A list of the most active GitHub users

Most active GitHub users in UK

This is a list of most active GitHub users in UK over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here. This list was generated at 2024-11-29 19:17:11 +0000 and machine-readable JSON is available for:

This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):

           .filter(_.location == 'UK') 

This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 258486 total users in the region and you need at least 299 followers to be on this list.

Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:

[![ badge](](
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![ badge](](
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.

Rank User Contribs Picture
1. erinosher
(Erin Osher)
19057 Avatar for erinosher
2. moabukar
(Mohamed Abukar)
15582 Avatar for moabukar
3. EmreOvunc
(Emre Övünç)
13439 Avatar for EmreOvunc
4. danielroe
(Daniel Roe)
11785 Avatar for danielroe
5. jamesroutley
(James 明良 Routley)
10967 Avatar for jamesroutley
6. martincostello
(Martin Costello)
10848 Avatar for martincostello
7. spences10
(Scott Spence)
9914 Avatar for spences10
8. HariSekhon
(Hari Sekhon)
9785 Avatar for HariSekhon
9. andrew
(Andrew Nesbitt)
9034 Avatar for andrew
10. TomPallister
(Tom Pallister)
8653 Avatar for TomPallister
11. avs-abhishek123
8458 Avatar for avs-abhishek123
12. OliverJAsh
(Oliver Joseph Ash)
7764 Avatar for OliverJAsh
13. danharrin
(Dan Harrin)
6645 Avatar for danharrin
14. TomWhitwell
(Tom Whitwell)
5990 Avatar for TomWhitwell
15. ItzLevvie
(Levvie - she/her)
5872 Avatar for ItzLevvie
16. popey
(Alan Pope)
5692 Avatar for popey
17. joshstevens19
(Josh Stevens)
5481 Avatar for joshstevens19
18. adamchainz
(Adam Johnson)
5189 Avatar for adamchainz
19. healeycodes
(Andrew Healey)
5093 Avatar for healeycodes
20. MarcoGorelli
(Marco Edward Gorelli)
5045 Avatar for MarcoGorelli
21. JoshuaKGoldberg
(Josh Goldberg ✨)
5023 Avatar for JoshuaKGoldberg
22. issus
4888 Avatar for issus
23. tchaton
(thomas chaton)
4746 Avatar for tchaton
24. wilkinsona
(Andy Wilkinson)
4736 Avatar for wilkinsona
25. MikeMcQuaid
(Mike McQuaid)
4725 Avatar for MikeMcQuaid
26. richfitz
(Rich FitzJohn)
4720 Avatar for richfitz
27. jskeet
(Jon Skeet)
4712 Avatar for jskeet
28. dabreegster
(Dustin Carlino)
4567 Avatar for dabreegster
29. javascripter
4512 Avatar for javascripter
30. Him188
4505 Avatar for Him188
31. flexiondotorg
(Martin Wimpress)
4412 Avatar for flexiondotorg
32. JujuAdams
(Juju Adams)
4388 Avatar for JujuAdams
33. MilesCranmer
(Miles Cranmer)
4376 Avatar for MilesCranmer
34. hughsie
(Richard Hughes)
4307 Avatar for hughsie
35. benjie
4283 Avatar for benjie
36. owenvoke
(Owen Voke)
4250 Avatar for owenvoke
37. lpil
(Louis Pilfold)
4236 Avatar for lpil
38. mattlewis92
(Matt Lewis)
4230 Avatar for mattlewis92
39. TodePond
(Lu Wilson)
4153 Avatar for TodePond
40. Willy-JL
4136 Avatar for Willy-JL
41. Robinlovelace
(Robin Lovelace)
4037 Avatar for Robinlovelace
42. andrewlock
(Andrew Lock)
3930 Avatar for andrewlock
43. aspiers
(Adam Spiers)
3709 Avatar for aspiers
44. garrynewman
(Garry Newman)
3693 Avatar for garrynewman
45. jamietanna
(Jamie Tanna)
3686 Avatar for jamietanna
46. jamierumbelow
(Jamie Rumbelow)
3622 Avatar for jamierumbelow
47. AhmedSoliman
(Ahmed Farghal)
3572 Avatar for AhmedSoliman
48. aslakhellesoy
(Aslak Hellesøy)
3572 Avatar for aslakhellesoy
49. willmcgugan
(Will McGugan)
3539 Avatar for willmcgugan
50. Integralist
(Mark McDonnell)
3475 Avatar for Integralist
51. hitherejoe
(Joe Birch)
3452 Avatar for hitherejoe
52. ashvardanian
(Ash Vardanian)
3380 Avatar for ashvardanian
53. sergiecode
(Sergie Code)
3339 Avatar for sergiecode
54. robertknight
(Robert Knight)
3332 Avatar for robertknight
55. alexfoxy
(Alex Fox)
3329 Avatar for alexfoxy
56. bizz84
(Andrea Bizzotto)
3302 Avatar for bizz84
57. krassowski
(Michał Krassowski)
3223 Avatar for krassowski
58. DavidKorczynski
3207 Avatar for DavidKorczynski
59. isaachinman
(Isaac Hinman)
3078 Avatar for isaachinman
60. bmagyar
(Bence Magyar)
3026 Avatar for bmagyar
61. eric-wieser
(Eric Wieser)
2952 Avatar for eric-wieser
62. oldergod
(Benoît Quenaudon)
2950 Avatar for oldergod
63. Girgias
(Gina Peter Banyard)
2913 Avatar for Girgias
64. darrenburns
(Darren Burns)
2894 Avatar for darrenburns
65. ConnorLinfoot
(Connor Linfoot)
2883 Avatar for ConnorLinfoot
66. cboden
(Chris Boden)
2864 Avatar for cboden
67. kenorb
(Rafal W.)
2861 Avatar for kenorb
68. patrick91
(Patrick Arminio)
2858 Avatar for patrick91
69. davidhewitt
(David Hewitt)
2852 Avatar for davidhewitt
70. elliotforbes
(Elliot Forbes)
2823 Avatar for elliotforbes
71. achingbrain
(Alex Potsides)
2795 Avatar for achingbrain
72. benhowdle89
(Ben Howdle)
2762 Avatar for benhowdle89
73. gajus
(Gajus Kuizinas)
2756 Avatar for gajus
74. stepancheg
(Stepan Koltsov)
2715 Avatar for stepancheg
75. casperdcl
(Casper da Costa-Luis)
2663 Avatar for casperdcl
76. sdiehl
(Stephen Diehl)
2660 Avatar for sdiehl
77. aktech
(Amit Kumar)
2645 Avatar for aktech
78. jacobbinnie
(Jacob Binnie)
2644 Avatar for jacobbinnie
79. Southclaws
(Barnaby Keene)
2615 Avatar for Southclaws
80. d0ugal
(Dougal Matthews)
2613 Avatar for d0ugal
81. alii
(Alistair Smith)
2611 Avatar for alii
82. KevinZonda
(Xiang Shi)
2611 Avatar for KevinZonda
83. whitequark
2608 Avatar for whitequark
84. pgjones
(Phil Jones)
2567 Avatar for pgjones
85. mozzius
(Samuel Newman)
2561 Avatar for mozzius
86. ziadoz
(Jamie York)
2521 Avatar for ziadoz
87. lawrennd
(Neil Lawrence)
2508 Avatar for lawrennd
88. postspectacular
(Karsten Schmidt)
2494 Avatar for postspectacular
89. QuiiBz
(Tom Lienard)
2485 Avatar for QuiiBz
90. sroze
(Samuel ROZE)
2479 Avatar for sroze
91. clux
(Eirik A)
2459 Avatar for clux
92. capjamesg
2442 Avatar for capjamesg
93. arturhoo
(Artur Rodrigues)
2427 Avatar for arturhoo
94. jameshfisher
(Jim Fisher)
2419 Avatar for jameshfisher
95. edmorley
(Ed Morley)
2390 Avatar for edmorley
96. notrab
(Jamie Barton)
2375 Avatar for notrab
97. cortinico
(Nicola Corti)
2374 Avatar for cortinico
98. dylanbeattie
(Dylan Beattie)
2359 Avatar for dylanbeattie
99. CanadaHonk
(Oliver Medhurst)
2357 Avatar for CanadaHonk
100. wighawag
(Ronan Sandford)
2323 Avatar for wighawag
101. giordano
(Mosè Giordano)
2306 Avatar for giordano
102. pydanny
(Daniel Roy Greenfeld)
2303 Avatar for pydanny
103. photonstorm
(Richard Davey)
2291 Avatar for photonstorm
104. ocharles
(Ollie Charles)
2263 Avatar for ocharles
105. samuelcolvin
(Samuel Colvin)
2253 Avatar for samuelcolvin
106. fofr
2241 Avatar for fofr
107. ryanrhymes
(Liang Wang)
2222 Avatar for ryanrhymes
108. keithamus
(Keith Cirkel)
2214 Avatar for keithamus
109. joeldrapper
(Joel Drapper)
2207 Avatar for joeldrapper
110. amyeroberts
2198 Avatar for amyeroberts
111. jjenzz
(Jenna Smith)
2196 Avatar for jjenzz
112. bobby-didcoding
(Bobby Stearman)
2184 Avatar for bobby-didcoding
113. ssbarnea
(Sorin Sbarnea)
2175 Avatar for ssbarnea
114. alexstaravoitau
(Alex Staravoitau)
2174 Avatar for alexstaravoitau
115. jakzal
(Jakub Zalas)
2174 Avatar for jakzal
116. matthew-brett
(Matthew Brett)
2166 Avatar for matthew-brett
117. pngwn
2165 Avatar for pngwn
118. bennuttall
(Ben Nuttall)
2163 Avatar for bennuttall
119. smorimoto
(Sora Morimoto)
2145 Avatar for smorimoto
120. scribu
(Cristi Burcă)
2138 Avatar for scribu
121. thibaudcolas
(Thibaud Colas)
2129 Avatar for thibaudcolas
122. kitten
(Phil Pluckthun)
2110 Avatar for kitten
123. danhper
(Daniel Perez)
2079 Avatar for danhper
124. codeinthehole
(David Winterbottom)
2073 Avatar for codeinthehole
125. ForbesLindesay
(Forbes Lindesay)
2049 Avatar for ForbesLindesay
126. Andy-set-studio
(Andy Bell)
2034 Avatar for Andy-set-studio
127. henrik
(Henrik Nyh)
2028 Avatar for henrik
128. paullewis
(Paul Lewis)
2013 Avatar for paullewis
129. MattIPv4
(Matt Cowley)
2012 Avatar for MattIPv4
130. jspahrsummers
(Justin Spahr-Summers)
2003 Avatar for jspahrsummers
131. Wildhoney
(Adam Timberlake)
1992 Avatar for Wildhoney
132. PaulHalliday
(Paul Halliday)
1987 Avatar for PaulHalliday
133. phpnode
(Charles Pick)
1984 Avatar for phpnode
134. jodastephen
(Stephen Colebourne)
1943 Avatar for jodastephen
135. robashton
(His Excellence Sir Professional of Rob upon Ashtonburyshirester)
1935 Avatar for robashton
136. matthewlilley
(Matthew Lilley)
1934 Avatar for matthewlilley
137. iHiD
(Jeremy Walker)
1914 Avatar for iHiD
138. robjtede
(Rob Ede)
1913 Avatar for robjtede
139. jimmidyson
(Jimmi Dyson)
1911 Avatar for jimmidyson
140. chrismaltby
(Chris Maltby)
1909 Avatar for chrismaltby
141. bayandin
(Alexander Bayandin)
1879 Avatar for bayandin
142. tobiemh
(Tobie Morgan Hitchcock)
1875 Avatar for tobiemh
143. steveruizok
(Steve Ruiz)
1862 Avatar for steveruizok
144. MehediH
(Mehedi Hassan)
1859 Avatar for MehediH
145. ltratt
(Laurence Tratt)
1856 Avatar for ltratt
146. Olical
(Oliver Caldwell)
1849 Avatar for Olical
147. kit-ty-kate
1833 Avatar for kit-ty-kate
148. orf
(Tom Forbes)
1817 Avatar for orf
149. bboreham
(Bryan Boreham)
1812 Avatar for bboreham
150. toddmotto
(Todd Motto)
1810 Avatar for toddmotto
151. peterjc
(Peter Cock)
1802 Avatar for peterjc
152. threepointone
(Sunil Pai)
1781 Avatar for threepointone
153. ascorbic
(Matt Kane)
1774 Avatar for ascorbic
154. mrmartineau
(Zander Martineau)
1759 Avatar for mrmartineau
155. 0xTim
(Tim Condon)
1757 Avatar for 0xTim
156. SaraVieira
(Sara Vieira)
1741 Avatar for SaraVieira
157. laymonage
1738 Avatar for laymonage
158. TWiStErRob
(Róbert Papp)
1720 Avatar for TWiStErRob
159. pksunkara
(Pavan Kumar Sunkara)
1718 Avatar for pksunkara
160. TheCodeTherapy
(Marco Gomez)
1709 Avatar for TheCodeTherapy
161. silky
(Noon van der Silk)
1703 Avatar for silky
162. ghostwriternr
1698 Avatar for ghostwriternr
163. ethomson
(Edward Thomson)
1687 Avatar for ethomson
164. CJ42
(Jean Cvllr)
1686 Avatar for CJ42
165. shekhirin
(Alexey Shekhirin)
1680 Avatar for shekhirin
166. laurent22
(Laurent Cozic)
1674 Avatar for laurent22
167. callumacrae
(Callum Macrae)
1660 Avatar for callumacrae
168. kevalpatel2106
(Keval Patel)
1653 Avatar for kevalpatel2106
169. thomast1906
(Thomas Thornton)
1640 Avatar for thomast1906
170. haxiomic
(George Corney)
1639 Avatar for haxiomic
171. huwprosser
(Huw Prosser)
1627 Avatar for huwprosser
172. eviltester
(Alan Richardson)
1624 Avatar for eviltester
173. mikemaccana
(Mike MacCana)
1620 Avatar for mikemaccana
174. yschimke
(Yuri Schimke)
1620 Avatar for yschimke
175. dcblogdev
(David Carr)
1616 Avatar for dcblogdev
176. st0012
(Stan Lo)
1614 Avatar for st0012
177. alexgibson
(Alex Gibson)
1607 Avatar for alexgibson
178. mattdesl
(Matt DesLauriers)
1602 Avatar for mattdesl
179. Lissy93
(Alicia Sykes)
1594 Avatar for Lissy93
180. jgilfelt
(Jeff Gilfelt)
1588 Avatar for jgilfelt
181. alex3165
(Alexandre Rieux)
1585 Avatar for alex3165
182. wenkokke
(Wen Kokke)
1583 Avatar for wenkokke
183. joehoyle
(Joe Hoyle)
1576 Avatar for joehoyle
184. surma
1572 Avatar for surma
185. ohld
(Daniil Okhlopkov)
1568 Avatar for ohld
186. andydotxyz
(Andy Williams)
1555 Avatar for andydotxyz
187. abdorrahmani
(Mohammad Abdorrahmani)
1551 Avatar for abdorrahmani
188. davidbritch
(David Britch)
1550 Avatar for davidbritch
189. kadikraman
(Kadi Kraman)
1528 Avatar for kadikraman
190. superhighfives
(Charlie Gleason)
1509 Avatar for superhighfives
191. pikax
(Carlos Rodrigues)
1500 Avatar for pikax
192. patrickhlauke
(Patrick H. Lauke)
1499 Avatar for patrickhlauke
193. trueadm
(Dominic Gannaway)
1498 Avatar for trueadm
194. joedixon
(Joe Dixon)
1493 Avatar for joedixon
195. jryans
(J. Ryan Stinnett)
1481 Avatar for jryans
196. rtyley
(Roberto Tyley)
1476 Avatar for rtyley
197. camilamacedo86
(Camila Macedo)
1444 Avatar for camilamacedo86
198. djl11
(Daniel Lenton)
1443 Avatar for djl11
199. a-h
(Adrian Hesketh)
1443 Avatar for a-h
200. GorgonMeducer
(Gabriel Wang)
1439 Avatar for GorgonMeducer
201. EwanValentine
(Ewan Valentine)
1439 Avatar for EwanValentine
202. jakeherp
(Jacob Herper)
1427 Avatar for jakeherp
203. joke2k
(Daniele Faraglia)
1421 Avatar for joke2k
204. Developerayo
(Shodipo Ayomide)
1406 Avatar for Developerayo
205. aniketmaurya
(Aniket Maurya)
1402 Avatar for aniketmaurya
206. fabiospampinato
(Fabio Spampinato)
1397 Avatar for fabiospampinato
207. derickr
(Derick Rethans)
1395 Avatar for derickr
208. sammyd
1392 Avatar for sammyd
209. latentflip
(Philip Roberts)
1388 Avatar for latentflip
210. julianstorer
(Julian Storer)
1387 Avatar for julianstorer
211. kbuzzard
(Kevin Buzzard)
1386 Avatar for kbuzzard
212. MabezDev
(Scott Mabin)
1380 Avatar for MabezDev
213. mvdan
(Daniel Martí)
1374 Avatar for mvdan
214. twostraws
(Paul Hudson)
1373 Avatar for twostraws
215. dmnsgn
(Damien Seguin)
1360 Avatar for dmnsgn
216. petebacondarwin
(Pete Bacon Darwin)
1359 Avatar for petebacondarwin
217. DominiqueMakowski
(Dominique Makowski)
1358 Avatar for DominiqueMakowski
218. marco-lancini
(Marco Lancini)
1346 Avatar for marco-lancini
219. Kureev
(Alexey Kureev)
1345 Avatar for Kureev
220. azimin
(Alexander Zimin)
1344 Avatar for azimin
221. tymondesigns
(Sean Tymon)
1342 Avatar for tymondesigns
222. ooade
1339 Avatar for ooade
223. ainame
(Satoshi Namai)
1335 Avatar for ainame
224. gerhard
(Gerhard Lazu)
1333 Avatar for gerhard
225. chidiwilliams
(Chidi Williams)
1331 Avatar for chidiwilliams
226. gfwilliams
(Gordon Williams)
1327 Avatar for gfwilliams
227. josephwright
(Joseph Wright)
1313 Avatar for josephwright
228. benaadams
(Ben Adams)
1292 Avatar for benaadams
229. jonsterling
(Jon Sterling)
1289 Avatar for jonsterling
230. codyd51
(Phillip Tennen)
1288 Avatar for codyd51
231. andresionek91
(Andre Sionek)
1285 Avatar for andresionek91
232. tomwhite
(Tom White)
1282 Avatar for tomwhite
233. DanTup
(Danny Tuppeny)
1276 Avatar for DanTup
234. NicolasHug
(Nicolas Hug)
1274 Avatar for NicolasHug
235. arkivanov
(Arkadii Ivanov)
1271 Avatar for arkivanov
236. aendra-rininsland
(Ændra Rininsland)
1270 Avatar for aendra-rininsland
237. gasman
(Matt Westcott)
1270 Avatar for gasman
238. beverloo
(Peter Beverloo)
1269 Avatar for beverloo
239. IanLunn
(Ian Lunn)
1267 Avatar for IanLunn
240. jacobtomlinson
(Jacob Tomlinson)
1262 Avatar for jacobtomlinson
241. slightfoot
(Simon Lightfoot)
1260 Avatar for slightfoot
242. vstakhov
(Vsevolod Stakhov)
1258 Avatar for vstakhov
243. dbushell
(David Bushell)
1247 Avatar for dbushell
244. gogojjh
1247 Avatar for gogojjh
245. asgrim
(James Titcumb)
1246 Avatar for asgrim
246. MatthewYork
(Matthew York)
1234 Avatar for MatthewYork
247. cipolleschi
(Riccardo Cipolleschi)
1222 Avatar for cipolleschi
248. Jeffail
(Ashley Jeffs)
1216 Avatar for Jeffail
249. brunocroh
(Bruno Rodrigues)
1211 Avatar for brunocroh
250. peter-lawrey
(Peter Lawrey)
1205 Avatar for peter-lawrey
251. karlhadwen
(Karl Hadwen)
1196 Avatar for karlhadwen
252. pixeltrix
(Andrew White)
1195 Avatar for pixeltrix
253. CodeMaster7000
1193 Avatar for CodeMaster7000
254. ash-jc-allen
(Ash Allen)
1192 Avatar for ash-jc-allen
255. pierrenel
(Pierre Nel)
1171 Avatar for pierrenel
256. garyb
(Gary Burgess)
1169 Avatar for garyb


Rank Organization Members
1. epicgames 6
2. w3c 4
3. tc39 4
4. torchbox 4
5. pytest-dev 3
6. vercel 3
7. wintercg 3
8. conda-forge 3
9. whatwg 3
10. nvidiagameworks 3