A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Portugal over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2024-12-24 08:21:38 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Portugal')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 60046 total users in the region and you need at least 70 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/portugal_private/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/portugal_private/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/portugal_private/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/portugal_private/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | Correia-jpv (João Correia) |
39833 | |
2. | FMCalisto (Francisco Maria Calisto) |
34405 | |
3. | JarbasAl (JarbasAI) |
9568 | |
4. | xRuiAlves (Rui Alves) |
9476 | |
5. | binnyva (Binny V A) |
7102 | |
6. | Jeckerson (Anton Vasiliev) |
5981 | |
7. | nelsonic (Nelson) |
5732 | |
8. | adamchainz (Adam Johnson) |
5417 | |
9. | otaviojava (Otávio Santana) |
5369 | |
10. | moltar (Roman) |
5280 | |
11. | nunomaduro (Nuno Maduro) |
5258 | |
12. | ezefranca (Ezequiel Santos) |
5243 | |
13. | jcazevedo (Joao Azevedo) |
4703 | |
14. | kaiosilveira (Kaio Silveira) |
4469 | |
15. | donbonifacio (Pedro Pereira Santos) |
4448 | |
16. | erezrokah (Erez Rokah) |
4445 | |
17. | BunyMan (Buny) |
4416 | |
18. | RGarrido03 (Rúben Garrido) |
4163 | |
19. | rgl (Rui Lopes) |
3975 | |
20. | caruccio (Mateus Caruccio) |
3948 | |
21. | joamag (João Magalhães) |
3710 | |
22. | linesky (sky line) |
3682 | |
23. | dresende (Diogo Resende) |
3676 | |
24. | Bartmr (Bartolomeu Rodrigues) |
3612 | |
25. | jbergstroem (Johan Bergström) |
3208 | |
26. | nicolastakashi (Nicolas Takashi) |
3195 | |
27. | snipe (snipe) |
3190 | |
28. | joaopalmeiro (João Palmeiro) |
3149 | |
29. | andrefreitas (André Freitas) |
3102 | |
30. | leafac (Leandro Facchinetti) |
3091 | |
31. | matklad (Alex Kladov) |
3086 | |
32. | timlinux (Tim Sutton) |
3072 | |
33. | MarkosComK (Markos Vinicius) |
3066 | |
34. | gersonlimadev (Gerson Lima) |
3038 | |
35. | carlosmiei (Carlos G) |
3030 | |
36. | jefferson-calmon (Jefferson Calmon) |
2975 | |
37. | filhodanuvem (Claudson Oliveira) |
2926 | |
38. | marciocamello (Marcio Vale) |
2912 | |
39. | eidam (Adam Janiš) |
2902 | |
40. | gnunicorn (Benjamin Kampmann) |
2883 | |
41. | tentone (José Ferrão) |
2866 | |
42. | imankulov (Roman Imankulov) |
2833 | |
43. | afonsojramos (Afonso Jorge Ramos) |
2803 | |
44. | josemvcerqueira (José Cerqueira) |
2719 | |
45. | pedrosousa (Pedro Sousa) |
2716 | |
46. | Lorenzobattistela (Lorenzo Battistela) |
2635 | |
47. | 0xacb (André Baptista) |
2604 | |
48. | promatik (António Almeida) |
2570 | |
49. | satazor (André Cruz) |
2530 | |
50. | o-leolleo (o-leolleo) |
2456 | |
51. | matheusmorett2 (Matheus Morett) |
2414 | |
52. | Th0rgal (Thomas Marchand) |
2408 | |
53. | filipesperandio (Filipe Esperandio (Pippo)) |
2405 | |
54. | rikas (Ricardo Otero) |
2382 | |
55. | erickpintor (Erick Pintor) |
2360 | |
56. | nictuku (nictuku) |
2325 | |
57. | matthieua (Matt Delac) |
2291 | |
58. | ivandrofly (Ivandro Jao) |
2268 | |
59. | lucasinocente (Lucas Inocente) |
2263 | |
60. | callmephilip (Philip Nuzhnyi) |
2232 | |
61. | laionazeredo (laion_azeredo.ts) |
2228 | |
62. | GuilhE (Guilherme Delgado) |
2220 | |
63. | datsfilipe (Filipe Lima) |
2174 | |
64. | g4brielklein (Gabriel Klein) |
2156 | |
65. | linuz90 (Fabrizio Rinaldi) |
2151 | |
66. | rafaeelaudibert (Rafael Audibert) |
2141 | |
67. | brpaz (Bruno Paz) |
2138 | |
68. | gabrieleangeletti (Gabriele Angeletti) |
2131 | |
69. | abo-abo (Oleh Krehel) |
2127 | |
70. | renatomarinho (Renato Marinho) |
2095 | |
71. | naps62 (Miguel Palhas) |
2093 | |
72. | PascalPixel (Pascal Pixel) |
2082 | |
73. | finnp (Finn Pauls) |
2063 | |
74. | D-Freitas (Davi Freitas) |
2062 | |
75. | rcarmo (Rui Carmo) |
2058 | |
76. | indeyets (Alexey Zakhlestin) |
2057 | |
77. | ruanmartinelli (Ruan Martinelli) |
2056 | |
78. | AlessandroGeras (Alessandro Geras) |
2049 | |
79. | jmamadeu (João Amadeu) |
2042 | |
80. | leandrodamascena (Leandro Damascena) |
2028 | |
81. | ggazzo (Guilherme Gazzo) |
2024 | |
82. | cedoor (Cedoor) |
2020 | |
83. | bgcngm (Bruno Martins) |
2011 | |
84. | filipalacerda (Filipa Lacerda) |
2001 | |
85. | rtfpessoa (Rodrigo Fernandes) |
2001 | |
86. | e200 (E L E A N D R O) |
1986 | |
87. | magalhas (José Magalhães) |
1967 | |
88. | rizo (Rizo) |
1957 | |
89. | filfreire (Filipe Freire) |
1955 | |
90. | magicknot (David Duarte) |
1954 | |
91. | andrew--r (Andrey Romanov) |
1946 | |
92. | tutods (Daniel Sousa) |
1942 | |
93. | dannyhw (Daniel Williams) |
1933 | |
94. | hugofpaiva (Hugo Paiva de Almeida) |
1929 | |
95. | feremabraz (Fernando Braz) |
1915 | |
96. | bludnic () |
1892 | |
97. | i4ki (i4k) |
1878 | |
98. | JonnyBGod (João Ribeiro) |
1876 | |
99. | Quicksaver (Luís Miguel) |
1870 | |
100. | jmg-duarte (José Duarte) |
1862 | |
101. | rogerlz (Rogerio Goncalves) |
1822 | |
102. | oNaiPs (José Luis Pereira) |
1797 | |
103. | DanielFran (Daniel Franco) |
1789 | |
104. | jlenon7 (João Lenon) |
1777 | |
105. | sug0 (Tiago Carvalho) |
1770 | |
106. | TGlide (Thomas G. Lopes) |
1758 | |
107. | brunogaspar (Bruno Gaspar) |
1757 | |
108. | guilhermesimoes (Guilherme Simoes) |
1750 | |
109. | rogeriopvl (Rogério Vicente) |
1742 | |
110. | dpgaspar (Daniel Vaz Gaspar) |
1734 | |
111. | pkoch (Paulo Koch) |
1701 | |
112. | jrnxf (Colby Thomas) |
1695 | |
113. | RicardoBaltazar (Ricardo Baltazar) |
1681 | |
114. | luciopaiva (Lucio Paiva) |
1679 | |
115. | FernandoMiguel (Fernando Miguel) |
1678 | |
116. | serg-plusplus (Sergiy Pash) |
1678 | |
117. | bdsqqq (Igor Bedesqui) |
1668 | |
118. | thiagorider (Thiago Rider Augusto) |
1652 | |
119. | pedro-mendonca (Pedro Mendonça) |
1632 | |
120. | telmogoncalves (Telmo Goncalves) |
1618 | |
121. | bruno12mota (Bruno Mota) |
1593 | |
122. | rubenmarcus (Ruben Marcus) |
1579 | |
123. | andreaTP (Andrea Peruffo) |
1573 | |
124. | nsk-mironov (Vladimir Mironov) |
1570 | |
125. | filp (Filipe Dobreira) |
1552 | |
126. | rdiego26 (Diego Ramos) |
1551 | |
127. | bdmendes (Bruno Mendes) |
1551 | |
128. | diogotcorreia (Diogo Correia) |
1541 | |
129. | joa-quim (Joaquim) |
1533 | |
130. | benjaminbollen (Benjamin Bollen) |
1531 | |
131. | alexcastrodev (Alexandro Castro) |
1530 | |
132. | filipecabaco (Filipe Cabaço) |
1529 | |
133. | 0joseDark (jose) |
1510 | |
134. | yusufpapurcu (Yusuf Papurcu) |
1505 | |
135. | rmarinho (Rui Marinho) |
1494 | |
136. | nbluis (Eduardo Bohrer) |
1480 | |
137. | marmelo (Rafael Marmelo) |
1480 | |
138. | WendellAdriel (Wendell Adriel) |
1447 | |
139. | mistic (Tiago Costa) |
1445 | |
140. | rfgamaral (Ricardo Amaral) |
1433 | |
141. | amal (Art Shendrik) |
1430 | |
142. | s0undt3ch (Pedro Algarvio) |
1428 | |
143. | simaob (Simão Belchior) |
1427 | |
144. | pgaspar (Pedro Gaspar) |
1426 | |
145. | nflaig (Nico Flaig) |
1424 | |
146. | theanxy (Wojtek) |
1410 | |
147. | xiCO2k (Francisco Madeira) |
1404 | |
148. | ivolimasilva (Ivo Lima Silva) |
1403 | |
149. | josesimoes (José Simões) |
1369 | |
150. | renatovico (Renato Viço) |
1365 | |
151. | shogunpurple (Martin McKeaveney) |
1364 | |
152. | radcortez (Roberto Cortez) |
1359 | |
153. | paulo-ferraz-oliveira (Paulo F. Oliveira) |
1350 | |
154. | hnqso (Henrique Alves) |
1342 | |
155. | bastiao (Luís Bastião Silva) |
1338 | |
156. | nunofgs (Nuno Sousa) |
1328 | |
157. | fixe (Tiago Ribeiro) |
1324 | |
158. | dinocosta (Dino) |
1309 | |
159. | evedes (Eduardo Vedes) |
1303 | |
160. | alicecarra (Alice Carra) |
1303 | |
161. | Diogo13Antunes (Diogo Antunes) |
1301 | |
162. | vkurennov (Vitaly Kurennov) |
1295 | |
163. | sonufrienko (Sergii Onufriienko) |
1290 | |
164. | sikozonpc (Tiago) |
1287 | |
165. | pmoura (Paulo Moura) |
1281 | |
166. | BrunoBernardino (Bruno Bernardino) |
1279 | |
167. | FGuerreir0 (Fábio Guerreiro) |
1269 | |
168. | paprikka (Rafal Pastuszak) |
1268 | |
169. | marcelaraujo (Marcel Araujo) |
1255 | |
170. | macabeus (Bruno Macabeus) |
1251 | |
171. | adamatti (Marcelo Adamatti) |
1239 | |
172. | Ca-moes (Dani) |
1233 | |
173. | fao89 (Fabricio Aguiar) |
1223 | |
174. | mayconmesquita (Maycon Mesquita) |
1222 | |
175. | carlosflorencio (Carlos Florêncio) |
1213 | |
176. | netojose (José Neto) |
1205 | |
177. | helderberto (Helder Burato Berto) |
1203 | |
178. | thealmarques (André Marques) |
1201 | |
179. | goncalossilva (Gonçalo Silva) |
1198 | |
180. | Fabio-A-Sa (Fábio Sá) |
1191 | |
181. | rssilva (Rafael Specht da Silva) |
1182 | |
182. | alt-romes (Rodrigo Mesquita) |
1173 | |
183. | joaquimrocha (Joaquim Rocha) |
1169 | |
184. | MiguelNdeCarvalho (MiguelNdeCarvalho) |
1169 | |
185. | limwa (André Lima) |
1162 | |
186. | BrunoFay (Bruno Alves Fay) |
1156 | |
187. | mendess (Mendes) |
1145 | |
188. | thePeras (João Torre Pereira) |
1136 | |
189. | ashtanko (Oleksii Shtanko) |
1120 | |
190. | mluisbrown (Michael Brown) |
1113 | |
191. | ricardoamaro (Ricardo Amaro) |
1113 | |
192. | josepostiga (José Postiga) |
1109 | |
193. | jvortmann (João Vortmann) |
1098 | |
194. | dellamora ( Francielle Dellamora) |
1095 | |
195. | almeidx (Almeida) |
1091 | |
196. | andrelago13 (André Lago) |
1080 | |
197. | joaopedrodcf (João Ferreira) |
1072 | |
198. | andremion (André Mion) |
1070 | |
199. | nelsonmestevao (Nelson Estevão) |
1060 | |
200. | rochacbruno (Bruno Rocha) |
1057 | |
201. | tofumatt (Matthew Riley MacPherson) |
1051 | |
202. | umbertogriffo (Umberto Griffo) |
1047 | |
203. | Curio5813 (Marcos Glasner) |
1034 | |
204. | vgeorge (Vitor George) |
1032 | |
205. | LyeZinho (Pedro Kaleb!) |
1017 | |
206. | danieloprado (Daniel Prado) |
1015 | |
207. | anfreire (André Freire Ferreira) |
1011 | |
208. | viniciusfinger (Vinicius Finger) |
1004 | |
209. | paulossousa29 (Paulo Sousa) |
1002 | |
210. | dgomes (Diogo Gomes) |
1001 | |
211. | Process-ing (Bruno Oliveira) |
996 | |
212. | ricardofbarros (Ricardo Barros) |
993 | |
213. | Fernando-A-Rocha (Fernando Rocha) |
993 | |
214. | gante (Joao Gante) |
987 | |
215. | AvilaAndre (André Ávila) |
985 | |
216. | sdsantos (Sérgio Santos) |
978 | |
217. | jotavare (João Oliveira) |
974 | |
218. | tomiiide (Tomide Oladipo) |
973 | |
219. | miguelcobain (Miguel Andrade) |
970 | |
220. | ruilopesm (Rui Lopes) |
968 | |
221. | AlexCatarino (Alexandre Catarino) |
967 | |
222. | FFY00 (Filipe Laíns 🇵🇸) |
960 | |
223. | EDGI9 (Edgar Dias) |
960 | |
224. | gabrielpoca (Gabriel Poça) |
958 | |
225. | iamdiogo (Diogo Silva) |
954 | |
226. | rafaelcpalmeida (Rafael Almeida) |
954 | |
227. | alvesjtiago (Tiago Alves) |
952 | |
228. | tomahock (João Pina) |
942 | |
229. | LuisDuarte1 (Luís Duarte) |
940 | |
230. | feliciofilipe (Felício) |
939 | |
231. | flavioislima (Flávio Fearn) |
919 | |
232. | dokterbob (Mathijs de Bruin) |
915 | |
233. | NickAcPT (NickAc) |
913 | |
234. | andresilva (André Silva) |
911 | |
235. | antedeguemon (Vicente Merlo) |
905 | |
236. | renancaraujo (Renan) |
893 | |
237. | luisalima (Luisa Lima) |
873 | |
238. | lafayettegabe (Gabe Soares) |
872 | |
239. | ThibH (Thibault Houdon) |
868 | |
240. | wmartins (William Martins) |
867 | |
241. | Saicheg (Valentine Zavadsky) |
864 | |
242. | cristijung (Cristina Jung) |
863 | |
243. | franciscofranco (Francisco Franco) |
857 | |
244. | taschetto (Guilherme Taschetto) |
854 | |
245. | mateuspontes (Mateus Pontes) |
851 | |
246. | ZanzyTHEbar (DaOfficialWizard) |
846 | |
247. | roll (roll) |
843 | |
248. | hishamhm (Hisham Muhammad) |
839 | |
249. | codacy-badger (Codacy Badger) |
839 | |
250. | tassoevan (Tasso Evangelista) |
829 | |
251. | jcampbell05 (James Campbell) |
828 | |
252. | pgte (Pedro Teixeira) |
827 | |
253. | weeco (Martin Schneppenheim) |
821 | |
254. | tbueno (Thiago Bueno) |
818 | |
255. | motanelson (nelson jr mota) |
817 | |
256. | gritt (Gilvan Ritter) |
816 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | nixos | 4 |
2. | cesium | 4 |
3. | datadog | 3 |
4. | fogospt | 3 |
5. | niaefeup | 3 |
6. | detiuaveiro | 3 |
7. | coderdojobraga | 3 |
8. | joinum | 3 |
9. | lewagon | 2 |
10. | trackstreetplatform | 2 |