |
36. | sae0-3 (Eddy Sejas Arze) |
411 | |
37. | jessicaori (Jessica Orihuela Rojas) |
407 | |
38. | Pericena (Luishiño) |
406 | |
39. | nukkua (nukkua) |
405 | |
40. | RoyDevTEAM () |
404 | |
41. | yalonso7 (Yulian Alonso) |
390 | |
42. | dotM87 (Miguel Benjamin Zubieta Rios) |
385 | |
43. | Eynar92 (Eynar J. Alvarez M.) |
381 | |
44. | QuantumCode2000 (Jorge Luis Tancara Nina) |
373 | |
45. | rodriQuelali (rodriquelali) |
370 | |
46. | IvySaskia (Ivy Sejas Saskia Rocabado) |
367 | |
47. | erwinparedez (Erwin Paredez) |
363 | |
48. | jhordyess (Jhordy Gavinchu) |
360 | |
49. | alexolomeo (Alexander Aguilar) |
353 | |
50. | yracnet (Willyams Yujra) |
352 | |
51. | IdenTiclla (Iden Ticlla) |
347 | |
52. | franco148 (Franco Arratia Lopez) |
347 | |
53. | pablonoya (Pablo Noya) |
341 | |
54. | paolojoaquinp (Paolo Joaquin Pinto) |
337 | |
55. | combimauri (Mauricio Arce Torrez) |
332 | |
56. | obed-tc (Obed) |
323 | |
57. | RamirezPineda (Roy Ramirez Pineda) |
320 | |
58. | Raxorg (Groxar) |
316 | |
59. | CamperoJose (José Campero) |
312 | |
60. | LuiSauter (Luis Gabriel Janco) |
308 | |
61. | gabriel-pantojab (Gabriel Pantoja Bustamante) |
306 | |
62. | draquio (Ing. Sergio Mercado) |
306 | |
63. | Kira2602 (Rosario Calisaya Calderon) |
300 | |
64. | C-ArenA (C-ArenA) |
299 | |
65. | LuisOlivaresJ (Luis Olivares) |
297 | |
66. | LeoMogiano (Leonardo Mogiano Gutierrez) |
297 | |
67. | ggonzalez94 (Gustavo Gonzalez) |
295 | |
68. | GatoJustiniano () |
293 | |
69. | hcvcastro (Henry Castro) |
290 | |
70. | jevillanueva (Jonathan Villanueva) |
274 | |
71. | freddyvelarde (F. Erick Velarde Silva) |
273 | |
72. | MaxFSP (Maximiliano Farfan) |
268 | |
73. | adanj27 (Adan Jimenez) |
259 | |
74. | mauforonda (Mau Foronda) |
259 | |
75. | Aanttrax (Aanttrax) |
255 | |
76. | monoald (Carlos Sanjines Aldazosa) |
254 | |
77. | YhordiC (Yhordi Choque Espinoza) |
253 | |
78. | miguel-124C (Miguel Angel Cuellar Serrudo) |
250 | |
79. | sanchezdev-1906 (Joel Alejandro Sanchez Valdez) |
246 | |
80. | ManuelElias1999 (Juan Manuel Elias Soria) |
244 | |
81. | marcopdonoso (Marco Pérez Donoso) |
244 | |
82. | ElJoamy (Joseph Anthony Meneses Salguero) |
242 | |
83. | tecnocrata (Enrique Ortuño) |
241 | |
84. | erozas (Exequiel Rozas) |
240 | |
85. | Coding-Rod (Rodrigo Fernandez Testa) |
239 | |
86. | Wimpi18 (Winsor) |
239 | |
87. | cristianiniguez (Cristian Felix Iñiguez Porcel) |
237 | |
88. | 99Arrzel (Andrés Carrillo) |
233 | |
89. | MartinAAcebeyL (Martin Acebey) |
233 | |
90. | cheyodevfarm (José María Márquez V.) |
231 | |
91. | jassielof (Jassiel Ovando) |
228 | |
92. | diegozambrana (Diego Zambrana) |
226 | |
93. | GabTorres17 (Gabriel Torres) |
225 | |
94. | AndreaFrancis (Andrea Francis Soria Jimenez) |
224 | |
95. | rafael-abuawad (Rafael Abuawad) |
217 | |
96. | MQInfer12 (MQInfer12) |
212 | |
97. | rats4final (David Antezana) |
211 | |
98. | asosab (Alejandro Sosa Briceño) |
210 | |
99. | fabinnerself (Favian Medina) |
206 | |
100. | MrBl4ck04 (Franz Carvajal) |
206 | |
101. | vakajose (Jose Luis Vaca Fernandez) |
206 | |
102. | jacubiam (Joaquin Antonio Juarez) |
197 | |
103. | marceloquispeortega (Marcelo Quispe Ortega) |
194 | |
104. | JosseMontano (Jose Zambrana) |
193 | |
105. | IsaiDiaz (José Isaí Díaz Soza) |
191 | |
106. | MauFGarzofino (Mauricio Flores Garzofino) |
188 | |
107. | OmarRMC (Omar R Mamani) |
185 | |
108. | tintayadev (Paulo Tintaya) |
183 | |
109. | iguii (Ignacio Andrés Illanes Bequer) |
183 | |
110. | marvinero1 (Marvin Fernandez) |
182 | |
111. | itskreisler (Kreisler) |
181 | |
112. | LuwuVelasco (Luciana Velasco) |
180 | |
113. | taicoding (Tatiana Delgadillo) |
180 | |
114. | ProfessorByte (Pabloux Darkmind) |
178 | |
115. | EstebanBra (Esteban Bravo) |
178 | |
116. | GyroElSurfista (Jairo_22) |
176 | |
117. | JhousefSilva1 (Jose Armando Pozo Silva) |
175 | |
118. | franjavi8776 (francisco Villarroel) |
174 | |
119. | alvarosiles11 (Alvaro Siles Estrada) |
174 | |
120. | ronytic (Ronald Franz Nina Layme) |
172 | |
121. | AlexCriptomonedas (Alex Criptomonedas) |
171 | |
122. | Sergio-Al (Sergio Alejandro) |
171 | |
123. | marcanii (Abel Israel Marcani Aguilar) |
170 | |
124. | srodrigo23 (Sergio Rodrigo) |
169 | |
125. | eavm314 (Enrique Vicente) |
168 | |
126. | EmanuelVI33 (Emanuel Aroldo Vaca Ibañez) |
168 | |
127. | bjvta (Brandon Valle) |
167 | |
128. | Zumayaa (Abraham) |
162 | |
129. | imertetsu (Imer Coaguila) |
159 | |
130. | Jose20025 (Jose Carlos Gutiérrez) |
158 | |
131. | ginimessersmith (Gino Baptista) |
157 | |
132. | lfwzk (Luis Fernando CS) |
157 | |
133. | omarhuanca () |
155 | |
134. | esther-romero (Esther Romero Aguilar) |
153 | |
135. | pedroanze (Pedro Anze) |
153 | |
136. | moonhuntercode (victor code) |
150 | |
137. | JorgeAbrego (Jorge V. Abrego) |
150 | |
138. | jonatan-esprella-lopez (Jonatan Esprella Lopez) |
149 | |
139. | samuelloza (Samuel Loza) |
149 | |
140. | borispacex (Boris Vargas) |
146 | |
141. | muimui69 (MoisO) |
145 | |
142. | AleMancilla (Alejandro Mancilla Huanca) |
144 | |
143. | ivanpalenciab (Ivan Palencia) |
141 | |
144. | garyMamaniCortez (Jhonny Gary Mamani Cortez) |
141 | |
145. | imferr (Fernanda Gutiérrez) |
139 | |
146. | Fig-Joaquin (Joaquin Ignacio Sanchez Figueroa) |
139 | |
147. | Marcelo0920 (Marcelo Vargas) |
138 | |
148. | davidmanueldev (David Manuel) |
138 | |
149. | alvaroiporre (Alvaro Iporre) |
137 | |
150. | McAlvaro (Alvaro Molina) |
137 | |
151. | ivansanguezax (Ivan Sangueza Alarcon) |
137 | |
152. | mauudev (Mauricio Trigo Uriona) |
135 | |
153. | lazlomita (Lazlo Mita) |
133 | |
154. | Marcelo-Ramirez (Marcelo) |
132 | |
155. | Amiddala (Candy Ordoñez ) |
131 | |
156. | mauriciobarroso (Mauricio Barroso Benavides) |
131 | |
157. | CinisArboris (Eyver Emilio Vargas Medina) |
131 | |
158. | ccmiguel (Miguel Calderon) |
130 | |
159. | Joregesosa (Jorge Sosa) |
130 | |
160. | DwijanX (Christian Rivero Arnez) |
129 | |
161. | AngelAlmanza (Angel Almanza) |
126 | |
162. | alex-roc (Alex Ojeda Copa) |
125 | |
163. | CrisisTecno (Cristhian Lucio Quispe Nina) |
124 | |
164. | adhes14 (Adhemar Duran) |
121 | |
165. | OliverZulett (Oliver Zulett) |
119 | |
166. | IsaiasMorochi (Isaias Morochi) |
117 | |
167. | BernardoPer19 (b.eww_) |
117 | |
168. | dianacalizaya (Diana Calizaya) |
116 | |
169. | rofviv (Roy Favio) |
115 | |
170. | David203009 (David) |
114 | |
171. | TANHEHANZ (Hanz Tapia Choque) |
114 | |
172. | AdrianJAM (The Weed Doctor) |
114 | |
173. | FranzM91 (Franz Mamani) |
114 | |
174. | richardparra99 (Richard Parra Zegarra) |
114 | |
175. | CidardeAlencar (Cidar de Alencar) |
112 | |
176. | rasrules (Raul Aillon) |
111 | |
177. | BetzabeG (Betzabe Gutierrez) |
111 | |
178. | hrnn (Hernan Payrumani) |
111 | |
179. | Maur1998 (Mauricio Murillo) |
111 | |
180. | AdriCabrera (Adriana Cabrera Escobar) |
109 | |
181. | BranimirE (Branimir Espinoza) |
106 | |
182. | luifermoron (Luis Fernando Morón Dorado) |
105 | |
183. | oscarcortez (Oscar Cortez) |
104 | |
184. | andres-chirinos (Andrés Chirinos) |
104 | |
185. | OsquiMenacho28 (Oscar Menacho Silva) |
103 | |
186. | dheeyi (William Barra) |
101 | |
187. | Ernesto2001PO (Ernesto Paz) |
101 | |
188. | villcabo (Bismarck Villca) |
101 | |
189. | Cimar-Rodrigo () |
101 | |
190. | Alan-Mendoza (Alan Rodrigo Mendoza Gutierrez) |
100 | |
191. | joseandrespg0310 (José Andrés Paredes G.) |
99 | |
192. | Antonmarchitec (Antonio Ponce) |
99 | |
193. | zodiacsilence (Santiago Abuawad) |
99 | |
194. | Feliverse (Felipe Haybar Valenzuela) |
97 | |
195. | FershoUno () |
96 | |
196. | JazzielGod (Jazziel Briones) |
96 | |
197. | gonzaloalfaro (Gonzalo Alfaro) |
96 | |
198. | alemurillo104 (Alejandra Murillo) |
95 | |
199. | jhonacs2 (Jhonatan Soto) |
93 | |
200. | martinkztro (Martín Castro) |
92 | |
201. | cpjosejesus (Jose Jesus) |
91 | |
202. | aojedacs (Angel de Jesus Ojeda Castro) |
91 | |
203. | stanlee321 (Stanley Salvatierra) |
90 | |
204. | JonathanDSoto (Jonathan Soto) |
90 | |
205. | dougc95 () |
89 | |
206. | aldo-gutierrez (Aldo Gutierrez) |
88 | |
207. | xcharag (Oscar Denes Aguilar Soliz) |
88 | |
208. | ecuellarfernandez (Erick Cuéllar Fernández) |
87 | |
209. | Abdiel49 (Abdiel Orellana) |
87 | |
210. | gitchaell (Michaell Alavedra) |
86 | |
211. | vecalciskay (Vladimir) |
85 | |
212. | abcussi (Angel Benjamin Cussi Callisaya) |
84 | |
213. | arkgast (Arnold Gandarillas Castillo) |
83 | |
214. | Anstayker (Christian Rojas Blum) |
82 | |
215. | goku673 (Freddy Amin Zapata ) |
82 | |
216. | arielgos (Ariel Ortuño Solis) |
82 | |
217. | SamuelRioTz (Samuel Rioja) |
81 | |
218. | Erickgiber (Erick Ramirez) |
81 | |
219. | AndreaLaruta (Andrea Geraldinne Laruta Coronel) |
81 | |
220. | WhitesSoft (Juan Montero) |
80 | |
221. | Davp94 () |
80 | |
222. | JoseLuisGit (Jose Luis Quispe) |
78 | |
223. | Aper-ux (Alex Quiroga) |
78 | |
224. | DevLatBo (Oscar Rolando Gamboa A.) |
77 | |
225. | clayandthepotter (Clayton Prickett) |
76 | |
226. | yacel100 (jose luis) |
76 | |
227. | guluarte (Rodolfo Guluarte Hale) |
76 | |
228. | owen2345 (Owen Peredo Diaz) |
76 | |
229. | axelfoxII (Alex Salvatierra) |
75 | |
230. | JorgeTiconaSanga (Jorge Hernan Ticona Sanga) |
74 | |
231. | ArturoMauricioDev (Arturo Mauricio) |
74 | |
232. | gumiel (Henry Perez Gumiel) |
74 | |
233. | jgtorrejon (Torrejon Mendez Joel Gabriel) |
73 | |
234. | renatoapaza (Renato Apaza T.) |
73 | |
235. | kapit4n (Luis Arce) |
72 | |
236. | rodravknight9 (Rodrigo R. Alarcón V.) |
72 | |
237. | Br4ikanUserP267 (BRAIKAN PIÑA) |
72 | |
238. | DavidS1707 (David Andres Suarez Sandoval) |
72 | |
239. | frideldev (Fridel Baldiviezo) |
70 | |
240. | kernelboy34 (kernel) |
70 | |
241. | mariocesar (Mario-César) |
70 | |
242. | drkpkg (Felix Daniel Coca Calvimontes) |
69 | |
243. | 2jsdev (Jordy Morales) |
69 | |
244. | Mah0j0 (Maho Salinas) |
68 | |
245. | Odig0 (Diego Guzman) |
68 | |
246. | CarlaMamaniChavez (Carla Vanesa Mamani Chavez) |
67 | |
247. | RespawnPoppa (Jose Manuel ) |
67 | |
248. | Huarachi2002 (Yeferson Adrian Huarachi Aleman) |
67 | |
249. | Jorur (Jorge Urioste Hurtado) |
66 | |
250. | Victoroide (Victor Cuéllar ) |
66 | |
251. | darkgod1802 (Bryan Choque Canaza) |
65 | |
252. | HAjiMe-0 (Harold Quispe Hilari) |
65 | |
253. | hvillalo (Héctor Villalobos) |
65 | |
254. | enrique159 (Enrique Marin) |
64 | |
255. | Francovg18 (Franco) |
64 | |
256. | GPeredo98 (Gabriel Peredo) |
63 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | sce-is-codebase | 2 |
2. | coresoft-devs | 2 |
3. | lab-tecnosocial | 2 |
4. | chequea-bolivia | 1 |
5. | sociest | 1 |
6. | domusdata | 1 |
7. | softdeviii | 1 |
8. | ecogram | 1 |
9. | codeficct | 1 |
10. | collaboraonline | 1 |