A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Serbia over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-03-10 10:10:57 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Serbia')
This list contains all public contributions for each user. There are 21068 total users in the region and you need at least 19 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | L4ki (L4ki) |
11696 | |
2. | igorskyflyer (Igor Dimitrijević (igorskyflyer)) |
10812 | |
3. | stefanpejcic (Stefan Pejcic) |
6142 | |
4. | aleksasiriski (Aleksa Siriški) |
2721 | |
5. | andgineer (Andrey Sorokin) |
2668 | |
6. | nklmilojevic (Nikola Milojević) |
2605 | |
7. | dabico (Ozren Dabić) |
2470 | |
8. | mudroljub (Damjan Pavlica) |
2223 | |
9. | iwatkot (Stan Soldatov) |
1985 | |
10. | shiroyasha (Igor Šarčević) |
1868 | |
11. | slevithan (Steven Levithan) |
1763 | |
12. | milos85vasic (Milos Vasic) |
1698 | |
13. | fiftin (Denis Gukov) |
1501 | |
14. | MilosPaunovic (Miloš Paunović) |
1462 | |
15. | duolok (Dusan Lecic) |
1375 | |
16. | Rexagon (Ivan Kalinin) |
1366 | |
17. | emankov (Evgeny Mankov) |
1297 | |
18. | nbursa (Nenad Bursać) |
1197 | |
19. | xmudrii (Marko Mudrinić) |
1145 | |
20. | osipxd (Osip Fatkullin) |
1137 | |
21. | dborovcanin (Dušan Borovčanin) |
1076 | |
22. | Kropanov (Maksim Kropanov) |
1012 | |
23. | zivkovicmilos (Miloš Živković) |
997 | |
24. | leohhhn (Leon Hudak) |
992 | |
25. | kristijanhusak (Kristijan Husak) |
962 | |
26. | Perun98 (Nemanja Peruničić) |
925 | |
27. | SenseiZarkoDukic (Žarko Dukić) |
922 | |
28. | greggelong (Greg Kreisman) |
885 | |
29. | pamburus (Pavel Ivanov) |
881 | |
30. | Nek-12 (Nek.12) |
875 | |
31. | rakita () |
862 | |
32. | Szegoo (Sergej Sakac) |
836 | |
33. | Nemanja0033 (Nemanja Antonijevic) |
822 | |
34. | vroncevic (Vladimir Roncevic) |
798 | |
35. | igorcrevar (Igor Crevar) |
796 | |
36. | BulatovicBalsa (Balša Bulatović) |
776 | |
37. | v0d1ch (Sasha Bogicevic) |
773 | |
38. | markoa (Marko Anastasov) |
749 | |
39. | stfnberat (Stefan Berat) |
731 | |
40. | ivanmrsulja (Ivan R. Mršulja) |
686 | |
41. | aleksa-codes (Aleksa) |
666 | |
42. | 0xdeafbeef (Vladimir) |
662 | |
43. | 0xVolosnikov (Vladislav Volosnikov) |
659 | |
44. | idugalic (Ivan Dugalic) |
658 | |
45. | SemyonSinchenko (Sem) |
657 | |
46. | YuriSizov (Yuri Sizov) |
656 | |
47. | zlatnaspirala (Nikola) |
619 | |
48. | Delt06 (Vladislav Kantaev) |
608 | |
49. | V381 (Pavle) |
599 | |
50. | s3rius (Pavel Kirilin) |
599 | |
51. | sunce86 (Dusan Stanivukovic) |
596 | |
52. | ekmas (Samuel Breznjak) |
588 | |
53. | mmicko (Miodrag Milanović) |
588 | |
54. | y2k () |
576 | |
55. | seebeen (Sibin Grašić) |
573 | |
56. | chandr-andr (Aleksandr Kiselev) |
570 | |
57. | djvelimir (Velimir Đurković) |
566 | |
58. | erik-bershel (Erik Bershel) |
553 | |
59. | LaravueMaestro05 (LaravueMaestro) |
553 | |
60. | CodeLieutenant (Dusan Malusev) |
550 | |
61. | while1618 (Dejan Zdravkovic) |
544 | |
62. | andrey-khropov (Andrei (Andrey) Khropov) |
533 | |
63. | Olivera2708 (Olivera Radovanović) |
527 | |
64. | CodeMyst () |
517 | |
65. | VladimirKhil (Vladimir Khil) |
517 | |
66. | dustalov (Dmitry Ustalov) |
512 | |
67. | dejanzele (Dejan Zele Pejchev) |
511 | |
68. | XantreDev (Valerii Smirnov) |
506 | |
69. | gruuya (Marko Grujic) |
504 | |
70. | MaxGekk (Maxim Gekk) |
503 | |
71. | CertainLach (Lach) |
502 | |
72. | radepejanvic (Rade Pejanović) |
498 | |
73. | Mr3zee (Alexander Sysoev) |
489 | |
74. | Tekisha (Teodor Vidakovic) |
488 | |
75. | CommandLineFox (Aleksa Buncic) |
484 | |
76. | nkusla (Nikola Kušlaković) |
482 | |
77. | adadychanka (Artsiom Dadychanka) |
476 | |
78. | T-Damer (Daniil Pankov) |
475 | |
79. | lll-phill-lll (Filitov Mikhail) |
473 | |
80. | LukeWasTakenn (Luke) |
470 | |
81. | mekanix (Goran Mekić) |
468 | |
82. | igr (Igor Spasić) |
460 | |
83. | fkoler (Ferenc Koler) |
450 | |
84. | LazarinaBatcheva (Lazarina Batcheva) |
442 | |
85. | gen2brain (Milan Nikolic) |
436 | |
86. | Zekiloni (Zekirija Alomerovic) |
406 | |
87. | dusansimic (Dušan Simić) |
392 | |
88. | ashpool37 (Artem Zhurikhin) |
388 | |
89. | mehmedalijaK (Mehmedalija Karišik) |
387 | |
90. | mtasic85 (Marko Tasic) |
387 | |
91. | asseph (Fᴜʟʟ Sᴛᴀᴄᴋ Wᴇʙ3 Dᴇᴠᴇʟᴏᴘᴇʀ) |
381 | |
92. | Stojanovic94 (Nikola Stojanović) |
379 | |
93. | Mergevos (Stefan Unković) |
377 | |
94. | SergeyNefyodov () |
366 | |
95. | stn1slv (Stanislav Deviatov) |
366 | |
96. | cvijander () |
365 | |
97. | ArsenArsen (Arsen Arsenović) |
364 | |
98. | majkic99 () |
364 | |
99. | ubavic (Nikola Ubavić) |
358 | |
100. | nemanjan00 (Nemanja Nedeljković) |
357 | |
101. | vladmeer (Vladimeer) |
356 | |
102. | Kuzma02 (Aleksandar Kuzmanović) |
356 | |
103. | Palm1r (Petr Mironychev) |
352 | |
104. | Anonymous6598 (Виктор Илић) |
351 | |
105. | fantastic001 (Stefan Nožinić) |
348 | |
106. | Kovelja009 (Vanja Kovinić) |
347 | |
107. | pashinov (Alexey Pashinov) |
338 | |
108. | djordje34 (Djordje Karisic) |
333 | |
109. | topsycreed (Gennadii Chursov) |
330 | |
110. | stefansjfw (Stefan Markovic) |
317 | |
111. | KonH (KonH) |
314 | |
112. | 0xAleksaOpacic (Aleksa Opacic) |
314 | |
113. | igordejanovic (Igor Dejanović) |
313 | |
114. | ijevtic (Ivan Jevtić) |
306 | |
115. | mradovic38 (Mihailo Radović) |
305 | |
116. | nikola-matic (Nikola Matić) |
305 | |
117. | MihajloPi (MihajloPi - YT3MPI) |
300 | |
118. | ivan-kleshnin (Ivan Kleshnin) |
299 | |
119. | tara-pogancev (Tara Pogančev) |
291 | |
120. | toradziro (Dmitrii Kharisov) |
290 | |
121. | danslapman () |
290 | |
122. | gordicaleksa (Aleksa Gordić) |
285 | |
123. | filipdulic (Filip Dulic) |
284 | |
124. | pajicf (Filip Pajic) |
279 | |
125. | nikolaymatrosov (Nikolay Matrosov) |
277 | |
126. | dreikanter (Alex Musayev) |
276 | |
127. | dusanlazic (Dušan Lazić) |
275 | |
128. | drmarjanovic (Dragutin Marjanović) |
274 | |
129. | iivic17 (Ilija Ivic) |
266 | |
130. | je-jo (Jelena Jovičić) |
265 | |
131. | strika (Nebojša Stričević) |
265 | |
132. | markostanimirovic (Marko Stanimirović) |
265 | |
133. | stevdza-san (Stefan Jovanovic) |
264 | |
134. | hristinaina (Hristina Adamovic) |
263 | |
135. | stefanelli990 (Stefan Mohenski) |
257 | |
136. | 7aske (Nikola Tasić) |
252 | |
137. | gavrilovmiroslav (Miroslav) |
243 | |
138. | awnion (Sergei Blinov) |
237 | |
139. | dzenankosuta (Dženan Košuta) |
236 | |
140. | ikarenkov (Karenkov Igor) |
236 | |
141. | MihajloMilojevic (Mihajlo Milojević) |
235 | |
142. | antonlukin (Anton Lukin) |
234 | |
143. | milosmatovicup (MilosMatovic) |
231 | |
144. | MatejaMaric (Mateja Marić) |
230 | |
145. | Nemanja3214 (Nemanja Majstorović) |
228 | |
146. | EkaterinShitik (Ekaterina Shitik) |
228 | |
147. | leaviki90 (Violeta Petrović) |
227 | |
148. | Iogsotot (Anna Justus) |
226 | |
149. | rvem (Roman Melnikov) |
225 | |
150. | sh3ll3x3c (Ljubisa Isakovic) |
224 | |
151. | Gradess2019 (Stefan) |
222 | |
152. | zhelenskiy (Evgeniy Zhelenskiy) |
215 | |
153. | mniip (mniip) |
214 | |
154. | stefvndev (Stefan) |
213 | |
155. | duledjordjevic (Dusan Djordjevic) |
213 | |
156. | steph-rs (Steph Sinyakov) |
209 | |
157. | evarga (Ervin Varga, Ph.D.) |
209 | |
158. | lukicdarkoo (Darko Lukić) |
208 | |
159. | c-danil0o (Danilo Cvijetic) |
208 | |
160. | maricnikola (Nikola Marić) |
203 | |
161. | Nikola-Mircic (Nikola Mircic) |
200 | |
162. | ciefp (Pavel Čief) |
192 | |
163. | slepimis120 (Nemanja) |
191 | |
164. | makemake-kbo (makemake) |
188 | |
165. | alex-sokolov2011 (Aleksander Sokolov) |
188 | |
166. | meanmail (Alexander Petrov) |
187 | |
167. | majabirmancevic (Maja Birmančević) |
183 | |
168. | dejanaksovic (Dejan Aksović) |
183 | |
169. | kajigor (Ekaterina Verbitskaia) |
182 | |
170. | ztepler () |
180 | |
171. | lordofdestiny (Branislav Đumić) |
180 | |
172. | stihilus (Vukasin Stancevic) |
177 | |
173. | khmyznikov (Gleb Khmyznikov) |
176 | |
174. | ClusterM (Alexey Cluster) |
176 | |
175. | pavle-goloskokovic (Pavle Goloskoković) |
174 | |
176. | Cussone (Aleksandar Cakalic) |
173 | |
177. | ivanvs (Ivan Vasiljević) |
171 | |
178. | sterlu (Nikola Vuković) |
170 | |
179. | romgerman () |
167 | |
180. | m0rtyn (Martyn) |
167 | |
181. | NenadPantelic (Nenad Pantelić) |
164 | |
182. | rista404 (Nikola Ristić) |
163 | |
183. | DimitrijeG (Dimitrije Gašić) |
161 | |
184. | Remzo00 (Remzo Gusinac) |
160 | |
185. | UPocek (Poček Uroš) |
159 | |
186. | meta0xflip (Meta0xFlip) |
158 | |
187. | Bryukh (Valentin Briukhanov) |
157 | |
188. | lpozo (Leodanis Pozo Ramos) |
156 | |
189. | kirinokirino (2501) |
154 | |
190. | ruslan-korneev (Ruslan Korneev) |
154 | |
191. | GrbavaCigla (Alexa Ognjanovic) |
153 | |
192. | radlovacki (Velimir Radlovački) |
150 | |
193. | StefanJo3107 (Stefan Jovanovic) |
150 | |
194. | zzap (Milana Cap) |
145 | |
195. | avramdj (Avram Đorđević) |
144 | |
196. | Slowyn (Konstantin Yakushin) |
144 | |
197. | maxpoletaev (Max Poletaev) |
143 | |
198. | banja001 (Strahinja Banjanac) |
141 | |
199. | kernel-memory-dump (Sebastian Novak) |
140 | |
200. | tince250 (Tina Mihajlovic) |
139 | |
201. | edinmavric (Edin Mavric) |
139 | |
202. | ivandotv (Ivan Vlatković) |
138 | |
203. | kcne (Emin Kocan) |
138 | |
204. | valignatev (Valentin Ignatev) |
138 | |
205. | 0xSasaPrsic (Saša Pršić) |
136 | |
206. | milostosic (Милош Тошић) |
136 | |
207. | MrMilanP (Milan) |
135 | |
208. | markosankovic (Marko Sanković) |
135 | |
209. | foxbunny (Hajime Yamasaki Vukelic) |
134 | |
210. | fenric (Anatoly Nekhay) |
133 | |
211. | jabbascreeped (Alexander) |
130 | |
212. | sw1pr0g (Alex Poryadin) |
129 | |
213. | mladenjovanovic (Mladen Jovanović) |
128 | |
214. | ibalosh (Igor Balos) |
127 | |
215. | izemskov (Ilya) |
125 | |
216. | xtenzQ (Nikita Rusiecki) |
124 | |
217. | alexandair (Aleksandar Nikolić) |
123 | |
218. | deseven (Ivan Novokhatski) |
123 | |
219. | kmadorin (Kirill Madorin) |
121 | |
220. | Miljan9602 (Miljan) |
121 | |
221. | stamat (Nikola Stamatović) |
120 | |
222. | Hermesiss (Alex Sh) |
119 | |
223. | yippee-ki-yay (Nenad Palinkasevic) |
119 | |
224. | mbranko (Branko Milosavljević) |
118 | |
225. | ilijastuden (Ilija Studen) |
118 | |
226. | bane9 (Branislav Brzak) |
116 | |
227. | merisabesirovic (Merisa Beširović) |
115 | |
228. | natasa-dz (Nataša Džudžar) |
115 | |
229. | markobozic346 (Marko Božić) |
115 | |
230. | savely-krasovsky (Savely Krasovsky) |
113 | |
231. | minelaganovic (Minela Ganovic) |
111 | |
232. | AleksaHeler (Aleksa Heler) |
110 | |
233. | NikitaShkaruba (Nikita Shkaruba) |
110 | |
234. | zeljkoX (Zeljko) |
109 | |
235. | Haunted-Banshee (Haunted-Banshee) |
109 | |
236. | atomashevic (Aleksandar Tomašević) |
107 | |
237. | a13 (D.K.) |
106 | |
238. | stkeky (Stefan Ristanović) |
106 | |
239. | gax97 (Danilo Gačević) |
106 | |
240. | aadamdunikowski (Adam Dunikowski) |
105 | |
241. | ivansenic (Ivan Senic) |
105 | |
242. | Iskanderrus (Alexander Chasovskoy) |
105 | |
243. | makridenko (Alexey Makridenko) |
105 | |
244. | isidoraaleksic68 (Isidora Aleksic) |
104 | |
245. | vexy (Veljko Tekelerović) |
104 | |
246. | delicb (Bojan Delić) |
102 | |
247. | rwp0 (Elvin Aslanov) |
101 | |
248. | InfinitumForm (INFINITUM FORM) |
101 | |
249. | Omodaka9375 (Branislav Đalić) |
100 | |
250. | VanjaJe (Valentina Jevtić) |
99 | |
251. | mSparks43 (mSparks) |
98 | |
252. | GoranMilovanovic (Goran S. Milovanović) |
98 | |
253. | MarkoNS1990 (Marko Zecevic) |
98 | |
254. | nt4f04uNd () |
98 | |
255. | stasganiev (Stas Ganiev) |
97 | |
256. | mdodovic (Matija Dodović) |
96 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | jetbrains | 4 |
2. | broxus | 3 |
3. | yandex | 3 |
4. | huniko-team | 2 |
5. | lambdaworks | 2 |
6. | sig-0 | 2 |
7. | decenterapps | 2 |
8. | operately | 2 |
9. | epicgames | 2 |
10. | typeable | 2 |