A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Papua New Guinea over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-03-10 06:07:59 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Papua New Guinea')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 420 total users in the region and you need at least 0 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | glenhayoge (Glen G Hayoge) |
1684 | |
2. | cravenhoff (Crystal Kewe) |
1436 | |
3. | chrisaugu (Christian Augustyn) |
724 | |
4. | jebudo (Jesse Biribudo) |
535 | |
5. | datiller01 (datiller) |
517 | |
6. | Valdaz007 (Victor Volsavai) |
471 | |
7. | CWalton724364 (AOAC/TAC Charlie Walton) |
369 | |
8. | John-Johns0n (John Johnson) |
341 | |
9. | kirioh (Cieran Kelly) |
327 | |
10. | jm0535 (Jimmy Moses) |
291 | |
11. | sutherlandnele (Sutherland Nele) |
211 | |
12. | jeremykes (Jeremy Kes Palme ) |
184 | |
13. | n30dyn4m1c (N30) |
162 | |
14. | pdgegora () |
151 | |
15. | lordgabriel98 (Gabriel Baje) |
131 | |
16. | wilkeleon (Wilke) |
111 | |
17. | alexey-ivanov-official (Alexey Ivanov) |
109 | |
18. | stevetasticsteve (Steve) |
59 | |
19. | sylvery (Sylver Yagi) |
52 | |
20. | jtuckayo (Julius Tuckayo) |
52 | |
21. | rex-makusia (Rex Makusia) |
51 | |
22. | PalaPascoh (Pala Egora) |
47 | |
23. | jangap411 (JANGAP411) |
45 | |
24. | EzraMulaga (Ezra Mulaga) |
45 | |
25. | grecpt (Grecpt) |
44 | |
26. | rudoq007 (WanixRSGIS) |
43 | |
27. | wilfred-wulbou (Wilfred Wulbou) |
39 | |
28. | zincMeta (STRYSEN LONIU) |
38 | |
29. | gideonzozingao (Gideon Zozingao) |
38 | |
30. | NiuPay-Jason (Jaye) |
33 | |
31. | Jarnen (Jarnen Richard) |
32 | |
32. | MechSatsujin (Kaisen Villarin) |
31 | |
33. | mkumie (Moses Kumie) |
27 | |
34. | Dickson-Tech (Dickson NENGA) |
21 | |
35. | Glock-Atom (Hickok Kinman) |
20 | |
36. | Project-Kombil (Alefay Kombil) |
19 | |
37. | L0N (Frank) |
16 | |
38. | amlaklak (Mlaklak Charles) |
16 | |
39. | vincentnanai (Vincent Nanai) |
16 | |
40. | SandraRalai (Sandra N Ralai ) |
15 | |
41. | Void074 (Gedare Dorke) |
15 | |
42. | PNGGISSS (PNG GIS & Survey Solutions Limited) |
14 | |
43. | jonathan-aru45 (Jonathan Aru) |
14 | |
44. | randallpaiva (Randall Paiva) |
13 | |
45. | riel712 (Gabriel Jambert) |
12 | |
46. | jsemos (JJ) |
12 | |
47. | urukabrian (@snakecharmer) |
12 | |
48. | Hgordon17 (Henry Gordon) |
10 | |
49. | TrevorGankarch (Trevor Gankarch) |
10 | |
50. | 2K24PIRATES (Layden Mamasi) |
9 | |
51. | reynoldslyakisa (Reynolds Lyakisa) |
8 | |
52. | 161710125 (Muuu) |
8 | |
53. | AlexYangCryptids (Alex Yang) |
8 | |
54. | saeej (Säëg) |
8 | |
55. | darrenpp (Darren Michael KIla) |
7 | |
56. | shkomogi (Shirley Komogi) |
7 | |
57. | Koyen105 (Kinance Limited ) |
6 | |
58. | hannah037spy (Nash Junnie) |
6 | |
59. | Emmanue707 (Emmanuel Kokele) |
6 | |
60. | loiwai (Loi Wai) |
6 | |
61. | Abigaillape (Abigail LAPE) |
5 | |
62. | nathanpyamis (Nathaniel Yamis ) |
5 | |
63. | aiAlqo (Alois Seneka) |
5 | |
64. | 1217jonah (Jonathan Toliman ) |
5 | |
65. | alfaalfa28 (Alfred Warren) |
5 | |
66. | Chan020 (Changol Chamilou) |
4 | |
67. | Haveva (Jack Hulama) |
4 | |
68. | mjohnnah (Mark Johnnah) |
4 | |
69. | cvagalia (TheCryptoWarrior) |
4 | |
70. | louisronron (Louis Ronald) |
4 | |
71. | w1i2240 (Johnson wiwa) |
3 | |
72. | Crazybat2022 (Darol Awei) |
3 | |
73. | png-dev2050 (Hubert Wamugl) |
3 | |
74. | JUDE212Z (Jude Yondolo ) |
3 | |
75. | kulsmauinformatics (Kulsmau Informatics) |
3 | |
76. | Softsay675 (Softsay675) |
3 | |
77. | gebok () |
3 | |
78. | RixSnoopy2811 (Ricky) |
3 | |
79. | Boiiteii (Bata Des) |
2 | |
80. | gaf3n (gaf3n) |
2 | |
81. | larry105 (Larry Nalawaku) |
2 | |
82. | billyws (Billy Somers) |
2 | |
83. | embakaitech (EmbakaiTech) |
2 | |
84. | gtuges (George Tuges) |
2 | |
85. | DenleeKot-CodeHub (Denlee Kot) |
2 | |
86. | Ray743 (Raynold Bobola) |
2 | |
87. | JasonKaimong (JasonKaimong) |
2 | |
88. | Jos675 (Josh) |
2 | |
89. | Vulum (Charlie Vulum) |
2 | |
90. | Polen059 () |
2 | |
91. | jackkarus (Jack Karus) |
1 | |
92. | Mosompanu (Omega Mosompanu ) |
1 | |
93. | Buddaawas (Bagi CODM) |
1 | |
94. | easytek675 (EasyTek675 Service) |
1 | |
95. | malabun87 (Malabun ) |
1 | |
96. | solsar2019 (solsar) |
1 | |
97. | Ai-enthusiast1 (Shoresh Nick) |
1 | |
98. | miller-niupay (Miller Niupay) |
1 | |
99. | mariwo36 () |
1 | |
100. | 71124140621 (Monema Namiropa.) |
1 | |
101. | pertrush1 () |
1 | |
102. | nowa01 () |
1 | |
103. | SamuelDavid25 (Samuel David) |
1 | |
104. | kenny-swagen (Kennioth SAUSEWAGEN) |
1 | |
105. | mikeone308 (Michael Mcross) |
1 | |
106. | Henry-Ahulo (Henry Ahulo) |
1 | |
107. | QuiStar25 (QuiStar Norths Technology) |
1 | |
108. | salukalan (Steward Alu Kalan) |
1 | |
109. | aufatora (Gideon Laho) |
1 | |
110. | rpake (Ricky Pake) |
1 | |
111. | BabyCoder24 (Bill White) |
1 | |
112. | wayakiloitiwe (Wayaki LOITIWE ) |
1 | |
113. | enlightened-stoic (Elisha Breria) |
1 | |
114. | JohnMcLaren (JML) |
1 | |
115. | karonama-zz (Kkay) |
0 | |
116. | Tarxification () |
0 | |
117. | Stephanator (Stephanie Lemeki) |
0 | |
118. | Enganeerforlife (Enganeer) |
0 | |
119. | geoffreyjones (Geoffrey Jones) |
0 | |
120. | Kraizon (Kevin Afio) |
0 | |
121. | nkajoka (Nigel Kajoka) |
0 | |
122. | nutty-guineapig (Arr Jay) |
0 | |
123. | derricklaka24 (Derrick Laka) |
0 | |
124. | dicksonguinajnr (Dickson Guina Jnr ) |
0 | |
125. | jon-jagt (Jon Jagt) |
0 | |
126. | JurgenDale (Jurgen dale) |
0 | |
127. | Hasadee (Hasadee) |
0 | |
128. | 2060520 (Sammy Aigo) |
0 | |
129. | danieltau2020 (Daniel Tau) |
0 | |
130. | csiwick (Cain Siwick) |
0 | |
131. | BSJohn01 (Blasius Sine) |
0 | |
132. | edward-ragat (Edward Ragat) |
0 | |
133. | devcomputing (Devcomputing) |
0 | |
134. | NimsonK (Nims) |
0 | |
135. | pmfcparty (ict@pmfc) |
0 | |
136. | privatesmokes (Ian Koibua) |
0 | |
137. | mato39 (Mato Paisip Narewec) |
0 | |
138. | jbunefa (Joe ) |
0 | |
139. | jkedeke (Jannice Kidoro Kedeke) |
0 | |
140. | tysonopa (Tyson) |
0 | |
141. | Winifred-Kula (Winifred Kula) |
0 | |
142. | Proximus20 () |
0 | |
143. | HalfCents (HalfCents) |
0 | |
144. | dsam45 (Desmond Sam) |
0 | |
145. | Aries3000 (Aries♈3000) |
0 | |
146. | Core101 (MacLachlan Los) |
0 | |
147. | soloKay26 (Solomon KAla) |
0 | |
148. | raynmon (Raymond Nugent) |
0 | |
149. | Sethsam675 (Absiz) |
0 | |
150. | Kupoandy (Andy kupo) |
0 | |
151. | nq-nahftl1 (Orlando N. Mercado) |
0 | |
152. | PaulNapo-995 (Paul Napo) |
0 | |
153. | Kevin301725 (Kevin Akia) |
0 | |
154. | mbetasolo (Mirzi Betasolo) |
0 | |
155. | George854 (Dom Gal) |
0 | |
156. | gleahy675 () |
0 | |
157. | jackzii0224 (Kaiva Kweb) |
0 | |
158. | Naths123 (Anmah Tech) |
0 | |
159. | sicwence (Paul Sambath) |
0 | |
160. | Amroen () |
0 | |
161. | CodeMaster2251 (Elias Lihai) |
0 | |
162. | philipnaru29 (Philip Naru) |
0 | |
163. | dinonaing (Dino Naing) |
0 | |
164. | lesmart13 (Lester Martin) |
0 | |
165. | sfawe-raghe () |
0 | |
166. | Amorant (Anthony Morant) |
0 | |
167. | Bajiko () |
0 | |
168. | batabeno (@batabeno) |
0 | |
169. | AuAeamu (Odeelah) |
0 | |
170. | ClintonJeremy (Clinton Jeremy Labidi) |
0 | |
171. | mana2png () |
0 | |
172. | ma-nahftl2 (Mathew Agive (Mr.)) |
0 | |
173. | graceluke (Grace Luke) |
0 | |
174. | grahamsuku (Graham Suku) |
0 | |
175. | ekaitas (Emmanuel Kaitas) |
0 | |
176. | ipatamel (Melford Ipata) |
0 | |
177. | ollopma () |
0 | |
178. | sonnytigenn (ObediObedi) |
0 | |
179. | rachaelmanau (Rachael Manau) |
0 | |
180. | tavua (Tavua) |
0 | |
181. | Kevinsapz (Kevin Sapulai) |
0 | |
182. | Raph2023 (Raphael Anea) |
0 | |
183. | gckcaj (Gregory E. Jack) |
0 | |
184. | FrancisMokoi () |
0 | |
185. | Hudmals (Hudson Malaga) |
0 | |
186. | Elforgian () |
0 | |
187. | dbenig (Doris) |
0 | |
188. | elfreid (elfreid) |
0 | |
189. | Esty25 (Esty Thomas Niebo) |
0 | |
190. | Dafalux () |
0 | |
191. | ADonald63 (A Donald) |
0 | |
192. | LeonardWanusim (Leonard Wanusim) |
0 | |
193. | 11300639PEIP (Peniel Ipo) |
0 | |
194. | atomi1323 (Alex Tommy ) |
0 | |
195. | Hacenonis (Henao Rebecca S Pitt ) |
0 | |
196. | Eliaskamo (Elias Kamo) |
0 | |
197. | ELGreego (George Buenagua) |
0 | |
198. | eriknic (Eric Builoea Nicholas) |
0 | |
199. | jivemarket-devadmin (jivemarket-devadmin) |
0 | |
200. | moses-kua (Moses Agua) |
0 | |
201. | RBenig (Rachael Benig) |
0 | |
202. | simaosan (Simao) |
0 | |
203. | TDuna (Tuara Duna) |
0 | |
204. | mmotapng (Michael Mota) |
0 | |
205. | kulaxbot (Taro programmer) |
0 | |
206. | Jnrpalus (Nickson Yakasen) |
0 | |
207. | Jojo438 (Joshua Salawia) |
0 | |
208. | Ahjing888 (Ahjing888) |
0 | |
209. | jjkemaroy (John Kemaroy) |
0 | |
210. | alefsolutions (Louis Ronald) |
0 | |
211. | Koboniie13 (Martin S. Bart) |
0 | |
212. | pierrelias (Pierre Elias fair-grade.com) |
0 | |
213. | 2021diru (Ǟքօ Ɖɛʋɨʟ) |
0 | |
214. | bellybird28 (t0nStark) |
0 | |
215. | Garimoses (MOSES GARI) |
0 | |
216. | hb594059 (Knightbugz675 ) |
0 | |
217. | Emperor011 (Emperor0ii) |
0 | |
218. | ElCapitan-99 (El Capitan) |
0 | |
219. | jamesbayang (James Bayang) |
0 | |
220. | janemanau () |
0 | |
221. | kinabank (KinaBank) |
0 | |
222. | nick4652 () |
0 | |
223. | SPYGOB (Job Magautu) |
0 | |
224. | Sam0508 (Sam) |
0 | |
225. | Pseudo328 (Suzanne Vitolo) |
0 | |
226. | TatiSamuel (Samuel Tobung) |
0 | |
227. | wilsongal (Wilson Gal) |
0 | |
228. | jonapatel (Jonathan Patel) |
0 | |
229. | jbagua (Jonathan Bagua) |
0 | |
230. | ckurapa81 (Cholai Kurapa) |
0 | |
231. | 20171191 (SIKA JOHN YORII) |
0 | |
232. | Anthony16301329 (Anthony Entonio) |
0 | |
233. | Atoraea () |
0 | |
234. | Ehudjeffrey (Ehud) |
0 | |
235. | Dzagoo (Dzagoo) |
0 | |
236. | jeremiahgiatamate (Jeremiah Tamate) |
0 | |
237. | IsmaelDaera () |
0 | |
238. | narahkaruna (Narah Karuna) |
0 | |
239. | TauLohia (Tau Lohia) |
0 | |
240. | Taz587 (Tassy Soma) |
0 | |
241. | techshop675 (TechShop [PNG]) |
0 | |
242. | WintopTech (WINTOP) |
0 | |
243. | Makeristeven (Markeri Steven) |
0 | |
244. | EzekielDujambi (Ezekiel Dujambi) |
0 | |
245. | JezzaMahn (Jerry Talkava) |
0 | |
246. | Jorzo934 (JasonKaimong) |
0 | |
247. | Yomai (Kilian Slaves) |
0 | |
248. | no1scv (Pamila Cremin) |
0 | |
249. | Dmxd1u82c (Damien ) |
0 | |
250. | ilaikorul (Ilai Korul) |
0 | |
251. | STaravaru (Solomon Taravaru) |
0 | |
252. | Kayaporocky (Peter Rocky) |
0 | |
253. | shopsmartpng (shopsmartPNG) |
0 | |
254. | oswaldwalap (OSWALD WALAP) |
0 | |
255. | jsmalisa (John Malisa) |
0 | |
256. | NotBara (Andrew Berith Corren) |
0 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | coding-robotics-club | 1 |
2. | vyops | 1 |
3. | sudotechweb | 1 |
4. | digitalkumul411 | 1 |
5. | eliastech | 1 |
6. | esystems | 1 |