A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Dominican Republic over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-02-02 05:18:10 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Dominican Republic')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 5534 total users in the region and you need at least 7 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/dominican_republic_private/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/dominican_republic_private/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/dominican_republic_private/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/dominican_republic_private/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | kaioken (Max Castro) |
7422 | |
2. | rudisjcg (Rudis Cordones Gomez) |
7184 | |
4735 | |
4. | felixalguzman (Félix Alejandro Guzmán) |
4554 | |
5. | ryarturogi (Ricardo Guillen I.) |
4438 | |
6. | Victor1890 (Victor Jesús Rosario Vásquez) |
3935 | |
7. | rafrsr (Rafael Santos) |
3736 | |
8. | josuegrullon (Josue Grullon ) |
3630 | |
9. | Zyruks (Samuel Llibre-Pilco) |
3478 | |
10. | peck0 (Pedro Infante) |
3144 | |
11. | YnfanteY2799 (Yassett J Ynfante Jimenez) |
3001 | |
12. | chrisvasqm (Christian Vasquez) |
2797 | |
13. | elminson (Elminson De Oleo Baez) |
2742 | |
14. | adelrodriguez (Adel Rodríguez) |
2741 | |
15. | angelmadames (Angel Adames) |
2726 | |
16. | jerlyrosa (Jerly De La Rosa) |
2422 | |
17. | efraa (Efrain Peralta) |
2366 | |
18. | JuniorAngeles (Junior Angeles) |
2352 | |
19. | alexis-gruet-deel (Alexis Gruet) |
2307 | |
20. | juan-fdz-hawa (Juan Fernandez) |
2265 | |
21. | javiercm1410 (Javier Carrillo) |
2257 | |
22. | emilsosa (Emil Sosa) |
2210 | |
23. | code-bryan (Bryan Astacio) |
2198 | |
24. | erikmejias (Erik Mejia) |
2090 | |
25. | adonyssantos (Adonys Santos) |
2019 | |
26. | xeno097 (xeno097) |
2013 | |
27. | focux (Leonardo E. Dominguez) |
1997 | |
28. | acidlake (Jeremias Nunez) |
1965 | |
29. | jeserodz (Jese Rodriguez) |
1962 | |
30. | DeniferSantiago (Denifer Santiago) |
1953 | |
31. | itsalb3rt (Albert E. Hidalgo Taveras) |
1945 | |
32. | Jadhielv (Jadhiel Vélez) |
1877 | |
33. | gutierrez23 (Fernando Gutierrez) |
1843 | |
34. | hgleyder (Gleyder Hernandez) |
1823 | |
35. | m4ert (Angel Maert) |
1820 | |
36. | gabmartinez (Gabriel L Martinez) |
1817 | |
37. | aledeltoro (Alejandro Encarnación) |
1815 | |
38. | david-lafontant (David Lafontant) |
1799 | |
39. | lrojas94 (Luis E. Rojas Cabrera) |
1793 | |
40. | alblandino (Joel Jaime) |
1790 | |
41. | jcorona48 (Joan Elias Corona Gómez) |
1725 | |
42. | ruben0626 (Ruben Jimenez) |
1693 | |
43. | Rudxain (Ricardo Fernández Serrata) |
1659 | |
44. | Oniel1721 (Oniel Santos) |
1610 | |
45. | Yordi23 (Yordi Ogando) |
1599 | |
46. | Shoghy (Shoghy Martinez) |
1566 | |
47. | vivgui (Vivian Guillen) |
1563 | |
48. | jesusantguerrero (Jesus Guerrero) |
1506 | |
49. | luisjmarrero (Luis Marrero) |
1460 | |
50. | cesarParra (Cesar Parra) |
1446 | |
51. | rodrigodiasf1984 (Rodrigo Dias de Figueiredo) |
1444 | |
52. | fraineralex (Frainer Encarnación) |
1434 | |
53. | josetgenao26 (José Tomás Genao) |
1431 | |
54. | cvivieca (Christopher Jr. Vivieca Ramos) |
1416 | |
55. | wilmerm (Wilmer Martinez) |
1411 | |
56. | RivierGrullon (Rivier Grullon) |
1402 | |
57. | hdisma (Ismael) |
1401 | |
58. | SparoHawk (Rogelio Morey) |
1393 | |
59. | winston142O (Winston Pichardo) |
1362 | |
60. | jose-Abel (JoseAbel) |
1361 | |
61. | lewandy (Lewandy Dilone) |
1325 | |
62. | pedroslopez (Pedro S. Lopez) |
1311 | |
63. | ArielFJ (Jesús Ariel Fermín) |
1309 | |
64. | Giampierospec (Giampiero Specogna) |
1306 | |
65. | wilburhimself (Wilbur Suero) |
1298 | |
66. | abelgonzalezr (Abel González Rodriguez) |
1293 | |
67. | noGreg (Gregory Hernandez (Abax)) |
1293 | |
68. | daiangan (Daian Gan) |
1285 | |
69. | joeliranzo (Joel Liranzo) |
1284 | |
70. | FredPeal (Frederick Peñalo) |
1275 | |
71. | Xaroz (Jason Guo) |
1269 | |
72. | JG0328 (José Gabriel González) |
1252 | |
73. | iajrz (Irving A.J. Rivas Z.) |
1244 | |
74. | jeffryjdelarosa (Jeffry Jesus De La Rosa) |
1244 | |
75. | javisperez (Javis V. Pérez) |
1237 | |
76. | fva062001 (Fernando Arturo Valerio) |
1226 | |
77. | brandox02 (Brandox02) |
1193 | |
78. | miguelcalderons (Miguel Calderón Sang ) |
1193 | |
79. | JaSsT20 (Levid Tejada) |
1187 | |
80. | BrayanMBeltre (Brayan M. Beltre) |
1179 | |
81. | briandiaz (Brian Díaz) |
1176 | |
82. | isaacismaelx14 (Isaac Martinez) |
1173 | |
83. | manuhazen (Emmanuel Jimenez) |
1163 | |
84. | gbaldera (Gustavo Rodriguez Baldera) |
1162 | |
85. | leandro-0 (Leandro Jiménez) |
1152 | |
86. | raqlo (Raquel Lopez) |
1118 | |
87. | SilvioArzeno (Silvio Daniel Arzeno) |
1111 | |
88. | SammyBits (Sammy) |
1095 | |
89. | Arzoid29 (José David Sánchez) |
1075 | |
90. | rafieltq (Rafiel Taveras Quezada) |
1072 | |
91. | emilioferreyra (Emilio Ferreyra) |
1061 | |
92. | esantelises (Emilio Santelises) |
1059 | |
93. | b-nicasio (Bernie Nicasio) |
1059 | |
94. | mcmchris (Christopher Méndez) |
1048 | |
95. | evolquez (Algenis Eduardo) |
1034 | |
96. | arielmorel (Ariel Morel) |
1016 | |
97. | rwhite27 (Rafael White) |
994 | |
98. | ifirestone (Ivan Firestone) |
989 | |
99. | AlejandroBeltre (Alejandro Beltre) |
986 | |
100. | williamcabrera4 (William Marcel Cabrera Santana) |
971 | |
101. | Sergiojoel9877 (Sergio Joel Ferreras Batista) |
954 | |
102. | dexter0323 (Juan Sanchez) |
943 | |
103. | Wil-JsDev (Wilmer De La Cruz) |
938 | |
104. | LNagad (Maycol Daniel Perez Ciprian) |
932 | |
105. | clovis1122 (Clovis Ramírez) |
921 | |
106. | buttercubz (Erick Sosa Garcia) |
917 | |
107. | wilmerterrero (Wilmer Terrero) |
915 | |
108. | YarielInfante () |
912 | |
109. | zOmArRD (zOmArRD) |
878 | |
110. | ctrl-Sebastian (Sebastian De Leon) |
878 | |
111. | LordFitoi (Nahum Santana) |
876 | |
112. | EdwinDev6 (Edwin Mendoza Rodriguez) |
873 | |
113. | marcelino056 (Robert Marcelino) |
873 | |
114. | ivanmercedes (Ivan Mercedes) |
869 | |
115. | samueldaviddelacruz (Samuel David De La Cruz) |
867 | |
116. | DannyFeliz (Danny Feliz) |
863 | |
117. | Johan-rosa (Johan Rosa) |
859 | |
118. | hennyfeliz (Henny Feliz) |
857 | |
119. | samilabud (Samil Abud) |
855 | |
120. | luisvent (Luis Ventura) |
849 | |
121. | jtvargas (Jonathan Taveras) |
849 | |
122. | eddyfidel (Eddy Fidel) |
848 | |
123. | Krystian19 (Jan Guzman) |
841 | |
124. | kengru (Kendry Grullón) |
828 | |
125. | ImRLopezAG (Angel Gabriel Lopez TSX) |
817 | |
126. | javier1292 (Junior Garcia ) |
809 | |
127. | wgarcia4190 (Wilson Garcia) |
807 | |
128. | YolgeSanchez (Jorge Raynieri Sanchez Pichardo) |
806 | |
129. | dkropachev (Dmitry Kropachev) |
804 | |
130. | larizzatg (Larizza Tueros) |
796 | |
131. | jenriquejr (Juan Jimenez) |
787 | |
132. | JerickTwO (Jerick Toro) |
786 | |
133. | wm3ndez (Williams Mendez) |
783 | |
134. | Asinox (Juan Miguel Calcaño) |
772 | |
135. | dewynl (Dewyn Liriano) |
766 | |
136. | csuriel (Crhistopher Suriel) |
764 | |
137. | hecvasro (Héctor Vásquez) |
762 | |
138. | bianel11 (Bianel De Jesús Rodríguez) |
761 | |
139. | djose1164 (Daniel Victoriano) |
757 | |
140. | jsainthilaire (Jose Saint Hilaire) |
756 | |
141. | orodriguez (Omar J. Rodriguez) |
756 | |
142. | Bant89 (bant) |
750 | |
143. | narcisonunez (Narciso E. Núñez Arias) |
721 | |
144. | ADelRosarioH (Anthony Del Rosario) |
720 | |
145. | jeanamarante (Jean Amarante) |
716 | |
146. | jesusbibieca (Jesus) |
713 | |
147. | criseulises (Cristian Eulises Sanchez Ramirez) |
713 | |
148. | francisbrito (Francis Brito) |
712 | |
149. | JeffreyArt1 (Jeffrey Mesa) |
711 | |
150. | enriquecapellan (Enrique Capellan) |
701 | |
151. | Th3Mayar (José Fco. Henriquez) |
693 | |
152. | oldani (Ordanis Sanchez) |
676 | |
153. | thacuber2a03 (ThaCuber) |
674 | |
154. | ghaerdi (Gil Rudolf Härdi) |
670 | |
155. | migueliriano (Miguel Angel Liriano) |
670 | |
156. | gabbanaesteban (Esteban De la Rosa) |
667 | |
157. | lespinosa (Luis Manuel Espinosa) |
656 | |
158. | bryant2305 (Bryant Perez Garcia) |
655 | |
159. | angelpimentell (Angel Pimentel) |
650 | |
160. | crystalduran (Crystal D) |
649 | |
161. | K3ury99 (Keury Ramírez) |
647 | |
162. | josespinal (Jose Espinal) |
643 | |
163. | JavierMartinez07 (Javier De Jesus) |
636 | |
164. | Tcriss (Cristian Tejeda) |
628 | |
165. | dmarte (Delvi Marte) |
624 | |
166. | em-torres (Edwin Marte Torres) |
624 | |
167. | glopezep (Guillermo Lopez) |
621 | |
168. | amycatgirl (Amy) |
619 | |
169. | michaelmontero (Michael Montero) |
619 | |
170. | en-medina (Enmanuel Medina) |
612 | |
171. | cesar18pena (Cesar Peña) |
607 | |
172. | Gabo-RDev (Gabriel Rodriguez) |
600 | |
173. | NightmareVCO (Vladimir Curiel) |
599 | |
174. | ealcantara22 (Enercido Alcantara) |
597 | |
175. | javieracevedo (Javier Acevedo) |
596 | |
176. | JuanCorp (Juan Alberto Nuñez Corporan) |
596 | |
177. | frederickcxa (Frederick Corcino Alejo) |
594 | |
178. | watercubz (Eury Sosa Garcia) |
586 | |
179. | luisdanieldlcg (Luis De La Cruz) |
584 | |
180. | bvisonl (Benjamín Visón) |
579 | |
181. | rcarlosjorge (Carlos Jorge) |
578 | |
182. | diegomichell (Diego Ivan Perez Michel) |
576 | |
183. | EsmerlinJM (Esmerlin Joel Mieses) |
573 | |
184. | rmariuzzo (Rubens Mariuzzo) |
571 | |
185. | randy7k (Randy Rivera) |
569 | |
186. | Yepecpp (John Yepe) |
568 | |
187. | stalinb87 (Stalin Bonilla) |
559 | |
188. | mjimenez07 (Mario Jiménez) |
549 | |
189. | danielgarcia-09 (Daniel Garcia) |
548 | |
190. | carlosrod723 (Carlos Rodriguez) |
544 | |
191. | JoseAMota11 (José Mota) |
539 | |
192. | gabrielurenah (Gabriel Urena) |
535 | |
193. | d-feliz-gbh (Daniel Feliz Ferreiras) |
521 | |
194. | osvaldo0222 (Osvaldo Fernández ) |
519 | |
195. | wilsonrc (Wilson Reyes Collado) |
518 | |
196. | JhonZ-Dev (Jhon Zambrano Macias) |
509 | |
197. | andydev404 (Andy Santana) |
505 | |
198. | jcaraballo17 (Juan Caraballo) |
496 | |
199. | angelfeliz (Angel Eduardo ) |
487 | |
200. | jose-pcg (José López) |
487 | |
201. | kavallo (Luis Heredia) |
487 | |
202. | kenliten (Otoniel Reyes) |
485 | |
203. | VarelaIT (Ismael J. Varela) |
485 | |
204. | tjimenez (Teddy Jimenez) |
479 | |
205. | WinserEX (Winser Espinal) |
478 | |
206. | dauryjey (Daury Pérez) |
477 | |
207. | miguel550 (Miguel) |
476 | |
208. | andrepichardo (André Pichardo) |
465 | |
209. | donperi (Briam Santiago) |
454 | |
210. | JorgeDDW (Jorge Dominguez) |
449 | |
211. | cristiandelahooz (Cristian de la Hoz) |
449 | |
212. | relztic (Ariel Díaz) |
447 | |
213. | black3xp (Vladimir Núñez) |
444 | |
214. | EnmanuelReyes (Enmanuel Reyes) |
443 | |
215. | Casadjes (Jesus Casado) |
440 | |
216. | codeyad (Melvis Yadel Perez) |
440 | |
217. | Lizzy0981 (Elizabeth Diaz Familia) |
438 | |
218. | RicardoColladoRothschild (Ricardo Collado Rothschild) |
436 | |
219. | osmaldym (Osmaldy Maldonado) |
434 | |
220. | YefriTavarez (Yefri Tavarez Nolasco) |
431 | |
221. | ewitz (Eric Milliot-Martinez) |
430 | |
222. | AmbrocioJRDeLaCruz (AmbrocioJR) |
427 | |
223. | jastinmartinez (Jastin Martinez) |
421 | |
224. | CristianUser (Cristian Mejia) |
419 | |
225. | jhael07 (Jhael Rodriguez) |
418 | |
226. | guidop91 (Guido Perdomo) |
417 | |
227. | RCaminero (Roberlina Caminero) |
413 | |
228. | vyzaldysanchez (Vyzaldy Sanchez) |
412 | |
229. | Xardimods (Enyel Liranzo Lugo) |
404 | |
230. | oliverfb (Oliver Félix Berrido) |
404 | |
231. | fxisco (Francisco Payés) |
404 | |
232. | YesnielX (Yesniel) |
404 | |
233. | KarlangaXZ (Carlos Linares) |
403 | |
234. | ming-tsai (Ming Tsai) |
402 | |
235. | hbiblia (Jhonson Ozuna Mejia) |
400 | |
236. | egg-jose (Jose Esteban Garcia Grullon) |
399 | |
237. | wk101 (Richard M.) |
398 | |
238. | limbertlino (Limbert Lino Mattos) |
395 | |
239. | esmarlint (Nelson Esmarlin Rosario Rodríguez) |
393 | |
240. | SteveMoya (Steve Moya Cepeda) |
387 | |
241. | Enmanuel-TG (Enmanuel Taveras Gómez) |
385 | |
242. | luisprooc (Luis Miguel Rosario) |
384 | |
243. | fhillipgcastillo (Fhillip G. Castillo) |
384 | |
244. | edgarnadal (Edgar Nadal) |
381 | |
245. | uppy19d0 (Luis A.Tavarez) |
381 | |
246. | xvicmanx (Victor Trejo) |
380 | |
247. | juandozuna (Juan Ozuna) |
380 | |
248. | anthuanvasquez (Anthuan Vásquez) |
380 | |
249. | Wander95 (Wander Sanchez) |
377 | |
250. | rbritom (Radhames Brito) |
369 | |
251. | JhonAlbert06 (Jhon Albert Guzman Rosario) |
368 | |
252. | taverasmisael (Misael Taveras) |
366 | |
253. | RandyPJ (.Randy) |
365 | |
254. | slugo (Sebastian Lugo) |
363 | |
255. | xheuz (Victor Natschke) |
363 | |
256. | RaulMonteroC (Raul Montero) |
358 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | vuedominicana | 10 |
2. | developersdo | 7 |
3. | javascriptdominicana | 7 |
4. | mctekk | 5 |
5. | x-team | 4 |
6. | crewdevio | 3 |
7. | goodbed | 2 |
8. | streamelopers | 2 |
9. | zitdevs | 2 |
10. | yourstorewizards | 2 |