A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Moldova over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-02-02 18:13:02 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Moldova')
This list contains all public commits for each user. There are 3450 total users in the region and you need at least 2 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/moldova/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/moldova/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/moldova/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/moldova/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | seriiserii825 (Burduja Sergiu) |
2403 | |
2. | GabsEdits (Gabriel Cozma) |
1852 | |
3. | GuidixX (Guidix) |
1813 | |
4. | texpert (Aurel Branzeanu) |
1558 | |
5. | Aragas (Vitalii Mikhailov) |
909 | |
6. | CristianBrinza (Cristian Brinza) |
891 | |
7. | Elegantdev23 (Arseni) |
761 | |
8. | apalion1493 (Alexandr Petrovich) |
599 | |
9. | UzunDemir (Uzun Demir) |
594 | |
10. | golovencoserghei (Serghei Golovenco) |
503 | |
11. | Qowevisa (Qowevisa) |
474 | |
12. | muffindud (Corneliu) |
468 | |
13. | evghen1 (Evgheni) |
440 | |
14. | messsimo (Daniel Mihai) |
430 | |
15. | GomeniucIvan () |
425 | |
16. | lavanda888boy (Sevastian Bajenov) |
423 | |
17. | Doileo (Doina) |
403 | |
18. | Ghenntoggy1 (Gusev Roman) |
400 | |
19. | testitquickly (Alexei Lupan) |
392 | |
20. | maxval1 (Maxim) |
373 | |
21. | sergiuchilat (Sergiu Chilat) |
369 | |
22. | parfumix (RB) |
358 | |
23. | mcroitor (Mihail Croitor) |
354 | |
24. | jekajeayjo (Baldji Eughen) |
352 | |
25. | arturfrimu (Artur Frimu) |
345 | |
26. | Warek01 (Alexandru Dobrojan) |
341 | |
27. | vmihailenco (Vladimir Mihailenco) |
337 | |
28. | mirrerror (Dmitriy) |
334 | |
29. | iurienistor (Iurie Nistor) |
333 | |
30. | Juliya-Boiko () |
331 | |
31. | Constantin-Stamate (Stamate Constantin) |
317 | |
32. | eduard-balamatiuc (Eduard Balamatiuc) |
303 | |
33. | CyberShadow (Vladimir Panteleev) |
298 | |
34. | buzadandeveloper (Buza Dan) |
291 | |
35. | MoonlyDays (Daniel Basiuc-Brinzei) |
278 | |
36. | dcadea (Dmitrii Cadea) |
276 | |
37. | DdimaPos (Dumitru Postoronca) |
275 | |
38. | gurdiga (Vlad GURDIGA) |
269 | |
39. | vladas9 (Vladislav Amza) |
257 | |
40. | felycianovac (Felicia Novac) |
240 | |
41. | vguleaev (Vladislav Guleaev) |
237 | |
42. | Walkman7778 (PiotrTRN) |
237 | |
43. | igor-danilov1994 (Igor ) |
236 | |
44. | padure (Pădure Gheorghe) |
221 | |
45. | AlexShatokhin (Alex) |
220 | |
46. | ralienpp (Alex Railean) |
218 | |
47. | andreeamnl (OzzyOsbourne) |
218 | |
48. | ynhhoJ () |
208 | |
49. | danielavornic (Daniela Vornic) |
203 | |
50. | veaceslavdoina (Slava) |
200 | |
51. | NiceArti (NiceArti) |
195 | |
52. | Waterfallllllll (Turcan Ilya) |
193 | |
53. | grumpycatyo-collab (Plămădeală Max) |
185 | |
54. | Alexus450 (Alexei Samarschi) |
183 | |
55. | C-Dorin (Curnic Dorin) |
182 | |
56. | vbarbarosh (Vladimir Barbarosh) |
181 | |
57. | strdr4605 (Dragoș Străinu) |
177 | |
58. | SergiuPlesco (Sergiu Plesco) |
174 | |
59. | Sufferal (Ciprian ) |
166 | |
60. | AlexGrigorenco (Alex Gigorenco) |
164 | |
61. | Gheruha (Gheruha) |
162 | |
62. | nobiart (Dmitri Besleaga) |
162 | |
63. | nicolaeee () |
161 | |
64. | land-cap (Daniel Filat) |
160 | |
65. | mad-zephyr (vasilii iatiuc) |
155 | |
66. | iondodon (Ion Dodon) |
155 | |
67. | alxolr (Alexandru Olaru) |
154 | |
68. | Eclips4 (Kirill Podoprigora) |
154 | |
69. | omuleanu (Valentin Plamadeala) |
152 | |
70. | prenaissance (Alex) |
151 | |
71. | lao9s (Dima Botezatu) |
151 | |
72. | LunguMihaiUTM (Lungu Mihai) |
150 | |
73. | kron4eg (Artiom Diomin) |
149 | |
74. | ArturOdesa (Artur Stoianov) |
148 | |
75. | TimurCravtov (Timur Сravtov) |
148 | |
76. | Syn4z (Sorin Iatco) |
147 | |
77. | NicolaiCushnir (Schedule) |
146 | |
78. | dextermd (Dvornicov Ruslan) |
145 | |
79. | hobroker (Igor Leahu) |
143 | |
80. | bushido2014 (Viorel Soltan) |
142 | |
81. | josanua (Andrew) |
141 | |
82. | scienceagent (Raevschi Grigore) |
140 | |
83. | vCaisim (Veaceslav) |
139 | |
84. | disbeliefff (Sergey) |
139 | |
85. | Catal1nPopa (Catalin) |
137 | |
86. | LeuIonOfficial (Ion Leu) |
135 | |
87. | georgeciubotaru (George Ciubotaru) |
128 | |
88. | XRRRA (Liviu) |
127 | |
89. | Ricigeroi (Andrei Bardier) |
126 | |
90. | Grena30 (Dinu) |
124 | |
91. | v3sker (Daniil Gynga) |
123 | |
92. | e-cotar-327 (Elena Cotar) |
123 | |
93. | knownout (Alexandr Slavinskii) |
122 | |
94. | bogdan-404 (Bogdan Zlatovcen) |
118 | |
95. | zoobb (Ally Zoob) |
118 | |
96. | andreilisa (Andrei Lisa) |
117 | |
97. | geletsky (Nikita Surcov) |
115 | |
98. | nickmessing (Nick Messing) |
114 | |
99. | cralex11 (Alexandru Cristea) |
114 | |
100. | doneskkk (Chiril Dones) |
112 | |
101. | Koyd1 (Alexandr Moroz) |
109 | |
102. | zann1e (Alexandr Zani) |
108 | |
103. | GheorgheMorari (Gheorghe Morari) |
107 | |
104. | TermanEmil (Emil Terman) |
107 | |
105. | imodeveloper (Borinschi Ivan) |
107 | |
106. | piotr-shishkov (Piotr Shishkov) |
106 | |
107. | KawaiFunk (Damian Dan) |
105 | |
108. | Altt1m (Viacheslav Melnyk) |
105 | |
109. | sergpank (sergpank) |
103 | |
110. | AlexandruRudoi (Alexander Rudoi) |
103 | |
111. | VictorC654 (Calancea Victor) |
101 | |
112. | Dadadam999 (Dadadam) |
101 | |
113. | ArthurWebWare (Arthur Lipciu) |
100 | |
114. | wanoo21 (Ion Prodan) |
98 | |
115. | mitica (Dumitru C.) |
96 | |
116. | softwindID (Irina Dobrenco) |
95 | |
117. | joSecret (Ion Obreja) |
95 | |
118. | Nikba-Creative-Studio (Bargan Nicolai) |
94 | |
119. | unrep ( Artiom Gutsu) |
91 | |
120. | Shin0Sh1 (Ovcharuk Darya) |
91 | |
121. | Av007 (Vladimir Avdeev) |
91 | |
122. | bogdannrusu (Bogdan Rusu) |
91 | |
123. | vvtttvv (Vladislav) |
86 | |
124. | solomonRei (Eduard) |
85 | |
125. | rurre () |
84 | |
126. | abereghici (Alexandru Bereghici) |
84 | |
127. | maximmasiutin (Maxim Masiutin) |
83 | |
128. | qopas (DumitruGr) |
83 | |
129. | MikeXado (Gurin Mihail) |
82 | |
130. | hipot (Valerii Cheban) |
81 | |
131. | e-savca (Eugeniu Savca) |
81 | |
132. | ronik-v (Vadim) |
81 | |
133. | Desside-Developer (Desside) |
81 | |
134. | Dorif (Alexandr Dorif) |
81 | |
135. | smart--petea (Badarau Petru) |
80 | |
136. | gregurcom (Mihail Gregurco) |
78 | |
137. | bunescumihai (Bunescu Mihai) |
74 | |
138. | nanobreaker (Egor) |
74 | |
139. | deniscuciuc (Denis Cuciuc) |
74 | |
140. | sharishi (Trebis Victoria) |
74 | |
141. | Varikash (Nick Varikash) |
73 | |
142. | GunkaArtur (Gunka Artur) |
73 | |
143. | novacdenis (Novac Denis) |
72 | |
144. | MohammedAlsudani (Mohammed Alsudani) |
72 | |
145. | romanzh1 () |
72 | |
146. | ProgrammerDMD () |
72 | |
147. | mihaela-chiaburu (Mihaela Chiaburu) |
72 | |
148. | NikSays (Nico) |
72 | |
149. | chadnicu (nicu) |
70 | |
150. | skstef (skstef) |
69 | |
151. | donesvad (Vadim Dones) |
69 | |
152. | danielzagumennyi (Daniil Zagumennii) |
68 | |
153. | forandomepl () |
68 | |
154. | eugencic () |
68 | |
155. | EVALORE (Vladimir Eremia) |
67 | |
156. | DoruApareci (DoruApareci) |
66 | |
157. | jackfreeman8754 () |
65 | |
158. | vlqdislqv (Vladislav Zavtur) |
65 | |
159. | opencode-md (OpenCode.md - Registry of Open Source products) |
65 | |
160. | vmwhoami (Vitalie Melnic) |
65 | |
161. | D4N1ELL (Daniel) |
64 | |
162. | vitaliemiron (Vitalie) |
63 | |
163. | viorel556 (Viorel Harabaru ) |
63 | |
164. | ervasive (Ruslan Vasiliev) |
63 | |
165. | reanimatedmanx (Reanimated Man X ᓚᘏᗢ ↲ Alexei Vladimir Gaidulean) |
62 | |
166. | yackers (Alex Yackers) |
62 | |
167. | alex-pumnea (Alexandr Pumnea) |
62 | |
168. | haki (Hakan Meral) |
61 | |
169. | Greshnickl (Kushnir Grigorii) |
60 | |
170. | alvvaysxxx (Urion) |
59 | |
171. | maximpavliuc (Maxim_Pavliuc) |
58 | |
172. | daniel-rusnac (Daniel Rusnac) |
58 | |
173. | MrWeez (Arseniy Plis) |
56 | |
174. | ArtemiePirnau (artemie) |
56 | |
175. | evgeniycheban (Evgeniy Cheban) |
56 | |
176. | nicubarbaros (Nicu Barbaros) |
55 | |
177. | IgorBezusenko (Igor) |
54 | |
178. | ma1sky (Artem Maysky) |
54 | |
179. | chief93 (Alex Furnica) |
54 | |
180. | ygricks (Igor Cujba) |
52 | |
181. | IvanPostu (Ivan Postu) |
52 | |
182. | NickDruta (Nick Druta) |
52 | |
183. | slash3b (Ilya) |
51 | |
184. | 424Nkita-Csharsfta4 (Nikita_Developer_PMR) |
51 | |
185. | YoDineeee (Mohamed dhiaeddine Hassine) |
50 | |
186. | sspatari (Stanislav Spatari) |
50 | |
187. | JeneaVranceanu (Jenea Vranceanu) |
50 | |
188. | Gamurar (Iana Gamurar) |
50 | |
189. | EugeneKostrikov (Eugene Kostrikov) |
50 | |
190. | Kwameldx666 (Sologan Artemios) |
50 | |
191. | vadimgilka (Vadim Gilka) |
49 | |
192. | meshin-dev (Dmitri Meshin) |
49 | |
193. | GinjiDev (Гинджи) |
48 | |
194. | ConstantinKV (ConstantinKV) |
48 | |
195. | ChernoSlava (Viacheslav) |
48 | |
196. | vcudalb (Vasile Cudalb) |
47 | |
197. | Raileanv (Vladimir Railean) |
47 | |
198. | ChepteaCatalin (Cătălin Cheptea) |
47 | |
199. | NUTSU7 (NUTSU7) |
47 | |
200. | bozeak (Alex Damaschin) |
46 | |
201. | LwveMike (lwvemike) |
46 | |
202. | alisnic (Andrei Lisnic) |
45 | |
203. | vladimarius (Vlad Goncharov) |
45 | |
204. | AddictedCS (Sergiu Ciumac) |
45 | |
205. | daniellmda () |
45 | |
206. | g0ddest (veet) |
44 | |
207. | dlenroc (Corneliu Duplachi) |
44 | |
208. | qbeeck (Artiom Olari ) |
44 | |
209. | Angroys (Angroys) |
43 | |
210. | vgaidarji (Veaceslav Gaidarji) |
42 | |
211. | Bogdan808 (Bogdan Nasikovsky) |
41 | |
212. | verilyanton (Anton Matusenco) |
41 | |
213. | zrtsky (Zaritsky Pavel) |
40 | |
214. | sanduluca () |
40 | |
215. | ygorigor (Igor) |
40 | |
216. | Raduc4 (Radu Cazacu) |
39 | |
217. | baciucristian (Cristian Baciu) |
39 | |
218. | CristeaIon (icristea) |
39 | |
219. | senpainikolay (Nicolae Gherman) |
39 | |
220. | psergicv (Sergiu Postolachi) |
38 | |
221. | grigorii-horos (Grigorii Horos) |
37 | |
222. | blueflyingpanda (Ilya_Sagaidac) |
37 | |
223. | Mollivex (Alexander) |
36 | |
224. | whos-gabi (Gabi) |
36 | |
225. | sadikoff (Vladimir Sadicov) |
36 | |
226. | vepuna (Cozlov Alexei) |
36 | |
227. | eidriahn (Adrian Luca) |
36 | |
228. | ValeriaG23 (Valeria) |
35 | |
229. | DrigaNicolai (Driga Nicolai) |
35 | |
230. | danlapteacru (Dan Lapteacru) |
35 | |
231. | foxapp (Ion Enache) |
35 | |
232. | steevehook (Steve Hook) |
35 | |
233. | icaliman (Ion Căliman) |
34 | |
234. | artiomi (Artiom Iurcovschi) |
34 | |
235. | EduardDubenco (Eduard Dubenco) |
34 | |
236. | vladgorbachov (Volodymyr Gorbachov) |
33 | |
237. | SermailtQ (Sergiu Sorocean) |
33 | |
238. | stephen-golban (Stephen Golban) |
33 | |
239. | aonescu (Alex Onescu) |
33 | |
240. | martiniucanastasia (Anastasia Martiniuc) |
33 | |
241. | Durobot (Alexei Kireev) |
32 | |
242. | scebotari66 (Serghei Cebotari) |
32 | |
243. | Skandar (Aleksandr Slugin) |
31 | |
244. | Egor0000 (Egor Babcinetchi) |
31 | |
245. | swrd1337 (Alexei) |
31 | |
246. | DaniilTuT (Даниил) |
31 | |
247. | mpetrenco (Mihai Petrenco) |
30 | |
248. | andyzaharia (Zaharia Andrei) |
29 | |
249. | iavianm (Mihail Iavian) |
29 | |
250. | ilovan21 (Ilovan Maria) |
28 | |
251. | mmx003 (Max Tonkoglas) |
28 | |
252. | Art1xFX (Козлович Артём) |
28 | |
253. | hoqua (Dmitrii Zolotuhin) |
28 | |
254. | MrCrowley21 (Elena Graur) |
28 | |
255. | anatolieursu (Ursu Anatolie) |
28 | |
256. | eduard-lyaskovskiy (Eduard) |
28 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | planable | 2 |
2. | tum-faf | 2 |
3. | corn-cake | 2 |
4. | peridot-development | 1 |
5. | vexeye | 1 |
6. | jakala-na | 1 |
7. | entipic | 1 |
8. | foxapp | 1 |
9. | aplosdev | 1 |
10. | dlang-bots | 1 |