A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Hungary over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-02-02 09:11:37 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Hungary')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 22147 total users in the region and you need at least 17 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/hungary_private/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/hungary_private/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/hungary_private/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/hungary_private/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | markkovari (Márk Kővári) |
17270 | |
2. | vpmedia (Andras Csizmadia) |
13609 | |
3. | macrozhang (JamesMacroZhang) |
9075 | |
4. | ert78gb (Róbert Kiss) |
6654 | |
5. | Piedone (Zoltán Lehóczky) |
6033 | |
6. | elcozy (Reynolds M) |
5779 | |
7. | xHeaven (Márk Magyar) |
5524 | |
8. | pqoqubbw () |
5454 | |
9. | andrasbacsai (Andras Bacsai) |
5124 | |
10. | sagikazarmark (Márk Sági-Kazár) |
4742 | |
11. | patoi (István Pató) |
4652 | |
12. | raszi (KARASZI István) |
4609 | |
13. | antal-k (Antal K.) |
4451 | |
14. | joshika39 (Joshua Hegedus) |
4079 | |
15. | rolandsz (Roland Szabó) |
4033 | |
16. | laszlocph (Laszlo Fogas) |
3930 | |
17. | WiesnerPeti (Peter Adam Wiesner) |
3750 | |
18. | szepeviktor (Viktor Szépe) |
3741 | |
19. | nagyesta (Esta Nagy) |
3689 | |
20. | kevinstubbs (Kevin Stubbs) |
3470 | |
21. | daroczig (Gergely Daróczi) |
3398 | |
22. | yenshirak (Robert Keresnyei) |
3367 | |
23. | TamasHodi (Tamas Hodi) |
3355 | |
24. | cstamas (Tamas Cservenak) |
3297 | |
25. | szkiba (Iván Szkiba) |
3109 | |
26. | nemkin (Viktória Nemkin) |
3078 | |
27. | vigoo (Daniel Vigovszky) |
3075 | |
28. | sionleroux (Siôn le Roux) |
3042 | |
29. | lptr (Lóránt Pintér) |
3016 | |
30. | knightburton (Imre Kiss) |
3009 | |
31. | david-szabo97 (Dávid Szabó) |
2975 | |
32. | duplabe (Balázs Benyó) |
2950 | |
33. | AronNovak (Aron Novak) |
2939 | |
34. | battila7 (Attila Bagossy) |
2915 | |
35. | iamgergo (D. Nagy Gergő) |
2832 | |
36. | knagymate (Máté Kovács-Nagy) |
2811 | |
37. | TamasSzigeti (Tamás Szigeti) |
2753 | |
38. | thenonameguy (Krisztián Szabó ) |
2674 | |
39. | khernyo (Szabolcs Berecz) |
2660 | |
40. | kovacshuni (Hunor Kovács) |
2559 | |
41. | chrisgacsal (Krisztian Gacsal) |
2558 | |
42. | maerlyn (Gábor Fási) |
2497 | |
43. | bugadani (Dániel Buga) |
2428 | |
44. | DonTomika (Tamás Szincsák) |
2369 | |
45. | adamlaki (Adam Laki) |
2351 | |
46. | ATrnd (Attila Tunder) |
2319 | |
47. | adamteddychang (You-Wei (Adam) Chang) |
2307 | |
48. | szg251 (Szabo Gergely) |
2298 | |
49. | bvic23 (Viktor Belényesi) |
2268 | |
50. | alltilla (Attila Szakacs) |
2253 | |
51. | vaperion () |
2247 | |
52. | kovacsv (Viktor Kovacs) |
2219 | |
53. | pepov (Peter Wilcsinszky) |
2205 | |
54. | 0l1v3rr (Olivér Mrakovics) |
2178 | |
55. | RichardRNStudio (Richárd Nagy) |
2175 | |
56. | stitam (Tamás Stirling) |
2150 | |
57. | merobal (Bálint Mérő) |
2093 | |
58. | zkochan (Zoltan Kochan) |
2001 | |
59. | adrianrobotka (Adrián Robotka) |
1963 | |
60. | valamidev (T) |
1952 | |
61. | tothandras (András Tóth) |
1920 | |
62. | encse (Dávid Németh Cs.) |
1918 | |
63. | mondalaci (László Monda) |
1918 | |
64. | cmark (Márk Czotter) |
1894 | |
65. | DaWe35 (DaWe) |
1891 | |
66. | riffraff (Gabriele Renzi) |
1867 | |
67. | ZsombiTech (Zsombor Horvath) |
1862 | |
68. | terkalma (Terkál Róbert) |
1858 | |
69. | kisvegabor (Gabor Kiss-Vamosi) |
1849 | |
70. | viktorvorobev (Viktor Vorobev) |
1839 | |
71. | dem4ron (Aron Demeter) |
1834 | |
72. | vmiklos (Miklos Vajna) |
1834 | |
73. | mogery (Gergő Móricz) |
1831 | |
74. | FemLolStudio (FémLol Stúdió) |
1787 | |
75. | robertcsakany (Robert Csakany) |
1773 | |
76. | tibkiss (Tibor Kiss) |
1768 | |
77. | valentinvichnal (Valentin Vichnal) |
1764 | |
78. | morkapronczay (Mór Kapronczay) |
1748 | |
79. | dskvr (Sandwich) |
1709 | |
80. | szilarddoro (Szilárd Dóró) |
1693 | |
81. | iszlai (Lehel Iszlai) |
1672 | |
82. | p3x-robot (patrikx3) |
1627 | |
83. | nandito (Nandor Biro) |
1623 | |
84. | adamberecz (Adam Berecz) |
1622 | |
85. | kozmagabor (Gabor Kozma) |
1607 | |
86. | dandehavilland (Dan de Havilland) |
1606 | |
87. | boapps (Boa) |
1604 | |
88. | miklosme (Miklos Megyes) |
1598 | |
89. | arronax (Sergey Kuzmichev) |
1591 | |
90. | MrAnno (László Várady) |
1587 | |
91. | isoos (István Soós) |
1586 | |
92. | orymate (Máté Őry) |
1578 | |
93. | foxtran () |
1564 | |
94. | oroszgy (György Orosz) |
1554 | |
95. | NotGeri (Geri) |
1544 | |
96. | robence (Bence Rózsa) |
1543 | |
97. | blerou (Szabolcs Sulik) |
1529 | |
98. | z4kn4fein (Peter Csajtai) |
1511 | |
99. | szemate (Máté Szendrő) |
1499 | |
100. | danielsef (Daniel Sef) |
1476 | |
101. | skidoodle () |
1474 | |
102. | phraktle (Viktor Szathmáry) |
1468 | |
103. | MrExplode (SunStorm) |
1446 | |
104. | dyuri (Gyuri Horak) |
1437 | |
105. | gyulanemeth (Gyula Németh) |
1437 | |
106. | kripod (Kristóf Poduszló) |
1433 | |
107. | asrrriel (Asriel) |
1363 | |
108. | istvan-ujjmeszaros (István Ujj-Mészáros) |
1362 | |
109. | adoroszlai (Doroszlai, Attila) |
1358 | |
110. | szlegradi (Szabolcs Légrádi) |
1356 | |
111. | Blackbackofficial (Chernov Ivan) |
1284 | |
112. | scorchio (Zoltán Adamek) |
1281 | |
113. | Pety99 (Peter Abordan) |
1275 | |
114. | zurdi15 (Zurdi) |
1273 | |
115. | petergombos (Peter Gombos) |
1271 | |
116. | kkovaacs (KOVACS Krisztian) |
1268 | |
117. | artanisdesign (Gergely Cziva) |
1262 | |
118. | zcserei (Cserei Zoltán) |
1257 | |
119. | ZeeCoder (Viktor Hubert) |
1248 | |
120. | NoNameProvided (Attila Oláh) |
1246 | |
121. | ivancsicsmarkus (Markus Ivancsics) |
1236 | |
122. | balazsbajorics (Balazs Bajorics) |
1229 | |
123. | icza (András Belicza) |
1221 | |
124. | relatedcode (Related Code) |
1221 | |
125. | Ajnasz (Lajos Koszti) |
1218 | |
126. | minktom (Tamás Drahos) |
1216 | |
127. | mfazekas (Miklós Fazekas) |
1216 | |
128. | Zyrenth (Zyrenth) |
1215 | |
129. | Relintai (Péter Magyar) |
1201 | |
130. | martonlederer (Marton Lederer) |
1191 | |
131. | larsyngvelundin (Lars) |
1184 | |
132. | csabika98 (Csaba Sallai) |
1175 | |
133. | tevelee (Laszlo Teveli) |
1163 | |
134. | molnarmark (Mark Molnar) |
1149 | |
135. | gbtami (Bajusz Tamás) |
1139 | |
136. | krajorama (George Krajcsovits) |
1136 | |
137. | gyurisc (gyurisc) |
1134 | |
138. | kjozsa (Kristof Jozsa) |
1133 | |
139. | delanni (Alex Szabo) |
1132 | |
140. | balinterdi (Balint Erdi) |
1131 | |
141. | volfpeter (Peter Volf) |
1127 | |
142. | r0mai (András Kucsma) |
1123 | |
143. | Pozo (Zoltan Polgar) |
1122 | |
144. | oudmane (Ayoub Oudmane) |
1111 | |
145. | BoyC () |
1110 | |
146. | leventebalogh (Levente Balogh) |
1091 | |
147. | attilammagyar (Attila Magyar) |
1090 | |
148. | ramizpolic (Ramiz Polic) |
1064 | |
149. | adamgyulavari (Adam Gyulavari) |
1060 | |
150. | vokod (Daniel Voko) |
1059 | |
151. | adam-rocska (Ádám Rocska) |
1058 | |
152. | Zmetser (Oliver Kovacs) |
1031 | |
153. | torokati44 (TÖRÖK Attila) |
1031 | |
154. | webmaster442 (Ruzsinszki Gábor) |
1024 | |
155. | geritol (Gergo Tolnai) |
1024 | |
156. | GaborFarkas (Gábor Farkas) |
1011 | |
157. | akarnokd (David Karnok) |
995 | |
158. | EarlPitts (Bendeguz Seres) |
990 | |
159. | budavariam (Mátyás Budavári) |
987 | |
160. | marci1175 (Varga Marcell) |
974 | |
161. | BenedekFarkas (Benedek Farkas) |
964 | |
162. | minimalgeek (Faragó Balázs) |
956 | |
163. | tomuwhu (Dr. Németh Tamás / Tamas Nemeth PhD) |
956 | |
164. | berenteb (Bálint Berente) |
952 | |
165. | albertborsos (Albert Borsos) |
949 | |
166. | rutkai (András Rutkai) |
934 | |
167. | bimlas (Bimba Laszlo) |
916 | |
168. | rmusayevr (Rashad Musayev) |
913 | |
169. | bazsi (Balazs Scheidler) |
911 | |
170. | nopara73 (nopara73) |
908 | |
171. | 1ed (Gábor Egyed) |
898 | |
172. | siliconbrain (Dudás Ádám) |
890 | |
173. | bndrmrtn (Martin Binder) |
871 | |
174. | zoltanbedi (Zoltán Bedi) |
857 | |
175. | gklka (Gruber Kristóf) |
856 | |
176. | g0rbe (Daniel Gorbe) |
848 | |
177. | zalandemeter12 (Zalán Demeter) |
848 | |
178. | PaoloDuzioni (Paolo Duzioni) |
845 | |
179. | norbitrial (Norbert Szabó) |
845 | |
180. | akoshochrein (Akos Zsolt Hochrein) |
835 | |
181. | vicziani (Istvan Viczian) |
833 | |
182. | stewemetal (István Juhos) |
826 | |
183. | jpacsai (Judit Pacsai) |
826 | |
184. | coderofsalvation (Coder of Salvation / Leon van Kammen) |
819 | |
185. | badicsalex (Alex Badics) |
819 | |
186. | andrasfuchs (Andras Fuchs) |
815 | |
187. | levinyiro (Levente Nyírő) |
814 | |
188. | drifteaur (Zoltan Varady) |
812 | |
189. | masahirotanaka (Masahiro Tanaka) |
808 | |
190. | tib (Tibor Bödecs) |
808 | |
191. | gdotdesign (Szikszai Gusztáv) |
807 | |
192. | festo (Gergely Munkácsy) |
805 | |
193. | Lehoczky (Lehoczky Zoltán) |
804 | |
194. | vlvkobal (Vladimir Kobal) |
789 | |
195. | mxr576 (Dezső BICZÓ) |
788 | |
196. | hubudibu (Anikó Fejes) |
780 | |
197. | vlaci (László Vaskó) |
780 | |
198. | darabos (Daniel Darabos) |
766 | |
199. | wpmed92 (Ahmed Harmouche) |
762 | |
200. | attilacsanyi (Attila Csanyi) |
761 | |
201. | szuperaz (Zita Szupera) |
758 | |
202. | pestipeti (Peter Pesti) |
752 | |
203. | noherczeg (Norbert Csaba Herczeg) |
752 | |
204. | Csaba79-coder (Csaba Vadász) |
746 | |
205. | bendera (Adam Bender) |
746 | |
206. | eduarddotgg (Eduard Pochtar) |
745 | |
207. | balzss (Balazs Saros) |
736 | |
208. | gulyasm (Máté Gulyás) |
731 | |
209. | Virkkunen (Fred Almeida) |
731 | |
210. | SlejmUr (SlejmUr) |
722 | |
211. | PJozeph (József Pallagi) |
720 | |
212. | mogeko (Zheng Junyi) |
716 | |
213. | Roverr (Imre Racz) |
712 | |
214. | latotty (LaTotty) |
709 | |
215. | marcelltoth (Marcell Toth) |
709 | |
216. | aorcsik (Antal Orcsik) |
708 | |
217. | godrei (Krisztián Gödrei) |
707 | |
218. | emaimona (Emanuel Nzinga Maimona) |
702 | |
219. | K4ryuu (K4ryuu) |
701 | |
220. | szaboat (Attila Szabo) |
701 | |
221. | stc (stc) |
691 | |
222. | zsmb13 (Márton Braun) |
687 | |
223. | vassbence (Vass Bence) |
687 | |
224. | nadilahmad13 (Ahmad Nadil) |
683 | |
225. | timar (Andras Timar) |
674 | |
226. | kvch (Noémi Ványi) |
668 | |
227. | molnard (Dávid Molnár) |
658 | |
228. | bkil (Thomas Nagy) |
645 | |
229. | sallaigy (Gyula Sallai) |
640 | |
230. | gasparnagy (Gáspár Nagy) |
639 | |
231. | Levminer (Lőrik Levente) |
636 | |
232. | bucsi () |
633 | |
233. | kiss-oliver (Olivér Kiss) |
628 | |
234. | sandorjuhasz (Sándor Juhász) |
623 | |
235. | janoshrubos (Janos Hrubos) |
622 | |
236. | pbalogh-sa (Peter Balogh) |
619 | |
237. | juzraai (Zsolt Jurányi) |
619 | |
238. | donatmarko (donatmarko) |
618 | |
239. | atomgomba (Károly Kiripolszky) |
609 | |
240. | dfintha (Dénes Fintha) |
606 | |
241. | tibitoth (Tibor Tóth) |
603 | |
242. | Smart123s (Péter Tombor) |
599 | |
243. | passatgt (Peter Viszt) |
596 | |
244. | KuraiAndras (Kurai András) |
596 | |
245. | vimtaai (Márton Visnovitz) |
596 | |
246. | nasa42 (Vikrant Chaudhary) |
594 | |
247. | tomitheninja (Tamás Südi) |
591 | |
248. | Oltier (Zoltán Tudlik) |
589 | |
249. | kevcube (Kevin) |
580 | |
250. | kgyrtkirk (Zoltan Haindrich) |
573 | |
251. | chrisakakay (Krisztian Nagy) |
569 | |
252. | treff7es (Tamas Nemeth) |
569 | |
253. | MatyiFKBT () |
565 | |
254. | soyersoyer (soyer) |
564 | |
255. | CsakiTheOne (Csáki) |
561 | |
256. | airween (Ervin Hegedus) |
560 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | axoflow | 7 |
2. | kube-logging | 3 |
3. | banzaicloud | 3 |
4. | bank-vaults | 3 |
5. | lombiq | 2 |
6. | cisco-open | 2 |
7. | conedevelopment | 2 |
8. | skidek | 2 |
9. | cisco | 2 |
10. | ceu-economics-and-business | 2 |