A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Guatemala over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2024-11-18 06:15:36 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Guatemala')
This list contains all public contributions for each user. There are 6229 total users in the region and you need at least 5 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/guatemala_public/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/guatemala_public/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/guatemala_public/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/guatemala_public/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | Lewatoto (Gerson Alvarado) |
16437 | |
2. | ElrohirGT () |
1877 | |
3. | GlendyT (Glendy Tuyuc) |
1679 | |
4. | Frnn4268 (Fernando Martínez ) |
1434 | |
5. | markalbrand56 (Mark Albrand) |
1238 | |
6. | itolisto (Mauricio Flores) |
1225 | |
7. | DanielRasho (DanielRasho) |
1038 | |
8. | DavidDevGt (David Vargas) |
1011 | |
9. | alanfzf (Alan González ) |
971 | |
10. | bl33h (sara) |
940 | |
11. | Foxy20122012 (Miguel Enrique Alvarez Merlos) |
875 | |
12. | XavierLopez25 (Xavier López (Nathan)) |
872 | |
13. | fredyvelasquezgt (Fredy Velásquez) |
794 | |
14. | Jose-Prince () |
789 | |
15. | Danval-003 (Daniel Armando Valdez Reyes) |
759 | |
16. | jazurdia (Javier Alejandro Azurdia Arrecis) |
757 | |
17. | bcastillo-2022474 (Joao Castillo) |
739 | |
18. | bryan967132 (Bryan Tejaxún) |
711 | |
19. | FranzCastillo (Francisco Castillo) |
711 | |
20. | hayyrs66 (Ricardo Guevara) |
698 | |
21. | aalonzolu (Andrés Alonzo y Alonzo) |
654 | |
22. | albizures (Jose Albizures) |
654 | |
23. | tahayk3 (Cristian Tahay) |
644 | |
24. | angelcast2002 (Ángel Castellanos) |
637 | |
25. | Dahernandezsilve (Diego Hernández ☝️) |
605 | |
26. | Diego2250 (Diego Morales) |
599 | |
27. | josuemj (Josue Marroquin) |
595 | |
28. | lemoonchild (Nahomy Castro) |
582 | |
29. | LesterAGarciaA97 (Lester Andrés García Aquino) |
575 | |
30. | roboli (Roberto Oliveros) |
533 | |
31. | luisespino (Luis Espino) |
529 | |
32. | eylles () |
519 | |
33. | rodrialeh01 (Rodrigo Hernández) |
515 | |
34. | Diegoval-Dev (Diego Pablo Valenzuela Palacios) |
513 | |
509 | |
36. | ldonis (Luis Donis) |
488 | |
37. | angelargd8 (Angela Rosana Garcia) |
485 | |
38. | wwIrvingww (Fabricio Acosta) |
482 | |
39. | Danilo0203 (Danilo Calderón) |
469 | |
40. | XaviAlvarado18 (Javier Alvarado) |
461 | |
41. | G2309 (Gustavo Cruz) |
457 | |
42. | estebandonis (Esteban Donis) |
451 | |
43. | FabianKel (Derek Arreaga) |
447 | |
44. | Javier19-cmd (Javier Sebastián Valle) |
430 | |
45. | Elvis-Aguilar (Elvis Aguilar ) |
424 | |
46. | MelissaPerez09 (Melissa Pérez) |
410 | |
47. | GarciaAlegria (Abner Garcia) |
406 | |
48. | Gerax5 (Gerardo Pineda) |
397 | |
49. | Davidcastel26 (David Castellanos) |
375 | |
50. | gusanitor8 (gus) |
366 | |
51. | XJ4v1erX (Javier Alejandro Ramírez Heredia) |
357 | |
52. | mariaRam2003 (María Marta Ramírez Gil) |
355 | |
53. | brandonT2002 (Brandon Tejaxun) |
354 | |
54. | hsilv (Sebastián Silva) |
352 | |
55. | El-brayan502 (ɮʀǟʏǟռ-ɢȶ-ɨռֆǟռօ) |
352 | |
56. | MarioGuerra21008 (Mario Guerra) |
344 | |
57. | Gxrco (Gerson Ramírez) |
337 | |
58. | bcarranza (Bayron Carranza) |
326 | |
59. | Johan-Palacios (Johan Emanuel Palacios Rivera) |
325 | |
60. | bryanSolares (Bryan Josue Solares) |
324 | |
61. | dougbutner (Douglas James Butner) |
310 | |
62. | xvimnt (Javier Monterroso) |
309 | |
63. | AngelDHackerman (Angel Hackerman) |
307 | |
64. | FabianJuarez182 (Fabian Juarez) |
301 | |
65. | ROCKEMMA (Jossue Fuentes) |
295 | |
66. | xtsebas (Sebastian Huertas) |
295 | |
67. | jeffrepo (jefferson Silva) |
293 | |
68. | FerEsq (Fernanda Esquivel) |
293 | |
69. | nanndo54 (Pablo Cabrera) |
292 | |
70. | doclaag (Luis Alonzo) |
288 | |
71. | danielcuque (Daniel Cuque) |
287 | |
72. | Elmer-Solis (Elmer) |
282 | |
73. | faguilarleal () |
276 | |
74. | Epivaral (Eduardo Pivaral) |
269 | |
75. | Doskg (Oscar González Baldizon) |
268 | |
76. | byron-rod (Byron Rodriguez) |
258 | |
77. | ZarakiLancelot (Einsen Vásquez) |
258 | |
78. | EstebanZG999 (Esteban Zambrano) |
257 | |
79. | CarlosLRamirez (Carlos Leonel Ramirez) |
251 | |
80. | Lata1989 (Pablo Alejandro de la Iglesia) |
249 | |
81. | CristianRP (Cristian Ramírez) |
239 | |
82. | senioritosly (Mario) |
238 | |
83. | hugoestradas (Hugo Estrada S.) |
234 | |
84. | sergioarmgpl (Sergio Méndez) |
233 | |
85. | erickguerra22 (Erick Guerra) |
232 | |
86. | MarianoFrancisco (Mariano Camposeco) |
228 | |
87. | betoSolares (Roberto Solares) |
227 | |
88. | santoslopez (Santos López) |
226 | |
89. | carrillo21108 (carrillo21108) |
223 | |
90. | ArielMejiaDev (ArielMejiaDev) |
220 | |
91. | andresdlRoca (Andrés de la Roca) |
220 | |
92. | emiliosolanoo21 (Emilio Solano Orozco) |
216 | |
93. | MGonza20 (Sara Paguaga) |
215 | |
94. | guillermoSb (Guillermo Santos) |
214 | |
95. | John-Candlebury (John Candlebury) |
202 | |
96. | RCGTDev (RC Development) |
202 | |
97. | xhuniktzi (Xhunik Miguel) |
199 | |
98. | Mgodoyd (MARIO GODOY) |
196 | |
99. | andresquez (Andres Quezada) |
196 | |
100. | ralfxdev (Randy López) |
194 | |
101. | MaJu502 (Marco Jurado) |
192 | |
102. | emiliohernandezdev (Emilio A. Hernández) |
189 | |
103. | zombiewafle (Javier Salazar) |
186 | |
104. | Jothcv (WellWowIwon) |
186 | |
105. | andrescv (Andrés Castellanos) |
186 | |
106. | ChristopherG19 (Christopher García) |
182 | |
107. | khrizenriquez (Chris Enríquez) |
182 | |
108. | baldomerocho (Baldomero Cho) |
180 | |
109. | adrianfulla (Adrian Fulladolsa) |
178 | |
110. | Guerra24 (Lili) |
177 | |
111. | DanielDubonDR (Daniel Dubón) |
176 | |
112. | jbraulio85 (Braulio Echeverria) |
175 | |
113. | KritianWhite (Christian Blanco) |
175 | |
114. | TaTo30 (Aldo Hernandez) |
175 | |
115. | javim7 (Javier Mombiela) |
173 | |
116. | JoseLorenzana272 (José Lorenzana) |
168 | |
117. | TheKiesling (José Kiesling) |
166 | |
118. | Diego-CB (Diego Córdova) |
165 | |
119. | ripterdust (Bryan Arévalo) |
165 | |
120. | estuardodev (Estuardo ) |
165 | |
121. | Kaffu093 (Kaffu) |
165 | |
122. | Ragosorio (Rolando Osorio) |
163 | |
123. | acwilan (Andres Rovira) |
163 | |
124. | Jonatan-ESG (Jonatan Sandoval) |
162 | |
125. | lr2t9iz (mitzepx01) |
161 | |
126. | Kevin-Illu (kevin-Illu) |
160 | |
127. | DiegoCali (Diego Cali) |
157 | |
128. | josejuanqm (Jose Quintero) |
156 | |
129. | ehvidalp (Edward Vidal) |
150 | |
130. | marcosbondel (Marcos Bonifasi) |
150 | |
131. | ppuacgarcia (Pablo David Puac García) |
144 | |
132. | 9601dani (Erick Daniel Morales Xicará) |
143 | |
133. | MayenRosil (Julio Mayén) |
143 | |
134. | Daniel0110000 (Daniel Blas) |
140 | |
135. | DSarceno (Diego Sarceño) |
140 | |
136. | damianpeaf (Damián Peña) |
139 | |
137. | esc20936 (Pablo Escobar) |
139 | |
138. | Ssolares0 (Sebastian Solares) |
138 | |
139. | Tiwue (Steven González) |
137 | |
140. | Fer-dev-gt (Fernando Orozco) |
137 | |
141. | CrisLayB (Cristian Laynez) |
136 | |
142. | poca852 (David Cuspoca) |
135 | |
143. | p-jacobo2012240 (Pablo J. Sánchez) |
135 | |
144. | eduardordev (Eduardo Ramírez) |
135 | |
145. | vicperezch (Victor Pérez) |
134 | |
146. | MaIsabelSolano (Isabel Solano) |
134 | |
147. | MigueMat4 (Miguel Matul) |
131 | |
148. | AlvaroG13191704 (AlvaroGarcia1318) |
129 | |
149. | Desconocido502 (Carlos Soto) |
128 | |
150. | LisAY22 (Elisa Ajxup Yax) |
128 | |
151. | Achess01 (Alexander Tzoc) |
127 | |
152. | MiguelDP4 (Miguel Dubois) |
126 | |
153. | cesarhernandezgt (Cesar Hernandez) |
126 | |
154. | mvrcentes (/usr/Marco-Ramirez) |
125 | |
155. | MarioC3rna (Mario Cerna) |
124 | |
156. | alejandrocald13 (Alejandro Calderón) |
123 | |
157. | meza360 (Giovani Meza) |
123 | |
158. | mgaroz (Miguel Garoz) |
123 | |
159. | KevinPalaciosQ () |
122 | |
160. | daniel-baf (Daniel Bautista) |
121 | |
161. | HenryXiloj (Henry) |
120 | |
162. | Sheila-Amaya () |
120 | |
163. | Ancordss (James Maradiaga) |
120 | |
164. | octavio-corzo (Octavio Corzo) |
119 | |
165. | HanssEspinoza (Hanss A. Espinoza) |
118 | |
166. | MiguelYax (Miguel Yax) |
118 | |
167. | edman-cota (edmancota) |
117 | |
168. | RamiroChac0n () |
115 | |
169. | danlgz (Daniel Lucas) |
115 | |
170. | DiegoOF07 (Diego Oswaldo Flores Rivas) |
114 | |
171. | SebasJuarez (Sebastian Juárez ) |
112 | |
172. | carlosngv (Carlos Ng) |
111 | |
173. | JTuyuc7 (Jaime Tuyuc) |
107 | |
174. | loconluis (Luis Locon) |
106 | |
175. | tohka53 (Miguel E. Cabrera) |
106 | |
176. | Jos260400 (José Ovando) |
105 | |
177. | TAmyG (TAmy Vivas) |
105 | |
178. | JuanDsm04 (Juan Diego Solís Martínez) |
104 | |
179. | MyLittleViruzbx1 (Myz) |
103 | |
180. | chaqui (Josue Fuentes) |
102 | |
181. | yosefmarr (Yosef Maldonado Arriaga) |
101 | |
182. | fredydlemus (Fredy Daniel Flores Lemus ) |
100 | |
183. | kpassapk (Kyle Passarelli) |
99 | |
184. | fvcastellanos (Francisco Castellanos) |
99 | |
185. | JusferK (Justine Arriaga) |
99 | |
186. | eAntillon (Erick Antillón) |
98 | |
187. | Alex4191-usac () |
98 | |
188. | PabloR03 (Pablo Andres Rodriguez Lima) |
97 | |
189. | mleivag3 (Marco Leiva) |
97 | |
190. | jordidimass (jordi) |
96 | |
191. | Carbonell-Castillo (Carbonell Castillo) |
96 | |
192. | Matiasmily (Mily Matías) |
96 | |
193. | ArauzB (Angel Barrios) |
95 | |
194. | FernandoAjset (Edgar Fernando Ajset) |
95 | |
195. | hackemateninja (Herman Morales) |
95 | |
196. | elderpum (Elder Pum) |
94 | |
197. | Raul-OXRI (Raul-OXRI) |
93 | |
198. | gsantovena (Gerardo Santoveña) |
92 | |
199. | jsolisu (Jean C. Solís) |
92 | |
200. | sebas-v-c (Sebastian Vásquez) |
92 | |
201. | rodrigodeleonv (Rodrigo de León) |
92 | |
202. | jmanywhere (Semi Invader) |
91 | |
203. | JhonatanVeliz (Jhonatan Veliz) |
90 | |
204. | Guitlle (Guillermo) |
89 | |
205. | IPablo271 () |
89 | |
206. | WilderL () |
89 | |
207. | MarlonDSC (Marlon Subuyú) |
89 | |
208. | XiomaraCanizales (Xiomara Canizales) |
88 | |
209. | cesar9401 (César Tzoc) |
88 | |
210. | SmillerMP (Samuel MP) |
88 | |
211. | jose-villedaa (Jose Villeda) |
86 | |
212. | intelguasoft (Henry Díaz) |
86 | |
213. | Yeferal (Yefer Rodrigo Miguel Alvarado Tzul) |
85 | |
214. | jannisce (Javier Chavez) |
85 | |
215. | GabrielVicente-GT (Gabriel Alejandro Vicente Lorenzo) |
84 | |
216. | Karmaz-29 (Karol Castro) |
84 | |
217. | adawolfs (Alvin Estrada) |
81 | |
218. | canchebagur (José Antonio Bagur Nájera) |
81 | |
219. | norellanac (Nery Alexis Orellana Cuy) |
80 | |
220. | BryanEspana (Bryan España) |
80 | |
221. | EdwinKestler (Edwin Kestler) |
80 | |
222. | emersongcardona (Emerson Cardona) |
80 | |
223. | alexcham23 (Jaime Alejandro Armira Us) |
79 | |
224. | zronyj (Rony J. Letona) |
79 | |
225. | RodrigoReyes01 (Rodrigo Reyes) |
79 | |
226. | alexlm78 (Alex / Kreaker) |
77 | |
227. | AngelaPinelo (Angela Pinelo) |
76 | |
228. | r2cp () |
76 | |
229. | alexmaest (Alexis Estrada) |
75 | |
230. | hsaenzG (Hazel A. Saenz) |
75 | |
231. | geovannysalvador (GeovannyTS) |
75 | |
232. | HecthorDev (HecthorDev) |
74 | |
233. | Erik161 (Erik Hernández López) |
74 | |
234. | JessicaOI (Jessica Ortiz) |
73 | |
235. | D4VA (Diego Andres) |
73 | |
236. | dadu0699 (Didier Domínguez) |
72 | |
237. | MacoChave (Marco Chávez) |
72 | |
238. | angelhigueros (Angel Higueros) |
71 | |
239. | bar20807 (José Rodrigo Barrera ) |
70 | |
240. | dporr (Diego Porras) |
70 | |
241. | barryways (Carlos Barrientos) |
68 | |
242. | robertriosm (Roberto Rios) |
67 | |
243. | xandradx (Jorge Andrade) |
67 | |
244. | JeffMenca (Jeffrey Menéndez) |
66 | |
245. | JbirdL86 (Juan Luis G) |
66 | |
246. | SergioCifuentes (SergioCifuentes) |
66 | |
247. | renato1010 (Renato Perez) |
66 | |
248. | jorgeAML (Jorge aml) |
65 | |
249. | andrsdev (Andrés Sanabria) |
65 | |
250. | Marito-R-T (Mario Moisés Ramírez Tobar) |
64 | |
251. | DiiAns23 (Diego Andrés Obín Rosales) |
64 | |
252. | LuisanSuarez (Luis Angel) |
64 | |
253. | pastelcode (Pastel) |
63 | |
254. | mr8ug (Carlos Emilio Campos Morán) |
63 | |
255. | LuisArana631 (Luis Arana) |
62 | |
256. | aleg001 (Ale Gómez) |
62 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | nvidiagameworks | 2 |
2. | uvgenios | 2 |
3. | pixel-tree | 2 |
4. | kiesling-exe | 2 |
5. | cc-4 | 2 |
6. | nahualventure | 2 |
7. | monadlabs | 2 |
8. | voiders | 1 |
9. | tfactory | 1 |
10. | gt2-software | 1 |