A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Panama over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2024-12-29 07:09:33 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Panama')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 3612 total users in the region and you need at least 1 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/panama_private/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/panama_private/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/panama_private/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/panama_private/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | quezadaesteban (Esteban Quezada) |
6012 | |
2. | TheCryptoChad (Adham) |
5209 | |
3. | elbismanuel (Elbis Flores) |
4167 | |
4. | ahmedrangel (Ahmed Rangel) |
3281 | |
5. | hjupter (Hjupter Cerrud) |
3037 | |
6. | bryanjtc (Bryan Thomas) |
2827 | |
7. | Yizack (Yizack Rangel) |
2703 | |
8. | MattRiddell (Matthew Riddell) |
2603 | |
9. | halfsicilian (Karla Oddo) |
2595 | |
10. | carlosero (Carlos Rodriguez) |
2535 | |
11. | greermurray (Murray W. Greer C.) |
2480 | |
12. | tobeycodes (tobey) |
2456 | |
13. | moitorrijos (Juan Moises Torrijos) |
2418 | |
14. | luiscberrocal (Luis Carlos Berrocal) |
2409 | |
15. | xtealer (Enrique Shunnar) |
2323 | |
16. | syntaxter (José Antonio Fernández) |
2222 | |
17. | wanderindev (Javier Feliu) |
1858 | |
18. | juanrdlo (Juan R. De Leon O.) |
1827 | |
19. | muniter (Javier Lopez) |
1803 | |
20. | jkamiphi (Julian Santana) |
1748 | |
21. | smadrom (Pavel) |
1733 | |
22. | SirRodney (Rodney) |
1660 | |
23. | 6ilberM (Gilber Moreno) |
1644 | |
24. | rjaramillo21 (Rodolfo Jaramillo) |
1627 | |
25. | lousmar (Lousmar G.) |
1609 | |
26. | joseabraham (Jose Abraham Garcia) |
1538 | |
27. | migueltrevinom (Miguel) |
1491 | |
28. | tribal2 (Ricardo Tribaldos) |
1449 | |
29. | manuelozada11 (Manuel Lozada) |
1321 | |
30. | nabilAparicio (Nabil Aparicio) |
1292 | |
31. | meinor25 (Isaias Rodriguez) |
1254 | |
32. | calitb (Carlos Thurber) |
1147 | |
33. | alexishevia (Alexis Hevia) |
1112 | |
34. | gniuslab (Abel Rodríguez) |
1097 | |
35. | ingridbeilova (Ingrid Beilová) |
1070 | |
36. | ligmaster3 (Enier Arauz) |
1043 | |
37. | ehan16 (Erika Han) |
1029 | |
38. | bradleySuira (Bradley Suira) |
1014 | |
39. | masiafrest (masiaf) |
998 | |
40. | kevinknights29 (Kevin Knights) |
986 | |
41. | jbrodriguez (Juan B. Rodriguez) |
971 | |
42. | David-Josue-Murillo (David Murillo) |
961 | |
43. | nzkdevsaider (Sebastián Morales) |
920 | |
44. | gerardoluisbv (Gerardo Bastardo) |
877 | |
45. | hoolymama (Julian Mann) |
876 | |
46. | Elb1to (Víctor Abrego) |
872 | |
47. | jose507 (Jose Luis Regalado ) |
865 | |
48. | jussellymoreno1394 (Jusselly Moreno) |
858 | |
49. | zubietaroberto (Roberto Eduardo Zubieta) |
854 | |
50. | AddielQuintero (Addiel Tamayo ) |
839 | |
51. | ChristopherStrom (Christopher Strom) |
838 | |
52. | Claurt07 (Claudio de los Reyes) |
837 | |
53. | demogar (Demostenes Garcia G.) |
818 | |
54. | fervarela28 (Fernando Varela) |
811 | |
55. | Nature-Explorer (Nature Explorer) |
792 | |
56. | Akatsuki507 (Alfonso Alvarado) |
780 | |
57. | avocarlos (Carlos Garcia) |
765 | |
58. | iot-stiven (Dedison Stiven Peña Soto) |
714 | |
59. | luisarboleda17 (Luis Arboleda) |
704 | |
60. | ericdsw (Eric De Sedas) |
696 | |
61. | manuelf18 (Manuel Fernandez) |
695 | |
62. | lKrayola (Kendall Kant) |
683 | |
63. | Initsogar (Rafael Agostini) |
679 | |
64. | quitmeyer (Andrew Quitmeyer) |
658 | |
65. | RVSolutionsplus507 (Roberto J. Vargas D.) |
652 | |
66. | mgaitan09 (Miguel Gaitan) |
647 | |
67. | Sanchex-22 (Carlos Sanchez) |
643 | |
68. | npicado (Nestor Picado) |
639 | |
69. | CamiloArango (Camilo Arango) |
625 | |
70. | rogeralexei (Roger Urrutia) |
605 | |
71. | ramonfabrega (Ramon) |
596 | |
72. | calebjaph (Caleb Brown) |
575 | |
73. | jaimelias (Jaimelías) |
572 | |
74. | bol507 (Bolivar Delgado) |
552 | |
75. | capArturo507 (Cesar Arturo) |
539 | |
76. | jhorman9 (Jhorman Nieto P) |
533 | |
77. | mau27galvez (Mauricio Galvez) |
526 | |
78. | gluneau (Gregory Luneau) |
524 | |
79. | ArkoSammy12 () |
524 | |
80. | Ricardo-Marques (Ricardo "Meida" Marques) |
519 | |
81. | mopx (Jorge Yau) |
506 | |
82. | Commandtechno (Techno) |
501 | |
83. | Ferrangalindo (Ferrán Galindo) |
498 | |
84. | cristian-bula (Cristian Bula) |
498 | |
85. | Ernestoc14 (Ernesto Cassino) |
494 | |
86. | Extibax (Juan Bedoya (Bedoya Dev)) |
480 | |
87. | captainsparrow10 (Javier Acosta Tullock) |
478 | |
88. | DiegoQ77 (Diego Quisbert ) |
470 | |
89. | MADDOG25 (Dev Jeffrey) |
469 | |
90. | betoissues (Alberto Castillo G.) |
467 | |
91. | gkpty (Gabriel Kardonski) |
445 | |
92. | christhoval06 (Christhoval Barba) |
443 | |
93. | karolaynmc (Karolayn Morales) |
443 | |
94. | fl2on (Fl2on) |
440 | |
95. | martingom4 (Martin Gomez ) |
430 | |
96. | bueno12223 (jesus berrio) |
426 | |
97. | tapilew (Luis Tapia) |
422 | |
98. | nachooosss (Jesús Reyes) |
418 | |
99. | randol696 (Randol H Gonzalez) |
418 | |
100. | luisacarrion (M. Luisa Carrión) |
407 | |
101. | MiguelMathCode (Miguel Arrocha) |
404 | |
102. | rmed1na (Rolando Medina) |
403 | |
103. | zachwinter (Zach Winter) |
384 | |
104. | dashboardtech (Frederick Roberts) |
377 | |
105. | ludcila (Lucía Cheung) |
376 | |
106. | 42atlas (Andrea Raffaelli) |
374 | |
107. | gonzalezulises (Ulises Gonzalez) |
373 | |
108. | carlosgruiz-dev (Carlos Gustavo Ruiz) |
368 | |
109. | szircj (szir) |
362 | |
110. | iavega (IAM VEGA) |
356 | |
111. | leivadev (Luis Leiva) |
355 | |
112. | Iardo (Ivan Ramos) |
349 | |
113. | manuyeldev (Manuel Jiménez) |
346 | |
114. | infrony (Rodney Guillen) |
346 | |
115. | sibarras (Samuel Ibarra) |
344 | |
116. | esherred (Eric Sherred) |
340 | |
117. | victorcode1 (Victor Flores) |
340 | |
118. | pp14z (Pedro Pascual) |
340 | |
119. | BlancaMorillo (Blanca Morillo) |
337 | |
120. | brayanalmengor04 (Brayan Antonio) |
336 | |
121. | coredumped (Juan V. Guerrero) |
333 | |
122. | AristidesMelendez (Aristides Melendez) |
333 | |
123. | ialopezg (Isidro Lopez) |
330 | |
124. | cabe56 (Jose Varela) |
328 | |
125. | AChris07 (Cristiano Amici) |
321 | |
126. | NaguiHW (Kalib Hackin) |
321 | |
127. | isaaldair (Isaac Avila) |
318 | |
128. | GusevTimofey (Timofey) |
315 | |
129. | Kingg22 (Rey) |
306 | |
130. | Jslquintero (José López) |
305 | |
131. | ericdaniel (Eric Acevedo) |
304 | |
132. | LordSaac (José I. Gutiérrez B.) |
294 | |
133. | DevKaliper (Manuel Leon) |
290 | |
134. | abendevs (Alejo Benavides) |
287 | |
135. | JorgeAlberto1023 (Jorge Palacio) |
285 | |
136. | Rafael13es (Rafael) |
277 | |
137. | codewithomarm (Omar David Montoya Gomez) |
275 | |
138. | ivanbonillac (Ivan Bonilla) |
271 | |
139. | rafaaro (Rafael Arosemena) |
269 | |
140. | rojoC0des (Roger Morales) |
268 | |
141. | Vortecsmaster (Vortecs ) |
260 | |
142. | ctrl-alt-syd (Sydney Burns) |
259 | |
143. | Rchungye (Rafael Chung) |
256 | |
144. | AdanSerrano (Adán Serrano) |
254 | |
145. | fdvj (Fernando De Vega) |
248 | |
146. | xbrayan0212 (Brayan Rodriguez) |
247 | |
147. | patrgl (Patrick) |
247 | |
148. | Rolilink (Rolando Perez) |
244 | |
149. | dasantimate14 (Diego Santimateo) |
244 | |
150. | jhonja93 (Jhon) |
244 | |
151. | HarryAlvarado28 (Harry Alvarado) |
242 | |
152. | Oil3 (Quet Almahdi Morris) |
241 | |
153. | sergiobarria (Sergio Barria) |
231 | |
154. | josevch (Jose Von Chong) |
231 | |
155. | Alexispoveda (Alexis Poveda) |
228 | |
156. | IamBlack0 (Ruben) |
219 | |
157. | zgudino (Zahir Gudiño) |
216 | |
158. | ErickAgrazal (Erick Agrazal) |
215 | |
159. | WaxXaa (Alejandro Jesús) |
208 | |
160. | Kronekuto507 (A.C) |
205 | |
161. | mochi182 (Francisco Javier) |
204 | |
162. | jecsham (Jecsham) |
204 | |
163. | 507cardoze (Anthony Salvattore Cardoze A.) |
201 | |
164. | edwardperxz (Edward Pérez) |
200 | |
200 | |
166. | Yusuf007R (Yusuf Rawat) |
198 | |
167. | rigojr () |
197 | |
168. | taregon (Irving O.) |
195 | |
169. | OutziderDev (Luis Barrios De León) |
193 | |
170. | ivanGuerreroDev (Ivan Guerrero) |
191 | |
171. | PedroLucero (Pedro A. Lucero) |
190 | |
172. | GreatDeveloper66 (Adam Shaffer) |
189 | |
173. | adiazblanco (Alexander Diaz) |
188 | |
174. | Anell-dev (Edwin Anel González) |
186 | |
175. | Sergio9815 (Sergio Gonzalez) |
184 | |
176. | danielmoraless (Daniel M. Jaén) |
183 | |
177. | catenacap (Catena Capital) |
183 | |
178. | jeanTULF (Jean Polo) |
183 | |
179. | hroddev (Hector Rodriguez) |
181 | |
180. | josefeer (Jose Fernando Morales De Leon) |
181 | |
181. | jose137sp (Jose Saavedra) |
180 | |
182. | Wendy-Alejandra (Wendy-Alejandra) |
179 | |
183. | MartinCastellon (Martin Castellon) |
172 | |
184. | ronaldmego (Ronald Mego Solano) |
172 | |
185. | AimarBustamante (Aimar Bustamante) |
170 | |
186. | TechWithSheyla (Sheyla Leacock) |
167 | |
187. | adrifok (Adriana FERRARI) |
166 | |
188. | Dev-Anyelo (Anyelo Benavides) |
163 | |
189. | jcsena (Julio Seña) |
162 | |
190. | rsilva48 (Roger Silva) |
160 | |
191. | ficazam (Felipe Icaza) |
160 | |
192. | JamSarmientoH9 (Jamkeatesis Sarmiento) |
154 | |
193. | itsfreddyrb (itsfreddyrb) |
153 | |
194. | anonymous-17-03 (Victor Garcia ) |
150 | |
195. | ejmiranda (Edgar Miranda) |
147 | |
196. | Crei03 (Carlos) |
146 | |
197. | Alek07 (Alek Rutherford) |
143 | |
198. | GJSayas (GetsieS) |
142 | |
199. | linkmoises (Moisés Serrano Samudio) |
141 | |
200. | pacelliv ( |
141 | |
201. | maurorosero (Mauro Rosero P.) |
140 | |
202. | JoseMG-ux (Jose Moreno Gomez) |
139 | |
203. | ptyx507x (Miguel Escobar) |
137 | |
204. | alebeta06 (Alejandro Betancourt) |
136 | |
205. | ibilleke (Ignacio Billeke) |
136 | |
206. | ytzvan (Ytzvan Mastino) |
134 | |
207. | Alexisliao10 (Alexis Liao) |
132 | |
208. | omar1779 (Omar Sosa) |
130 | |
209. | ibarria0 (Ivan Barria) |
130 | |
210. | Migue28 (Eddy Cedeño) |
130 | |
211. | dustindowns (Dustin Downs) |
129 | |
212. | pammsitoh (Pammsitoh) |
129 | |
213. | Michprosal003 (Programador Michel Rosales) |
129 | |
214. | Umprofeti (Jonathan Rodríguez) |
128 | |
215. | jgarciach (Jorge L Garcia) |
128 | |
216. | ChristoferJosue (Christofer González) |
126 | |
217. | alforhanz (Jose Felix Mojica) |
125 | |
218. | aphilop (Alexandros Philopoulos) |
124 | |
219. | mabood25 (Manuel Abood) |
123 | |
220. | PedroGonzalezBeermann2020 (Pedro Gonzalez) |
122 | |
221. | Quantumquirk31 (Jhuomar Boskoll Barría Quintero) |
120 | |
222. | leoillanez777 (Leonardo Illanez) |
119 | |
223. | pahasara-ridmaka (Pahasara Ridmaka) |
117 | |
224. | gbiktx (Gabriel Aguirre) |
117 | |
225. | DavidDaniel08 (David Daniel Alvarez) |
116 | |
226. | rofer0324 (David Rodríguez) |
116 | |
227. | 01candanedo (Marcos Candanedo) |
113 | |
228. | Gab1nh0 (Gabriel Martínez) |
113 | |
229. | rolycore (Rolando Salinas) |
111 | |
230. | mariajosemv (Maria Jose Medina) |
109 | |
231. | omarcardoze (Omarc) |
108 | |
232. | eliecer2000 (Eliecer Rangel) |
108 | |
233. | EnigMaticSpac3 (Jorge González) |
108 | |
234. | Crawron (Aaron) |
107 | |
235. | frankivann (Franklin Iván Alvarado) |
106 | |
236. | jeymarherrera (Jeymar Herrera) |
105 | |
237. | Flasf (Abdiel Baldonedo) |
104 | |
238. | JMCaballero29 (Juan Caballero) |
104 | |
239. | dcamargon (David Camargo) |
103 | |
240. | leidyz (Leidy Zhang) |
101 | |
241. | dizquedavid (David Campos ) |
99 | |
242. | Joel-SD (Joel Carrasco) |
99 | |
243. | CATJ-22 (Christian Terrones) |
99 | |
244. | Irexvi (Gabriel Rodríguez) |
99 | |
245. | MarcoLv412 (Marco Antonio Barragan Key) |
98 | |
246. | Brandon780 (Brandon kenneth M) |
98 | |
247. | MichaelC27 (Michael Cordones) |
96 | |
248. | jbordelon (Jose Bordelon) |
96 | |
249. | moivega (Moisés Vega) |
94 | |
250. | Jason31j (Jesson Grajales ) |
92 | |
251. | mark-onyschuk (Mark Onyschuk) |
92 | |
252. | LeXeL (Diego Rodriguez) |
87 | |
253. | yatiac (Rafael E.) |
87 | |
254. | Dandush03 (Daniel Laloush) |
87 | |
255. | jerry-whoami (Jeremiah Kurmaty) |
86 | |
256. | abdelgmartinezl (Abdel G. Martínez L.) |
85 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | utp-1ls-141 | 2 |
2. | admios | 2 |
3. | pespgg | 2 |
4. | panadata | 2 |
5. | fiecup | 1 |
6. | armazon | 1 |
7. | spectrum-finance | 1 |
8. | automattic | 1 |
9. | eternalratioinc | 1 |
10. | cyberlab-services | 1 |