A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Paraguay over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2024-11-18 22:07:26 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Paraguay')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 3249 total users in the region and you need at least 3 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/paraguay_private/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/paraguay_private/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/paraguay_private/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/paraguay_private/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | eeeds (Esteban Encina) |
9264 | |
2. | replay (Mauro Stettler) |
3170 | |
3. | ysidromdenis (Ysidro M. Denis) |
3013 | |
4. | mauriciv (Mauricio Vera) |
2974 | |
5. | dalmau (Vicente J. Ferrer Dalmau) |
2630 | |
6. | r0npy (ronpy) |
2051 | |
7. | blasferna (Blas Isaias Fernández) |
1977 | |
8. | rodrigojv (Rodrigo Villalba) |
1949 | |
9. | asmbuac (Shayne Buac) |
1861 | |
10. | adriangrahldev (Adrian Grahl) |
1822 | |
11. | Tom5521 (Tom) |
1800 | |
12. | unacorbatanegra (Nicolas Lopez) |
1781 | |
13. | davinun99 (David Nuñez) |
1699 | |
14. | natdelgado1 (Natalia Delgado) |
1671 | |
15. | Jackson201325 (Jackson Huang) |
1616 | |
16. | JDelPuerto (Jorge Del Puerto) |
1594 | |
17. | kiquetal (Enrique\m/Talavera) |
1553 | |
18. | garyservin (Gary Servin) |
1533 | |
19. | VictorCubas (Victor Cubas) |
1505 | |
20. | xergiodf (Sergio Fernández) |
1482 | |
21. | emilioeduardob (Emilio Blanco) |
1434 | |
22. | martin-lego (martin lego) |
1403 | |
23. | diegobugs (Diego) |
1366 | |
24. | Arias-xss (Carlos Arias) |
1359 | |
25. | cmelgarejo (Christian Melgarejo) |
1315 | |
26. | gvso (Getulio Valentin Sánchez) |
1305 | |
27. | esteban-vm (Esteban V.M.) |
1285 | |
28. | hschimpf (Hermann D. Schimpf) |
1261 | |
29. | isaias-alt (Lucas Isaias Casco) |
1196 | |
30. | MacroHEX (Martin Medina) |
1193 | |
31. | jrgonzalez3 (Justo Ramon Gonzalez Chavez) |
1191 | |
32. | pyfection (Matthias Schreiber) |
1184 | |
33. | Morkand (Carlos Manuel Paez Angeloni) |
1168 | |
34. | vicdeveloperr (Victor Ayala Santacruz) |
1166 | |
35. | marcos-ortega-itti (Marcos Ortega) |
1140 | |
36. | jose-vass-itti (Jose Vass) |
1126 | |
37. | jayala (Jesús Ayala) |
1113 | |
38. | martinzarza (Martin Zarza) |
1087 | |
39. | matiasbavera (Matías Bavera) |
1086 | |
40. | nemesiscodex (Julio Daniel Reyes) |
1082 | |
41. | rauleburro (Raúl Burró) |
1072 | |
42. | tchx84 (Martin Abente Lahaye) |
1037 | |
43. | imherrera (Juan Herrera) |
1034 | |
44. | Gubrux (Gabriel Centurion) |
1034 | |
45. | olrtg (José Olórtegui) |
1028 | |
46. | rpaszniuk (Rodrigo Paszniuk) |
1028 | |
47. | lopezbertoni (Federico Javier Lopez Bertoni) |
1026 | |
48. | juaning (juaning) |
1011 | |
49. | sergioch96 (Sergio Chamorro) |
1006 | |
50. | dianamelga (Diana) |
978 | |
51. | yolile (Yohanna Lisnichuk) |
977 | |
52. | EmilioBravo (Luis Escobar Bravo) |
963 | |
53. | lnvaldez (Lucas Valdez) |
962 | |
54. | juanhuttemann (Juan Hüttemann) |
947 | |
55. | estebanfern (Esteban Fernandez) |
924 | |
56. | Jorgedavyd (Jorge Enciso) |
915 | |
57. | dalleng (Diego Allen) |
910 | |
58. | lexzer42 (Oscar Rojas) |
905 | |
59. | Alejandroem (Alejandro Enríquez) |
904 | |
60. | epeat96 (Cristobal Barreto) |
884 | |
61. | fego-dev (Raul Ferreira G.) |
883 | |
62. | rodolrojas (Rodolfo Rojas Giménez) |
882 | |
63. | Guillecaba (Guillermo Caballero) |
872 | |
64. | fermellone (Fernando Mellone) |
869 | |
65. | JeanBarzala (Jean Paul Barzalá) |
859 | |
66. | Miguel-A-Jara (Miguel Jara) |
848 | |
67. | matias-fare-itti (Matias Fare) |
847 | |
68. | ramirezsebas (Matias Sebastian Ramirez Brizuela) |
841 | |
69. | taniadaniela (tania daniela paiva) |
837 | |
70. | doggbmx (Manuel Ortigoza) |
834 | |
71. | Rhomennik () |
831 | |
72. | B0rrA (Gustavo J. Maciel) |
821 | |
73. | weskerty (laWiskaPY) |
811 | |
74. | martinpa13py (Martin Victor Antonio Martinez Paredes) |
801 | |
75. | andoni97 (Andoni Zubizarreta) |
793 | |
76. | DavidVer98 (David) |
792 | |
77. | geroxima (Adán Alvarez) |
792 | |
78. | manucastelnovo (manucastelnovo) |
780 | |
79. | nicolasmontielf (Nicolás Montiel) |
777 | |
80. | Hakapichona (Hakapichona) |
768 | |
81. | cvmelgarejo (Clau Melgarejo) |
765 | |
82. | DiegoZacarias () |
764 | |
83. | janparkio (Jan Park) |
754 | |
84. | alfredoreduarte (Alfredo Re) |
750 | |
85. | rodrigofepy (Rodrigo Ferreira) |
744 | |
86. | 9andresc (Gustavo Andres) |
736 | |
87. | miguel-belotto-ueno (Miguel Belotto) |
730 | |
88. | guarani (Paul Von Schrottky) |
708 | |
89. | croko22 (KEVIN) |
702 | |
90. | jdfretes (Juan Fretes) |
696 | |
91. | cmbuffa (Carlos Buffa) |
693 | |
92. | vmartinetti (Victor Martinetti) |
683 | |
93. | LICF01 (Lucas Cubilla) |
680 | |
94. | brusacco (Bruno Sacco) |
665 | |
95. | mancuellofran (Francisco Mancuello Vazquez) |
659 | |
96. | nisep9 (-NiSep9-) |
655 | |
97. | wvenialbo (Waldemar Villamayor-Venialbo) |
645 | |
98. | JackTNorris (Jack Norris) |
633 | |
99. | MarceloM47 (Marcelo Morinigo) |
632 | |
100. | adrian-rivarola (Adrián Rivarola) |
631 | |
101. | AndrewOcamps (Gerardo Ocampos) |
629 | |
102. | jmigueprieto (Miguel Prieto) |
629 | |
103. | yoryer (Jorge Noguera) |
620 | |
104. | jlpalaciosb (José Palacios) |
588 | |
105. | porfirioR (Porfirio R. Perez) |
583 | |
106. | ArielAyala (Ariel Ayala) |
566 | |
107. | arielestigarribia (Ariel Estigarribia) |
565 | |
108. | PanyPy (Jerson Paniagua) |
560 | |
109. | Sinono3 (Aldo Acevedo) |
560 | |
110. | ete99 (Stefan Vallet) |
556 | |
111. | MrChrisFabian (Christopher Fabián Mendoza López) |
555 | |
112. | dario61081 (Dario Garcia) |
553 | |
113. | ldbenitez (Leonardo Benitez) |
551 | |
114. | wfbraga (W.Braga) |
550 | |
115. | jrugel (Javier Rugel) |
549 | |
116. | rodrigotroche (Rodrigo) |
546 | |
117. | rolisanchez (Victor Rolando Sanchez Jara) |
544 | |
118. | MemoArguello (Guillermo Argüello Cordobés) |
543 | |
119. | pescode (Victor Corvalan) |
537 | |
120. | joykepler (Joyce Kepler) |
536 | |
121. | kuuukooo (José Ramírez) |
534 | |
122. | Kuroashi1995 (Andrew Halley) |
533 | |
123. | SamuelUru2001 (Samuel Urunaga) |
531 | |
124. | elialm7 (elidev >_<) |
530 | |
125. | manununhez (Manuel Nuñez) |
519 | |
126. | Calvarenga96 (Christian Alvarenga) |
516 | |
127. | tyesh (Carlos Velazquez) |
516 | |
128. | SebaFretes (Seba Fretes) |
506 | |
129. | VictorRodas99 (Víctor Rodas) |
505 | |
130. | kararade (Carlos Almeida) |
502 | |
131. | msvzero (Martin Serratti) |
495 | |
132. | AdrianCM21 (Adrian Casco) |
494 | |
133. | InumanSoul (Anderson Fariña) |
478 | |
134. | FloppyDoval (Florencia Doval B.) |
462 | |
135. | santiracca (Santi Racca) |
462 | |
136. | moises35 (Moisés Alvarenga) |
457 | |
137. | will-i-amv (William Vera) |
454 | |
138. | dev-cardenas (Fernando Salinas Cardenas) |
450 | |
139. | DiegoYegros (Avgvstvs) |
447 | |
140. | GiuProgramert (GiuProgrammert) |
440 | |
141. | IvanSmir (Jose Ferreira) |
438 | |
142. | adrianinsaval (Adrián Insaurralde Avalos) |
434 | |
143. | ccardozov (Carlos Cardozo) |
429 | |
144. | cardozoaldama (Fernando Cardozo) |
427 | |
145. | kvilon (Stanislav Issayenko) |
425 | |
146. | pillowpilot () |
424 | |
147. | claraberendsen (Clara Berendsen) |
422 | |
148. | p431i7o (Pablo) |
419 | |
149. | JuanseColina (Juan Sebastian Colina Franco) |
418 | |
150. | OdaFra (Oscar) |
409 | |
151. | AugustoBaez (Augusto) |
407 | |
152. | edsonnaza (Edson Sánchez Epping) |
405 | |
153. | cayolegal1 (Cayo Legal) |
400 | |
154. | fabianskier (fabianskier) |
400 | |
155. | vespinola (Vladimir Espinola Lezcano) |
391 | |
156. | mbaez (Maximiliano Báez González) |
390 | |
157. | marceperez99 (Marcelo Perez) |
389 | |
158. | seb5433 (Sebastian Alvarez) |
388 | |
159. | danibri23 (Daniel Brizuela) |
388 | |
160. | mauriciostei (Mauricio Aponte) |
386 | |
161. | carloslugoo (Carlos Lugo) |
385 | |
162. | ivanarieldmc (Ivan Lopez) |
382 | |
163. | emrocode (Emilio Romero) |
373 | |
164. | elvispy (Alex) |
373 | |
165. | kelvinmarlow (kelvinmarlow) |
372 | |
166. | tsackit (Noname Sackmann) |
371 | |
167. | galileopy (Galileo Sanchez) |
370 | |
168. | fabri10roman (Fabrizio Román) |
367 | |
169. | krugerdavid (David Kruger) |
367 | |
170. | carlosbrb (Carlos Barbiero) |
365 | |
171. | aarcex3 (Agustin Arce) |
363 | |
172. | andreszorrilla (Andrés) |
359 | |
173. | marcosferr (Marcos Adrian Ferreira) |
347 | |
174. | kedavema (Kevin Velázquez) |
346 | |
175. | Adriram99 (Adrián Ramirez) |
342 | |
176. | M-Nahuel (Nahuel) |
340 | |
177. | mbarakaja (José María) |
338 | |
178. | jorgediazsa (Jorge Diaz) |
337 | |
179. | julioisaias (Julio Isaías) |
334 | |
180. | karina-porta (Karina Estaba) |
328 | |
181. | oscarpavon (Oscar G. Pavón) |
324 | |
182. | cristtrav (Cristhian Traversi) |
317 | |
183. | jhabriel (Jhabriel Varela) |
317 | |
184. | MatiasSalomon01 (Matías Salomón) |
316 | |
185. | GMSantiago-Dev (SantiagoGM) |
316 | |
186. | NelbaBarreto (Nelba Barreto) |
315 | |
187. | hisapy (Hisa) |
310 | |
188. | EmersonCcp (Emerson Nuñez) |
308 | |
189. | aVolpe (Arturo Volpe) |
306 | |
190. | memo94dev (Guillermo Barrientos) |
302 | |
191. | prolic (Sascha-Oliver Prolić) |
302 | |
192. | WilliBobadilla (Williams Ismael Bobadilla Torres ) |
301 | |
193. | andrealarroza (Andy) |
298 | |
194. | cabupy (Carlos Vallejos) |
295 | |
195. | gamalielsaracho (gamaliel saracho) |
290 | |
196. | Fredjhonas (Freddy Cabrera) |
285 | |
197. | learntheropes (Giovanni) |
285 | |
198. | ramiroec (Ramiro Estigarribia Canese) |
282 | |
199. | AlejoAsd (Alejo Carballude) |
282 | |
200. | zadkiel-troche (Zadkiel Troche) |
277 | |
201. | atiliopereira (Atilio Pereira) |
276 | |
202. | RicardoBeltranRamirez (Ricardo Ramírez) |
267 | |
203. | ShyrleyFlor (Shyrley Flor) |
262 | |
204. | nfuegopy (Antonio Barrios) |
259 | |
205. | acurtido (Ariel Ignacio Curtido García) |
259 | |
206. | LuciaNishimiya (Lucia Nishimiya ) |
254 | |
207. | Marileeh7 (Maria Leticia Rodas) |
250 | |
208. | rickyMelida (Ricardo Melida) |
248 | |
209. | dabedev (Daniel Benitez) |
247 | |
210. | estebankra (Esteban Krauwezuk) |
245 | |
211. | dathaotrinh (Da Thao Trinh) |
244 | |
212. | everdaniel (Ever Daniel Barreto) |
240 | |
213. | berithpy (Diego Díaz) |
238 | |
214. | jorgesarabia (Jorge R. Sarabia) |
235 | |
215. | bernaldani (Daniel Bernal) |
225 | |
216. | faviocabral (Favio Cabral) |
225 | |
217. | j-machuca (Jorge Machuca) |
218 | |
218. | jencisopy (Jorge Enciso) |
217 | |
219. | juanbendavid (Juan David) |
217 | |
220. | guillepaivag (guillepaivag) |
217 | |
221. | hollydotpw (Holly) |
216 | |
222. | Mitsuhiro32 (Renato Mitsuhiro Hirakawa Eiwa) |
215 | |
223. | juancarlosmiranda (Juan Carlos Miranda) |
214 | |
224. | weckerleben (William Eckerleben) |
213 | |
225. | gillopy (Guillermo) |
205 | |
226. | Dave-Gom (Dave Gómez) |
205 | |
227. | scanterog (Samuel Cantero) |
205 | |
228. | jcroot (Jean Claude Adams) |
204 | |
229. | javicaballero (Lic. Javier Caballero) |
203 | |
230. | guilleheizen (Guille Heizen) |
201 | |
231. | LucasGinard (Lucas Ginard) |
200 | |
232. | sariavaal (Sara Armoa) |
199 | |
233. | PyCeciliaReyes (Cecilia Reyes Mancuello) |
197 | |
234. | brenttaylor (Ryan Brent Taylor) |
196 | |
235. | belenjara (Belén) |
195 | |
236. | alefq (Ale Feltes Quenhan) |
190 | |
237. | apojomovsky (Alexis Pojomovsky) |
189 | |
238. | JottaOS (Jotta) |
187 | |
239. | hectorcabral94 () |
186 | |
240. | BrunoL0M (Bruno_OM) |
184 | |
241. | rcmario (Mario) |
179 | |
242. | nahu (Nahuel Hernández) |
176 | |
243. | carlvallory (cvallory) |
174 | |
244. | Guille-Sanchez (Guillermo Sanchez) |
174 | |
245. | gvescu (Gustavo Vera Scuderi) |
174 | |
246. | irgalamarr (Irene Lamarr) |
172 | |
247. | damipineda (Damian Pineda) |
171 | |
248. | jkrauer (Jesus Krauer) |
170 | |
249. | ahalaburda (Adrián Halaburda) |
168 | |
250. | alvaro004 (Alvaro Llano) |
166 | |
251. | matias-ramirez-ueno (Matias Ramirez) |
166 | |
252. | lovera00 (Mathias Lovera) |
165 | |
253. | hypatiagarcia (Hypatia Garcia) |
165 | |
254. | nicolasvargaszz (Niquito) |
165 | |
255. | giulianoojeda (Giuliano Ojeda) |
159 | |
256. | The-DiosBot-MD (AdrianOficial) |
159 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | ekumenlabs | 4 |
2. | ittidigital | 3 |
3. | gdgcde | 2 |
4. | fundacionparaguaya | 2 |
5. | sodep | 2 |
6. | borealishq | 2 |
7. | genba-games | 2 |
8. | penguin-academy | 1 |
9. | fabrica-de-desarrollo-ce-fpune | 1 |
10. | ros2 | 1 |