A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Hong Kong over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2024-12-18 09:08:17 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Hong Kong')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 17351 total users in the region and you need at least 32 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/hong_kong_private/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/hong_kong_private/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/hong_kong_private/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/hong_kong_private/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | hswong3i (Wong Hoi Sing Edison) |
46878 | |
2. | BattlefieldDuck (TatLead) |
27988 | |
3. | louiscklaw (Louis Law, louiscklaw) |
21707 | |
4. | dirkarnez (Dirk Arnez) |
15584 | |
5. | HTGAzureX1212 (HTGAzureX1212.) |
10087 | |
6. | lokshunhung (LS Hung) |
9385 | |
7. | yeliudev (Ye Liu) |
7143 | |
8. | JakkuSakura (Jakku Sakura) |
7138 | |
9. | SusanDoggie (Susan Cheng) |
6801 | |
10. | mr-kelly (Kelly Peilin Chan) |
6086 | |
11. | donbeave (Alexey Zhokhov) |
5108 | |
12. | wonglok (Wong Lok) |
4997 | |
13. | yxlao (Yixing Lao) |
4965 | |
14. | wingkwong (աӄա) |
4532 | |
15. | billpwchan (Bill Chan) |
4343 | |
16. | thekvn (Kevin Chan) |
3625 | |
17. | PikachuEXE (PikachuEXE) |
3558 | |
18. | madonuko (madomado) |
3494 | |
19. | leokwsw (Leo Wu) |
3109 | |
20. | ZhiyuanChen (Zhiyuan Chen) |
3034 | |
21. | foray1010 (Alex Young) |
2745 | |
22. | fuma-nama (Fuma Nama) |
2730 | |
23. | johnsoncodehk (Johnson Chu) |
2681 | |
24. | elliothux (Elliot Hu) |
2666 | |
25. | chunlaw (Law Wai Chun) |
2536 | |
26. | williamchong (William Chong) |
2502 | |
27. | zacwellmer (Zac Wellmer) |
2396 | |
28. | xJonathanLEI (Jonathan LEI) |
2204 | |
29. | MRYingLEE (Ying LI) |
2175 | |
30. | kentang2017 (Ken Tang) |
2107 | |
31. | LOOHP () |
2046 | |
32. | railsstudent (Connie Leung) |
2039 | |
33. | calpa (Calpa Liu) |
2031 | |
34. | tywong (Mole WONG) |
1993 | |
35. | tngan (tngan) |
1976 | |
36. | ShawTim (ShawTim) |
1965 | |
37. | billy1624 (Billy Chan) |
1899 | |
38. | lithdew (Kenta Iwasaki) |
1895 | |
39. | 9oelM (Joel Mun) |
1853 | |
40. | kingychiu (Anthony Chiu) |
1798 | |
41. | orzcc (orzcc) |
1774 | |
42. | yang-han (Han YANG) |
1766 | |
43. | alexlau811 (Alex Lau) |
1727 | |
44. | krisstern (Kris Stern) |
1721 | |
45. | leon-liangwu (Liang Wu) |
1704 | |
46. | daoyuan14 (Daoyuan Wu) |
1683 | |
47. | pandrewhk (Andrew Pantyukhin) |
1638 | |
48. | David200308 (David Jiang) |
1597 | |
49. | xiaodong2008 (XiaoDong) |
1586 | |
50. | hanruihua (Han) |
1567 | |
51. | chriskyfung (Chris K.Y. FUNG) |
1539 | |
52. | godbout (G.) |
1530 | |
53. | araa47 (Akshay ) |
1520 | |
54. | TianxingChen (Tianxing Chen (陈天行)) |
1510 | |
55. | n3wt0n (Davide Benvegnù aka CoderDave) |
1502 | |
56. | MuGdxy (MuGdxy) |
1485 | |
57. | degrootruben (Ruben de Groot) |
1484 | |
58. | jonhealy1 (Jonathan Healy) |
1472 | |
59. | ckt1031 (ckt1031) |
1450 | |
60. | raphaelmansuy (Raphael MANSUY) |
1449 | |
61. | DevinLeamy () |
1429 | |
62. | williamli (Willi#m ⬣) |
1414 | |
63. | ChiuMungZitAlexander (Alexander Mung-Zit Chiu) |
1390 | |
64. | aofei (Aofei Sheng) |
1382 | |
65. | Skylark0924 (Junjia Liu) |
1370 | |
66. | dr-data (Data Ng) |
1324 | |
67. | eric2788 (Eric Lam) |
1286 | |
68. | Jerrylum (Jerry Lum) |
1279 | |
69. | benlau (Ben Lau) |
1269 | |
70. | DarkLight1337 (Cyrus Leung) |
1266 | |
71. | zolotokrylin (Vadim) |
1264 | |
72. | marclop (Marc Lopez Rubio) |
1257 | |
73. | ericfong (Eric Fong) |
1257 | |
74. | qiaozhijian (Zhijian Qiao) |
1236 | |
75. | icelam (Ice Lam) |
1217 | |
76. | darkcl (darkcl) |
1215 | |
77. | tszhong0411 (Hong) |
1196 | |
78. | Timothyxxx (Tianbao Xie) |
1188 | |
79. | henryhchchc (Henry Chu) |
1163 | |
80. | waterlou (Water Lou) |
1149 | |
81. | eric15342335 (Cheng Ho Ming, Eric) |
1149 | |
82. | soopyc (Cassie Cheung) |
1141 | |
83. | AaronForce1 (Aaron Baideme) |
1135 | |
84. | danielkerr (Daniel Kerr) |
1116 | |
85. | RexanWONG (Rexan Wong) |
1110 | |
86. | AnsonH (Anson Heung) |
1108 | |
87. | dotkrnl (Jason Lau) |
1094 | |
88. | onpix (Haoyuan Wang) |
1084 | |
89. | tobiasbueschel (Tobias Büschel) |
1083 | |
90. | yujincheng08 (LoveSy) |
1076 | |
91. | mathemancer (Brent Moran) |
1070 | |
92. | wangzuo (Wang Zuo) |
1069 | |
93. | hunkim (Sung Kim) |
1060 | |
94. | HenryHZY (Zi-Yuan Hu) |
1034 | |
95. | JLChnToZ (Jeremy Lam aka. Vistanz) |
1028 | |
96. | nth10sd (Gary Kwong [:gkw]) |
1025 | |
97. | samueltangz (Samuel Tang) |
1021 | |
98. | TC999 (陈生杂物房) |
997 | |
99. | FranklineMisango (Frankline Misango Oyolo) |
960 | |
100. | ZCG-coder (Andy Zhang) |
943 | |
101. | shaido987 (Marcus Kalander) |
940 | |
102. | messense (messense) |
937 | |
103. | harryworld (Harry Ng) |
935 | |
104. | hupili (HU, Pili) |
934 | |
105. | seanng (Sean Ng) |
916 | |
106. | a1aw (Anthony Law) |
907 | |
107. | payt0nc (PaytonC) |
893 | |
108. | zhuima (追马) |
877 | |
109. | DaZuiZui (哇塞大嘴好帥) |
876 | |
110. | ZexinHe (Zexin He) |
868 | |
111. | KeithLin724 (Keith Lin) |
860 | |
112. | Jun-jie-Huang () |
859 | |
113. | SKuipers (Sandra Kuipers) |
857 | |
114. | rickmak (Rick Mak) |
856 | |
115. | Jun-CEN (CEN Jun) |
854 | |
116. | Seitk (Philip Yu) |
828 | |
117. | graphemecluster (graphemecluster) |
814 | |
118. | edmundhung (Edmund Hung) |
811 | |
119. | knocte (Andres G. Aragoneses) |
809 | |
120. | Tsuki (Tsuki) |
809 | |
121. | dsiu (Danny Siu) |
808 | |
122. | hongkongkiwi (Andy) |
804 | |
123. | HertzDevil (Quinton Miller) |
803 | |
124. | chengluyu (Luyu Cheng) |
803 | |
125. | night0721 (Oscar Fu) |
797 | |
126. | icodragon (Dragon) |
793 | |
127. | zensh (0xZensh) |
791 | |
128. | MrPeterJin (Peter Kam) |
786 | |
129. | genxium (Wing) |
783 | |
130. | TrebledJ (Johnathan) |
779 | |
131. | zihao-wang (Zihao Wang) |
769 | |
132. | glennliu (Chuhao Liu) |
766 | |
133. | Lionelsy (Shuyu Zhang) |
759 | |
134. | TatianaJin (Tatiana Jin) |
751 | |
135. | IJMacD (Iain MacDonald) |
748 | |
136. | ltzone (Litao Zhou) |
743 | |
137. | snowzjx (Junxue Zhang) |
738 | |
138. | vicksonzero (Dickson Chui) |
734 | |
139. | chenyanming (Damon Chan) |
730 | |
140. | ShiratsuYudachi (Nico ShiratsuYudachi) |
723 | |
141. | Troublor (William Cheung) |
702 | |
142. | EnhancedJax (Jax Tam) |
700 | |
143. | mayankchugh-learning (Mayank Chugh) |
692 | |
144. | guomaimang (hanjiaming) |
684 | |
145. | dipsywong98 (Dipsy Wong) |
678 | |
146. | jimmychu0807 (Jimmy Chu) |
671 | |
147. | henryhxu (Hong Xu) |
666 | |
148. | pca006132 (pca006132) |
666 | |
149. | sarkrui (Sark) |
654 | |
150. | yghlc (Lingcao Huang) |
652 | |
151. | Vito-Swift (Chenhao Wu) |
647 | |
152. | chanyk-joseph (Joseph Chan (jchan-harmonicinc)) |
635 | |
153. | RyuZhihao123 (Zhihao Liu) |
631 | |
154. | 0e0w () |
628 | |
155. | eepj (Pan) |
616 | |
156. | patrickkfkan (Patrick Kan) |
611 | |
157. | ChinaArJun (ArJun) |
608 | |
158. | simeydotme (Simon Goellner) |
605 | |
159. | VirenMohindra (Viren Mohindra) |
599 | |
160. | yeukfei02 (Donald Wu) |
597 | |
161. | SOF3 (Jonathan Chan Kwan Yin) |
591 | |
162. | ChenDelong1999 (Delong Chen (陈德龙)) |
589 | |
163. | haoyang9804 (Haoyang Ma) |
583 | |
164. | mental2008 (Lingyun Yang) |
581 | |
165. | wyuenho (Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong) |
581 | |
166. | 1552980358 (KS.Chan) |
577 | |
167. | GoodestEnglish (GoodestEnglish) |
577 | |
168. | txaty (Tommy ツ) |
574 | |
169. | adam0x01 (adam0x01) |
566 | |
170. | ZiliangMiao (Miao Ziliang) |
557 | |
171. | kevwan (Kevin Wan) |
556 | |
172. | Carolusian (0x73 Hex) |
541 | |
173. | stevefan1999-personal (Steve Fan) |
540 | |
174. | fionn (Fionn Fitzmaurice) |
538 | |
175. | dhowe (Daniel Howe) |
534 | |
176. | pengxiang-liu (Pengxiang Liu) |
530 | |
177. | climba03003 (KaKa) |
528 | |
178. | tonyfung99 (Tony Fung) |
527 | |
179. | Pong420 (Pong) |
518 | |
180. | Ecstasy-EC (Yixi Cai) |
517 | |
181. | rphilipzhang (Philip Zhang) |
517 | |
182. | Data-Designer (Zhao Chuang) |
516 | |
183. | kayue (Kayue Yeung) |
515 | |
184. | Gy-Hu (Guangyu (Gary) HU) |
511 | |
185. | henrrrychau (Henry Chau) |
511 | |
186. | hockyy (Hocky Yudhiono) |
510 | |
187. | RunsenXu (Runsen Xu) |
509 | |
188. | Milind220 (Milind Sharma) |
502 | |
189. | pmkol (MapleCool) |
502 | |
190. | hkalexling (Alex Ling) |
501 | |
191. | christianesperar (Christian Esperar) |
498 | |
192. | hfhchan (Henry Chan) |
497 | |
193. | DeepDuke (DeepDuke) |
497 | |
194. | chang-github-00 (Ma Chang) |
496 | |
195. | JIANG-CX (JIANG Chenxing) |
489 | |
196. | usaoc (Wing Hei Chan) |
484 | |
197. | MonikaCat (Magic Cat) |
484 | |
198. | IvanENERGY (IvanChan) |
483 | |
199. | myl7 (Yulong Ming) |
480 | |
200. | ckcr4lyf (Raghu Saxena) |
475 | |
201. | cksac (cksac) |
473 | |
202. | JinchaoLove (Jinchao) |
469 | |
203. | jmwang0117 (Junming WANG) |
464 | |
204. | rayleizhu (ZHU Lei) |
462 | |
205. | raventid (Julian Pokrovsky) |
462 | |
206. | outsmartchad (vincent so) |
461 | |
207. | rickywesker (rickyds97) |
457 | |
208. | yihua7 (Yihua) |
456 | |
209. | lzmhhh123 (Zhuomin Liu) |
455 | |
210. | ZHKKKe (Zhanghan Ke) |
447 | |
211. | schungx (Stephen Chung) |
443 | |
212. | roojs (Alan Knowles) |
439 | |
213. | statmlben (Ben Dai) |
439 | |
214. | joequant (Joseph Wang) |
438 | |
215. | wbhu (Hu Wenbo) |
436 | |
216. | c0re100 (ɥnsʞʎ) |
435 | |
217. | tobychui (Toby Chui) |
431 | |
218. | xorima (Jason Field) |
429 | |
219. | kcwu229 (Wu Ka Cheong) |
429 | |
220. | hkvincent (vincentchan) |
428 | |
221. | wongcyrus (Cyrus) |
426 | |
222. | shedaniel () |
422 | |
223. | 7kfpun (kf) |
417 | |
224. | LiuHengyu321 (Hengyu Liu) |
414 | |
225. | lizhuohua (Li Zhuohua) |
413 | |
226. | JingyuHe (Jingyu He) |
411 | |
227. | julianmak (Julian Mak) |
408 | |
228. | Techbrolakes (Olamilekan Daramola) |
401 | |
229. | zhjiang22 (Zhihan JIANG) |
398 | |
230. | Allenem (蒲尧) |
397 | |
231. | xchencq (Chen Xinyi) |
396 | |
232. | utkarsh867 (Utkarsh Goel) |
394 | |
233. | pooruss (Shihao Liang) |
391 | |
234. | bruceyyu (Bruceshark) |
391 | |
235. | lcxfs1991 (heyli) |
388 | |
236. | xymeng16 (Xiangyi Meng) |
384 | |
237. | leuchine (Qi Liu) |
382 | |
238. | jaehyukchoi (Jaehyuk Choi) |
382 | |
239. | socathie (drCathieSo.eth) |
381 | |
240. | JamesWangDev (James Wang) |
379 | |
241. | fhfuih (Zeyu Huang) |
376 | |
242. | moononournation () |
372 | |
243. | ailisp (Bo Yao) |
370 | |
244. | CaviarChen (Zed(Zijun) Chen) |
363 | |
245. | yzyzsun (Yaozhu Sun) |
361 | |
246. | calvinaco (Calvin Lau) |
361 | |
247. | keiranlovett (Keiran) |
359 | |
248. | KaiChen1998 (Kai Chen) |
355 | |
249. | onetom (Tamas Herman) |
351 | |
250. | supechicken (SupeChicken666) |
349 | |
251. | ngalongc (Ron Chan) |
344 | |
252. | gotson (Gauthier) |
338 | |
253. | eastonman (Easton Man) |
336 | |
254. | louislam (Louis Lam) |
335 | |
255. | richardfan1126 (Richard Fan) |
333 | |
256. | ac5tin (Austin Chang) |
327 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | hkuplg | 3 |
2. | m2robocon | 2 |
3. | eldependenci | 2 |
4. | hkust-taco | 2 |
5. | hkust-aerial-robotics | 2 |
6. | teamhartex | 2 |
7. | ghostty-org | 2 |
8. | teckyio | 1 |
9. | openlemur | 1 |
10. | yuno-studio | 1 |