A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Mozambique over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-02-07 19:09:02 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Mozambique')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 2045 total users in the region and you need at least 1 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | MelvinNunes (Melvin Nunes) |
5141 | |
2. | arnaldo-tomo (Arnaldo tomo) |
4195 | |
3. | albrtinoaugusto (Albertino Augusto) |
3645 | |
4. | caf-3 (Tomas Caetano) |
2741 | |
5. | FTembe (Francisco Tembe) |
2593 | |
6. | reizen-desu (Reizen dos Santos) |
2581 | |
7. | emagombe (Edson Magombe) |
2554 | |
8. | alec1o (Alecio Furanze (Ale)) |
2472 | |
9. | Isco170 (Francisco Andre) |
2161 | |
10. | rafael-the-dev (Rafael Tivane) |
2134 | |
11. | SweydManaf (Sweyd Abdul Manaf) |
2047 | |
12. | restenPiz (Mauro Peniel) |
2033 | |
13. | PauloPhagula (Paulo Phagula) |
1862 | |
14. | nairo-mudumane (Nairo Mudumane) |
1826 | |
15. | juliomrafael (Júlio Rafael) |
1613 | |
16. | KainNhantumbo (Ubelloch) |
1493 | |
17. | momedjussub (Momed Jussub) |
1443 | |
18. | edilsonmatola (Edilson Matola) |
1335 | |
19. | j7macuacua (Joao Macuacua) |
1230 | |
20. | elton971 (Elton Cavele) |
1147 | |
21. | Eddy-Nhabinde (Edmilson Nhabinde) |
1109 | |
22. | bboa3 (Arlindo Boa) |
1099 | |
23. | renzi-fidele-frontend (Renzi Fidele) |
1055 | |
24. | fernandogomesfg (Fernando Gomes) |
1031 | |
25. | henck (Alexander van Oostenrijk) |
1030 | |
26. | IvanBila (Connoisseur) |
1018 | |
27. | americo (Américo Júnior) |
984 | |
28. | gabrielmjr (Gabriel Mucacho Júnior) |
978 | |
29. | denilson-dxt (Denilson Tivane) |
977 | |
30. | rnrnshn (rurushu) |
970 | |
31. | AghastyGD (Augusto Domingos) |
962 | |
32. | Helder-Machava (Helder Machava) |
961 | |
33. | ussene026 (Santos Ussene) |
958 | |
34. | Alen-Loforte (Alen Loforte) |
923 | |
35. | KevenGoncalves (Keven) |
903 | |
36. | kiddingmz (Isidro Bata) |
897 | |
37. | deniodev (Denio Nhanale) |
854 | |
38. | ErnestoArgentina (Ernesto Argentina) |
823 | |
39. | joseseie (Jose Seie) |
822 | |
40. | HercoZauZau (Hérco ZauZau) |
820 | |
41. | Antonio-Sitoe (Antonio Sitoe) |
818 | |
42. | abel-banze (Abel Bartolomeu) |
793 | |
43. | romanoabsbuild (Romano Ivan Pedro) |
792 | |
44. | LRibeiro20 (Luis Ribeiro) |
790 | |
45. | darkeny (Darken Machava) |
779 | |
46. | mariomthree (Mário Manuel Mabande) |
777 | |
47. | eric-antonio (Éric António) |
765 | |
48. | Jay-Ubisse (Jay Ubisse) |
753 | |
49. | JefferMarcelino (Jeffer Marcelino) |
736 | |
50. | EltonBata (Elton Bata) |
718 | |
51. | mucavel (Carlos) |
706 | |
52. | MalingasCumbane (Malingas Cumbane) |
700 | |
53. | leliocossa (Lélio Cossa) |
680 | |
54. | FAKNE (Mário Dionísio) |
679 | |
55. | Edsonjorgef1 (Edson Jorge Francisco) |
677 | |
56. | mmaunze (Meldo Maunze) |
670 | |
57. | Elio-Muculo (Élio Muculo) |
649 | |
58. | MardelJ (Mardel J. Juma) |
648 | |
59. | KelvenCassamo (Kelven Cassamo) |
633 | |
60. | osvaldoM (Osvaldo Maria) |
623 | |
61. | Uss-Momas (Ussumane Momade) |
619 | |
62. | inkomomutane (Nelson Alexandre Mutane) |
614 | |
63. | SamuelMaculuve (Samuel Maculuve) |
606 | |
64. | edilson258 (Edilson Pateguana) |
583 | |
65. | albertomandlate (Albero Cláudio Mandlate) |
580 | |
66. | unkown007 (Victor Matusse) |
573 | |
67. | KelvenBango (Bango) |
569 | |
68. | machavate (Osmane) |
567 | |
69. | gildoch (Gildo Chauze) |
560 | |
70. | herquiloidehele (Herquiloide Hele) |
542 | |
71. | marracuene (Cameron Smith) |
538 | |
72. | hidelgionovela (Hidélgio9La) |
538 | |
73. | SheltonMuianga (Shelton Muianga) |
537 | |
74. | AlziraXerinda (Alzira Xerinda) |
528 | |
75. | FausioPaco (Fáusio Paco) |
523 | |
76. | gmahota (Guimaraes Mahota Jr.) |
518 | |
77. | aderitodebarros (Adérito De Barros) |
507 | |
78. | ynurmahomed (Yassin) |
500 | |
79. | alculete (Danilo Alculete) |
492 | |
80. | claudi-tm (Cláudio Tomás) |
475 | |
81. | Lucasmanuelmz (Lucas Manuel) |
474 | |
82. | Nelzio (Nézio Sitoe) |
470 | |
83. | adilsonmandlate (Adilson Mandlate) |
461 | |
84. | nielsero (Niels Achimo) |
453 | |
85. | ErcilioMarques (Ercilio Marques) |
441 | |
86. | EugenioNhampossa (Eugénio Nhampossa) |
438 | |
87. | imildositoe (poisonshade) |
406 | |
88. | ArcidesFerrao (Arcides Ferrao) |
399 | |
89. | CelsoDeCarvalho (Celso Octaviano De Carvalho) |
397 | |
90. | Pedro-Ivo-Neves (Pedro Neves) |
395 | |
91. | gasparc-101 (Gaspar Mario Chichava) |
380 | |
92. | NelioMacuacua (Nélio Macuácua) |
376 | |
93. | realrgt (Ergito Vilanculos) |
374 | |
94. | Keviin725 (Kevin Machava) |
368 | |
95. | victorpanguene (Victor Panguene) |
363 | |
96. | Badfox16 (Mutizo de J. Maita) |
359 | |
97. | eniomarcosm (Enio Marcos) |
355 | |
98. | backstageel (Elísio Leonardo) |
353 | |
99. | Stivir (Silvestre Tivir ) |
347 | |
100. | felizardochirindja () |
345 | |
101. | cazonda (Nelson Cazonda) |
341 | |
102. | eacassecasse (Edmilson de Azevedo Cassecasse) |
338 | |
103. | ltsaiete (Luis Saiete) |
333 | |
104. | hmutaquiha (Hamilton Mutaquiha) |
327 | |
105. | ReneMuala (René Descartes Muala) |
325 | |
106. | looh16 (Custodio Serafim) |
323 | |
107. | BelmiroMungoi (Belmiro Mungoi) |
318 | |
108. | Jabirmussa (Jabir Mussa) |
316 | |
109. | EdsonNhancale (Edson Nhancale) |
302 | |
110. | Fausio (Fáusio Luís) |
302 | |
111. | Willton-Da-Costa-Xavier (Willton) |
286 | |
112. | Machaieie (Edwin Machaieie) |
277 | |
113. | MapieMamunhe (Mapie Victorino Mamunhe) |
275 | |
114. | David-Jr (David Junior) |
273 | |
115. | allanShady (Allan Camilo) |
273 | |
116. | Urassamx7 (Marvin Mussacate) |
270 | |
117. | Calton-Gigueira (Calton Gigueira) |
268 | |
118. | josephlara (Joe Lara) |
267 | |
119. | Rubalaine (Kelven Rubalaine) |
265 | |
120. | isaiasnhantumbo (Isaias Nhantumbo Junior) |
264 | |
121. | carlosmacarao (Carlos Macarao) |
264 | |
122. | JoneBulande (Jone) |
263 | |
123. | DaltonChivambo (Dalton Chivambo) |
261 | |
124. | NelsonChad (Nelson Chadali) |
261 | |
125. | IassineIahaia (Iassine Iahaia) |
259 | |
126. | jrdimande (Timóteo Dimande júnior) |
256 | |
127. | SingeloDux (Singelo Dux) |
255 | |
128. | momadejunior (Momade Junior) |
253 | |
129. | tomaszaba (Tomás Zaba) |
249 | |
130. | fausto-machava (Fausto Machava) |
248 | |
131. | DelfimCelestino (Delfim Celestino Amisse Pastola) |
248 | |
132. | enoquetembe (Enoque Tembe) |
246 | |
133. | alexandre-mahumane (Mahumane Junior) |
244 | |
134. | ITSimaoAbel (Simão Abel Cuco) |
239 | |
135. | tadeumelembe (Tadeu Melembe) |
237 | |
136. | djafta (Djafta) |
236 | |
137. | karson (Karson) |
233 | |
138. | MarcoCangela (Marco Cangela Garujo) |
226 | |
139. | tassneemaltaf (Tassneem Altaf) |
226 | |
140. | Augusto-Chissano (August Chissano) |
216 | |
141. | KelvinEuclides (Kelvin Euclides Pedro) |
213 | |
142. | CelioJoaquimCumba (Célio Cumba) |
212 | |
143. | eliotovele (Elio Tovele ) |
206 | |
144. | VanioAnibalMacamo (Vânio Aníbal Macamo) |
204 | |
145. | Felizardo77 (Felizardo Muchanga) |
198 | |
146. | sairessy (Sairesse Victorino) |
191 | |
147. | Elves-Chissique (Elves Chissique) |
190 | |
148. | euclidesrosario (Euclides Rosário De Azevedo) |
185 | |
149. | EusebioSimango (Eusebio Simango) |
184 | |
150. | EliasManhicana (Elias Manhicana) |
184 | |
151. | musekwa (Evariste Musekwa Iguna) |
178 | |
152. | claivemonteza (Claive Monteza) |
178 | |
153. | Nercio (Nércio Nordino) |
178 | |
154. | NaumTinga (Naum Tinga) |
178 | |
155. | FranciscoJunior12 (Francisco Manuel Domingos Júnior) |
177 | |
156. | eltonMessiass (Elton Messias) |
176 | |
157. | josecome (José Jaime Comé) |
175 | |
158. | aldeantonio (Alde Antonio) |
170 | |
159. | helderjosue (Hélder Josué) |
169 | |
160. | paullorosa (Paulo Rosa) |
169 | |
161. | Nunofonsecaflorencio (Nuno Fonseca) |
165 | |
162. | romoaldodoliz (Romoaldo Doliz) |
161 | |
163. | mvmmacamo2 (Miguel Vasco Macamo) |
161 | |
164. | psmatsinhe (Paulo Sérgio Jaime Matsinhe) |
159 | |
165. | AnisioMandlate (Anisio Mandlate) |
159 | |
166. | imariom (Mário Moiane) |
156 | |
167. | ussenematato (Ussene C. Matato) |
155 | |
168. | anaritadauane (anri) |
155 | |
169. | Agostinhodossantos (Agostinho Dos Santos) |
155 | |
170. | paulocuambe (Paulo Cuambe) |
155 | |
171. | edsontomas54 (Edson Tomas) |
154 | |
172. | kudamndau (Kuda M'ndau) |
151 | |
173. | Ofice0313 (Marcelo Caleb Júlio Ofice) |
151 | |
174. | JoschaPMaliem (Joscha Maliem) |
150 | |
175. | Badru640 (Sueile Badrú) |
150 | |
176. | manuelfungas (Manuel R. Fungate Jr.) |
149 | |
177. | Crescencio-Francisco (Crescencio Francisco) |
149 | |
178. | mundinho340 (Raimundo Chigarisso) |
149 | |
179. | Eloidenovela (Eloid Novela) |
147 | |
180. | edsonmichaque (Edson Michaque) |
146 | |
181. | Unesio-Severino (Unesio Severino) |
145 | |
182. | EzequielGuazai (Ezequiel Guazai) |
144 | |
183. | HulitosCode (Helton Matimbe) |
142 | |
184. | paulphilimone (Paulo Filimone) |
141 | |
185. | chr1stian-og (Christian) |
140 | |
186. | Devmassalane08 (Fernão Massalane) |
138 | |
187. | JokingTaremba (JokingTaremba) |
131 | |
188. | EdsonMacamo (Edson Macamo) |
131 | |
189. | YMatique (Yuvi Matique) |
129 | |
190. | FirminoMassango (Firmino Massango) |
128 | |
191. | luis-seia (Luis Seia) |
124 | |
192. | AzafoCossa (Azafo Alexandre Cossa) |
124 | |
193. | benchambule (Benjamim Chambule) |
124 | |
194. | ztorrezao (Zacarias Jorge Torrezão) |
122 | |
195. | jardeljasse (Jardel Jasse) |
121 | |
196. | nobbru (Bruno Mussororo) |
121 | |
197. | eltonlaice (Elton Tomás Laice) |
120 | |
198. | LinderJunior (Linder Junior) |
120 | |
199. | epmatimbe (Edson Matimbe) |
120 | |
200. | ShelzerTembe (Shelzer Tembe) |
120 | |
201. | emiltonnhampossa (Emilton Nhampossa) |
116 | |
202. | e1000son (Emilson Vontade) |
115 | |
203. | BenjamimEterino (Benjamim Alves) |
114 | |
204. | IgorMaposse (Igor Maposse) |
113 | |
205. | ndhambii (Ndhambi Osvaldo) |
112 | |
206. | edilsonmanjate (Edilson Manjate) |
111 | |
207. | ArieClaassens (Arie) |
110 | |
208. | Mario2024-Lemene (Dolvino Mario Lemne) |
110 | |
209. | lad-ans (Ladino Anselmo) |
110 | |
210. | irzelindo (Irzelindo Salvador) |
109 | |
211. | abubacar-dev (Mussinady Abubacar) |
108 | |
212. | JoellSoto (Joel Soto ) |
108 | |
213. | Eng-M10 (Muvimbene Daniel Maposse) |
107 | |
214. | Nhabomba (Zenildo Nhabomba) |
105 | |
215. | mohammadfaizalabdul (Mohammad Madjide) |
105 | |
216. | themisterpaps (Mister Paps) |
103 | |
217. | OSVALDOJEQUE (Osvaldo Jeque) |
100 | |
218. | PedroNhamirre (Pedro Nhamirre) |
99 | |
219. | belarminojunior (Belarmino Simão Júnior) |
98 | |
220. | ItsmeEric (Eric Mbarushimana) |
98 | |
221. | EdilsonRicardo (Edilson dos Santos Ricardo) |
97 | |
222. | M1ngos () |
96 | |
223. | Bruce-wate (Bruce wate) |
94 | |
224. | JoaquimMagode (Joaquim Magode) |
91 | |
225. | andremorientes (André Morientes) |
91 | |
226. | MozerBuce (Almerino Buce) |
90 | |
227. | Dnhatsave (Dercio Inacio Nhatsave) |
89 | |
228. | sutuioncode (Socrates Utui) |
89 | |
229. | penasNipute (Penas Nipute) |
88 | |
230. | ismaelchaquir (ismael chaquir) |
88 | |
231. | felixjunior2 (felix junior) |
86 | |
232. | H3L70N (H3L70N) |
85 | |
233. | EChiziane () |
85 | |
234. | Helio023 (Helio Engrácia Mapupo) |
82 | |
235. | JenManhice (Jen Manhice ) |
81 | |
236. | edineladelso (Edinel Mário Adelso) |
79 | |
237. | SuloDS (Cláudio Sulo) |
79 | |
238. | Chilengue (Jose Orlando Chilengue) |
79 | |
239. | arlindo0x73 (Arlindo Cossa Junior) |
77 | |
240. | IsaltinaPepete (Isaltina Brizito José Francisco Pepete) |
76 | |
241. | Blaze380 (Niuro Orlando Gabriel Langa) |
76 | |
242. | eltonvilanculo (Elton Vilanculo) |
74 | |
243. | larslemos (Lars Albino Lemos) |
71 | |
244. | Amarilda-Chihepe (Chihepe068) |
69 | |
245. | SheltonFr (Shelton Francisco) |
69 | |
246. | LeoChamanhonga (Leonel Chamanhonga) |
68 | |
247. | nozotrox (Feliciano Mazoio) |
66 | |
248. | ivana-chipeja (Ivana Chipeja) |
66 | |
249. | enoqueJonas (Enoque Macanda) |
65 | |
250. | allen-21 (Anibal Valter Muchanga) |
65 | |
251. | Denilson87 (Denilson Mucavele) |
64 | |
252. | ClaydLena (Clayd Lena) |
64 | |
253. | Jose-Luis-Simbine (José Luís Gonçalves Simbine) |
63 | |
254. | nelsonluismussa (Nelson L.Mussa) |
63 | |
255. | d3Jesus (Yuran Cumbane) |
62 | |
256. | Wilson-Bila (Wilson Bila) |
62 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | aervel-education | 3 |
2. | devszonemz | 3 |
3. | zero-to-mastery | 3 |
4. | aervel | 3 |
5. | factorialco | 2 |
6. | coddechallenge | 2 |
7. | esaude | 2 |
8. | maputo-frontenders | 2 |
9. | paytekafrica | 2 |
10. | letstofreecode | 2 |