A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Germany over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-03-13 06:22:28 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Germany')
This list contains all public contributions for each user. There are 279114 total users in the region and you need at least 298 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | horsicq (Hors) |
88256 | |
2. | binary-blazer (Jonas Franke) |
64097 | |
3. | Jason2866 (Jason2866) |
59828 | |
4. | chrisguttandin (Christoph Guttandin) |
25120 | |
5. | aeneasr (hackerman) |
21682 | |
6. | hannobraun (Hanno Braun) |
19246 | |
7. | SuperSandro2000 (Sandro) |
13765 | |
8. | propensive (Jon Pretty) |
13294 | |
9. | mattsse (Matthias Seitz) |
12653 | |
10. | cpanato (Carlos Tadeu Panato Junior) |
11384 | |
11. | xhochy (Uwe L. Korn) |
7113 | |
12. | def- (Dennis Felsing) |
6516 | |
13. | Apollon77 (Ingo Fischer) |
6403 | |
14. | brillout (Rom) |
6305 | |
15. | chrisgrieser (Chris Grieser) |
5993 | |
16. | bgruening (Björn Grüning) |
5716 | |
17. | haesleinhuepf (Robert Haase) |
5252 | |
18. | shyim (Shyim) |
5017 | |
19. | Veykril (Lukas Wirth) |
4981 | |
20. | sschuberth (Sebastian Schuberth) |
4755 | |
21. | mpadge (mark padgham) |
4620 | |
22. | ndom91 (Nico Domino) |
4509 | |
23. | ptaoussanis (Peter Taoussanis) |
4189 | |
24. | strengejacke (Daniel) |
4046 | |
25. | nikic (Nikita Popov) |
3921 | |
26. | xabbuh (Christian Flothmann) |
3799 | |
27. | sebastianbergmann (Sebastian Bergmann) |
3605 | |
28. | BeRo1985 (Benjamin Rosseaux) |
3472 | |
29. | ligi (ligi) |
3472 | |
30. | ledermann (Georg Ledermann) |
3392 | |
31. | koppor (Oliver Kopp) |
3265 | |
32. | shipilev (Aleksey Shipilëv) |
3204 | |
33. | fzerorubigd (Forud) |
3188 | |
34. | Byron (Sebastian Thiel) |
3181 | |
35. | johannschopplich (Johann Schopplich) |
3100 | |
36. | rxrbln (René Rebe) |
3063 | |
37. | BeryJu (Jens L.) |
3002 | |
38. | Turbo87 (Tobias Bieniek) |
2974 | |
39. | nikku (Nico Rehwaldt) |
2870 | |
40. | tboerger (Thomas Boerger) |
2836 | |
41. | poettering (Lennart Poettering) |
2777 | |
42. | pk910 (pk910) |
2714 | |
43. | ptr1337 (Peter Jung) |
2683 | |
44. | fineanmol (ANMOL AGARWAL) |
2668 | |
45. | chronark (Andreas Thomas) |
2648 | |
46. | andig (andig) |
2641 | |
47. | wolfv (Wolf Vollprecht) |
2634 | |
48. | OrKoN (Alex Rudenko) |
2620 | |
49. | philippjfr (Philipp Rudiger) |
2613 | |
50. | delucis (Chris Swithinbank) |
2602 | |
51. | sheremet-va (Vladimir) |
2554 | |
52. | eps1lon (Sebastian "Sebbie" Silbermann) |
2546 | |
53. | dirien (Engin Diri) |
2494 | |
54. | mxschmitt (Max Schmitt) |
2463 | |
55. | staabm (Markus Staab) |
2446 | |
56. | pudo (Friedrich Lindenberg) |
2440 | |
57. | SuperQ (Ben Kochie) |
2435 | |
58. | pepicrft (Pedro Piñera Buendía) |
2422 | |
59. | marcelklehr (Marcel Klehr) |
2409 | |
60. | tiangolo (Sebastián Ramírez) |
2408 | |
61. | juliangruber (Julian Gruber) |
2397 | |
62. | cthoyt (Charles Tapley Hoyt) |
2350 | |
63. | cgrundman (Christian Grundman) |
2318 | |
64. | lastzero (Michael Mayer) |
2294 | |
65. | Gargron (Eugen Rochko) |
2289 | |
66. | mp911de (Mark Paluch) |
2255 | |
67. | IndrajeetPatil (Indrajeet Patil) |
2236 | |
68. | dummdidumm (Simon H) |
2236 | |
69. | miku (Martin Czygan) |
2206 | |
70. | codebytere (Shelley Vohr) |
2197 | |
71. | marvinhagemeister (Marvin Hagemeister) |
2191 | |
72. | MichaelKreil (Michael Kreil) |
2165 | |
73. | anna-geller (Anna Geller) |
2129 | |
74. | kianenigma (Kian Paimani) |
2124 | |
75. | lukasmasuch (Lukas Masuch) |
2084 | |
76. | floooh (Andre Weissflog) |
2072 | |
77. | bkchr (Bastian Köcher) |
2072 | |
78. | johannesjo (Johannes Millan) |
2058 | |
79. | TorstenDittmann (Torsten Dittmann) |
2050 | |
80. | andygrunwald (Andy Grunwald) |
2016 | |
81. | dignifiedquire (Friedel Ziegelmayer) |
2001 | |
82. | janheinrichmerker (Jan Heinrich Merker) |
1999 | |
83. | kpcyrd () |
1987 | |
84. | InventivetalentDev (Haylee Schäfer) |
1985 | |
85. | jkroepke (Jan-Otto Kröpke) |
1975 | |
86. | emptymalei (LM) |
1960 | |
87. | derrabus (Alexander M. Turek) |
1937 | |
88. | Elchi3 (Florian Scholz) |
1919 | |
89. | marcphilipp (Marc Philipp) |
1910 | |
90. | generall (Andrey Vasnetsov) |
1897 | |
91. | LefterisJP (Lefteris Karapetsas) |
1776 | |
92. | fractaledmind (Stephen Margheim) |
1746 | |
93. | justinmk (Justin M. Keyes) |
1742 | |
94. | johanneskoester (Johannes Köster) |
1741 | |
95. | klein0r (Matthias Kleine) |
1728 | |
96. | fortmarek (Marek Fořt) |
1691 | |
97. | odrotbohm (Oliver Drotbohm) |
1686 | |
98. | kof (Oleg Isonen) |
1677 | |
99. | tillrohrmann (Till Rohrmann) |
1631 | |
100. | JannisX11 () |
1630 | |
101. | sokra (Tobias Koppers) |
1615 | |
102. | raphaelm (Raphael Michel) |
1599 | |
103. | sfan5 () |
1586 | |
104. | naltatis (Michael Geers) |
1583 | |
105. | nikolasburk (Nikolas) |
1561 | |
106. | nomeata (Joachim Breitner) |
1542 | |
107. | juanitorduz (Juan Orduz) |
1531 | |
108. | rse (Dr. Ralf S. Engelschall) |
1530 | |
109. | christianparpart (Christian Parpart) |
1470 | |
110. | aabouzaid (Ahmed AbouZaid) |
1419 | |
111. | timschneeb (Tim Schneeberger) |
1414 | |
112. | marcinguy (Marcin Kozlowski) |
1413 | |
113. | GylanSalih (Gylan Salih) |
1410 | |
114. | addaleax (Anna Henningsen) |
1408 | |
115. | mylinuxforwork (Stephan Raabe) |
1391 | |
116. | leahneukirchen (Leah Neukirchen) |
1379 | |
117. | phryneas (Lenz Weber-Tronic) |
1369 | |
118. | Tienisto (Tien Do Nam) |
1364 | |
119. | localheinz (Andreas Möller) |
1363 | |
120. | roji (Shay Rojansky) |
1346 | |
121. | PurpleBooth (Billie Thompson) |
1333 | |
122. | bastianallgeier (Bastian Allgeier) |
1324 | |
123. | dereuromark (Mark Scherer) |
1298 | |
124. | andreaskoepf (Andreas Köpf) |
1298 | |
125. | ff6347 (Fabian Morón Zirfas) |
1295 | |
126. | doitsujin (Philip Rebohle) |
1285 | |
127. | sharkdp (David Peter) |
1277 | |
128. | derhuerst (Jannis R) |
1269 | |
129. | michael-simons (Michael Simons) |
1268 | |
130. | alcaeus (Andreas Braun) |
1268 | |
131. | syssi (Sebastian Muszynski) |
1266 | |
132. | Drakulix (Victoria Brekenfeld) |
1261 | |
133. | mre (Matthias Endler) |
1255 | |
134. | oSumAtrIX () |
1244 | |
135. | matthiasn (Matthias Nehlsen) |
1242 | |
136. | amaembo (Tagir Valeev) |
1239 | |
137. | d4rken (Matthias Urhahn) |
1239 | |
138. | alexott (Alex Ott) |
1231 | |
139. | xeolabs (xeolabs) |
1226 | |
140. | jplatte (Jonas Platte) |
1217 | |
141. | ShahriyarR (Shahriyar Rzayev) |
1217 | |
142. | normanmaurer (Norman Maurer) |
1215 | |
143. | hynek (Hynek Schlawack) |
1204 | |
144. | dvyukov (Dmitry Vyukov) |
1204 | |
145. | carstenbauer (Carsten Bauer) |
1190 | |
146. | t-vi (Thomas Viehmann) |
1189 | |
147. | niklasf (Niklas Fiekas) |
1187 | |
148. | tshemsedinov (Timur Shemsedinov) |
1180 | |
149. | cketti (cketti) |
1170 | |
150. | StarpTech (Dustin Deus) |
1170 | |
151. | mrnugget (Thorsten Ball) |
1167 | |
152. | ThisIsMissEm (Emelia Smith) |
1164 | |
153. | minad (Daniel Mendler) |
1153 | |
154. | jjohannes (Jendrik Johannes) |
1152 | |
155. | Nowosad (Jakub) |
1150 | |
156. | falkTX (Filipe Coelho) |
1145 | |
157. | herrbischoff (Marcel Bischoff) |
1141 | |
158. | miquelbeltran (Miguel Beltran) |
1129 | |
159. | tigerabrodi (Tiger Abrodi) |
1129 | |
160. | probonopd () |
1116 | |
161. | endocrimes (Danielle) |
1096 | |
162. | hediet (Henning Dieterichs) |
1096 | |
163. | Shinigami92 (Shinigami) |
1096 | |
164. | chriseth () |
1083 | |
165. | jsinger67 (Jörg Singer) |
1070 | |
166. | laurmaedje (Laurenz) |
1057 | |
167. | emmericp (Paul Emmerich) |
1051 | |
168. | beorn7 (Björn Rabenstein) |
1049 | |
169. | TimDaub (Tim Daubenschütz) |
1046 | |
170. | jens-maus (Jens Maus) |
1040 | |
171. | aqrln (Alexey Orlenko) |
1034 | |
172. | rurban (Reini Urban) |
1032 | |
173. | moklick (Moritz Klack) |
1030 | |
174. | ThorstenHans (Thorsten Hans) |
1028 | |
175. | LekoArts (Lennart) |
1011 | |
176. | pubkey (Daniel Meyer) |
1008 | |
177. | Gottox (Enno T. Boland) |
1007 | |
178. | alexeygrigorev (Alexey Grigorev) |
998 | |
179. | davidsbatista (David S. Batista) |
995 | |
180. | FlorianRappl (Florian Rappl) |
995 | |
181. | mavam (Matthias Vallentin) |
976 | |
182. | okwme (billy rennekamp) |
956 | |
183. | Ceyron (Felix Köhler) |
947 | |
184. | hagezi (Gerd) |
947 | |
185. | UweTrottmann (Uwe Trottmann) |
946 | |
186. | MohamedMesto (Mohamed Mesto) |
946 | |
187. | sarahboyce (Sarah Boyce) |
939 | |
188. | lcnr (lcnr) |
937 | |
189. | tcurdt (Torsten Curdt) |
932 | |
190. | pepelsbey (Vadim Makeev) |
923 | |
191. | ad-si (Adrian Sieber) |
913 | |
192. | vchuravy (Valentin Churavy) |
912 | |
193. | Skn0tt (Simon Knott) |
909 | |
194. | prof18 (Marco Gomiero) |
905 | |
195. | rubensousa (Rúben Sousa) |
902 | |
196. | adrinjalali (Adrin Jalali) |
901 | |
197. | marijnh (Marijn Haverbeke) |
888 | |
198. | AmrDeveloper (Amr Hesham) |
888 | |
199. | mishushakov (Mish Ushakov) |
885 | |
200. | PKief (Philipp Kief) |
874 | |
201. | rwieruch (Robin Wieruch) |
873 | |
202. | tiran (Christian Heimes) |
872 | |
203. | mwarning (Moritz Warning) |
866 | |
204. | bjorn (Thorbjørn Lindeijer) |
858 | |
205. | neobrain (Tony Wasserka) |
851 | |
206. | suriyaa (Suriyaa Sundararuban) |
850 | |
207. | splitbrain (Andreas Gohr) |
847 | |
208. | n1ru4l (Laurin Quast) |
846 | |
209. | DivineDominion (Christian Tietze) |
846 | |
210. | jamesmunns (James Munns) |
836 | |
211. | phil-opp (Philipp Oppermann) |
829 | |
212. | Araq (Andreas Rumpf) |
829 | |
213. | sormuras (Christian Stein) |
826 | |
214. | Ana06 (Ana María Martínez Gómez) |
824 | |
215. | fancycode (Joachim Bauch) |
815 | |
216. | rednafi (Redowan Delowar) |
809 | |
217. | LukasKalbertodt (Lukas Kalbertodt) |
809 | |
218. | x42 (Robin Gareus) |
801 | |
219. | edzer (Edzer Pebesma ) |
793 | |
220. | nathanlesage (Hendrik Erz) |
792 | |
221. | rashakil-ds (Rashedul Alam Shakil) |
788 | |
222. | rusty1s (Matthias Fey) |
785 | |
223. | nuhkoca (Nuh Koca) |
778 | |
224. | philipplackner (Philipp Lackner) |
777 | |
225. | johnjohndoe (Tobias Preuss) |
774 | |
226. | elkowar (ElKowar) |
772 | |
227. | sttts (Dr. Stefan Schimanski) |
770 | |
228. | hanshuebner (Hans Hübner) |
765 | |
229. | mwittrien (Mirco Wittrien) |
764 | |
230. | leo (Leo Lamprecht) |
760 | |
231. | kaikreuzer (Kai Kreuzer) |
752 | |
232. | lhecker (Leonard Hecker) |
744 | |
233. | riptl (Richard Patel) |
736 | |
234. | aregtech (Aregtech) |
736 | |
235. | jpkrohling (Juraci Paixão Kröhling) |
731 | |
236. | DerAndereAndi (Andreas Linde) |
725 | |
237. | lukastaegert (Lukas Taegert-Atkinson) |
721 | |
238. | lucasmichot (Lucas Michot) |
708 | |
239. | pixelass (Gregor Adams) |
705 | |
240. | kakkoyun (Kemal Akkoyun) |
695 | |
241. | asus4 (Koki Ibukuro) |
691 | |
242. | SaschaWillems (Sascha Willems) |
686 | |
243. | philmmanjaro (Philip Müller) |
684 | |
244. | jrudolph (Johannes Rudolph) |
679 | |
245. | mashb1t (Manuel Schmid) |
678 | |
246. | stefanw (Stefan Wehrmeyer) |
678 | |
247. | japaric (Jorge Aparicio) |
678 | |
248. | fkling (Felix Kling) |
674 | |
249. | htbkoo (htbkoo) |
673 | |
250. | kashif (Kashif Rasul) |
671 | |
251. | foosel (Gina Häußge) |
670 | |
252. | lourot (Aurélien Lourot) |
664 | |
253. | svenstaro (Sven-Hendrik Haase) |
661 | |
254. | vasishth (Shravan Vasishth) |
655 | |
255. | esc (Emergency Self-Construct) |
654 | |
256. | bylickilabs (AlphaDevelopment✔️) |
652 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | microsoft | 7 |
2. | conda-forge | 6 |
3. | rust-lang | 6 |
4. | nixos | 6 |
5. | rust-lang-nursery | 4 |
6. | prometheus | 4 |
7. | epicgames | 4 |
8. | nodejs | 4 |
9. | ethereum | 3 |
10. | eclipse | 3 |