A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in El Salvador over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-03-09 06:13:29 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'El Salvador')
This list contains all public commits for each user. There are 3906 total users in the region and you need at least 3 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | hftamayo (Herbert Fernandez Tamayo) |
1892 | |
2. | wisusdev (Jesús Avelar) |
1619 | |
3. | ErickBGomez (Erick B. Gómez) |
1447 | |
4. | cruzito-x (cruzito) |
1252 | |
5. | ShannonLeavitt (Shannon Leavitt) |
1212 | |
6. | Adrian-Aguilera (Adrian-Aguilera) |
1169 | |
7. | nolash (lash) |
996 | |
8. | LuisNajarro (Luis Najarro) |
791 | |
9. | Ever-VC (Ever Vásquez) |
778 | |
10. | marvnramos (Marvin Ramos) |
711 | |
11. | JeffreyMardoqueo-17 (Jeff-Mardoqueo) |
607 | |
12. | JosenRomero (José Romero) |
605 | |
13. | bnhdez (BorisH) |
604 | |
14. | castillorobin (Robin Castillo) |
604 | |
15. | Alejandroq12 (Julio Quezada) |
589 | |
16. | ragranados (Raúl Granados) |
572 | |
17. | jaredcsv (Jared Martinez) |
549 | |
18. | JjayY4 (jayyにグ) |
541 | |
19. | Ezzz-Lui (Luis Ramos) |
513 | |
20. | kyxent-Immortal-Dev (Ezequiel Campos) |
503 | |
21. | rjcalifornia (Rodolfo Hernandez) |
498 | |
22. | BryanVas24 (Bryan Vásquez) |
477 | |
23. | replaceafill (Douglas Cerna) |
473 | |
24. | chepecarlos (Jose Carlos Garcia Diaz) |
462 | |
25. | xMakuno (Mario Martinez) |
435 | |
26. | Chinchilla15 (Alessandro Chinchilla) |
433 | |
27. | KevLehman (Kevin Aleman) |
406 | |
28. | ronaldris21 (Ronald Tejada ) |
377 | |
29. | Nestor-Adonay-Rodriguez-Alberto (Nestor Rodriguez ) |
375 | |
30. | danybeltran (Dany Beltran) |
371 | |
31. | kevinocotan (Kevin Alexander Ocotán) |
370 | |
32. | Marvin-Figueroa (Marvin Figueroa) |
369 | |
33. | C3SC0-V4113 (Francisco José Valle Cornejo) |
359 | |
34. | Hctor11 (Hector Rivera) |
356 | |
35. | Samuel581 (Samuel Ortiz) |
349 | |
36. | Yosiak-alv (Josías Alvarenga) |
346 | |
37. | DanielCruz12 (DanielCruz) |
343 | |
38. | jpin730 (Jaime Pineda) |
327 | |
39. | JoshuaOrtizR (Joshua Ortiz Rosales) |
322 | |
40. | DeadBryam (Bryan Villafuerte) |
318 | |
41. | andres-javier-lopez (Andrés Javier López) |
310 | |
42. | bluediu (Josue Rivas) |
302 | |
43. | AlvinRHD (Alvin Rosales) |
302 | |
44. | JohnArbaiza1 (John Elvis Arbaiza Velásquez) |
299 | |
45. | VicFlores () |
298 | |
46. | FernandoCuatro (Fernando Cuatro) |
295 | |
47. | josefloressv (José Flores) |
293 | |
48. | wkatir (Wilmer Salazar) |
286 | |
49. | eliseo-arevalo (Eliseo Arévalo) |
285 | |
50. | ErickGomezUCA (Erick Gómez) |
284 | |
51. | DMancia03 (Diego Mancía) |
279 | |
52. | alessandrror (Alessandro Rivas) |
277 | |
53. | BryanGuevara (Bryan Guevara) |
274 | |
54. | alfespa17 (Alfredo España) |
268 | |
55. | F4k3r22 (Fredy) |
267 | |
56. | BryanCloudDev (Bryan Portillo) |
261 | |
57. | Drubico (Diego Rubi) |
259 | |
58. | iAlfredoAlas (Alfredo Alas) |
257 | |
59. | Ezejosue (Josué Ávalos) |
256 | |
60. | rearalf (Ricardo Alf) |
249 | |
61. | ChrisAlva14 (Christopher Villalta) |
243 | |
62. | cabrera-evil (Douglas Cabrera) |
243 | |
63. | fabio248 (Fabio Flores) |
242 | |
64. | juliocanizalez (Julio Canizalez) |
237 | |
65. | cesar-contreras-soria (Cesar Contreras Soria) |
235 | |
66. | xsismadn3ss (Abraham) |
233 | |
67. | REMR11 (Ronald Mejia) |
231 | |
68. | AlexReyesHuezo (Alexander Reyes) |
222 | |
69. | MN03SGO (Anthony Manuel Sigarán) |
222 | |
70. | NixieNixi (Nixie) |
214 | |
71. | rivasdiego-dev (Diego Rivas) |
210 | |
72. | JosueCast (JosueCast) |
209 | |
73. | GabContreras (Gabriel Alejandro Contreras Cruz) |
207 | |
74. | galletafromjell666 (Giovanni Aguirre) |
205 | |
75. | Chinaskidev (Charles) |
203 | |
76. | nelsondev19 (Nelson Hernández) |
201 | |
77. | exequiel-miranda (Exequiel Miranda) |
195 | |
78. | LennyServino (Lenny) |
187 | |
79. | rivaslive (Kevin Rivas) |
187 | |
80. | kenetcode (Kenet Ortiz) |
182 | |
81. | DarkKingpro10 (Jesús Esquivel) |
181 | |
82. | CharlesWiiFlowers (Flowers) |
181 | |
83. | cativo23 (Carlos Cativo) |
177 | |
84. | Ciensprog (Leo López) |
175 | |
85. | ThomasFarstrike (Thomas Verstreken) |
174 | |
86. | JoaquinPolanco (Joaquin Polanco) |
173 | |
87. | christian-lopezxd (Christian López) |
168 | |
88. | HectorTorrez (Hector Torrez) |
167 | |
89. | gpbaculio (Glendon Philipp Baculio) |
162 | |
90. | alkeys (Ernesto Alexander Aviles Moran) |
160 | |
91. | D3Portillo (Denny Portillo) |
158 | |
152 | |
93. | kevocodes (Kevin Escobar) |
151 | |
94. | erikwco (Erik Chacon) |
146 | |
95. | Marlpzg (Mario López) |
145 | |
96. | EdgarDev17 (Edgardo Rodriguez) |
143 | |
97. | Rciat05 (Roberto Iglesias) |
143 | |
98. | wdiazux (William Díaz) |
133 | |
99. | ardon-dev (Edgard Ardón) |
132 | |
100. | Alvarenga144 (Esteban Alvarenga) |
131 | |
101. | josuecorea5 (David Coreas) |
131 | |
102. | PatriciaFlores1 (Patricia Flores) |
127 | |
103. | Alejandra-Villalobos (Alejandra Villalobos) |
126 | |
104. | Xx-pocasangre-xX (Ricardo Pocasangre) |
125 | |
105. | houdini-21 (Fernando Marinero) |
123 | |
106. | Menendez2004 (Kevin Menenndez) |
119 | |
107. | gaeducampos (Gabriel Campos) |
119 | |
108. | VReyna7 (Victor Reyna) |
119 | |
109. | jacubiam (Joaquin Antonio Juarez) |
119 | |
110. | leryunard (Leonardo Efigenio) |
118 | |
111. | MelvinDiaz (Melvin) |
117 | |
112. | CescPerdomo (Cesar Perdomo) |
113 | |
113. | arrevillagamario (Mario Arrevillaga) |
112 | |
114. | Haruki1707 (Diego Gómez) |
111 | |
115. | arev-dev (Daniel Rodríguez) |
111 | |
116. | danespino (Dan Espino) |
111 | |
117. | karivas-dev (Karen Rivas) |
111 | |
118. | themisael100 (Bryan Misael Sánchez Ramírez) |
110 | |
119. | jhossyd3v (Jhossymar Contreras) |
109 | |
120. | contreras48 (Mateo Contreras) |
109 | |
121. | RodriguezKevin8 (Kevin Daniel Martínez) |
109 | |
122. | LemonMantis5571 (Leonel Guerrero) |
106 | |
123. | FR0K3 (Fernando Roque) |
106 | |
124. | franciscorodriguezsv24 (Francisco Rodriguez) |
106 | |
125. | jrg96 (Jorge Alberto Gómez López) |
106 | |
126. | MarlonMontenegro (Marlon Montenegro) |
104 | |
127. | IPineda24 (irvin pineda) |
104 | |
128. | Hardcode275 (Hardcode) |
104 | |
129. | Carolina-Hernnadez17 (Mirian Carolina Hernández Zepeda) |
103 | |
130. | AlexanderFRT (AlexanderFRT) |
102 | |
131. | sofi-alvarado (Sofía Alvarado) |
100 | |
132. | jwilliam706 (William Martinez) |
99 | |
133. | Tec-Mirna (Mirna Zuleyma Lemus Recinos) |
98 | |
134. | keriz-rh (Kevin Rivera) |
97 | |
135. | saulhdev (Saul Henriquez) |
97 | |
136. | arashiyouni (Angie Espinoza) |
97 | |
137. | Ltomxd (TOM) |
94 | |
138. | RobertoHernan (Roberto Laínez) |
93 | |
139. | massana2110 (David Massana) |
92 | |
140. | thelibertti (D'Libertti) |
92 | |
141. | Iza091 (Isaías Ortiz) |
92 | |
142. | kevin-rodriguez-dev (Kevin Rodríguez) |
92 | |
143. | JBerrios08 (Jaime Fernando Berrios Ortiz) |
90 | |
144. | 1frencho (Marcos Alfaro) |
89 | |
145. | destroK503 (Denis C) |
88 | |
146. | AngeLSanchez210 (Angel Iraheta) |
87 | |
147. | Dartanex (Daniel Orantes) |
87 | |
148. | adolfomaltez (Adolfo Maltez) |
87 | |
149. | blazo-dev (Bryan Ariel Lazo Villatoro) |
86 | |
150. | DevKelvin21 (Kelvin Rojas) |
86 | |
151. | Jabesreyes (Jabesrey) |
85 | |
152. | DanielJuarez128 (Juarez Gutierrez Daniel Isaias) |
85 | |
153. | imTrujillo (Steven Trujillo) |
84 | |
154. | Isaac684 (Josué Herrera) |
84 | |
155. | chriszaldana (chris zaldana) |
83 | |
156. | iKronyck (Israel Alfaro) |
83 | |
157. | cermartinezz (César Martinez) |
80 | |
158. | TitoCarpio (Erick Carpio) |
79 | |
159. | agodin3z (Andrés Godínez) |
77 | |
160. | JHDEZ1108 (Josué Hernández) |
76 | |
161. | wmacall (Macall) |
76 | |
162. | feregui00124221 (Fernando Eguizábal) |
75 | |
163. | Anb98 (Abdiel Martinez) |
75 | |
164. | erjosara8916 (Erick Saravia) |
75 | |
165. | DevJonatanMorales (Jonatan Morales) |
74 | |
166. | mago503 (MAGO503SV) |
74 | |
167. | Edwin-Fajardo (Edwin Fajardo) |
73 | |
168. | isabeCastillo () |
72 | |
169. | CesarM4rtinez (César Martínez) |
72 | |
170. | xzegga (Raúl Escamilla) |
71 | |
171. | RudyRi (Rudy Andres Rivera Aviles) |
71 | |
172. | caeher (Cristian Escalante) |
70 | |
173. | RauPro (Raul Ernesto Guillen Hernandez) |
70 | |
174. | manutj (Manuel Tejada) |
70 | |
175. | Melvin-Robles (Melvin-Robles) |
69 | |
176. | gitbrave99 (isaac GP) |
69 | |
177. | KarenSSanchezP (Karen Sánchez) |
67 | |
178. | moisescorado91 (Moises) |
67 | |
179. | MarlonG1 (Marlon H. Garcia) |
66 | |
180. | eduardoezequieel (Eduardo Ezequiel) |
66 | |
181. | leonelhenriquez (Leonel Henriquez) |
66 | |
182. | alxs2997 (Alexis Gallegos) |
66 | |
183. | helderhernandez (Helder Hernández) |
64 | |
184. | b-mendoza (Bryan Mendoza) |
64 | |
185. | leosuncin (Jaime Leonardo Suncin Cruz) |
64 | |
186. | RiveraDiego (Diego Rivera) |
64 | |
187. | bydavid1 (Byron Jimenez) |
63 | |
188. | wilsongutierrez-01 (Wilson Gutiérrez) |
62 | |
189. | Armando-Cierra (Armando Cierra Morán) |
61 | |
190. | vasga-floze (Gabriela Flores) |
61 | |
191. | Rigo-Villalta (Rigoberto Villalta) |
61 | |
192. | realdanielas (Daniela Saavedra) |
61 | |
193. | ielopezf (Irma Elena López Fuentes) |
61 | |
194. | CesarMartinez23 (César Martínez) |
61 | |
195. | ch3st3r08 (Néstor Chávez) |
59 | |
196. | Thrumanshow (Cristhiam Quiñonez Especialista en Marketing Digital | Estrategias de Crecimiento y SEO) |
59 | |
197. | Pendragon503 (William Martínez) |
58 | |
198. | JosueG15 (Josue Garcia) |
58 | |
199. | masmerino13 (Ricardo Merino) |
58 | |
200. | SahiK411 (Gabriel Martinez) |
58 | |
201. | kevinDuran247 (Kevin Durán) |
57 | |
202. | joseOlivares (José Luis Olivares) |
56 | |
203. | nayosx (NayosX Ness) |
56 | |
204. | jcanizalez (Javier Canizalez) |
55 | |
205. | MelvinAguilar (Melvin Aguilar) |
55 | |
206. | arthurmartelli (Arthur Martelli) |
54 | |
207. | caceres97 (Ángel Cáceres) |
54 | |
208. | WilTurcios (Wilber Turcios) |
54 | |
209. | montanoo (Fernando Josué Montano) |
54 | |
210. | CarlosP10 (Carlos Paredes) |
54 | |
211. | SpatialWebAgency (Spatial Web Agency) |
54 | |
212. | franwrld (Francisco Ruiz) |
52 | |
213. | Monge1h (Jorge Monge) |
52 | |
214. | edev0x (Edenilson) |
52 | |
215. | jasonsau (Jason Argueta) |
52 | |
216. | lrivas3 (Leonardo Rivas) |
51 | |
217. | Benja789 (Benjamin Molina) |
51 | |
218. | Th3rick2002 (Erick Martínez) |
50 | |
219. | javierrend17 (Javier Renderos) |
50 | |
220. | PachecoKaty (Katy Pacheco) |
50 | |
221. | MiltonMG (Milton Martinez Galindo) |
50 | |
222. | oicrruf (Víctor M. Reyes) |
49 | |
223. | Cr1ss7 (Cristian Pineda) |
49 | |
224. | davequinta (David Quintanilla) |
49 | |
225. | Dawdax (David Aguilar) |
49 | |
226. | wizard503 (Jose Duran) |
48 | |
227. | Nexxtor (Nestor Aldana) |
48 | |
228. | dmarquezsv (Daniel Márquez) |
47 | |
229. | Venrique (Víctor Mendoza) |
47 | |
230. | RicharDev01 (RICARDO PINEDA) |
46 | |
231. | Fernando1809 (페르난도 곤잘레스) |
46 | |
232. | devmariomtz (Mario Martinez) |
45 | |
233. | IsaiPortillo (Isai Portillo) |
44 | |
234. | ernesto-1998 (Ernesto Magaña) |
44 | |
235. | RootEscobar (Kevin Alexander Escobar) |
43 | |
236. | Minato01101 (Juan Sandoval) |
43 | |
237. | ErickSiguache (Erick Manuel Aguilar Siguache) |
42 | |
238. | daneseuwu (Douglas Deodanes) |
42 | |
239. | JulioAvalos (Julio Avalos ⚡️) |
42 | |
240. | alexn29 (Alex Navarro) |
42 | |
241. | Herbert37 (Herbert Ayala) |
42 | |
242. | KMarceR (Marcela Rosales) |
42 | |
243. | notkooru () |
42 | |
244. | AugusstMorales (Augusst M.) |
41 | |
245. | OtmaroE (Otmaro) |
41 | |
246. | de-camp (Denys Eduardo Campos Umanzor) |
41 | |
247. | MelissaPleitez (MelissaPleitez) |
41 | |
248. | Pyload901 (David Diaz) |
41 | |
249. | Will1184 (Brandon William Gomez) |
40 | |
250. | w2k31984 (Cristian Parada) |
40 | |
251. | Retr066 (Jherson Lopez Pérez) |
39 | |
252. | RicardoValladares (Ricardo Antonio Valladares Renderos) |
39 | |
253. | TheJokerDev (J0keer) |
39 | |
254. | DavidSalomonDev (David Salomón) |
39 | |
255. | oscast (Oscar Castillo) |
38 | |
256. | AChapeton (Andrés Chapetón) |
38 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | nodeschoolsm | 3 |
2. | ravnhq | 3 |
3. | atomic-state | 2 |
4. | 2600hz | 2 |
5. | kedatech | 2 |
6. | nodeschool | 2 |
7. | esfe-fablab | 2 |
8. | azbuilder | 2 |
9. | rabani-to | 1 |
10. | appitstudios | 1 |