A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in China over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2024-10-04 04:12:22 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'China')
This list contains all public contributions for each user. There are 324384 total users in the region and you need at least 692 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/china_public/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/china_public/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/china_public/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/china_public/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | wizardforcel (布客飞龙) |
53373 | |
2. | ExpLangcn (ExpLang) |
41365 | |
3. | v5tech () |
33785 | |
4. | yegor256 (Yegor Bugayenko) |
15546 | |
5. | yangchuansheng ( Carson Yang) |
10750 | |
6. | chenjiahan (neverland) |
9409 | |
7. | phodal (Fengda Huang) |
8299 | |
8. | Anduin2017 (Anduin Xue) |
5714 | |
9. | YunaiV (芋道源码) |
5162 | |
10. | jaywcjlove (小弟调调) |
4648 | |
11. | 88250 (D) |
4398 | |
12. | terrymanu (Liang Zhang) |
3939 | |
13. | sxzz (Kevin Deng 三咲智子) |
3655 | |
14. | andyzhangx (Andy Zhang) |
3636 | |
15. | yanglbme (Libin YANG) |
3425 | |
16. | Vanessa219 (V) |
3269 | |
17. | xen0n (WÁNG Xuěruì) |
2973 | |
18. | ryan4yin (Ryan Yin) |
2846 | |
19. | SukkaW (Sukka) |
2599 | |
20. | afc163 (afc163) |
2561 | |
21. | JeffreySu (Jeffrey Su) |
2441 | |
22. | rootsongjc (Jimmy Song) |
2254 | |
23. | lhmouse (LIU Hao) |
2244 | |
24. | li-jia-nan (lijianan) |
2242 | |
25. | seisman (Dongdong Tian) |
2195 | |
26. | frostming (Frost Ming) |
2155 | |
27. | EndlessCheng (灵茶山艾府) |
2153 | |
28. | wx-chevalier (王下邀月熊) |
2140 | |
29. | Fallen-Breath (Fallen_Breath) |
2101 | |
30. | tiye (题叶) |
2083 | |
31. | MistEO (MistEO) |
2070 | |
32. | 1715173329 (Tianling Shen) |
2067 | |
33. | huacnlee (Jason Lee) |
2045 | |
34. | mercyblitz (Mercy Ma) |
2006 | |
35. | drmingdrmer (张炎泼) |
2006 | |
36. | L-M-Sherlock (Jarrett Ye) |
1970 | |
37. | snowdream (snowdream) |
1949 | |
38. | wwj718 () |
1940 | |
39. | spacewander (罗泽轩) |
1936 | |
40. | 2betop (liaoxuezhi) |
1891 | |
41. | hiyouga (hoshi-hiyouga) |
1814 | |
42. | ZigaoWang (Zigao Wang) |
1778 | |
43. | zombieJ (二货爱吃白萝卜) |
1747 | |
44. | LinuxSuRen (Rick) |
1710 | |
45. | hantsy (Hantsy Bai) |
1699 | |
46. | digoal (Digoal.zhou) |
1686 | |
47. | flyerhzm (Richard Huang) |
1686 | |
48. | doodlewind (Yifeng Wang) |
1611 | |
49. | youkaichao (youkaichao) |
1589 | |
50. | YunYouJun (云游君) |
1529 | |
51. | lonePatient (Weitang Liu) |
1506 | |
52. | tshemsedinov (Timur Shemsedinov) |
1476 | |
53. | manateelazycat (Andy Stewart) |
1473 | |
54. | shibing624 (Ming Xu (徐明)) |
1449 | |
55. | hit9 (Chao Wang) |
1422 | |
56. | sorrycc (chencheng (云谦)) |
1413 | |
57. | EYHN (EYHN) |
1393 | |
58. | Vonng (Feng Ruohang) |
1388 | |
59. | lzwjava (Zhiwei Li) |
1388 | |
60. | Enter-tainer (Wenzhuo Liu) |
1379 | |
61. | sunng87 (Ning Sun) |
1375 | |
62. | vinceliuice (Vince) |
1330 | |
63. | yangfuhai (Michael Yang) |
1329 | |
64. | nekohasekai (世界) |
1303 | |
65. | glepnir () |
1287 | |
66. | LingyuCoder (harpsealjs) |
1265 | |
67. | wu-sheng (吴晟 Wu Sheng) |
1263 | |
68. | tiann (weishu) |
1258 | |
69. | cipchk (卡色) |
1253 | |
70. | huiyadanli (辉鸭蛋) |
1225 | |
71. | ShixiangWang (Shixiang Wang (王诗翔)) |
1219 | |
72. | archibate (彭于斌) |
1216 | |
73. | skyzh (Alex Chi Z.) |
1210 | |
74. | He-Pin (He-Pin(kerr)) |
1183 | |
75. | yihong0618 (yihong) |
1179 | |
76. | wenshao (Shaojin Wen) |
1169 | |
77. | xicilion (响马) |
1169 | |
78. | slievrly (jimin) |
1164 | |
79. | kujian (前端开发博客) |
1162 | |
80. | sequencer (Jiuyang Liu) |
1154 | |
81. | tangly1024 (tangly1024) |
1149 | |
82. | JacksonTian (Jackson Tian) |
1134 | |
83. | AmazingAng (0xAA) |
1120 | |
84. | OpenGithubs (OpenGithubs) |
1115 | |
85. | AlexV525 (Alex Li) |
1108 | |
86. | Jocs (Ran Luo) |
1097 | |
87. | eryajf (二丫讲梵) |
1097 | |
88. | BlackHole1 (Kevin Cui) |
1094 | |
89. | DefTruth (DefTruth) |
1090 | |
90. | fengmk2 (fengmk2) |
1087 | |
91. | geekan (Alexander Wu) |
1058 | |
1058 | |
93. | wklken (wklken) |
1055 | |
94. | fengjiachun (jeremyhi) |
1025 | |
95. | smallnest (smallnest) |
1025 | |
96. | soulteary (Su Yang) |
1013 | |
97. | pseudoyu (pseudoyu) |
1005 | |
98. | wey-gu (Wey Gu) |
997 | |
99. | lilydjwg (依云) |
964 | |
100. | xiaoxian521 (xiaoming) |
955 | |
101. | hardfist (hardfist) |
954 | |
102. | flaneur2020 (flaneur) |
942 | |
103. | GuangchuangYu (Guangchuang Yu) |
938 | |
104. | chai2010 (chai2010) |
930 | |
105. | wangrunji0408 (Runji Wang) |
917 | |
106. | ouuan (Yufan You) |
907 | |
107. | ezshine (大帅老猿) |
905 | |
108. | krahets (Yudong Jin) |
876 | |
109. | Doraemonzzz (Doraemonzzz) |
811 | |
110. | cloudwu (云风) |
806 | |
111. | mylxsw (mylxsw) |
802 | |
112. | AabyssZG (曾哥) |
797 | |
113. | zensh (0xZensh) |
793 | |
114. | Jannchie (Jianqi Pan) |
773 | |
115. | wfnuser (Qinghao Huang) |
765 | |
116. | michaelliao (Crypto Michael) |
763 | |
117. | nihui () |
761 | |
118. | Richasy (Richasy) |
747 | |
119. | Akagi201 (Bob Liu) |
736 | |
120. | crossoverJie (crossoverJie) |
736 | |
121. | iawia002 (Xinzhao Xu) |
732 | |
122. | jdneo (Sheng Chen) |
729 | |
123. | hustcc (hustcc) |
725 | |
124. | zce (Lei) |
708 | |
125. | cuixiaorui (阿崔cxr) |
708 | |
126. | monkeyWie (Levi) |
704 | |
127. | Freelander (高军 (GoJun)) |
699 | |
128. | wenzhixin (文翼) |
695 | |
129. | tobegit3hub (tobe) |
689 | |
130. | MaxwellGengYF (Maxwell Geng) |
669 | |
131. | easychen (Easy) |
667 | |
132. | WangYihang (Yihang Wang) |
666 | |
133. | Zheaoli (Nadeshiko Manju) |
660 | |
134. | maotoumao (猫头猫) |
660 | |
135. | sun0225SUN (Guoqi Sun) |
656 | |
136. | xiaolai (xiaolai) |
654 | |
137. | GrowingGit (GrowingGit) |
649 | |
138. | feifeibear (Jiarui Fang) |
640 | |
139. | tw93 (Tw93) |
638 | |
140. | greyli (Grey Li) |
632 | |
141. | Leopoldthecoder (Yi Yang) |
632 | |
142. | yangzongzhuan (若依) |
622 | |
143. | dunwu (钝悟) |
614 | |
144. | kevwan (Kevin Wan) |
612 | |
145. | chyroc (chyroc) |
611 | |
146. | ZHO-ZHO-ZHO () |
608 | |
147. | ruanyf (Ruan YiFeng) |
601 | |
148. | bigtreetech (BIGTREETECH) |
597 | |
149. | fi3ework (Wei) |
597 | |
150. | sentsim (贤心) |
595 | |
151. | mozillazg (Huang Huang) |
592 | |
152. | TommyLemon (TommyLemon) |
589 | |
153. | lizongying (李宗英) |
574 | |
154. | KieSun (yck) |
571 | |
155. | codefollower (codefollower) |
570 | |
156. | onevcat (Wei Wang) |
562 | |
157. | crimx (CRIMX) |
561 | |
158. | Justineo (GU Yiling) |
558 | |
159. | chenjiandongx (dongdong) |
553 | |
160. | airyland (Airyland) |
548 | |
161. | 07akioni (07akioni) |
535 | |
162. | wangding (王顶) |
534 | |
163. | layumi (Zhedong Zheng) |
523 | |
164. | DHDAXCW (骷髅头) |
522 | |
165. | Xunzhuo (Xunzhuo) |
521 | |
166. | oldratlee (李鼎) |
517 | |
167. | jackwener (jakevin) |
515 | |
168. | dreampiggy (DreamPiggy) |
512 | |
169. | bennyhuo (Benny Huo) |
510 | |
170. | crifan (Crifan Li) |
509 | |
171. | lichuang (codedump) |
509 | |
172. | tao12345666333 (Jintao Zhang) |
503 | |
173. | nwind (吴多益) |
502 | |
174. | aui (糖饼) |
501 | |
175. | wangrongding (荣顶) |
499 | |
176. | the1812 (Grant Howard) |
479 | |
177. | axetroy (Axetroy) |
478 | |
178. | 521xueweihan (削微寒) |
476 | |
179. | matyhtf (Tianfeng.Han) |
472 | |
180. | lotem (居戎氏) |
465 | |
181. | egoist (EGOIST) |
464 | |
182. | jayli (lijing00333) |
464 | |
183. | ginuerzh (ginuerzh) |
459 | |
184. | yangwenmai (maiyang) |
456 | |
185. | Menci (Menci) |
453 | |
186. | houbb (老马啸西风) |
451 | |
187. | feiskyer (Pengfei Ni) |
449 | |
188. | BernardXiong (Bernard Xiong) |
449 | |
189. | overtrue (安正超) |
445 | |
190. | zhw2590582 (Harvey Zhao) |
440 | |
191. | SharingSource () |
439 | |
192. | chyyuu (chyyuu) |
438 | |
193. | septs (septs) |
437 | |
194. | igrr (Ivan Grokhotkov) |
433 | |
195. | firmianay (一蓑烟雨) |
432 | |
196. | ashawkey (kiui) |
432 | |
197. | woai3c (谭光志) |
430 | |
198. | looly (Golden Looly) |
429 | |
199. | surunzi (RedHoodSu) |
423 | |
200. | chenzomi12 (ZOMI) |
422 | |
201. | yisar (伊撒尔) |
418 | |
202. | glzjin (glzjin) |
416 | |
203. | avwo (avenwu) |
410 | |
204. | ShenQingchuan (沈青川) |
409 | |
205. | FranzKafkaYu (Yu FranzKafka) |
408 | |
206. | piglei (piglei) |
401 | |
207. | DianQK (DianQK) |
401 | |
208. | asxez (ASXE) |
400 | |
209. | daimajia (代码家) |
399 | |
210. | vnpy (vn.py) |
396 | |
211. | whyour (whyour) |
389 | |
212. | twose (twosee) |
386 | |
213. | bailicangdu (cangdu) |
385 | |
214. | Molunerfinn (PiEgg) |
383 | |
215. | yanyiwu (Yanyi Wu) |
382 | |
216. | wong2 (wong2) |
379 | |
217. | Ovilia (Wenli Zhang) |
376 | |
218. | ZoomQuiet (Zoom.Quiet) |
375 | |
219. | materliu (刘炬光) |
374 | |
220. | RealKai42 (Kai) |
373 | |
221. | azl397985856 (lucifer) |
370 | |
222. | PhotonQuantum (LightQuantum) |
365 | |
223. | aylei (Aylei) |
364 | |
224. | fatedier () |
360 | |
225. | liuchengxu (Liu-Cheng Xu) |
357 | |
226. | codeskyblue (codeskyblue) |
354 | |
227. | buqiyuan (bqy_fe) |
354 | |
228. | guanzhi (Zhi Guan) |
353 | |
229. | cssmagic (CSS魔法) |
352 | |
230. | songquanpeng (JustSong) |
351 | |
231. | formulahendry (Jun Han) |
350 | |
232. | jenly1314 (Jenly) |
346 | |
233. | cfc4n (CFC4N) |
342 | |
234. | geffzhang (geffzhang) |
340 | |
235. | bigwhite (Tony Bai) |
336 | |
236. | ddiu8081 (Diu) |
336 | |
237. | ulivz (ULIVZ) |
335 | |
238. | spencerwooo (Spencer (Shangbo Wu)) |
332 | |
239. | xingrz (XiNGRZ) |
320 | |
240. | andeya (Andeya) |
318 | |
241. | bestony (白宦成) |
317 | |
242. | skyao (Sky Ao) |
314 | |
243. | xiaoweiChen (xiaowei) |
311 | |
244. | QiuChenly (秋城落叶) |
304 | |
245. | xiaoluoboding (Robert Shaw) |
302 | |
246. | ruochuan12 (若川) |
300 | |
247. | oldmanpushcart (李夏驰) |
300 | |
248. | ihciah (ihc童鞋@提不起劲) |
294 | |
249. | xiaoyaocz () |
294 | |
250. | mengzhuo (Meng Zhuo) |
285 | |
251. | xiaohanyu (Xiao Hanyu) |
277 | |
252. | Huxpro (Xuan Huang (黄玄)) |
273 | |
253. | Charmve (Wei ZHANG) |
273 | |
254. | TyCoding () |
272 | |
255. | lecepin (乐平) |
268 | |
256. | justjavac (迷渡) |
256 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | apache | 10 |
2. | bytedance | 9 |
3. | alibaba | 8 |
4. | microsoft | 7 |
5. | nvidiagameworks | 5 |
6. | react-component | 4 |
7. | kubernetes | 4 |
8. | tencent | 4 |
9. | cloudnativeto | 4 |
10. | ant-design | 4 |