A list of the most active GitHub users

Most active GitHub users in UK

This is a list of most active GitHub users in UK over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here. This list was generated at 2025-03-11 01:46:20 +0000 and machine-readable JSON is available for:

This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):

           .filter(_.location == 'UK') 

This list contains all public commits for each user. There are 264857 total users in the region and you need at least 280 followers to be on this list.

Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:

[![ badge](](
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![ badge](](
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.

Rank User Contribs Picture
1. erinosher
(Erin Osher)
18170 Avatar for erinosher
2. HariSekhon
(Hari Sekhon)
9228 Avatar for HariSekhon
3. spences10
(Scott Spence)
8660 Avatar for spences10
4. jamesroutley
(James 明良 Routley)
8431 Avatar for jamesroutley
5. paulrobertlloyd
(Paul Robert Lloyd)
7632 Avatar for paulrobertlloyd
6. avs-abhishek123
7435 Avatar for avs-abhishek123
7. andrew
(Andrew Nesbitt)
6429 Avatar for andrew
8. TomWhitwell
(Tom Whitwell)
5578 Avatar for TomWhitwell
9. popey
(Alan Pope)
5198 Avatar for popey
10. issus
4517 Avatar for issus
11. dabreegster
(Dustin Carlino)
4247 Avatar for dabreegster
12. danielroe
(Daniel Roe)
3723 Avatar for danielroe
13. martincostello
(Martin Costello)
3439 Avatar for martincostello
14. richfitz
(Rich FitzJohn)
3371 Avatar for richfitz
15. TodePond
(Lu Wilson)
3008 Avatar for TodePond
16. Willy-JL
2980 Avatar for Willy-JL
17. Robinlovelace
(Robin Lovelace)
2968 Avatar for Robinlovelace
18. flexiondotorg
(Martin Wimpress)
2913 Avatar for flexiondotorg
19. Him188
2892 Avatar for Him188
20. MilesCranmer
(Miles Cranmer)
2795 Avatar for MilesCranmer
21. lawrennd
(Neil Lawrence)
2775 Avatar for lawrennd
22. cboden
(Chris Boden)
2761 Avatar for cboden
23. wilkinsona
(Andy Wilkinson)
2655 Avatar for wilkinsona
24. willmcgugan
(Will McGugan)
2644 Avatar for willmcgugan
25. benjie
2634 Avatar for benjie
26. danharrin
(Dan Harrin)
2569 Avatar for danharrin
27. JoshuaKGoldberg
(Josh Goldberg ✨)
2540 Avatar for JoshuaKGoldberg
28. claremacrae
(Clare Macrae)
2524 Avatar for claremacrae
29. ahkohd
(Victor Aremu)
2495 Avatar for ahkohd
30. MikeMcQuaid
(Mike McQuaid)
2175 Avatar for MikeMcQuaid
31. adamchainz
(Adam Johnson)
2117 Avatar for adamchainz
32. robertknight
(Robert Knight)
2103 Avatar for robertknight
33. ashvardanian
(Ash Vardanian)
2085 Avatar for ashvardanian
34. MarcoGorelli
(Marco Edward Gorelli)
2077 Avatar for MarcoGorelli
35. CanadaHonk
(Oliver Medhurst)
2072 Avatar for CanadaHonk
36. djl11
(Daniel Lenton)
2038 Avatar for djl11
37. stepancheg
(Stepan Koltsov)
2029 Avatar for stepancheg
38. postspectacular
(Karsten Schmidt)
2024 Avatar for postspectacular
39. jspahrsummers
(Justin Spahr-Summers)
2004 Avatar for jspahrsummers
40. darrenburns
(Darren Burns)
1966 Avatar for darrenburns
41. Southclaws
(Barnaby Keene)
1958 Avatar for Southclaws
42. lpil
(Louis Pilfold)
1897 Avatar for lpil
43. aspiers
(Adam Spiers)
1836 Avatar for aspiers
44. wighawag
(Ronan Sandford)
1739 Avatar for wighawag
45. jskeet
(Jon Skeet)
1726 Avatar for jskeet
46. hughsie
(Richard Hughes)
1692 Avatar for hughsie
47. capjamesg
1687 Avatar for capjamesg
48. ndmitchell
(Neil Mitchell)
1674 Avatar for ndmitchell
49. awalterschulze
(Walter Schulze)
1649 Avatar for awalterschulze
50. johnbillion
(John Blackbourn)
1593 Avatar for johnbillion
51. paul-hammant
(Paul Hammant)
1589 Avatar for paul-hammant
52. fabiospampinato
(Fabio Spampinato)
1519 Avatar for fabiospampinato
53. jb3
(Joe Banks)
1477 Avatar for jb3
54. KevinZonda
(Xiang Shi)
1419 Avatar for KevinZonda
55. orf
(Tom Forbes)
1419 Avatar for orf
56. mikemaccana
(Mike MacCana)
1411 Avatar for mikemaccana
57. GorgonMeducer
(Gabriel Wang)
1410 Avatar for GorgonMeducer
58. ltratt
(Laurence Tratt)
1365 Avatar for ltratt
59. giordano
(Mosè Giordano)
1334 Avatar for giordano
60. dgibbs64
(Daniel Gibbs)
1329 Avatar for dgibbs64
61. smorimoto
(Sora Morimoto)
1328 Avatar for smorimoto
62. achingbrain
(Alex Potsides)
1320 Avatar for achingbrain
63. ghostwriternr
1307 Avatar for ghostwriternr
64. TomAFrench
(Tom French)
1306 Avatar for TomAFrench
65. peterjc
(Peter Cock)
1299 Avatar for peterjc
66. bmagyar
(Bence Magyar)
1297 Avatar for bmagyar
67. jakzal
(Jakub Zalas)
1293 Avatar for jakzal
68. chrismaltby
(Chris Maltby)
1281 Avatar for chrismaltby
69. JujuAdams
(Juju Adams)
1277 Avatar for JujuAdams
70. gfwilliams
(Gordon Williams)
1265 Avatar for gfwilliams
71. whitequark
1252 Avatar for whitequark
72. matthew-brett
(Matthew Brett)
1240 Avatar for matthew-brett
73. bizz84
(Andrea Bizzotto)
1240 Avatar for bizz84
74. dylanbeattie
(Dylan Beattie)
1202 Avatar for dylanbeattie
75. dc42
1181 Avatar for dc42
76. pawelgrzybek
(Pawel Grzybek)
1170 Avatar for pawelgrzybek
77. karianna
(Martijn Verburg)
1157 Avatar for karianna
78. wrussell1999
(Will Russell)
1131 Avatar for wrussell1999
79. DominiqueMakowski
(Dominique Makowski)
1129 Avatar for DominiqueMakowski
80. robjtede
(Rob Ede)
1109 Avatar for robjtede
81. casperdcl
(Casper da Costa-Luis)
1101 Avatar for casperdcl
82. matthewlilley
(Matthew Lilley)
1079 Avatar for matthewlilley
83. mertsincan
(Mert Sincan)
1071 Avatar for mertsincan
84. ctz
(Joe Birr-Pixton)
1071 Avatar for ctz
85. Jonty
(Jonty Wareing)
1067 Avatar for Jonty
86. TheCodeTherapy
(Marco Gomez)
1063 Avatar for TheCodeTherapy
87. joeldrapper
(Joel Drapper)
1040 Avatar for joeldrapper
88. Girgias
(Gina Peter Banyard)
1038 Avatar for Girgias
89. petebankhead
1001 Avatar for petebankhead
90. fofr
979 Avatar for fofr
91. captn3m0
978 Avatar for captn3m0
92. CJ42
(Jean Cvllr)
975 Avatar for CJ42
93. DavidKorczynski
973 Avatar for DavidKorczynski
94. josephwright
(Joseph Wright)
971 Avatar for josephwright
95. pydanny
(Daniel Roy Greenfeld)
961 Avatar for pydanny
96. mozzius
(Samuel Newman)
958 Avatar for mozzius
97. dbushell
(David Bushell)
957 Avatar for dbushell
98. kbuzzard
(Kevin Buzzard)
942 Avatar for kbuzzard
99. AtkinsSJ
(Sam Atkins)
940 Avatar for AtkinsSJ
100. laymonage
926 Avatar for laymonage
101. patrick91
(Patrick Arminio)
898 Avatar for patrick91
102. beverloo
(Peter Beverloo)
892 Avatar for beverloo
103. kenorb
(Rafal W.)
883 Avatar for kenorb
104. vstakhov
(Vsevolod Stakhov)
876 Avatar for vstakhov
105. paullewis
(Paul Lewis)
875 Avatar for paullewis
106. mvdan
(Daniel Martí)
873 Avatar for mvdan
107. kit-ty-kate
867 Avatar for kit-ty-kate
108. andydotxyz
(Andy Williams)
866 Avatar for andydotxyz
109. pixeltrix
(Andrew White)
865 Avatar for pixeltrix
110. threepointone
(Sunil Pai)
857 Avatar for threepointone
111. conradludgate
(Conrad Ludgate)
856 Avatar for conradludgate
112. FarahIbrar
(Farah Ibrar)
840 Avatar for FarahIbrar
113. tobiemh
(Tobie Morgan Hitchcock)
839 Avatar for tobiemh
114. tomwhite
(Tom White)
838 Avatar for tomwhite
115. wopian
(James Harris)
837 Avatar for wopian
116. gasman
(Matt Westcott)
835 Avatar for gasman
117. jcupitt
(John Cupitt)
828 Avatar for jcupitt
118. bboreham
(Bryan Boreham)
821 Avatar for bboreham
119. bobtfish
(Tomas Doran)
810 Avatar for bobtfish
120. krassowski
(Michał Krassowski)
809 Avatar for krassowski
121. samuelcolvin
(Samuel Colvin)
805 Avatar for samuelcolvin
122. cortinico
(Nicola Corti)
803 Avatar for cortinico
123. wenkokke
(Wen Kokke)
801 Avatar for wenkokke
124. ascorbic
(Matt Kane)
797 Avatar for ascorbic
125. asgrim
(James Titcumb)
796 Avatar for asgrim
126. mco-gh
787 Avatar for mco-gh
127. CodeMaster7000
785 Avatar for CodeMaster7000
128. Frooodle
(Anthony Stirling)
782 Avatar for Frooodle
129. kevinmcaleer
(Kevin McAleer)
778 Avatar for kevinmcaleer
130. ssbarnea
(Sorin Sbarnea)
775 Avatar for ssbarnea
131. moabukar
(Mohamed Abukar)
772 Avatar for moabukar
132. alanz
(Alan Zimmerman)
772 Avatar for alanz
133. weavejester
(James Reeves)
770 Avatar for weavejester
134. MohamedBassem
(Mohamed Bassem)
762 Avatar for MohamedBassem
135. SQLDBAWithABeard
(Rob Sewell)
758 Avatar for SQLDBAWithABeard
136. keithamus
(Keith Cirkel)
755 Avatar for keithamus
137. Integralist
(Mark McDonnell)
750 Avatar for Integralist
138. Jeffail
(Ashley Jeffs)
749 Avatar for Jeffail
139. bayandin
(Alexander Bayandin)
740 Avatar for bayandin
140. dcblogdev
(David Carr)
738 Avatar for dcblogdev
141. derickr
(Derick Rethans)
735 Avatar for derickr
142. kitten
(Phil Pluckthun)
732 Avatar for kitten
143. tofumatt
(Matthew Riley MacPherson)
724 Avatar for tofumatt
144. CryptoKass
(Kassius )
723 Avatar for CryptoKass
145. iHiD
(Jeremy Walker)
707 Avatar for iHiD
146. cdown
(Chris Down)
705 Avatar for cdown
147. rtyley
(Roberto Tyley)
695 Avatar for rtyley
148. serengil
(Sefik Ilkin Serengil)
689 Avatar for serengil
149. bobby-didcoding
(Bobby Stearman)
679 Avatar for bobby-didcoding
150. DanTup
(Danny Tuppeny)
674 Avatar for DanTup
151. rbonghi
(Raffaello Bonghi)
670 Avatar for rbonghi
152. notrab
(Jamie Barton)
668 Avatar for notrab
153. clux
(Eirik A)
647 Avatar for clux
154. laurent22
(Laurent Cozic)
645 Avatar for laurent22
155. ziadoz
(Jamie York)
630 Avatar for ziadoz
156. jackfranklin
(Jack Franklin)
623 Avatar for jackfranklin
157. a-h
(Adrian Hesketh)
621 Avatar for a-h
158. gajus
(Gajus Kuizinas)
619 Avatar for gajus
159. MattIPv4
(Matt Cowley)
617 Avatar for MattIPv4
160. Lissy93
(Alicia Sykes)
617 Avatar for Lissy93
161. JackKelly
(Jack Kelly)
608 Avatar for JackKelly
162. thibaudcolas
(Thibaud Colas)
606 Avatar for thibaudcolas
163. joshstevens19
(Josh Stevens)
602 Avatar for joshstevens19
164. chrisbanes
(Chris Banes)
594 Avatar for chrisbanes
165. ethomson
(Edward Thomson)
591 Avatar for ethomson
166. andrewlock
(Andrew Lock)
590 Avatar for andrewlock
167. davidhewitt
(David Hewitt)
589 Avatar for davidhewitt
168. bashtage
(Kevin Sheppard)
585 Avatar for bashtage
169. ericallam
(Eric Allam)
580 Avatar for ericallam
170. st0012
(Stan Lo)
578 Avatar for st0012
171. fferegrino
(Antonio Feregrino)
571 Avatar for fferegrino
172. marlenezw
(Marlene )
564 Avatar for marlenezw
173. russss
(Russ Garrett)
557 Avatar for russss
174. owenvoke
(Owen Voke)
557 Avatar for owenvoke
175. alecmuffett
(Alec Muffett)
556 Avatar for alecmuffett
176. twostraws
(Paul Hudson)
553 Avatar for twostraws
177. louthy
(Paul Louth)
550 Avatar for louthy
178. eric-wieser
(Eric Wieser)
546 Avatar for eric-wieser
179. TWiStErRob
(Róbert Papp)
541 Avatar for TWiStErRob
180. shekhirin
(Alexey Shekhirin)
535 Avatar for shekhirin
181. Earthcomputer
(Joseph Burton)
535 Avatar for Earthcomputer
182. quii
(Chris James)
530 Avatar for quii
183. edmorley
(Ed Morley)
530 Avatar for edmorley
184. thejpster
(Jonathan 'theJPster' Pallant)
529 Avatar for thejpster
185. waveform80
(Dave Jones)
525 Avatar for waveform80
186. gep13
(Gary Ewan Park)
523 Avatar for gep13
187. SaraVieira
(Sara Vieira)
521 Avatar for SaraVieira
188. Olical
(Oliver Caldwell)
519 Avatar for Olical
189. ssddanbrown
(Dan Brown)
515 Avatar for ssddanbrown
190. NicolasHug
(Nicolas Hug)
512 Avatar for NicolasHug
191. audreyfeldroy
(Audrey M. Roy Greenfeld)
512 Avatar for audreyfeldroy
192. ideoforms
(Daniel Jones)
509 Avatar for ideoforms
193. anthrotype
(Cosimo Lupo)
508 Avatar for anthrotype
194. bitbrain
508 Avatar for bitbrain
195. ncw
(Nick Craig-Wood)
498 Avatar for ncw
196. dsyer
(Dave Syer)
495 Avatar for dsyer
197. Kobra-soft
491 Avatar for Kobra-soft
198. eiriktsarpalis
(Eirik Tsarpalis)
487 Avatar for eiriktsarpalis
199. alanshaw
484 Avatar for alanshaw
200. camilamacedo86
(Camila Macedo)
478 Avatar for camilamacedo86
201. photonstorm
(Richard Davey)
477 Avatar for photonstorm
202. dmnsgn
(Damien Seguin)
477 Avatar for dmnsgn
203. kaihendry
(Kai Hendry)
476 Avatar for kaihendry
204. valeman
468 Avatar for valeman
205. jimmidyson
(Jimmi Dyson)
467 Avatar for jimmidyson
206. avsm
(Anil Madhavapeddy)
464 Avatar for avsm
207. nicholasjackson
(Nicholas Jackson)
464 Avatar for nicholasjackson
208. yaxu
(Alex McLean)
461 Avatar for yaxu
209. jonsterling
(Jon Sterling)
460 Avatar for jonsterling
210. markwylde
(Mark Wylde)
459 Avatar for markwylde
211. brunocroh
(Bruno Rodrigues)
456 Avatar for brunocroh
212. rstoyanchev
(Rossen Stoyanchev)
456 Avatar for rstoyanchev
213. danielctull
(Daniel Tull)
454 Avatar for danielctull
214. wakaleo
(John Ferguson Smart)
453 Avatar for wakaleo
215. orta
(Orta Therox)
451 Avatar for orta
216. alexgarrettsmith
(Alex Garrett-Smith)
448 Avatar for alexgarrettsmith
217. PaulKinlan
(Paul Kinlan)
448 Avatar for PaulKinlan
218. jacobtomlinson
(Jacob Tomlinson)
448 Avatar for jacobtomlinson
219. cipolleschi
(Riccardo Cipolleschi)
447 Avatar for cipolleschi
220. RReverser
(Ingvar Stepanyan)
440 Avatar for RReverser
221. dkandalov
(Dmitry Kandalov)
435 Avatar for dkandalov
222. eddiejaoude
(Eddie Jaoude)
430 Avatar for eddiejaoude
223. broonie
(Mark Brown)
428 Avatar for broonie
224. RJ
(Richard Jones)
426 Avatar for RJ
225. silky
(Noon van der Silk)
426 Avatar for silky
226. aktech
(Amit Kumar)
426 Avatar for aktech
227. LionZXY
(Nikita Kulikov)
425 Avatar for LionZXY
228. steveruizok
(Steve Ruiz)
423 Avatar for steveruizok
229. oldergod
(Benoît Quenaudon)
423 Avatar for oldergod
230. Erisa
(Erisa A)
421 Avatar for Erisa
231. AhmedSoliman
(Ahmed Farghal)
421 Avatar for AhmedSoliman
232. yschimke
(Yuri Schimke)
420 Avatar for yschimke
233. gingerbeardman
(Matt Sephton)
420 Avatar for gingerbeardman
234. davidbritch
(David Britch)
415 Avatar for davidbritch
235. Jermolene
(Jeremy Ruston)
412 Avatar for Jermolene
236. MaggieAppleton
(Maggie Appleton)
411 Avatar for MaggieAppleton
237. alvarotrigo
410 Avatar for alvarotrigo
238. whitep4nth3r
(Salma Alam-Naylor)
410 Avatar for whitep4nth3r
239. andrie
(Andrie de Vries)
406 Avatar for andrie
240. arkivanov
(Arkadii Ivanov)
404 Avatar for arkivanov
241. malb
(Martin R. Albrecht)
404 Avatar for malb
242. gallais
(G. Allais)
404 Avatar for gallais
243. tgvashworth
(Tom Ashworth)
404 Avatar for tgvashworth
244. KieronQuinn
(Kieron Quinn)
403 Avatar for KieronQuinn
245. ohld
(Daniil Okhlopkov)
403 Avatar for ohld
246. samaaron
(Sam Aaron)
402 Avatar for samaaron
247. benc-uk
(Ben Coleman)
399 Avatar for benc-uk
248. superbobry
(Sergei Lebedev)
398 Avatar for superbobry
249. davestewart
(Dave Stewart)
394 Avatar for davestewart
250. ianmiell
(Ian Miell)
393 Avatar for ianmiell
251. rm-hull
(Richard Hull)
392 Avatar for rm-hull
252. peter-lawrey
(Peter Lawrey)
391 Avatar for peter-lawrey
253. salaboy
391 Avatar for salaboy
254. yemiwebby
390 Avatar for yemiwebby
255. jjenzz
(Jenna Smith)
390 Avatar for jjenzz
256. bwplotka
(Bartlomiej Plotka)
388 Avatar for bwplotka


Rank Organization Members
1. google 5
2. microsoft 5
3. facebook 5
4. ocaml 4
5. jazzband 4
6. torchbox 4
7. graphql 3
8. whatwg 3
9. conda-forge 3
10. w3c 3