A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Guinea over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2024-11-18 07:04:27 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Guinea')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 187 total users in the region and you need at least 0 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/guinea_private/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/guinea_private/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/guinea_private/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/guinea_private/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | korbonya (Mamadou Alpha Baldé) |
6358 | |
2. | hadpro24 (Harouna Diallo) |
2922 | |
3. | aradradev (Abdourahmane Jalloh) |
1990 | |
4. | hams94 (Hamidou Bah) |
1211 | |
5. | mrrootc (Abdoulaye Camara) |
1049 | |
6. | ourystd (Oury Diallo) |
833 | |
7. | mohdiarra (Mohamed Diarra) |
679 | |
8. | SouleymaneSy7 (Souleymane Sy) |
634 | |
9. | DialloYoussef () |
557 | |
10. | bem630 () |
517 | |
11. | Cellou404 (Cellou Cisse) |
508 | |
12. | Adbrim (Alhassane Bah) |
434 | |
205 | |
14. | fouzo09 (Mafouz DIALLO) |
200 | |
15. | Svikou (Saikou Bah) |
184 | |
16. | sitatec (Sita Bérété) |
172 | |
17. | barrysoft (Amadou Barry) |
158 | |
18. | Alfredveve (BEAVOGUI) |
144 | |
19. | DialloSouleymane1 (Souleymane 1 DIALLO) |
94 | |
20. | manke012 (Manké KANTE) |
89 | |
21. | Ahmadou1714 (Diarra Amadou) |
86 | |
22. | doumbouyarene (Doumbouya Rene Lancine) |
75 | |
23. | evanxg852000 (Evance Soumaoro) |
66 | |
24. | 4n-d3er-git (Anderson Goumou) |
65 | |
25. | bailoCondeGn224 (Bailo Conde) |
50 | |
26. | GYOM15 (Guy Olivier Millimouno) |
46 | |
27. | Kaderbalde (Balde) |
45 | |
28. | Zakui (Jules Thea) |
42 | |
29. | codenongoa (Code maison) |
42 | |
30. | lamahallip (LamahAllip) |
36 | |
31. | LayeYombaIfono (Laye Yomba) |
33 | |
32. | Laminedassy (Lamine) |
31 | |
33. | MkabaSk (Mohamed Kaba) |
30 | |
34. | Ismaelttus (CAMARA ) |
29 | |
35. | Cherif01 (L'Jeune Codeur) |
26 | |
36. | khat-19 (Mawuliah Mansaray) |
24 | |
37. | mfofanagn (MAMADI FOFANA) |
22 | |
38. | FaridiHoumadi (FARIDI HOUMADI) |
21 | |
39. | stikante (KANTE Aboubacar) |
20 | |
40. | mankekante (MANKE KANTE) |
19 | |
41. | m1sylla (Mohamed SYLLA) |
17 | |
42. | Kotoein (Abdoulaye Younoussa DIALLO) |
17 | |
43. | ouberete (Oumar BERETE) |
17 | |
44. | Bahbank (Mamadou Bah) |
16 | |
45. | Karfalla (Ka.) |
16 | |
46. | KMAHLITE (Aboubacar Fabou Camara) |
15 | |
47. | bahmobah (Mamadou BAH) |
15 | |
48. | ZoaPierre (Zoa Pierre DRAMOU) |
13 | |
49. | Affane99 () |
12 | |
50. | diallo100 (Barry Mariama Djelo) |
11 | |
51. | Diansow (Mamadou Dian Sow) |
11 | |
52. | baldemamadoudioulde (MAMADOU DJOULDE BALDE) |
10 | |
53. | DialloDBA () |
10 | |
54. | alpha947 (Elhadj Alpha Amadou Diallo) |
9 | |
55. | abdrodiallo (Abdourahim Diallo) |
9 | |
56. | djibrilenpt (AÏSSATOU DJIBRIL DIALLO) |
8 | |
57. | amadousidy9 (Amadou Sidy BAH) |
8 | |
58. | s17-git (s17) |
8 | |
59. | mhadysydney (BugSolver) |
7 | |
60. | sbskalan (Sally Bilaly Sow ) |
7 | |
61. | condeis (Ibrahima Sory CONDE) |
6 | |
62. | Balymtech (thierno boubacar bah) |
6 | |
63. | aliou2250 (Mamadou aliou DIALLO) |
6 | |
64. | Al95-diallo (Alpha yaghouba Diallo) |
5 | |
65. | baldehalfa (Mamadou Alpha Hawa Balde) |
5 | |
66. | lansanalsm (lansana sylla) |
5 | |
67. | CAMARA-Alseny (Alseny CAMARA) |
5 | |
68. | tech95-toure (Mr TOURÉ SIRIMAN ) |
5 | |
69. | M-TOURE-12 (Mohamed) |
5 | |
70. | mamady1999 (mamady1999 ) |
4 | |
71. | thiernomamadoudiann (Thierno Mamadou Dian DIALLO) |
4 | |
72. | AbdoulejaniElanrif (Abdou Lejani) |
4 | |
73. | ibra-2S (Ibrahima Sory Soumah) |
4 | |
74. | Trustifytech (Moriba Hébélamou) |
4 | |
75. | sacko22 (SACKO) |
4 | |
76. | bkalled (Dhoiffir Ben Kalled) |
4 | |
77. | abdoul232 (Abdoul Anzize Ibrahim ) |
3 | |
78. | soulmouctar (Diallo Souleymane Mouctar) |
3 | |
79. | jeanfayaoliano (Oliano) |
3 | |
80. | oubacar (Aboubacar Sylla) |
2 | |
81. | ibncellou (Mamoudou DANSO) |
2 | |
82. | MBKaba (Bakary Kaba) |
2 | |
83. | Salifousylla123 (Sylla salifou ) |
2 | |
84. | Tafsir10 (Tafsir) |
2 | |
85. | easylinkguinea () |
2 | |
86. | mamadouramata (Mamadou Ramata ) |
1 | |
87. | AbouAminataconde (Abou Aminata Condé) |
1 | |
88. | Antoine1002 (Antoine Tokpa Lamah) |
1 | |
89. | contecoder (ABOUBACAR SIDIKI CONTE) |
1 | |
90. | mousto1997 (Mous Tapha Barry) |
1 | |
91. | ndalaba (N'Dalaba Diallo) |
1 | |
92. | takkomagn (Takkoma GN) |
1 | |
93. | techoutlooks (TechOutlooks Sarl) |
1 | |
94. | Malal91 (malal91) |
1 | |
95. | dev-acgp (Dev ACGP) |
1 | |
96. | Tiflzaky () |
0 | |
97. | diallobaben (diallo alpha oumar) |
0 | |
98. | Danso88 (Mahmoud Danso) |
0 | |
99. | Yattara2017 (YATTARA Abdoulaye Alpha) |
0 | |
100. | Iboubai (Ibrahima Doumbouya) |
0 | |
101. | a1bah (Abdoulaye Bah) |
0 | |
102. | Magassdev (Magassdev) |
0 | |
103. | WebLocoh (Eugene Locoh) |
0 | |
104. | N1S2W3A4-19-11 (Savané Noumouké) |
0 | |
105. | papadiallo222 () |
0 | |
106. | Barry-Abdoul-Hakim (Barry Abdoul Hakim) |
0 | |
107. | badembasow05 () |
0 | |
108. | mamadicisse (Mamadi Cissé) |
0 | |
109. | JOZY-1 (Joseph) |
0 | |
110. | realminthe (Minthé) |
0 | |
111. | Kandara224 (Mamadou kandara SOUARE) |
0 | |
112. | ibbarry1 (Barry) |
0 | |
113. | csvikrame (SAYON) |
0 | |
114. | assamady (CONDE Mamady) |
0 | |
115. | Ahmadou664 (Redmiror) |
0 | |
116. | fkoulibaly (KOULIBALY Faboukary) |
0 | |
117. | Mohamednassou (Mohamed Nassou Camara) |
0 | |
118. | sekouconde071 (SEKOU CONDE) |
0 | |
119. | mitty05 () |
0 | |
120. | 662630951 (Moussa) |
0 | |
121. | Aosow1 (Alpha Ousmane Sow) |
0 | |
122. | MariamaGalle (Mariama Galle Bah) |
0 | |
123. | 715-del (ovechkin) |
0 | |
124. | gnaya (Malick SAMOURA ) |
0 | |
125. | gzdev224 (GZ-DEV) |
0 | |
126. | Dabohamda (Hamda Dabo) |
0 | |
127. | MalickRoi () |
0 | |
128. | RSDevelopper (Elie Monvieu Camara) |
0 | |
129. | layescor (keleba Kouyaté) |
0 | |
130. | cecideresnat (Mamadou DIABY) |
0 | |
131. | Diallo-Boss () |
0 | |
132. | Sekou-Camara-Deve (Sékou Camara) |
0 | |
133. | lilmkt (Mohamed Kake Toure) |
0 | |
134. | Sam95Maiga (Sam) |
0 | |
135. | camradriss (Camra Driss) |
0 | |
136. | 117davidsultan (David) |
0 | |
137. | BarrMohamed (Barry ) |
0 | |
138. | algbah (BAH ALGASSIMOU) |
0 | |
139. | Sinikan (Sinikan) |
0 | |
140. | sconde1984 (netvisionplus sarl) |
0 | |
141. | Ichigo96 (Boubacar Keita) |
0 | |
142. | Yinguissa (#Yinguissa) |
0 | |
143. | Aiilas (Salia Camara) |
0 | |
144. | conacri (ConaCri) |
0 | |
145. | MdBoulet (Mohamed B Camara) |
0 | |
146. | Anour7 (Saidou nour) |
0 | |
147. | AlphaOus (Alpha Ousmane Diallo) |
0 | |
148. | aboubacarmlatamou (Aboubacar ) |
0 | |
149. | csdevlover (Salia Camara) |
0 | |
150. | Amadou-ly (Amadou Tidiane Ly) |
0 | |
151. | gustavodelamou (Jean Gustave DELAMOU) |
0 | |
152. | PaulFata (Paul Fata) |
0 | |
153. | HamzataBarrie () |
0 | |
154. | guineevista (vantengni) |
0 | |
155. | Dian-kaka (Dian) |
0 | |
156. | jesuiscelebre1er () |
0 | |
157. | bahmamadoubah () |
0 | |
158. | ibrahimasorybalde (Ibrahima Sory Baîlo Baldé) |
0 | |
159. | BenUsmane (Ousmane Sylla) |
0 | |
160. | Koulahightech (Misbaou Diallo) |
0 | |
161. | koumandjan () |
0 | |
162. | princedonde (prince diallo) |
0 | |
163. | KRAaToS (Souleymane Sy) |
0 | |
164. | Yorgo96 (Mamadou Diallo) |
0 | |
165. | matroud (matroud) |
0 | |
166. | LePhilanthropeGN (Mamadou Baïlo Diallo) |
0 | |
167. | willoxzz (Henri Willox) |
0 | |
168. | condeL () |
0 | |
169. | sekouFactoriels (seekout) |
0 | |
170. | Ami-Aicha () |
0 | |
171. | Alsenyt96 (Alseny Traore) |
0 | |
172. | kanabah (Kana Bah) |
0 | |
173. | Mamadou55fz (MotivaFZ) |
0 | |
174. | komoyek (komoyek) |
0 | |
175. | sekoucamara () |
0 | |
176. | AkoyeOnivogui224 (Akoye_Onivogui) |
0 | |
177. | Yaagouba (Alpha Yaagouba Bah) |
0 | |
178. | diallogn (Abdoulaye Diallo) |
0 | |
179. | amasyll (Amadou Sylla ) |
0 | |
180. | Greentash (DambyGreen) |
0 | |
181. | gcstf (GCSTF - GitHub) |
0 | |
182. | alimoubah (Alimou) |
0 | |
183. | medkissi (Mohamed Kissi Camara) |
0 | |
184. | telibah (Thierno_Ibrahima_Teli_BAH) |
0 | |
185. | thebestofAKB (Abdoul Karim Baldé) |
0 | |
186. | TheBlackDude (Ousmane Seidy Diallo) |
0 | |
187. | SakouvoguiChristineGnama (Christine Gnama Sakouvogui) |
0 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | codeurclub | 2 |
2. | gubfinances | 2 |
3. | vivadata | 1 |
4. | babaata | 1 |
5. | bahjanti | 1 |
6. | wind-unix | 1 |
7. | buildforsdgcohort2 | 1 |
8. | nimba-solution | 1 |
9. | neoledge | 1 |
10. | monmiel | 1 |