A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Mali over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-02-07 17:08:18 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Mali')
This list contains all public contributions for each user. There are 474 total users in the region and you need at least 0 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | rgaudin (rgaudin) |
1593 | |
2. | geekdjenika (Aboubacar DJENIKA) |
1455 | |
3. | MrSakine (MrSakine) |
1083 | |
4. | AmadouDiadie95 (Amadou Diadie Coulibaly) |
395 | |
5. | macktb (Mamadou Makadji DIARRA) |
322 | |
6. | Dayifour (Sékou Dayifourou KEITA) |
304 | |
7. | Pelpav (Christian Pavlov Elom Nouboukpo) |
246 | |
8. | diarray-hub (Diarra Yacouba) |
244 | |
9. | kdiawara96 (Karim Diawara) |
240 | |
10. | mohamed-sanogo () |
198 | |
11. | malladev (Mohamed Lamine KONE) |
189 | |
12. | sudoping01 (sed) |
165 | |
13. | tienou-k (Kontere TIENOU) |
140 | |
14. | mahamadou-simpara (Mahamadou Simpara) |
140 | |
15. | Moussa0082 () |
135 | |
16. | Abdoul03 (Abdoul Ibrahima Samaké) |
129 | |
17. | mkantem (Kante Mahamadou) |
128 | |
18. | McOriginal (Mohamed Cisse) |
112 | |
19. | Trast00 (Allassane Dicko) |
102 | |
20. | CIBDO () |
97 | |
21. | moisediarra (Moise DIARRA) |
78 | |
22. | isacdiakit3 (Isac Diakité) |
73 | |
23. | Abbv75 (abbv75) |
68 | |
24. | alkaou (Alkaou Dit Baba Dembele) |
64 | |
25. | mlkomou (Mohamed Lamine Komou) |
63 | |
26. | elhdiagne3 (Elhadji) |
58 | |
27. | yacouba01 (Yacouba Doumbia) |
53 | |
28. | Malamine-Diabira (Malamine Diabira) |
53 | |
29. | AbduRahmanS (Abdrahamane Sarambounou) |
50 | |
30. | Babasky (Boureima MAIGA) |
50 | |
31. | MoussaBallon (Moussa Boiré) |
49 | |
32. | diarra-seydou (Seydou Diarra) |
49 | |
33. | hashtag91 (Yacouba Camara) |
48 | |
34. | MoutouBoys (Mamoutou Yalcouyé) |
48 | |
35. | BalloIbrahima (Ballo Ibrahima) |
44 | |
36. | thkernel (@thkernel) |
44 | |
44 | |
38. | Noum684 (Noumouténè Traoré) |
41 | |
39. | Cvolaille (Amidou S Coulibaly) |
37 | |
40. | touredri (Drissa) |
36 | |
41. | devsambou (Sambou Tounkara) |
35 | |
42. | minato223 (Lamine Diarra) |
33 | |
43. | IbnISSA (Mamadou Issa NDIAYE) |
33 | |
44. | dione24 (Niangaly Abdoulaye) |
31 | |
45. | vandji1 (Modibo KONATE) |
31 | |
46. | pachaboul (Pacha Aboul) |
31 | |
47. | LeoAz (Lionel AZ) |
31 | |
48. | Mohamed-ux-lab () |
29 | |
49. | Aissatha () |
28 | |
50. | ibrahimkelly (I-K(***)Y) |
28 | |
51. | issoumaila1212 (Issoumaila Lamine Fomba) |
26 | |
52. | tounkaradiagui (TOUNKARA Diagui) |
23 | |
53. | OusmaneFane (Ousmane Fané) |
23 | |
54. | Amadou21 () |
22 | |
55. | bahamasangare (Bahama Sangaré) |
22 | |
56. | sawane8 (Abdourhamane) |
21 | |
57. | moussasamina (Moussa Samina) |
20 | |
58. | dsekou166 (Sékou DIAKITE) |
19 | |
59. | nenecybertech (Néné Sylla) |
19 | |
60. | aboubacar2023 (Aboubacar BANE) |
19 | |
61. | Dustall (Nimaga) |
19 | |
62. | ddicko (Ibrahim Bilaly Dicko) |
18 | |
63. | SERVIR-WestAfrica () |
17 | |
64. | ITC14 (CAMARA I T) |
17 | |
65. | fombasouleymane (Souleymane Fomba) |
16 | |
66. | adamstrvor (TRAORE ADAMA SEYDOU) |
16 | |
67. | Mohva-kira (Tandjigora Mohamed) |
16 | |
68. | jumeau97 (Alassane SANOGO) |
15 | |
69. | Amagarai (Amagaraï Guindo) |
14 | |
70. | Abdoulayadiallo (Abdoulaye Diallo) |
14 | |
71. | aboucodeur (Aboubacar Barry) |
13 | |
72. | Dmchez33 (Idrissa DEMBELE) |
13 | |
73. | Dah17 (Dah Diarra) |
13 | |
74. | djibrilmaiga (dmaiga) |
12 | |
75. | Yaishaa (Aïssata TRAORE ) |
12 | |
76. | laminesacko (SACKO Lamine) |
12 | |
77. | IvinoDev (Mariam Kayantao) |
11 | |
78. | aSEMEGA (Aliou Semega) |
10 | |
79. | Panga-az (Panga azazia ) |
10 | |
80. | Overhaul2 (Souleymane FOMBA) |
10 | |
81. | aokeita (Amadou Oumou Keita) |
10 | |
82. | hforlife (El Hadj Abdoulaye Yoro Haïdara) |
10 | |
83. | berthesory (Sory) |
9 | |
84. | MoussaAmbassador (Moussa Coulibaly) |
9 | |
85. | cameleonRuoi (Moussa) |
9 | |
86. | codeangel223 (CodeANGEL) |
8 | |
87. | Lonytech () |
8 | |
88. | ibrahimasamake (Ibrahima samake) |
8 | |
89. | fadiga (Ibrahima Fadiga) |
8 | |
90. | aht1212 (Ahmadou Hama Toure) |
7 | |
91. | maiga-m (Mohamed MAIGA) |
7 | |
92. | sic-sic () |
7 | |
93. | diackbuaer (DIAKARIDIA KANTE) |
7 | |
94. | dadoink (dadoink) |
6 | |
95. | Mamdy017 () |
6 | |
96. | amimahamane (Ousmane Mahamane Maïga) |
6 | |
97. | Kalifasenou (Kalifa Senou) |
6 | |
98. | striderking9 () |
6 | |
99. | devBakary (devBakary) |
6 | |
100. | Tiefing (Tiefing) |
6 | |
101. | molobala (Doumbia Mahamadou) |
6 | |
102. | idykamara (Idrissa KAMARA) |
5 | |
103. | Obed-97 (Obed) |
5 | |
104. | Bakeita (Bah Keita) |
5 | |
105. | Bah-traore (Mr.tanjiro_bah) |
5 | |
106. | Salif0 () |
4 | |
107. | Wata90 (Assane) |
4 | |
108. | JunEmpires (Jun) |
4 | |
109. | GerardNL (Gerrit Schut) |
4 | |
110. | daouSam (Samba Daou) |
4 | |
111. | BAGA07 (Aboubacar Arouna BAGAYOKO) |
4 | |
112. | Hamady794 (Hamady) |
4 | |
113. | RootAba (Abasse Maiga) |
4 | |
114. | O1290G (Guindo Oumar ) |
4 | |
115. | MissTraore24 (Traore24) |
4 | |
116. | ladyTIC (LadyDeejah) |
4 | |
117. | Msangofficiel (Msang ) |
4 | |
118. | tilio3x () |
4 | |
119. | Benjamin-Bah (Benj) |
4 | |
120. | Mooussa (Moussa Coulibaly) |
4 | |
121. | w66098244k (Wakanda ) |
3 | |
122. | devdiagui (Mahatma Diagui) |
3 | |
123. | Hamabos (Hamady Diallo) |
3 | |
124. | SuperSheykh (Sekou SIDIBE) |
3 | |
125. | dmbaye (Djibril M'Baye) |
3 | |
3 | |
127. | yelensoft () |
3 | |
128. | imidsac (SACKO Idriss) |
3 | |
129. | Barou93 (Oumar MAURET) |
3 | |
130. | emomar (Emomar) |
3 | |
131. | dembeles (Simon Pierre) |
3 | |
132. | Mohame982 () |
3 | |
133. | kv5t (Kassim Sinaly THERA) |
3 | |
134. | Dia770 (Amadou DIALLO) |
2 | |
135. | Sidaty (Sidaty Moulaye KOUREICHY) |
2 | |
136. | abdoulaye-daba (Abdoulaye Daba COULIBALY) |
2 | |
137. | oury011 (Diallo) |
2 | |
138. | ZanCoulibaly (Zan) |
2 | |
139. | boubacardoumbia (Boubacar Doumbia) |
2 | |
140. | techzenithoff (TechZenith Technologies) |
2 | |
141. | MALLEDOSSONI (Brehima MALLE) |
2 | |
142. | s7d11 (Sebastien.) |
2 | |
143. | Moussa-cheickna-fofana (Moussa Fofana) |
2 | |
144. | KouraMouhissin (KouraMouhissin) |
2 | |
145. | MozartOnWeb (Mandjou Dama) |
2 | |
146. | SOM-doc1 (EBE Seydou) |
2 | |
147. | sidibeml (Boub's SiDiBÉ) |
2 | |
148. | washing-repair-medina () |
2 | |
149. | Zandevweb (Zan Coulibaly) |
1 | |
150. | Gandoa (Mamadou Gando Diallo) |
1 | |
151. | David-Telly (David Telly) |
1 | |
152. | Adou4 (DrCode) |
1 | |
153. | mali-developpeur (Mali Developpeur) |
1 | |
154. | Cheickne-Kanoute (Cheickne Kanoute) |
1 | |
155. | crafto-dnk (Hamady Danioko) |
1 | |
156. | nouhoumovic (Nouhou Abouba Maiga) |
1 | |
157. | munjata (Munjata KEITA) |
1 | |
158. | doumbia97 (Sekouba Doumbia) |
1 | |
159. | buttadiba (adibanoor) |
1 | |
160. | sayboubagayoko (Bagayoko ) |
1 | |
161. | AbSANOGO () |
1 | |
162. | SalifDiawara (Salif DIAWARA) |
1 | |
163. | Justin7916 (Ousmane Justin N'Guiro) |
1 | |
164. | koneboi (Boï Kone) |
1 | |
165. | sekou-keita (Sekou KEITA) |
1 | |
166. | adama-coulibaly () |
1 | |
167. | AboubacarDev (Aboubacar Sidiki Sidibé ) |
1 | |
168. | FatouDev02 () |
1 | |
169. | StefanXhunga (Stefan Xhunga) |
1 | |
170. | Issa-Bamia () |
1 | |
171. | Abbrahamane (El_Dramoss) |
1 | |
172. | AlyibnAlpha (Aly Yahiya Diallo) |
1 | |
173. | diarisdiakite (Diariatou Diakite) |
1 | |
174. | k7e3i7t3 (KEITA ) |
1 | |
175. | layayibeguindo (Software Engineer and Project Management) |
0 | |
176. | patonotnice (Mali Pato) |
0 | |
177. | AbasseSANGARE (Abasse) |
0 | |
178. | ladjosky (Yacouba TRAORE) |
0 | |
179. | MariamCoulibaly88 (Mariam COULIBALY) |
0 | |
0 | |
181. | icyattara (Ibrahim Chicoda YATTARA ) |
0 | |
182. | komianoba (ANOBA) |
0 | |
183. | lukekone (Luke Tamou Koné) |
0 | |
184. | barkacoul (Pape Barka) |
0 | |
185. | BrainInSilico (Nicolas Beaume) |
0 | |
186. | ssiriman (siriman Sissoko) |
0 | |
187. | tounkara55 (Salim Tounkara) |
0 | |
188. | oumara (Oumara Kone) |
0 | |
189. | Anselmetech (AnselmeTheGreat) |
0 | |
190. | abdramanetogora (Abdramane Niama TOGORA) |
0 | |
191. | yaspi00005 (Yaya DIALLO) |
0 | |
192. | hameabthiam (Hame Ab Thiam) |
0 | |
193. | Yacouba17 (YACOUBA) |
0 | |
194. | BabaToure (Bamadou TOURE) |
0 | |
195. | cisseauthentic (Ibrahim Cisse) |
0 | |
196. | medmoh90 (Mahamadou SOGORE) |
0 | |
197. | kondjiri (Kondjiri Fané) |
0 | |
198. | Oxadel () |
0 | |
199. | MariamFatime (Mariam Fatime) |
0 | |
200. | ceosemali (CEOSEM) |
0 | |
201. | babout20 (Amadou N'Diaye) |
0 | |
202. | mardochee-boli (Ani Mardochée BOLI) |
0 | |
203. | bwido (Bramantyo Wido) |
0 | |
204. | TysonCoding (Fousseyni DIALLO) |
0 | |
205. | fode20144 (SANOGO Fodé) |
0 | |
206. | zhooma (Zhooma) |
0 | |
207. | Modibo (Modibo Coulibaly) |
0 | |
208. | oneibrah (Ibrahima) |
0 | |
209. | NutriDrOumou (Nutri Dr OUMOU) |
0 | |
210. | soulk0101 (Soulk0101) |
0 | |
211. | seydou-k-sacko (seydou k sacko) |
0 | |
212. | foussenisa (FOUSSENI SANGARE) |
0 | |
213. | severintogo (Togonon Severin Togo ) |
0 | |
214. | SEKOU2013 (SAMAKE) |
0 | |
215. | KamissDevSoft (ibrahim Kamissoko) |
0 | |
216. | moussascamara10 (Moussa S) |
0 | |
217. | nasserig (Abdel Nasser) |
0 | |
218. | Mamadou-Coulibaly (Mamadou) |
0 | |
219. | Adamaarama () |
0 | |
220. | devsmarters (DevSmarters) |
0 | |
221. | Fakoly (Fakoly) |
0 | |
222. | Leweeskys (Souleymane Bore) |
0 | |
223. | Mohamed-Ali-Dia (Mohamed Ali Dia) |
0 | |
224. | kindmartians (Kind Martians) |
0 | |
225. | Ibrahima1997 (Ibrahima Sidibé) |
0 | |
226. | larsheemskerk (Lars Heemskerk) |
0 | |
227. | helloamos (Amos KERNEL) |
0 | |
228. | BLACKHACK00223 (BLACK-EUROR-404) |
0 | |
229. | ckabah (Coulibaly) |
0 | |
230. | ddiarra (Dansiné Diarra) |
0 | |
231. | tanazradvar (طناز شبان رادور) |
0 | |
232. | Tegtal (Tegtal) |
0 | |
233. | Tassamet (Samet.exe) |
0 | |
234. | cheick98 (Tz Nation) |
0 | |
235. | mintaahmed (Amadou Minta) |
0 | |
236. | Amara223 () |
0 | |
237. | Flex94i (Ibrahim Samake) |
0 | |
238. | elbmaiga (Baba Elhadj Maiga) |
0 | |
239. | voolinks-dev (Voolinks - Git Manager) |
0 | |
240. | abdoulstarter (Abdoulstarter) |
0 | |
241. | soulsidibe (Soulsidibe) |
0 | |
242. | KhalilSnaake (Khalil Snaake) |
0 | |
243. | MoussaFullStack (Moussa Bah) |
0 | |
244. | cagooro (Moussa Fofana) |
0 | |
245. | Mamdick () |
0 | |
246. | Doumbia1989 (Fousseyni Doumbia) |
0 | |
247. | Drissa83 (Drissa ) |
0 | |
248. | dadoumani (Dadoumani) |
0 | |
249. | DEMBELE-MAKER () |
0 | |
250. | sidimedag (Sidi Mohamed) |
0 | |
251. | traoreyacouba (Yaouba TRAORE) |
0 | |
252. | Balance-Sarl (Hamady Traoré, Magistrat à la retraite) |
0 | |
253. | telnetafrica (Telnet Africa) |
0 | |
254. | malideveloppeur (Ngangala Ligbo) |
0 | |
255. | Coulibaly77 (Moussa) |
0 | |
256. | garbadev (garba tapo) |
0 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | thltechnologies | 3 |
2. | caisff | 2 |
3. | opendatamali | 2 |
4. | mvpdev | 2 |
5. | yeleman | 2 |
6. | jokkolabs | 2 |
7. | ikaresto | 1 |
8. | kiwix | 1 |
9. | codeafrica | 1 |
10. | humanesdes | 1 |