A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Cameroon over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-02-06 03:09:54 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Cameroon')
This list contains all public contributions for each user. There are 4119 total users in the region and you need at least 3 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | BrightkyEfoo (Bright Efoo) |
5792 | |
2. | TabotCharlesBessong (Charles Bessong Tabot) |
2581 | |
3. | Level237 (Balep Martin) |
1996 | |
4. | PromiseFru (Promise Fru) |
1506 | |
5. | Oben-Desmond (Oben Desmond) |
1429 | |
6. | black-code1 (Mahamat Legrand) |
1379 | |
7. | samglish (BEIDI DINA SAMUEL) |
1282 | |
8. | stephane888 (Stéphane Armand) |
1276 | |
9. | Blindspot22 (Enow Scott) |
1266 | |
10. | sangafabrice (Fabrice Sanga) |
1218 | |
11. | Jikugodwill (Jiku Godwill Nsanwi) |
1117 | |
12. | noelfoka (NOEL NOMGNE FOKA) |
1108 | |
13. | Ihimbru-K (Ihimbru Kanyimi ) |
1051 | |
14. | mildrette (Mildred) |
1050 | |
15. | Audran-wol (Audran Yematha) |
1044 | |
16. | ASLawan (Austin Sewoyebaa Lawan) |
1029 | |
17. | karimalik (Karim Kompissi) |
1020 | |
18. | JosiasAurel (Josias) |
1000 | |
19. | Tomdieu (Ivan Tom) |
920 | |
20. | Maximus-Ay (Maximus) |
871 | |
21. | bengo237 (DYLANE BENGONO) |
864 | |
22. | Awambeng (Awambeng) |
845 | |
23. | MATRIX30 (Tekoh Palma) |
822 | |
24. | kiuvert39 (Kliuvert Egbe) |
771 | |
25. | Kgtech-cmr (KermRayan) |
734 | |
26. | chiche-ds (ChiChe_ds) |
730 | |
27. | Vanessa082 (Wah Vanessa) |
727 | |
28. | Arielpetit (arielpetit) |
696 | |
29. | sikatikenmogne (Samuel SIKATI KENMOGNE) |
694 | |
30. | NkwaTambe (NkwaTambe) |
671 | |
31. | mrvin100 (Vincent Youmssi) |
670 | |
32. | Fombi-Favour (Fombi Favour) |
665 | |
33. | Christiantyemele (Christian Yemele) |
658 | |
34. | trey-rosius (Ro) |
654 | |
35. | Blair2004 (Blair Jersyer) |
641 | |
36. | Frankam487 (Frank kamgang) |
624 | |
37. | Koufan-De-King (King-Koufan) |
624 | |
38. | code-env (Bossadi Zenith) |
621 | |
39. | NembotJules (Nembot Jules) |
616 | |
40. | NkwiCyril (Nkwi Cyril ) |
615 | |
41. | Gilt457 (Borel Lepatio) |
599 | |
42. | DarkShadowCoder (Blackdot) |
585 | |
43. | dev-scott (sado scott) |
583 | |
44. | Stephen2304 (Stëphen kïng) |
580 | |
45. | andrew21-mch (nfon andrew) |
573 | |
46. | pythonbrad (Brady Fomegne) |
571 | |
47. | Gmarvis (Sam Gmarvis Njong) |
562 | |
48. | LivingstonTardzenyuy (Kongnyuy Livingston) |
559 | |
49. | Tundroid (Felix Kimbu) |
551 | |
50. | baimamboukar (BAIMAM BOUKAR JEAN JACQUES) |
545 | |
51. | wandji20 (wandji) |
537 | |
52. | WaffoKom (DaniloWaffis) |
527 | |
53. | BondoGuy (Bondo Guy) |
522 | |
54. | NyuydineBill (Nyuydine Bill leynyuy) |
518 | |
55. | bansikah22 (Noel Bansikah ) |
488 | |
56. | Idadelveloper (Ida Delphine) |
487 | |
57. | Noubissie237 (Noubissie wilfried) |
482 | |
58. | ln-dev7 (LN) |
463 | |
59. | RashJrEdmund (Rash) |
458 | |
60. | djoufson (Djoufson CHE BENE) |
450 | |
61. | Roamer15 () |
450 | |
62. | tantohtelmah (Tantoh Telmah) |
449 | |
63. | Fr3shDev (FreshDev) |
445 | |
64. | maxim-eyengue (Maximilien Eyengue) |
439 | |
65. | na2axl (Nana Axel) |
437 | |
66. | acha-bill (Acha Bill) |
427 | |
67. | idrissjuanito (Projuanito) |
426 | |
68. | Apache-ghost (Guegouo Moghommahie Guiddel) |
413 | |
69. | eldrige (Eldrige) |
409 | |
70. | maelfosso (Mael FOSSO) |
401 | |
71. | JuniorDCoder (Junior D'Coder) |
393 | |
72. | 4kpros (Prosper Abouar) |
389 | |
73. | NganeEmmanuel (Ngane Emmanuel) |
374 | |
74. | michaelnji (COD3VIL) |
374 | |
75. | resix237 (resix237 ) |
371 | |
76. | Mbungai-Francesco () |
368 | |
77. | Kurocifer (Tiza Talla) |
366 | |
78. | vernyuy (ef) |
365 | |
79. | FabPaul (Paul) |
365 | |
80. | ndefokou (Arthur Ndefokou) |
364 | |
81. | yll0rd (Youmbi Leo (Why-Lord)) |
363 | |
82. | Elwizzy12 (Chia Hans) |
361 | |
83. | yunweneric (Yunweneric) |
359 | |
84. | Hermann-Core (Hermann Core) |
341 | |
85. | Ogenbertrand (Ogen Bertrand) |
340 | |
86. | micheal-ndoh (Micheal Ndoh) |
340 | |
87. | BlessedNur (Blessed Nur) |
328 | |
88. | Asam237 (Asam) |
326 | |
89. | dilane3 (kombou dilane) |
325 | |
90. | albertboo9 (AlbertCanCode) |
325 | |
91. | moforsharon (Mofor Sharon) |
323 | |
92. | kelseafunwi (Funwi Kelsea Ndohnwi) |
320 | |
93. | StevyMarlino (Stevy Endaman) |
318 | |
94. | kenrique100 (Kenrique _Ngwa) |
312 | |
95. | nysd01 (NYSD DEREK) |
308 | |
96. | tderick (DERICK TEMFACK) |
303 | |
97. | kelton-glitch (Kamgo N Elton) |
301 | |
98. | will-oracions (will oracions) |
301 | |
99. | tchassijordan (tchassi jordan) |
300 | |
100. | valsuh45 (Valantine Suh) |
299 | |
101. | enowdivine (Enow Divine) |
298 | |
102. | Payne680 (PENN JR™) |
290 | |
103. | SireME (Mbang Ernest N.) |
282 | |
104. | sergyDwhiz (Sergius Nyah) |
281 | |
105. | NoubissiViany (Noubissi Viany ) |
277 | |
106. | Ngha-Boris (Ngha Boris ) |
275 | |
107. | alibia-phanuel (phanuel tsopze) |
274 | |
108. | MbeHenri (Mbe Mbe Mindjana Loic Henri) |
274 | |
109. | YannKamche (Yann Kamche) |
274 | |
110. | axelthereal (Axel Tokam) |
273 | |
111. | MLB-78 (Maxime London) |
272 | |
112. | donaldte (donald programmeur) |
266 | |
113. | Emengkeng (Emengkeng Juslen) |
261 | |
114. | Figeral (Fitzgerald) |
260 | |
115. | BorisGautier (Boris Gautier ) |
256 | |
116. | Robert-Ndive-tech (M.Robert.N.K.N) |
254 | |
117. | KN237 (Wilfried H KANA) |
254 | |
118. | nuilewis (Nuikweh Lewis) |
253 | |
119. | NOMO-Gabriel (NOMO Gabriel) |
252 | |
120. | matzolla (Wedoo.ai) |
252 | |
121. | momo-87 (Christian Romuald MOMO TONFACK) |
251 | |
122. | Vanessa-Kris (Vanessa Christoper Igwe) |
247 | |
123. | Danielkombou (Louange) |
246 | |
124. | valerymelou (Valery Melou) |
242 | |
125. | Chingkeziah (Ching Keziah) |
241 | |
126. | N-TITIAN (Ndifon Titiana) |
240 | |
127. | Ojay01 (Kelly-Kingston) |
240 | |
128. | larrytamnjong (Tamnjong Larry Tabeh) |
240 | |
129. | nd31pr0 (NDZI FORNINWE NFOR) |
238 | |
238 | |
131. | Philip970 (MANGA EWANE Philippe) |
235 | |
132. | Starland9 (Landry Simo) |
232 | |
133. | Sundze7 (K. Sundze Mustapha) |
231 | |
134. | MadickAngeCesar (Madick Ange César) |
229 | |
135. | abongsjoel (Chi A. Joel) |
227 | |
136. | Wilson635 (Wilson Ngahemeni) |
227 | |
137. | NalianAchei2020 (Nwanjoh Nalian Achei) |
220 | |
138. | Tadjaur (Tadjaur) |
211 | |
139. | w-alkao (Walkao Adamou) |
209 | |
140. | Hervepoh (Ngando Epoh Herve) |
207 | |
141. | konraddissake1808 () |
207 | |
142. | Shermine237 (Charlie Rostant YOSSA) |
206 | |
143. | maureenblack (Wepngong Maureen) |
206 | |
144. | DemevengDerrick (Demeveng Derrick) |
206 | |
145. | Chisamuel651 (Chi Samuel Apeng) |
202 | |
146. | JuniorTak (Hyppolite T.) |
202 | |
147. | mawalou14 (Mouhamadou Awalou) |
201 | |
148. | Emmanuel-Ghomsi (Emmanuel GHOMSI GHOMSI) |
200 | |
149. | jospen-kah (KAH JOSPEN NGUM) |
200 | |
150. | xennia316 (Sonia Amehmbo) |
200 | |
151. | Forchapeatl (FORCHA PEARL) |
199 | |
152. | NobleRodrick (Alloh Nkefor Rodrick) |
198 | |
153. | Michaelgwei86 (Gwei Michael Wawa) |
198 | |
154. | Salztech1 (Njinda Salome) |
198 | |
155. | bmisarts (Gilles Kemgoum) |
197 | |
156. | codeurzebs (ZEBS HAUPUR) |
197 | |
157. | fadigatardzenyuy (FADIGA) |
196 | |
158. | Joel-Fah (Joël Fah) |
194 | |
159. | Daniel-TheProgrammer (Nji Daniel ) |
192 | |
160. | Nkwenti-Severian-Ndongtsop (@Nkwenti @Severian) |
192 | |
161. | CarlTeclancing (Yuven Carlson D) |
190 | |
162. | chendjou237 (CHENDJOU CHENDJOU HONORE) |
188 | |
163. | TilStack (TIENTCHEU Israel Braselin🇨🇲🇧🇯) |
187 | |
164. | Nkarnaud (Arnaud Tsombeng) |
187 | |
165. | fitz95 (Fitz Gerald) |
187 | |
166. | Ghislain1 (Ghislain1) |
185 | |
167. | akinason (Awa Kinason) |
181 | |
168. | NickKengne (Nick Kengne) |
180 | |
169. | ngdream (ngdream) |
180 | |
170. | Messi002 (Messi II Innocent R.) |
177 | |
171. | patntiwa (Patrick Ntiwa) |
173 | |
172. | gwagsi (Gwagsi) |
171 | |
173. | Dericko681 (Kunga Derick Abongho ) |
168 | |
174. | Osong-Michael (Osong Agberndifor) |
166 | |
175. | charlesgobina (Charles Gobina) |
165 | |
176. | arolleaguekeng (🅰️ Arolle Aguekeng ) |
164 | |
177. | bryandino673 (Bryan Ngongeh) |
164 | |
178. | mystroken (Mystro Ken) |
163 | |
179. | latioms (Belrick Stephane ) |
161 | |
180. | cliffordten (Teneng Clifford) |
161 | |
181. | yohivana-KYIM (KENMEGNE YOH IVANA) |
160 | |
182. | Agirem (OUSMANE MERIGA) |
158 | |
183. | Milton-Leroy (Yengong Milton ) |
158 | |
184. | Laureoby (Laure Obaya) |
153 | |
185. | Rudymaze (RUDIGER) |
152 | |
186. | xasterKies (Samuel Tiokeng) |
151 | |
187. | Ndifoinhilary (Ndifoin Hilary Nkaise) |
151 | |
188. | IgorGreenIGM (GG) |
149 | |
189. | Ndzenyuy (Ndzenyuy Jones Tsangue) |
146 | |
190. | PacomeKFP (Pacome Kengali Fegue) |
143 | |
191. | dark-matter08 (Nde Lucien) |
143 | |
192. | noumendarryl (Noumen Darryl Japhet) |
142 | |
193. | solonkonora (Nkwada Nora Solonko) |
142 | |
194. | Nguinabe3 (NGUINABE JOSUE) |
142 | |
195. | ussfranck (Franck Mekoulou) |
140 | |
196. | haruna-rashid-yakubu (Haruna Rashid Yakubu ) |
140 | |
197. | Real-Music (Fedjio Raymond) |
139 | |
198. | onelrian (onelrian) |
137 | |
199. | jordanNdjock (Liam Jordan Ndjock) |
134 | |
200. | Kimbohlovette (KIMBOH LOVETTE) |
134 | |
201. | xSavitar (Derick Alangi) |
133 | |
202. | tabotkevin (Tabot Kevin) |
133 | |
203. | Nguh-Prince (Prince) |
131 | |
204. | giressefoyet (Giresse FOYET) |
131 | |
205. | alfredmouelle (Alfred MOUELLE) |
130 | |
206. | clintjeff2 (Jefferson Youashi) |
129 | |
207. | Jagoum (jagoum) |
129 | |
208. | bissaye (Franck Bissaye) |
126 | |
209. | Chenwi32 (Chenwi Eugene) |
126 | |
210. | bounyamine (Bounyamine Ousmanou) |
125 | |
211. | Favourez (Nopole Flairan) |
124 | |
212. | JaysonWhite13 (Jayson White) |
123 | |
213. | 7H3XXX (Marc-Antoine Ngaba) |
122 | |
214. | Ngufor-emmanuella (Ngufor emma) |
121 | |
215. | elhmn (Boris Mbarga) |
120 | |
216. | THISmann (Etienne Fuh) |
118 | |
217. | devsourcenathan (Nathan) |
118 | |
218. | Shalom2935 (you) |
118 | |
219. | Eyongkevin (Eyong Kevin) |
116 | |
220. | sofoste93 (Stephane Sob Fouodji) |
114 | |
221. | divine016 (Kouti Divine) |
114 | |
222. | HyzeahAchungha (Hyzeah Achungha) |
114 | |
223. | Mbringj (Mbring Jeremie) |
114 | |
224. | ebottabi (Ebot Tabi) |
114 | |
225. | ledoux25 (Sanguo Ledoux) |
113 | |
226. | Jspascal (Joseph NOMO) |
113 | |
227. | bleriotnoguia (Blériot Noguia) |
112 | |
228. | mohamedelbachir (bachdev) |
112 | |
229. | Abate-Mony ( Ako Bate Emmanuel) |
112 | |
230. | EricMbouwe (Eric Mbouwe) |
111 | |
231. | Manefa (Esdras Manefa) |
110 | |
232. | DassoAhmed (ahmed Dasso) |
110 | |
233. | Mimi97-aqua (Loni Tande) |
109 | |
234. | wilfried-237 (Ulrich Wilfried) |
108 | |
235. | ifeyi (ifeyi) |
108 | |
236. | Tedjoulemohermann (Hermann tedjoulemo) |
107 | |
237. | HanslettTheDev (Venom) |
106 | |
106 | |
239. | Ngai-E (Ngai Elizabeth) |
106 | |
240. | Divinejicks (divinejicks) |
106 | |
241. | saintbassanaga (Saint Bassanaga) |
104 | |
242. | bbrainttech (Chiatiah Rayan) |
103 | |
243. | king-martinien (FOKOUE NKALLA MARTINIEN) |
103 | |
244. | myebstudios (Esoe B.Studios) |
103 | |
245. | OkonoWil (Okono Wilfried) |
103 | |
246. | Hyogan (Hyogan) |
103 | |
247. | pacolahd (Mbun Ryan) |
102 | |
248. | dimitrimabom (Dimitri Mabom) |
102 | |
249. | Dilane05 (DILANE TAPTUE) |
101 | |
250. | diraneCode () |
101 | |
251. | pemochamdev () |
99 | |
252. | Wrench200 (Tebi Njeik) |
99 | |
253. | Dirane (Dirane) |
98 | |
254. | Rushclin () |
98 | |
255. | dascomsoft (Dassi Dieudonne) |
97 | |
256. | ngimdock (ngimdock) |
97 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | smswithoutborders | 4 |
2. | osscameroon | 4 |
3. | adorsys | 3 |
4. | ngcodex | 3 |
5. | afkanerd | 3 |
6. | gdg-on-campus-ictu | 3 |
7. | skaleway | 2 |
8. | wtmbambili | 2 |
9. | traitztech | 2 |
10. | mlh-fellowship | 2 |