A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Russia over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-03-10 09:07:40 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Russia')
This list contains all public contributions for each user. There are 146284 total users in the region and you need at least 59 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | mig1023 () |
26759 | |
2. | andrey-helldar (Andrey Helldar) |
12773 | |
3. | nin-jin (nin-jin) |
7582 | |
4. | hightemp (Anton Panov) |
4508 | |
5. | sadko4u (Vladimir Sadovnikov) |
4275 | |
6. | BogdanKlimov11 (PROgerych) |
3817 | |
7. | K900 () |
3734 | |
8. | vjik (Sergei Predvoditelev) |
3279 | |
9. | T8RIN (Malik Mukhametzyanov) |
2709 | |
10. | zinigor (Igor Zinovyev) |
2555 | |
11. | tabuna (Alexandr Chernyaev) |
2521 | |
12. | alexander-akait (Alexander Akait) |
2275 | |
13. | bakNa2t (Oleg Konkov) |
2221 | |
14. | ilyhalight (Toil) |
2162 | |
15. | patsevanton (Anton Patsev) |
2072 | |
16. | rexim (Alexey Kutepov) |
1943 | |
17. | skirpichev (Sergey B Kirpichev) |
1923 | |
18. | mrDIMAS (Dmitry Stepanov) |
1621 | |
19. | fawda123 (Marcus W Beck) |
1597 | |
20. | nda17 (Dmitry Nefedov) |
1572 | |
21. | SerafimArts (Kirill Nesmeyanov) |
1553 | |
22. | monosans () |
1504 | |
23. | TheDrHax (Дмитрий Карих) |
1434 | |
24. | ogamespec (ogamespec) |
1315 | |
25. | vityaman (Victor Smirnov) |
1282 | |
26. | RimuruDev (Rimuru) |
1261 | |
27. | ArtemSBulgakov (Artem Bulgakov) |
1235 | |
28. | gil9red (Ilya Petrash) |
1234 | |
29. | fagci (Mikhail) |
1232 | |
30. | maxbarsukov (Max Barsukov) |
1226 | |
31. | michaelbel (Michael Bely) |
1207 | |
32. | Ethosa (Ethosa) |
1204 | |
33. | kuviman (Vitaliy) |
1201 | |
34. | askras (Alexander Krasnikov) |
1163 | |
35. | Satont () |
1144 | |
36. | melixz (Vlad Melix) |
1137 | |
37. | sergey-dryabzhinsky (Sergey Dryabzhinsky) |
1132 | |
38. | ufocoder (Sergey) |
1091 | |
39. | autowp (Dmitry) |
1084 | |
40. | light-hat (Alexey) |
1053 | |
41. | stden (Denis Stepulenok) |
1044 | |
42. | mahenzon (Suren Khorenyan) |
1031 | |
43. | mk-fg (Mike Kazantsev) |
1013 | |
44. | CosmoMyzrailGorynych (Cosmo Myzrail Gorynych aka CoMiGo) |
1013 | |
45. | alexey-goloburdin (Alexey Goloburdin) |
1012 | |
46. | istarkov (Ivan Starkov) |
981 | |
47. | vanadium23 (Ivan Chernov) |
980 | |
48. | rds1983 (Roman Shapiro) |
966 | |
49. | Calabonga (Sergei Calabonga) |
952 | |
50. | alex-w (Alexander V. Wolf) |
942 | |
51. | Kakadu (Dmitrii Kosarev) |
931 | |
52. | grishka (Gregory K) |
918 | |
53. | octet-stream (Nick K.) |
902 | |
54. | nikita-volkov (Nikita Volkov) |
888 | |
55. | shtrausslearning (Andrey) |
876 | |
56. | dosymep (Biseuv Olzhas) |
866 | |
57. | DosX-dev (DosX) |
865 | |
58. | klen (Kirill Klenov) |
834 | |
59. | SergeyBiryukov (Sergey Biryukov) |
831 | |
60. | dstogov (Dmitry Stogov) |
825 | |
61. | Wohlstand (Vitaly Novichkov) |
821 | |
62. | TrashboxBobylev (TrashboxBobylev) |
811 | |
63. | markshevchenko (Mark Shevchenko) |
803 | |
64. | MarinaPaley (Васильева Марина Алексеевна) |
779 | |
65. | daronenko (Daniil Mironenko) |
768 | |
66. | IgorTimofeev () |
764 | |
67. | agricolamz (George Moroz) |
759 | |
68. | ak-git () |
744 | |
69. | s-kostyaev (Sergey Kostyaev) |
701 | |
70. | chayleaf (chayleaf) |
697 | |
71. | Infarh (Pavel) |
696 | |
72. | Lancetnik (Pastukhov Nikita) |
695 | |
73. | yurii-litvinov (Yurii Litvinov) |
682 | |
74. | darky (Vladislav Botvin) |
681 | |
75. | Uks130322 (Natalia Tkachuk) |
678 | |
76. | vicimpa (PromiSe####) |
676 | |
77. | jtprogru (Mikhail Savin) |
668 | |
78. | ivmai (Ivan Maidanski) |
668 | |
79. | Xottab-DUTY (Lumière Lucezarnii) |
663 | |
80. | Kerminator1973 (Maksim Rozhkov) |
661 | |
81. | Anonym-tsk (Nikolay Vasilchuk) |
649 | |
82. | Waujito (Vadim Vetrov) |
648 | |
642 | |
84. | AlariCode (Anton Larichev) |
642 | |
85. | epogrebnyak (Evgeny Pogrebnyak) |
641 | |
86. | zamtmn (Andrey) |
639 | |
87. | nevmenandr (Boris Orekhov) |
637 | |
88. | crashmax-dev (Vitalij Ryndin) |
636 | |
89. | VladimirBalun (Balun Vladimir) |
617 | |
90. | y9san9 (Alex Sokol) |
609 | |
91. | bezumkin (Vasily Naumkin) |
608 | |
92. | egorgrushin (Egor Grushin) |
600 | |
93. | flexagoon (Pavel Zolotarevskiy) |
597 | |
94. | EndyKaufman (IL'shat Khamitov) |
592 | |
95. | WLM1ke (WLMike) |
587 | |
96. | EvilFreelancer (Pavel Zloi) |
586 | |
97. | BaggerFast (Aleksandrov Daniil) |
572 | |
98. | gregor-tokarev (Gregor ) |
569 | |
99. | sergio-fry (Sergei O. Udalov) |
565 | |
100. | GermanAizek (Herman Semenoff) |
555 | |
101. | Pr-Mex (Pautov Leonid) |
553 | |
102. | Blueberryy () |
552 | |
103. | Pan4ur (Pavel Lifanov) |
547 | |
104. | bialger (Alexander Bigulov) |
534 | |
105. | kushti (Alexander Chepurnoy) |
529 | |
106. | zeckson (Eugene Shchepotev) |
523 | |
107. | MichaelPilyavskiy (MPL) |
523 | |
108. | VladimirNagibin (Vladimir Nagibin) |
521 | |
109. | realkarych (Andrey Karchevsky) |
516 | |
110. | TheMaxMur (MaxMur) |
510 | |
111. | artamonoff (Nikita Artamonov) |
509 | |
112. | bdemeshev (Boris Demeshev) |
501 | |
113. | saundefined (Sergey Panteleev) |
498 | |
114. | Maks00071 (Maks Korystov) |
490 | |
115. | Riateche (Pavel Strakhov) |
486 | |
116. | erthink (Леонид Юрьев (Leonid Yuriev)) |
484 | |
117. | anst-foto (Starinin Andrey) |
479 | |
118. | Pekshev (Modis) |
477 | |
119. | darkleaf (Mikhail Kuzmin) |
465 | |
120. | TheAirBlow (TheAirBlow) |
462 | |
121. | Timofey3085 (Timofey Razboshchikov) |
461 | |
122. | ademaro (Ademaro) |
461 | |
123. | JarvisCraft (Petr Portnov | PROgrm_JARvis) |
460 | |
124. | pvvx (Victor) |
455 | |
125. | mb6ockatf () |
453 | |
126. | xelvhk (Lex) |
453 | |
127. | igsekor (Igor Korovchenko) |
447 | |
128. | maxter9595 (Maxim Terletskiy) |
445 | |
129. | dshemin (Dmitry Shemin) |
442 | |
130. | radioegor146 (Egor Koleda) |
439 | |
131. | KonishchevDmitry (Dmitry Konishchev) |
435 | |
132. | 0niel (Sergey Dmitriev) |
434 | |
133. | dreamerenigma (Andrey Trepalin) |
431 | |
134. | glindaqu (Isupov Vladislav) |
431 | |
135. | mshabunin (Maksim Shabunin) |
423 | |
136. | SimonHarmonicMinor (Semyon Kirekov) |
417 | |
137. | mkalinin (Mikhail Kalinin) |
411 | |
138. | nekosilverfox (雪狸) |
410 | |
139. | 3F (Denis Kuzmin) |
410 | |
140. | jarvis394 (Vladislav Ekushev) |
405 | |
141. | FaxWeb7 (FaxWeb) |
403 | |
142. | js-neo (JS-Neo) |
382 | |
143. | ferrine (Maxim Kochurov) |
376 | |
144. | Salimov-dev (Ruslan Salimov) |
375 | |
145. | reo7sp (Oleg Morozenkov) |
375 | |
146. | JaroslavRusanov (Iaroslav Rusanov) |
373 | |
147. | DmitriyStupin (Dmitriy Stupin) |
373 | |
148. | alexey-malov (Alexey Malov) |
370 | |
149. | abdullox0900 (OneCode) |
368 | |
150. | wopox1337 (Sergey) |
366 | |
151. | vintikzzz (Pavel Tatarskiy) |
362 | |
152. | AlexWayfer (Alexander Popov) |
362 | |
153. | deemru (Dmitrii Pichulin) |
356 | |
154. | ronimizy () |
356 | |
155. | AndrewMosh (Andrei Moshchenko) |
355 | |
156. | maxcom (Maxim Valyanskiy) |
348 | |
157. | nekitdev (Nikita Tikhonov) |
343 | |
158. | igorsimdyanov (Игорь Симдянов) |
342 | |
159. | kmike (Mikhail Korobov) |
340 | |
160. | gdlbo (Artur Skubei) |
332 | |
161. | ArtemIzmaylov (Artem Izmaylov) |
332 | |
162. | FilimonovAlexey (Filimonov Alexey) |
328 | |
163. | TeaCoder52 (Vadim) |
325 | |
164. | nonitut (Nona) |
325 | |
165. | f213 (Fedor Borshev) |
324 | |
166. | LebedevRI (Roman Lebedev) |
323 | |
167. | trane7776 (Timur Izbasarov) |
320 | |
168. | vslinko (Viacheslav Slinko) |
317 | |
169. | kurnakovv () |
315 | |
170. | VladKalachev (Corvax) |
314 | |
171. | Fafnur (Aleksandr Serenko) |
313 | |
172. | OlegCheban (Oleg Cheban) |
312 | |
173. | surikov (Srgy Surkv) |
311 | |
174. | Oxotka (Никита Арипов) |
311 | |
175. | JNNGL () |
299 | |
176. | maxzaikin (Maks V. Zaikin) |
298 | |
177. | KotRikD (Mikhail Babynichev) |
297 | |
178. | lisyarus (Lisitsa Nikita) |
293 | |
179. | NullTale (Null Tale) |
292 | |
180. | Olegt0rr (Oleg A.) |
290 | |
181. | NL0bP (NLObP) |
290 | |
182. | leffff (Lev Novitskiy) |
288 | |
183. | khusnetdinov (Marat Khusnetdinov) |
286 | |
184. | alex19EP (Alexander Epaneshnikov) |
286 | |
185. | unlight (Roman Vasilev) |
286 | |
186. | Chaosus (Yuri Rubinsky) |
283 | |
187. | altavir (Alexander Nozik) |
283 | |
188. | Domaman202 (DomamaN202) |
282 | |
189. | php-coder (Slava Semushin) |
280 | |
190. | niyatanya (Tatiana Naumenko) |
279 | |
191. | IlyasYOY (Ilya Ilyinykh) |
274 | |
192. | Antonboom (Anton Telyshev) |
274 | |
193. | ZakharDay (ZakharDay) |
273 | |
194. | mediaexplorer74 (Media Explorer) |
273 | |
195. | fewizz () |
273 | |
196. | Kwynto (Constantine Zavezeon) |
272 | |
197. | catamphetamine (Nikolay) |
272 | |
198. | MzHmO (Michael Zhmaylo) |
272 | |
199. | Niatomi (Nia) |
272 | |
200. | artdeell (Maksim Belov) |
271 | |
201. | gkv311 (Kirill Gavrilov Tartynskih) |
268 | |
202. | webmakaka (Marley) |
267 | |
203. | yallie (Alexey Yakovlev) |
266 | |
204. | nukeykt () |
263 | |
205. | Murcha1990 (Elena Kantonistova) |
262 | |
206. | peterarsentev (Petr Arsentev) |
260 | |
207. | Al-Muhandis (Renat Suleymanov) |
260 | |
208. | StrikerRUS (Nikita Titov) |
259 | |
209. | Airkek (Anton Babichev) |
258 | |
210. | ShevT () |
254 | |
211. | petrochenkov (Vadim Petrochenkov) |
252 | |
212. | sibvic (Victor Tereschenko) |
252 | |
213. | MaximSmolskiy (Maxim Smolskiy) |
248 | |
214. | wrongjunior (Daniil Solovei) |
246 | |
215. | irdkwmnsb (Maxim) |
245 | |
216. | Nashatyrev (Anton Nashatyrev) |
245 | |
217. | Konstantin8105 (Konstantin) |
244 | |
218. | theVakhovskeIsTaken (Adam Jafarov) |
243 | |
219. | 13xforever (Ilya) |
242 | |
220. | coffinxp (coffin) |
241 | |
221. | 0Nera (Aren Elchinyan) |
241 | |
222. | dashhoff (Danila Shalyapin) |
241 | |
223. | kuzyara (nicolay kuznetsov) |
239 | |
224. | kobezzza (Andrey Kobets) |
235 | |
225. | dimaip (Dmitri Pisarev) |
234 | |
226. | letenkov (Eugene Letenkov) |
232 | |
227. | MirgradR (Ruslan Kuyanets) |
228 | |
228. | r57zone (Кладовая) |
227 | |
229. | nicl-nno (Nikolay Nikitin) |
224 | |
230. | darkk (Leonid Evdokimov) |
223 | |
231. | SqrtMinusOne (Pavel Korytov) |
221 | |
232. | teacher-cheater (Evgeniy Nekipelov) |
219 | |
233. | PHPTCloud (Yudov Alexei) |
217 | |
234. | codersgyan (Rakesh K) |
215 | |
235. | dkurt (Dmitry Kurtaev) |
214 | |
236. | spoter (Peter Rastorguev) |
213 | |
237. | mrmlnc (Denis Malinochkin) |
213 | |
238. | Hemenguelbindi (Victor Karpov) |
212 | |
239. | anton-k (Anton Kholomiov) |
210 | |
240. | chebupelka8 (chebupelka) |
208 | |
241. | rndtrash (Ivan Kuzmenko) |
208 | |
242. | abstractart (Eugene Kozlov) |
206 | |
243. | Dovgalyuk (Pavel Dovgalyuk) |
203 | |
244. | semyon-dev (Semyon Novikov) |
203 | |
245. | SadLiter (Valentin Volkov) |
202 | |
246. | JustS-js (Sam) |
202 | |
247. | AlexanderByndyu (Alexander Byndyu) |
202 | |
248. | ovcharenko-di (Dima Ovcharenko) |
201 | |
249. | EvilBeaver (Andrei Ovsiankin) |
201 | |
250. | cattyngmd (cattyn) |
200 | |
251. | Badiboy () |
193 | |
252. | akpaevj (Akpaev Evgeny) |
193 | |
253. | K1rsN7 (Kirill Sukhorukov) |
190 | |
254. | DC-SWAT (Ruslan Rostovtsev) |
189 | |
255. | ValdikSS (ValdikSS) |
186 | |
256. | lightalloy (Anna Buianova) |
186 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | b4ck5p4c3 | 2 |
2. | gigachad-dev | 2 |
3. | twirapp | 2 |
4. | php | 2 |
5. | laravelrus | 2 |
6. | automattic | 1 |
7. | bia-technologies | 1 |
8. | mts-ai | 1 |
9. | 9-lines | 1 |
10. | reateam | 1 |