A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Honduras over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2024-11-18 07:08:31 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Honduras')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 2493 total users in the region and you need at least 1 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/honduras_private/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/honduras_private/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/honduras_private/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/honduras_private/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | luisarita (Luis Arita) |
4851 | |
2. | JAAR91 (Jose Arriaga) |
3893 | |
3. | renanz (Renan Alberto Zelaya) |
3782 | |
4. | je-martinez (Jose E. Martinez) |
3568 | |
5. | dansiegel (Dan Siegel) |
3560 | |
6. | nrecarte (Noel Recarte) |
3304 | |
7. | fjosue4 (Franklin Méndez) |
3293 | |
8. | mmelara (Marcelo Melara) |
2586 | |
9. | RonyVidaur (Rony Vidaur) |
2584 | |
10. | OttoPerdomo (Otto Perdomo) |
2384 | |
11. | eVasquez97 (Eduardo Vásquez) |
2306 | |
12. | ajomuch92 (Aarón J. Montes) |
2093 | |
13. | EJaredMejia (Jared Mejia) |
2078 | |
14. | yonathanavila (Yonathan Cruz) |
1930 | |
15. | yahir91 (Yahir Cardona) |
1909 | |
16. | nbermudezs (Néstor Bermúdez) |
1873 | |
17. | HexerMelvin117 (Melvin Rosales) |
1823 | |
18. | ElyDeveloper (Ely Dev) |
1765 | |
19. | MGeovany (Marlon Geovany Castro) |
1634 | |
20. | MarlonDSC (Marlon Subuyú) |
1600 | |
21. | robertraf (Roberto Ramírez) |
1593 | |
22. | danielricecodes (Daniel Rice) |
1592 | |
23. | axelestrada (Axel Estrada) |
1571 | |
24. | carlosp2001 (Carlos Pineda) |
1562 | |
25. | willyguevara (Óscar Wilfredo Rodriguez Guevara) |
1555 | |
26. | aalvrz (Andrés Álvarez) |
1543 | |
27. | thebryanmartinez (Bryan Martínez) |
1473 | |
28. | JParedes98 (Jose Paredes) |
1437 | |
29. | jehielmartinez (Jehiel Martinez) |
1436 | |
30. | MilanDroid (Antony Brenes) |
1433 | |
31. | lbarahona (Lester Barahona) |
1427 | |
32. | carlosdarioio (Carlos Dario Flores ) |
1366 | |
33. | jocvegar (Jose V) |
1364 | |
34. | srtager555 (Carlos && Ponce) |
1354 | |
35. | fabianlanza (Fabian1) |
1268 | |
36. | Nor010 (Mainor David Aguilar) |
1254 | |
37. | jamc96 (Jose Mejia) |
1253 | |
38. | Gdiazdiaz (Glenda Diaz) |
1228 | |
39. | Asterki (Fernando Rivera) |
1221 | |
40. | cafadev (Christopher A. Flores) |
1199 | |
41. | jorgeacaballero (Jorge Caballero) |
1194 | |
42. | Termtime (Mario Mejia) |
1125 | |
43. | luigitemu (Luis Armando Tejada Murillo) |
1122 | |
44. | Ricardo385 (Ricardo Madrid) |
1122 | |
45. | saulr7 (Saul Ramirez) |
1114 | |
46. | reajuria (Rafael E. Ajuria) |
1114 | |
47. | cruxdavid (David A. Cruz) |
1111 | |
48. | dmiranda2791 (Daniel Miranda) |
1111 | |
49. | wcmolina (Wilmer Carranza) |
1099 | |
50. | JoseanMeonez (Andrés Meoñez) |
1089 | |
51. | Gabo-p (Gabriel Perez) |
1083 | |
52. | cefeboru (Cesar Fernando Bonilla) |
1010 | |
53. | chrisdnz (Chris) |
967 | |
54. | oswaldosan (Oswaldo Antonio Sanchez) |
948 | |
55. | salgadoguiller (Guillermo Salgado) |
945 | |
56. | hernanhrm (Hernan Reyes) |
940 | |
57. | gbelot2003 (Gerardo Belot) |
935 | |
58. | iamchapita (Luis Alejandro Morales) |
934 | |
59. | andres15mol (Andrés Molina) |
907 | |
60. | DDiscua (DDiscua) |
900 | |
61. | Luuiskame (Luis) |
897 | |
62. | FranciscoPagoaga (Francisco Pagoaga) |
895 | |
63. | erickArita (Erick Marley Arita) |
888 | |
64. | PENA98 (Maynor Peña) |
863 | |
65. | shuuwi36 (Jorge Saravia) |
852 | |
66. | MarcoRodasW (Marco Rodas) |
839 | |
67. | noriega2112 (Edwin Noriega) |
830 | |
68. | josecastellanos (Jose Castellanos) |
808 | |
69. | lisaula (Luis Carlos Isaula) |
799 | |
70. | CAlbertSM (Alberto Montoya) |
774 | |
71. | jtaboracastejon (Caste) |
770 | |
72. | GersonnVelasquez (Gersonn Velasquez) |
767 | |
73. | jorgeabrahan (jorgeabrahan) |
754 | |
74. | jesusherrera94 (Jesus Herrera) |
749 | |
75. | AltaciosTheDev (Enzo Altamirano) |
749 | |
76. | adonayvasquezz (Adonay Vasquez) |
740 | |
77. | angeldev96 (Angel Valladares) |
737 | |
78. | rpenav91 (René Peña) |
727 | |
79. | lexfernandez (Alex Omar Fernandez Lorenzo) |
724 | |
80. | iamdperez (Daniel Perez) |
719 | |
81. | JoshuaDeveloper25 (Joshua) |
706 | |
82. | andrepg-dev (Andre Ponce) |
671 | |
83. | dduboncr () |
663 | |
84. | neryortez (Nery Abinadi) |
663 | |
85. | andresumanzor (Andrés Umanzor) |
648 | |
86. | josuecastro (Josué Castro) |
647 | |
87. | efloresm99 (Eduardo Flores) |
640 | |
88. | darwin-luque (Darwin Luque) |
638 | |
89. | Jarfsoft (Juan Raudales) |
637 | |
90. | edwinmunguia (Edwin J. Munguia) |
622 | |
91. | luigicampagnola (Luigi Campagnola) |
614 | |
92. | jrvboesch (Juan Rodrigo Venegas Boesch) |
591 | |
93. | f1lander (ethdax) |
589 | |
94. | danielbanariba (Daniel Barrientos Anariba) |
589 | |
95. | jrangulod (Jose Rafael Angulo) |
586 | |
96. | aaj (Armando Alvarado) |
577 | |
97. | cletrop (Cristopher Letrop) |
574 | |
98. | guitartsword (Isaias Valle) |
570 | |
99. | Turupawn (Ahmed Castro) |
560 | |
100. | EFZR (Emerson Fernando Zapata Rivas) |
559 | |
101. | Silvermaki (Makoto Katsumata) |
551 | |
102. | rodri595 (Rodrigo Erazo) |
537 | |
103. | isaacmtz90 (Isaac Martinez) |
526 | |
104. | vraeianova (Cris Arias) |
524 | |
105. | Athroscf (Chris Fiallos) |
518 | |
106. | danielzelayadev (Daniel Zelaya) |
518 | |
107. | wilzuniga (Wilmer Zuniga) |
517 | |
108. | JCHR14 (Juan Carlos Hernandez Reyes) |
515 | |
109. | CarlosVilla00896 (Carlos Villanueva) |
513 | |
110. | strangexz (Alberto Figueroa) |
512 | |
111. | CJRiverFlow (Christian Rivera) |
506 | |
112. | jrmart12 (Jose Rodolfo Martinez Bardales) |
506 | |
113. | conaryHernandez (Conary) |
500 | |
114. | CarlosLopezR (Carlos Lopez) |
492 | |
115. | conary-h (Christian Conary) |
472 | |
116. | Va5kez (Victor Vasquez Vasquez) |
471 | |
117. | fer-hnndz (Jorge Hernández) |
469 | |
118. | CMRicardo (Ricardo Corrales) |
459 | |
119. | Eliasegg (Eliasegg) |
458 | |
120. | asmejia1993 (Andy Mejia) |
451 | |
121. | allcracked (José Avilez) |
448 | |
122. | FernandoZnga (Fernando Zuniga) |
448 | |
123. | eaesquivel (Ariel Esquivel) |
446 | |
124. | JDiGregorio (José Di Gregorio) |
436 | |
125. | RALC365 (Richardson Alejandro Laínez Cárcamo) |
434 | |
126. | gaboelnuevo (Gabriel S. L) |
430 | |
127. | SevenDogsNTwoCats (AE9) |
429 | |
128. | luismy2227 (Luis Andino) |
427 | |
129. | jepz20 (Jose Eduardo Perdomo) |
425 | |
130. | douglasortega (Douglas Ortega) |
422 | |
131. | DarielGallegos (Joan Dariel Sánchez Gallegos) |
421 | |
132. | helpad (Helmut Isaac Padilla Chavarria) |
418 | |
133. | Jesus180Reyes (Jesus Reyes - JArts) |
413 | |
134. | nelcar (Nelson Cardenas) |
409 | |
135. | AndresMzaDev (Andres Meza) |
408 | |
136. | senquevila (Enrique Avila) |
408 | |
137. | rj4ck (Raquel Jackson) |
401 | |
138. | selvinmedina (Selvin) |
400 | |
139. | brizoalejandro (Alejandro Brizo) |
400 | |
140. | StarSheriff2 (Arturo Alvarez) |
398 | |
141. | amoradel (Anibal Moradel) |
397 | |
142. | Splitzer26 (José Cubas) |
392 | |
143. | vanessacruma (Van__) |
391 | |
144. | StrScr (Oscar Mejia) |
382 | |
145. | hikarisaotom (Claudia Cortés.) |
382 | |
146. | anuark (Anuar Kilgore) |
381 | |
147. | Allam9573 (Allam) |
369 | |
148. | sullymancia (Sully Mancia) |
364 | |
149. | JeralPineda (Jeral Pineda) |
345 | |
150. | aguilarhenry (Henry Aguilar) |
341 | |
151. | walmanarias (Walman Arias) |
336 | |
152. | TheXDS (César Morgan) |
334 | |
153. | Al3xDiaz (Alex Leonel Diaz) |
333 | |
154. | drshotyou (Alden Rivera) |
329 | |
155. | coleexz (William Cole ) |
326 | |
156. | jperaza1 (Jose Enrique Peraza Santamaria) |
321 | |
157. | cesarcoello (César Coello) |
318 | |
158. | LF-Flores (Luis Felipe Flores Machado) |
315 | |
159. | isaacrivas-ph (Isaac Rivas) |
309 | |
160. | keyci1113 (Keyci Mariela Padilla Martinez) |
309 | |
161. | jaguilar992 (Jose Antonio Aguilar) |
303 | |
162. | hellenfc (Hellen Fiallos) |
293 | |
163. | alejandrojosue (Alejandro Díaz) |
290 | |
164. | JoesarX (Josue Espinal) |
288 | |
165. | axelsomerseth (Axel Somerseth Cordova) |
288 | |
166. | CarDuarte (Carlos Duarte) |
286 | |
167. | nervesscat (Enrique Madrid) |
279 | |
168. | jenamoradoc (David Enamorado) |
271 | |
169. | mrjavi91 (Javier Sarmiento) |
271 | |
170. | esalinas00 (Erick Salinas) |
271 | |
171. | mario-galindo (Mario Galindo Mejia) |
265 | |
172. | DLesage25 (Daniel Le'Sage) |
262 | |
173. | KevinMatta (Kevin Ely Membreño Mata) |
258 | |
174. | lrodri14 (Luis Adolfo Rodriguez Lopez) |
257 | |
175. | RoyGeova07 (Roy Umaña) |
257 | |
176. | JoseGaldamez (José Galdámez) |
254 | |
177. | AbrilSamay (April Samay) |
249 | |
178. | Franklin-Amador (Franklin Joel Amador Lopez) |
246 | |
179. | Carint (Carlos Interiano) |
245 | |
180. | ruddyesv (Ruddy Estrada Vindel) |
245 | |
181. | lizzialnz (Lizzi Alonzo) |
244 | |
182. | annerh3 (Anner Josue Henriquez Reyes) |
244 | |
183. | ramonsolis11 (Ramón Solís Núñez) |
243 | |
184. | hndoss (Hector Rosales) |
236 | |
185. | VJEB (Victor Espinoza) |
234 | |
186. | agchavez (Gabriel Chavez) |
234 | |
187. | DavidJacome (David Jacome) |
228 | |
188. | ulisesedu7 (Ulises Largaespada) |
227 | |
189. | JoshuaMc1 (Joshua Mclean) |
222 | |
190. | BryanAnariba (Ariel Anariba) |
221 | |
191. | aeljandro2 (Manuel Alejandro Nunez) |
217 | |
192. | VIRN2005 (Víctor Romero) |
212 | |
193. | iamyare (Yamir Alejandro Rodas Elvir) |
212 | |
194. | djag07907 (Daniel Alvarez) |
206 | |
195. | luiscf1226 (Luis Flores) |
204 | |
196. | daldev14 (Daniel Amaya) |
203 | |
197. | saturnette (Javier Flores) |
202 | |
198. | lbanegas7 (Banegas) |
202 | |
199. | EddxSotz (Edy S.) |
202 | |
200. | Andr3wcr0z (Andrés Durón) |
199 | |
201. | Jes-us (Jesús Rodríguez) |
198 | |
202. | RamonMatute2003 (Ariel Matute) |
198 | |
203. | ryozke (Jorge Cobos) |
198 | |
204. | abulnes16 (Angel Bulnes) |
194 | |
205. | afloresmorales () |
193 | |
206. | doglez (Danilo Gonzalez Ardon) |
192 | |
207. | imaginuz (Ricardo Zuniga) |
188 | |
208. | OsitoDobbie10 (OsitoDobbie10SIG) |
185 | |
209. | json0101 (Jason Hernandez) |
183 | |
210. | 0scarpadilla (Oscar Padilla) |
180 | |
211. | EmilzonJ (Emilzon Jeronimo) |
178 | |
212. | jimmybanegas (Jimmy Ramos) |
173 | |
213. | katerinmayely (Kattherine Hernandez) |
172 | |
214. | francomidence (Franco Midence) |
172 | |
215. | sergio99nv (Sergio Enrique Romero) |
170 | |
216. | chrisjosuedev (Cristhian J. Martínez Lara) |
170 | |
217. | aledavila98 (Alejandro Dávila) |
168 | |
218. | dantonifa (David Antonio Fajardo Ponce) |
166 | |
219. | AntonioCardenas (Alexander Cardenas) |
166 | |
220. | EliteArmy (Ariel Palma) |
164 | |
221. | jcespinoza (Juan Carlos Espinoza) |
163 | |
222. | douz (Douglas Barahona) |
162 | |
223. | emerson122 (Exequiel Velasquez) |
159 | |
224. | AEMatamoros (Alexis Matamoros) |
155 | |
225. | bryanuchiha (BK-201) |
153 | |
226. | sleepielle (Mercedes Paz) |
152 | |
227. | agirong (Aaron Obed Girón) |
151 | |
228. | jshwelz (Joshua Welchez) |
149 | |
229. | obetancourthunicah (Orlando J Betancourth Alvarenga) |
147 | |
230. | DiegoMD4 (Diego Montoya) |
147 | |
231. | carlossosvos (Carlos Guillermo Casco Valle) |
145 | |
232. | oscaritogf (Oscar Indalecio Garcia Flores) |
145 | |
233. | robert-virtual (Roberto Castillo) |
144 | |
234. | Immac (Miguel C) |
144 | |
235. | Reyniery-Carlitos (Carlos Reyniery Rubio Domínguez) |
143 | |
236. | aescarias (Ángel Carias) |
140 | |
237. | robertgarcia (Robert D. Garcia) |
140 | |
238. | KristerCh65 (Krister Chavez) |
138 | |
239. | Roxi96 (Roxana Howard Acosta) |
137 | |
240. | crywhat7 (crywhat) |
135 | |
241. | pedromolina351 (Pedro Molina Montoya) |
134 | |
242. | Klaustrophobia (Josue) |
133 | |
243. | DanielGiron20 (Daniel Giron) |
127 | |
244. | PUSHKIN504 (Jason Jeremy Villanueva Sanchez) |
126 | |
245. | cristiandelcidd (Cristian Delcid) |
124 | |
246. | isinicolle (Isis Zapata Florentino) |
124 | |
247. | wurlJAM (Omar Mejia) |
119 | |
248. | sabid (Sabid Barahona) |
117 | |
249. | BDdennis (Dennis Anariba) |
116 | |
250. | jorgeferhn (Jorge Fernandez) |
116 | |
251. | carlos-haddad1996 (Carlos Haddad) |
116 | |
252. | HC809 (Héctor Caballero) |
114 | |
253. | AlexxFuentes (Alexx Fuentes) |
112 | |
254. | eduardodavidmm (Eduardo David Maldonado) |
110 | |
255. | alexvargashn (Alex Vargas) |
109 | |
256. | darwinmedia (Darwin Audiomedia) |
107 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | ethereumhn | 2 |
2. | beanario | 2 |
3. | ccc-it | 1 |
4. | scroll-tech | 1 |
5. | filosofiacodigo | 1 |
6. | idea-nthu-taiwan | 1 |
7. | soa2016t6 | 1 |
8. | hatenexus | 1 |
9. | affogatonetwork | 1 |
10. | beplatform | 1 |