A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Colombia over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-02-01 04:17:11 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Colombia')
This list contains all public contributions for each user. There are 60445 total users in the region and you need at least 33 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/colombia_public/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/colombia_public/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/colombia_public/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/colombia_public/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | Dev-Diego (DevDiego) |
21818 | |
2. | DLozanoNavas (Daniel Lozano Navas) |
6820 | |
3. | harveybc (Harvey Bastidas) |
4408 | |
4. | tech-andgar (Andres Garcia) |
2966 | |
5. | hernandoabella (Hernando Abella) |
2565 | |
6. | MrDave1999 (Dave Roman) |
1954 | |
7. | Fhernd (John Ortiz Ordoñez) |
1809 | |
8. | vtamara (Vladimir Támara Patiño) |
1767 | |
9. | ccordoba12 (Carlos Cordoba) |
1714 | |
10. | urian121 (URIAN VIERA) |
1499 | |
11. | mauriciovasquezbernal (Mauricio Vásquez) |
1479 | |
12. | AndresMpa (Andres M. Prieto) |
1349 | |
13. | FBarreraP (Fabián Barrera Prieto) |
1327 | |
14. | Jes015 (Jes015) |
1286 | |
15. | 1cgonza (Juan Camilo González) |
1224 | |
16. | jdvelasq (Juan David Velásquez-Henao) |
1208 | |
17. | eacardenase (Edwin Cárdenas) |
1206 | |
18. | xergioalex (Sergio Florez) |
1206 | |
19. | jcomte23 (Javier Cómbita Téllez) |
1198 | |
20. | NietoDeveloper (Manuel Nieto) |
1172 | |
21. | QuitoTactico (Esteban Vergara Giraldo) |
1160 | |
22. | jsanchezl12 (Juan Sebastian Sanchez L.) |
1071 | |
23. | imlargo (Juan Carlos Largo) |
1046 | |
24. | DavidsDvm (DavidsDvm) |
934 | |
25. | RayBB (Raymond Berger) |
859 | |
26. | sebastiandotdev (Sebastián García) |
828 | |
27. | saguileran (Sebastian Aguilera Novoa) |
808 | |
28. | alpeb (Alejandro Pedraza) |
799 | |
29. | dalthviz (Daniel Althviz Moré) |
779 | |
30. | CafeFPS (Andrés G.) |
748 | |
31. | JuanJoDiaz19 (Juan Jose Diaz) |
736 | |
32. | paganotoni (Antonio Pagano) |
722 | |
33. | johnsi15 (John Serrano) |
722 | |
34. | avanegasp (Angie Vanegas P) |
706 | |
35. | rickbeerendonk (Rick Beerendonk) |
706 | |
36. | cesc1989 (Francisco Quintero) |
698 | |
37. | thEpisode (Camilo Rodriguez Cuaran) |
682 | |
38. | mariobot (Mario Botero) |
675 | |
39. | carlos-paezf (Carlos David Páez Ferreira) |
674 | |
40. | andyquinterom (Andrés Felipe Quintero Moreano) |
658 | |
41. | reobin (Robin Gagnon) |
608 | |
42. | hoodrichpirobo (CUX "INDIO" PRADA) |
608 | |
43. | arendondiosa (Alejandro E. Rendon) |
606 | |
44. | JoseRZapata (Jose R. Zapata) |
605 | |
45. | pandres95 (Pablo Andrés Dorado Suárez) |
589 | |
46. | jonatanmedina12 (Jonatan_Medina) |
576 | |
47. | camilogarciabotero (Camilo García) |
575 | |
48. | JeffreyBenjaminBrown (Jeffrey Benjamin Brown) |
567 | |
49. | juanferfranco (Juan Fernando Franco Higuita) |
560 | |
50. | Maurux01 (Mauro Infante) |
559 | |
51. | HoyosJuan (Juan Hoyos) |
549 | |
52. | augustosalazar (Augusto Salazar SIlva) |
541 | |
53. | geovannymcode (Geovanny Mendoza) |
530 | |
54. | jahirfiquitiva (Jahir Fiquitiva) |
523 | |
55. | Youngermaster (Juan Manuel Young Hoyos) |
522 | |
56. | AndresCdo (Andres Caicedo) |
520 | |
57. | Ricardo7c (Ricardo Silva) |
507 | |
58. | rohaquinlop (Robin Quintero) |
497 | |
59. | pvdrz (Christian Poveda Ruiz) |
494 | |
60. | jarrisondev (Jarrison Cano ) |
488 | |
61. | carlosalvarezh (Carlos Alberto Álvarez Henao) |
480 | |
62. | MateoSilvaLasso (Mateo Silva Lasso) |
479 | |
63. | Crola1702 (Cristóbal Arroyo) |
476 | |
64. | claudiainbytes (Claudia Estupiñán Forero) |
467 | |
65. | alejoriosm04 (Alejandro Ríos Muñoz) |
462 | |
66. | nunezluis (Luis A. Núñez) |
458 | |
67. | DavidArmendariz (David Armendáriz) |
444 | |
68. | PatoProgramador (Kevin Patiño) |
432 | |
69. | judlup (Judlup Luna) |
432 | |
70. | angoca (Andres Gomez Casanova) |
431 | |
71. | nakednous (Jean Pierre Charalambos) |
427 | |
72. | pastuxso (Cristian Cepeda) |
421 | |
73. | san99tiago (Santiago Garcia Arango) |
419 | |
74. | sahvsergio (Sergio Andrés Herrera Velásquez) |
415 | |
75. | Israel-Laguan (Israel Antonio Rosales Laguan) |
413 | |
76. | luismvargasg (Luis Miguel Vargas Guevara) |
407 | |
77. | cvalencia1991 (Cesar Valencia Aguilar) |
388 | |
78. | aanzolaavila (Alejandro Anzola Avila) |
386 | |
79. | Bethsyf (Bethsy Falcon) |
379 | |
80. | johinsDev (Johan Villamil) |
361 | |
81. | brayandiazc (Brayan Diaz C) |
358 | |
82. | goanpeca (Gonzalo Peña-Castellanos) |
357 | |
83. | mrcego (Cesar Gomez) |
357 | |
84. | andfoy (Edgar Andrés Margffoy Tuay) |
354 | |
85. | YeisonCardona (Yeison Cardona) |
353 | |
86. | romelperez (Romel Perez) |
350 | |
87. | jairoFernandez (Jairo Fernández) |
349 | |
88. | einsteinx2 (Ben Baron) |
349 | |
89. | Areshkew (Gustavo Ramirez) |
348 | |
90. | jamerrq (Jamer José) |
344 | |
91. | fturizo (Fabio Turizo) |
342 | |
92. | andrescaro16 (Andrés Julian Caro Restrepo) |
340 | |
93. | kwmejia (Kevin Mejía) |
339 | |
94. | xaca (Xaca Rana) |
338 | |
95. | Alafresh () |
338 | |
96. | chriscoderdr (Chris Gomez) |
335 | |
97. | cardel (Carlos Delgado) |
332 | |
98. | Luis96920 () |
330 | |
99. | trey-a-hope (Trey Hope) |
330 | |
100. | Djkde01 (Sergio Estrella) |
326 | |
101. | Erik172 (Erik Alejandro Garcia) |
324 | |
102. | Angelfire (Andrés Bedoya (SrHart)) |
313 | |
103. | Factral (Fabian Perez *-*) |
312 | |
104. | Josedoria93 (Jose Luis Doria) |
312 | |
105. | fhernanb (Freddy Hernández) |
311 | |
106. | Jonathanbees (Jonathan Betancur) |
310 | |
107. | AlexisMartinez1913 (Jhony Alexis Martínez) |
309 | |
108. | CJ7MO (Cristian Josué Martínez Obando) |
308 | |
109. | andresmorenoj (Andrés Moreno) |
306 | |
110. | jsurrea (Sebastian Urrea) |
305 | |
111. | juselara1 (Juan Sebastián Lara Ramírez) |
304 | |
112. | pyjavo (Javier Daza) |
304 | |
113. | kennethdevpc (Kenneth E.) |
301 | |
114. | andresfelipemendez (Andrés Felipe Méndez) |
301 | |
115. | EngAndres (Carlos Andres Sierra) |
300 | |
116. | unmultimedio (Julian Figueroa) |
294 | |
117. | carboleda (Carlos Fernando Arboleda) |
292 | |
118. | forero (Jaime Forero-Romero) |
290 | |
119. | osnoser1 (Alfonso Andrés López Molina) |
289 | |
120. | Achalogy (Acha) |
289 | |
121. | SalahAdDin (José Luis) |
286 | |
285 | |
123. | savq (Sergio A. Vargas) |
285 | |
124. | ssinuco (Sergio Sinuco) |
284 | |
125. | jdnichollsc (J.D Nicholls) |
276 | |
126. | restrepo (Diego Restrepo) |
275 | |
127. | aldajo92 (Alejandro Gómez) |
274 | |
128. | josefdc (Jose Felipe Duarte Coronado) |
269 | |
129. | juanpabl0svn (JuanPabloSanVillegas) |
266 | |
130. | cosmoscalibur (Edward Villegas-Pulgarin) |
264 | |
131. | davidriveraarbelaez (David Rivera A) |
263 | |
132. | WhitneySt (Whitney Stevenson) |
262 | |
133. | trainingLeader () |
261 | |
134. | PterPmnta (Pedro Pimienta M.) |
260 | |
135. | MaferMazu (María Fernanda Magallanes) |
260 | |
136. | MAFLIXD (Santiago Mafla Gonzalez) |
257 | |
137. | AlejandroBlanco2001 (Isaac Alejandro Blanco) |
252 | |
138. | jclosadab1996 (Juan Camilo Losada Bultaif) |
251 | |
139. | KillerZeus666 (Katheryn Guasca) |
249 | |
140. | AparicioJohan (Johan Steven Aparicio) |
249 | |
141. | Daves2126 (Esteban Gonzalez Tamayo) |
248 | |
142. | MauricioRobayo (Mauricio Robayo) |
247 | |
143. | leshz (Jeffer Barragán) |
244 | |
144. | fugazi (Douglas Fugazi) |
241 | |
145. | BalmungSan (Luis Miguel Mejía Suárez) |
240 | |
146. | Carlos-Marrugo (Carlos Marrugo ) |
239 | |
147. | achaverrar (Ayxa Chaverra R.) |
239 | |
148. | Oswe-gif (Jhoan Oswaldo Ome Vega) |
238 | |
149. | LuisRicado77 (Luis Daniel Ricardo Sayas) |
237 | |
150. | mora200217 (Andrés Morales) |
236 | |
151. | ferch5003 (Fernando Visbal) |
228 | |
152. | seap-udea (Solar, Earth and Planetary Physics Group) |
228 | |
153. | rusini () |
227 | |
154. | dlizcano (Diego J. Lizcano) |
220 | |
155. | amalvarezme (Andrés Marino Álvarez Meza) |
219 | |
156. | andresayac (Andres Aya) |
218 | |
157. | JuanDavidTriana (Juan David Triana Turmeque) |
215 | |
158. | Rojas-Andres (Andres Rojas) |
213 | |
159. | mfcaicedo (Milthon Caicedo) |
206 | |
160. | slashman (Santiago Zapata) |
204 | |
161. | vanessann-dev (Vanessa Sánchez) |
203 | |
162. | Rinaplata (Rina Plata) |
202 | |
163. | diegoandresalvarez (Diego Andrés Alvarez Marín) |
202 | |
164. | PintoDev64 (Joan Sebastian Cardozo Salinas) |
201 | |
165. | franciscocruz29 (Francisco Cruz) |
201 | |
166. | japeto (japeto) |
201 | |
167. | codewithsebas (Sebastián Giraldo) |
197 | |
168. | johnhcano (JhonHCanoB) |
196 | |
169. | elyxdev (Elyx) |
196 | |
170. | sergio-usma (Sergio Andres Usma) |
193 | |
171. | SicerBrito (SicerAndresBritoGutierrez) |
191 | |
172. | AdonaiVera (Adonai Vera) |
190 | |
173. | juusechec (Jorge Ulises) |
188 | |
174. | Und3rW0rld (Santi Acevedo) |
187 | |
175. | khriztianmoreno (Khriztian Moreno) |
185 | |
176. | habolanos (Harold Adrián Bolaños Rodríguez) |
184 | |
177. | mnesarco (Frank David Martínez M) |
183 | |
178. | danielgara (Daniel Correa) |
182 | |
179. | JuankTS (Juan Camilo Torres ) |
181 | |
180. | santitigaga (Santiago Garcia Gil) |
181 | |
181. | TatianaSanchez01 (Tatiana Sanchez) |
180 | |
182. | bl00p1ng (Andrés López) |
176 | |
183. | arpagon (Sebastian Rojo) |
176 | |
184. | Juanescacha (Juan Esteban Camargo) |
174 | |
185. | hulkike (Enrique Moreno) |
173 | |
186. | FeliPrado31 (Feli) |
170 | |
187. | vanessamarely (Vanessa Aristizabal) |
170 | |
188. | baldore (Camilo Orrego) |
168 | |
189. | DanielCardonaRojas (Daniel Cardona Rojas) |
168 | |
190. | julianfrancor (Julian Franco) |
165 | |
191. | sebastianzapatar (Sebastián Zapata) |
165 | |
192. | kevyder (Kevin Rodríguez ✌️) |
163 | |
193. | equiman (Camilo Martinez) |
162 | |
194. | jonakls (Jonathan Narvaez) |
161 | |
195. | Camilo-neck (Camilo) |
160 | |
196. | LorenaBarr (Karen Lorena Barrera ) |
158 | |
197. | Barmadmim (Bryan Andres Ramírez Márquez) |
156 | |
198. | JeronimoAR (Jeronimo) |
156 | |
199. | Naveduran (Natalia Vera Duran) |
156 | |
200. | jdrodas (Juan Dario Rodas) |
155 | |
201. | santiaguf (Santiago Bernal) |
155 | |
202. | degrammer (Ruben Restrepo) |
153 | |
203. | aleocampodev (Alejandra Ocampo) |
153 | |
204. | lyca2206 (Ariel Pabón) |
152 | |
205. | milohr (Camilo Higuita) |
148 | |
206. | jucarata (Juan Camilo Ramírez Tabares) |
147 | |
207. | KingDarBoja (Manuel Bojato) |
147 | |
208. | jameshell (James) |
147 | |
209. | estebanx64 (Esteban Maya) |
146 | |
210. | Mteheran (Miguel Teheran) |
145 | |
211. | luiscobot (Luis Romero) |
144 | |
212. | lucas-barake (Lucas Barake) |
144 | |
213. | stivenramireza (Stiven Ramírez Arango) |
144 | |
214. | Josscoder (Josscoder) |
143 | |
215. | EdwinPuertas (Edwin Puertas) |
142 | |
216. | felipevcc (Felipe Villamizar) |
141 | |
217. | Nojipiz (Orlando Vargas) |
141 | |
218. | dasafodev (Santiago Forero) |
141 | |
219. | PaoloTorregroza (Paolinsky) |
140 | |
220. | jairoserrano (Jairo Enrique Serrano Castañeda) |
138 | |
221. | juandc (Juan David Castro) |
138 | |
222. | nmenag (Nicolas Mena) |
137 | |
223. | Zulu55 (Juan Carlos Zuluaga) |
136 | |
224. | winos (Da) |
136 | |
225. | kmilo17pet (J. Camilo G.C.) |
136 | |
226. | cardotrejos (Ricardo Trejos) |
136 | |
227. | Dracvs (Lucho Robles) |
134 | |
228. | jubenitezg (Julian Benitez Gutierrez) |
134 | |
229. | mafer23 (Maria Fernanda Palencia) |
134 | |
230. | canro91 (Cesar Aguirre) |
134 | |
231. | ruloCode (Andrés Santana) |
133 | |
232. | Edu4rdSHL (Eduard Tolosa) |
132 | |
233. | champi-dev (Daniel) |
131 | |
234. | Maxtermax (Esneyder Amin) |
130 | |
235. | danielgomezrico (Daniel Gomez) |
130 | |
236. | JacoboGarcesO (Jacobo Garcés Oquendo) |
129 | |
237. | sebasvelasco353 (Sebastian Velasco) |
129 | |
238. | yomar-dev (Yomar Miranda) |
127 | |
239. | andresqb198 (Andrés Quintero) |
127 | |
240. | aeroxmotion (Camilo Rodríguez) |
127 | |
241. | NeckerFree (Elio Cortés) |
126 | |
242. | jorgezafra94 (Jorge Enrique Zafra) |
125 | |
243. | mkualquiera (Juan Pablo Ossa Zapata) |
124 | |
244. | walterrdev (Walter Rodriguez C.) |
123 | |
245. | Jacksonpirlo (Jackson Florez) |
122 | |
246. | jissbossh (Jorge Ivan Sierra Suarez) |
121 | |
247. | Danfoa (Daniel Ordonez) |
121 | |
248. | jaravad (Jesus Santiago) |
121 | |
249. | Orloxx23 (Orlando Mina) |
121 | |
250. | Jorger (Jorge Rubiano) |
120 | |
251. | conejoninja (Daniel Esteban) |
120 | |
252. | Hetvall (James Orozco Hernandez) |
119 | |
253. | fegonzalez7 (Felipe Gonzalez Roldan) |
118 | |
254. | jthan24 (Jhonny Pong) |
118 | |
255. | batusai513 (Richard Roncancio) |
116 | |
256. | maoacr (const { dev } = Mao;) |
114 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | spyder-ide | 4 |
2. | pereira-tech-talks | 3 |
3. | quansight-labs | 3 |
4. | quansight | 3 |
5. | colombiapython | 3 |
6. | faiross-pbc | 2 |
7. | pereirajs | 2 |
8. | backbone-utp | 2 |
9. | conda-forge | 2 |
10. | pythonbootcampuniandes | 2 |