A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in UK over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-03-11 01:46:20 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'UK')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 264857 total users in the region and you need at least 280 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | erinosher (Erin Osher) |
19111 | |
2. | danielroe (Daniel Roe) |
15477 | |
3. | martincostello (Martin Costello) |
11429 | |
4. | jamesroutley (James 明良 Routley) |
10699 | |
5. | HariSekhon (Hari Sekhon) |
10168 | |
6. | spences10 (Scott Spence) |
10021 | |
7. | smorimoto (Sora Morimoto) |
9798 | |
8. | TomPallister (Tom Pallister) |
8725 | |
9. | andrew (Andrew Nesbitt) |
8618 | |
10. | OliverJAsh (Oliver Joseph Ash) |
8542 | |
11. | paulrobertlloyd (Paul Robert Lloyd) |
7886 | |
12. | avs-abhishek123 (ALLENA VENKATA SAI ABHISHEK) |
7474 | |
13. | ahkohd (Victor Aremu) |
6232 | |
14. | adamchainz (Adam Johnson) |
6149 | |
15. | EmreOvunc (Emre Övünç) |
6104 | |
16. | TomWhitwell (Tom Whitwell) |
5842 | |
17. | ItzLevvie (Levvie - she/her) |
5832 | |
18. | popey (Alan Pope) |
5749 | |
19. | JoshuaKGoldberg (Josh Goldberg ✨) |
5368 | |
20. | joshstevens19 (Josh Stevens) |
5195 | |
21. | healeycodes (Andrew Healey) |
5129 | |
22. | javascripter () |
5098 | |
23. | dabreegster (Dustin Carlino) |
4931 | |
24. | Him188 (Him188) |
4814 | |
25. | tchaton (thomas chaton) |
4805 | |
26. | MarcoGorelli (Marco Edward Gorelli) |
4729 | |
27. | JujuAdams (Juju Adams) |
4581 | |
28. | issus (Mark) |
4540 | |
29. | danharrin (Dan Harrin) |
4480 | |
30. | wilkinsona (Andy Wilkinson) |
4320 | |
31. | MilesCranmer (Miles Cranmer) |
4316 | |
32. | flexiondotorg (Martin Wimpress) |
4288 | |
33. | owenvoke (Owen Voke) |
4285 | |
34. | richfitz (Rich FitzJohn) |
4279 | |
35. | jskeet (Jon Skeet) |
4243 | |
36. | andrewlock (Andrew Lock) |
4095 | |
37. | Robinlovelace (Robin Lovelace) |
4070 | |
38. | benjie (Benjie) |
4059 | |
39. | mattlewis92 (Matt Lewis) |
4026 | |
40. | jamierumbelow (Jamie Rumbelow) |
3961 | |
41. | TomAFrench (Tom French) |
3950 | |
42. | AhmedSoliman (Ahmed Farghal) |
3949 | |
43. | MikeMcQuaid (Mike McQuaid) |
3941 | |
44. | TodePond (Lu Wilson) |
3923 | |
45. | jamietanna (Jamie Tanna) |
3853 | |
46. | karianna (Martijn Verburg) |
3710 | |
47. | lpil (Louis Pilfold) |
3681 | |
48. | alexfoxy (Alex Fox) |
3625 | |
49. | hughsie (Richard Hughes) |
3547 | |
50. | robertknight (Robert Knight) |
3476 | |
51. | willmcgugan (Will McGugan) |
3470 | |
52. | aspiers (Adam Spiers) |
3456 | |
53. | bizz84 (Andrea Bizzotto) |
3441 | |
54. | lawrennd (Neil Lawrence) |
3388 | |
55. | Integralist (Mark McDonnell) |
3367 | |
56. | oldergod (Benoît Quenaudon) |
3295 | |
57. | aslakhellesoy (Aslak Hellesøy) |
3279 | |
58. | Willy-JL (WillyJL) |
3265 | |
59. | bmagyar (Bence Magyar) |
3202 | |
60. | Southclaws (Barnaby Keene) |
3180 | |
61. | krassowski (Michał Krassowski) |
3169 | |
62. | giordano (Mosè Giordano) |
3122 | |
63. | DavidKorczynski () |
3092 | |
64. | elliotforbes (Elliot Forbes) |
3086 | |
65. | camilamacedo86 (Camila Macedo) |
3083 | |
66. | garrynewman (Garry Newman) |
3082 | |
67. | ashvardanian (Ash Vardanian) |
3079 | |
68. | hitherejoe (Joe Birch) |
3046 | |
69. | claremacrae (Clare Macrae) |
3021 | |
70. | patrick91 (Patrick Arminio) |
2998 | |
71. | danielctull (Daniel Tull) |
2995 | |
72. | dylanbeattie (Dylan Beattie) |
2990 | |
73. | pgjones (Phil Jones) |
2832 | |
74. | cboden (Chris Boden) |
2762 | |
75. | darrenburns (Darren Burns) |
2748 | |
76. | ziadoz (Jamie York) |
2743 | |
77. | jspahrsummers (Justin Spahr-Summers) |
2740 | |
78. | Girgias (Gina Peter Banyard) |
2727 | |
79. | wighawag (Ronan Sandford) |
2687 | |
80. | isaachinman (Isaac Hinman) |
2668 | |
81. | HenryQW (Henry Wang) |
2662 | |
82. | sergiecode (Sergie Code) |
2657 | |
83. | QuiiBz (Tom Lienard) |
2637 | |
84. | arturhoo (Artur Rodrigues) |
2630 | |
85. | iHiD (Jeremy Walker) |
2589 | |
86. | stig (Stig Brautaset) |
2579 | |
87. | jacobbinnie (Jacob Binnie) |
2569 | |
88. | davidhewitt (David Hewitt) |
2561 | |
89. | tobiemh (Tobie Morgan Hitchcock) |
2561 | |
90. | ConnorLinfoot (Connor Linfoot) |
2559 | |
91. | gajus (Gajus Kuizinas) |
2541 | |
92. | aktech (Amit Kumar) |
2515 | |
93. | alexstaravoitau (Alex Staravoitau) |
2514 | |
94. | djl11 (Daniel Lenton) |
2481 | |
95. | d0ugal (Dougal Matthews) |
2473 | |
96. | eric-wieser (Eric Wieser) |
2466 | |
97. | achingbrain (Alex Potsides) |
2459 | |
98. | robashton (His Excellence Sir Professional of Rob upon Ashtonburyshirester) |
2457 | |
99. | edmorley (Ed Morley) |
2454 | |
100. | postspectacular (Karsten Schmidt) |
2411 | |
101. | sdiehl (Stephen Diehl) |
2409 | |
102. | johnbillion (John Blackbourn) |
2403 | |
103. | samuelcolvin (Samuel Colvin) |
2389 | |
104. | sroze (Samuel ROZE) |
2378 | |
105. | cortinico (Nicola Corti) |
2376 | |
106. | kenorb (Rafal W.) |
2369 | |
107. | jameshfisher (Jim Fisher) |
2368 | |
108. | Wildhoney (Adam Timberlake) |
2364 | |
109. | casperdcl (Casper da Costa-Luis) |
2332 | |
110. | pydanny (Daniel Roy Greenfeld) |
2298 | |
111. | dcblogdev (David Carr) |
2267 | |
112. | KevinZonda (Xiang Shi) |
2266 | |
113. | CanadaHonk (Oliver Medhurst) |
2260 | |
114. | geometer (Nikolay Pultsin) |
2255 | |
115. | notrab (Jamie Barton) |
2250 | |
116. | ghostwriternr (Naresh) |
2231 | |
117. | benhowdle89 (Ben Howdle) |
2224 | |
118. | clux (Eirik A) |
2221 | |
119. | MattIPv4 (Matt Cowley) |
2218 | |
120. | kitten (Phil Pluckthun) |
2203 | |
121. | ctz (Joe Birr-Pixton) |
2176 | |
122. | keithamus (Keith Cirkel) |
2161 | |
123. | Olical (Oliver Caldwell) |
2159 | |
124. | alii (Alistair Smith) |
2147 | |
125. | stepancheg (Stepan Koltsov) |
2142 | |
126. | ssbarnea (Sorin Sbarnea) |
2127 | |
127. | fofr (fofr) |
2126 | |
128. | Andy-set-studio (Andy Bell) |
2124 | |
129. | ocharles (Ollie Charles) |
2121 | |
130. | orf (Tom Forbes) |
2115 | |
131. | abdorrahmani (Mohammad Abdorrahmani) |
2107 | |
132. | huwprosser (Huw Prosser) |
2105 | |
133. | whitequark (Catherine) |
2101 | |
134. | jakzal (Jakub Zalas) |
2093 | |
135. | matryer (Mat Ryer) |
2067 | |
136. | jodastephen (Stephen Colebourne) |
2061 | |
137. | jb3 (Joe Banks) |
2039 | |
138. | bayandin (Alexander Bayandin) |
2029 | |
139. | mozzius (Samuel Newman) |
2022 | |
140. | bennuttall (Ben Nuttall) |
2002 | |
141. | codeinthehole (David Winterbottom) |
1992 | |
142. | photonstorm (Richard Davey) |
1984 | |
143. | awalterschulze (Walter Schulze) |
1972 | |
144. | paullewis (Paul Lewis) |
1970 | |
145. | macmule (macmule) |
1965 | |
146. | joeldrapper (Joel Drapper) |
1952 | |
147. | peterjc (Peter Cock) |
1943 | |
148. | 0xTim (Tim Condon) |
1934 | |
149. | ltratt (Laurence Tratt) |
1932 | |
150. | ryanrhymes (Liang Wang) |
1929 | |
151. | laurent22 (Laurent Cozic) |
1925 | |
152. | MehediH (Mehedi Hassan) |
1908 | |
153. | henrik (Henrik Nyh) |
1901 | |
154. | danhper (Daniel Perez) |
1870 | |
155. | mikemaccana (Mike MacCana) |
1856 | |
156. | capjamesg (James) |
1849 | |
157. | ForbesLindesay (Forbes Lindesay) |
1834 | |
158. | jimmidyson (Jimmi Dyson) |
1829 | |
159. | dgibbs64 (Daniel Gibbs) |
1827 | |
160. | julianstorer (Julian Storer) |
1826 | |
161. | gfwilliams (Gordon Williams) |
1823 | |
162. | sammyd (sämmi) |
1817 | |
163. | Frooodle (Anthony Stirling) |
1816 | |
164. | mrmartineau (Zander Martineau) |
1801 | |
165. | ascorbic (Matt Kane) |
1771 | |
166. | conradludgate (Conrad Ludgate) |
1771 | |
167. | TheCodeTherapy (Marco Gomez) |
1766 | |
168. | wenkokke (Wen Kokke) |
1764 | |
169. | kadikraman (Kadi Kraman) |
1764 | |
170. | matthewlilley (Matthew Lilley) |
1759 | |
171. | wrussell1999 (Will Russell) |
1756 | |
172. | twostraws (Paul Hudson) |
1749 | |
173. | andresionek91 (Andre Sionek) |
1723 | |
174. | scribu (Cristi Burcă) |
1721 | |
175. | ndmitchell (Neil Mitchell) |
1703 | |
176. | alexgibson (Alex Gibson) |
1696 | |
177. | aniketmaurya (Aniket Maurya) |
1693 | |
178. | moabukar (Mohamed Abukar) |
1691 | |
179. | patrickhlauke (Patrick H. Lauke) |
1685 | |
180. | shekhirin (Alexey Shekhirin) |
1683 | |
181. | robjtede (Rob Ede) |
1681 | |
182. | toddmotto (Todd Motto) |
1678 | |
183. | AtkinsSJ (Sam Atkins) |
1675 | |
184. | paul-hammant (Paul Hammant) |
1671 | |
185. | kit-ty-kate (Kate) |
1670 | |
186. | callumacrae (Callum Macrae) |
1662 | |
187. | joehoyle (Joe Hoyle) |
1655 | |
188. | phpnode (Charles Pick) |
1654 | |
189. | jjenzz (Jenna Smith) |
1641 | |
190. | matthew-brett (Matthew Brett) |
1638 | |
191. | kevalpatel2106 (Keval Patel) |
1635 | |
192. | fabiospampinato (Fabio Spampinato) |
1621 | |
193. | ooade (Ademola.) |
1616 | |
194. | bboreham (Bryan Boreham) |
1590 | |
195. | amyeroberts () |
1586 | |
196. | st0012 (Stan Lo) |
1586 | |
197. | haxiomic (George Corney) |
1566 | |
198. | eviltester (Alan Richardson) |
1555 | |
199. | threepointone (Sunil Pai) |
1543 | |
200. | latentflip (Philip Roberts) |
1539 | |
201. | chidiwilliams (Chidi Williams) |
1536 | |
202. | captn3m0 (Nemo) |
1533 | |
203. | lornajane (Lorna Jane Mitchell) |
1522 | |
204. | ash-jc-allen (Ash Allen) |
1514 | |
205. | trueadm (Dominic Gannaway) |
1498 | |
206. | steveruizok (Steve Ruiz) |
1493 | |
207. | derickr (Derick Rethans) |
1478 | |
208. | laymonage (sage) |
1465 | |
209. | Lissy93 (Alicia Sykes) |
1465 | |
210. | pksunkara (Pavan Kumar Sunkara) |
1464 | |
211. | CJ42 (Jean Cvllr) |
1448 | |
212. | GorgonMeducer (Gabriel Wang) |
1446 | |
213. | cipolleschi (Riccardo Cipolleschi) |
1439 | |
214. | surma (Surma) |
1430 | |
215. | chrismaltby (Chris Maltby) |
1415 | |
216. | gordicaleksa (Aleksa Gordić) |
1414 | |
217. | pngwn (pngwn) |
1412 | |
218. | ainame (Satoshi Namai) |
1411 | |
219. | jgilfelt (Jeff Gilfelt) |
1400 | |
220. | joedixon (Joe Dixon) |
1389 | |
221. | petebacondarwin (Pete Bacon Darwin) |
1386 | |
222. | dmnsgn (Damien Seguin) |
1385 | |
223. | thomast1906 (Thomas Thornton) |
1384 | |
224. | andydotxyz (Andy Williams) |
1377 | |
225. | mvdan (Daniel Martí) |
1373 | |
226. | asgrim (James Titcumb) |
1368 | |
227. | milessabin (Miles Sabin) |
1366 | |
228. | kbuzzard (Kevin Buzzard) |
1363 | |
229. | petebankhead (Pete) |
1362 | |
230. | joke2k (Daniele Faraglia) |
1359 | |
231. | EwanValentine (Ewan Valentine) |
1349 | |
232. | tomwhite (Tom White) |
1345 | |
233. | davidbritch (David Britch) |
1344 | |
234. | mohamadlawand087 (Mohamad Lawand) |
1336 | |
235. | karlhadwen (Karl Hadwen) |
1334 | |
236. | jryans (J. Ryan Stinnett) |
1331 | |
237. | alanshaw (ash) |
1330 | |
238. | gogojjh (gogojjh) |
1327 | |
239. | arkivanov (Arkadii Ivanov) |
1322 | |
240. | DominiqueMakowski (Dominique Makowski) |
1320 | |
241. | ethomson (Edward Thomson) |
1318 | |
242. | Developerayo (Shodipo Ayomide) |
1318 | |
243. | pawelgrzybek (Pawel Grzybek) |
1314 | |
244. | NicolasHug (Nicolas Hug) |
1310 | |
245. | thibaudcolas (Thibaud Colas) |
1306 | |
246. | tymondesigns (Sean Tymon) |
1296 | |
247. | ericallam (Eric Allam) |
1291 | |
248. | dbushell (David Bushell) |
1287 | |
249. | audreyfeldroy (Audrey M. Roy Greenfeld) |
1273 | |
250. | pixeltrix (Andrew White) |
1270 | |
251. | Kureev (Alexey Kureev) |
1268 | |
252. | marco-lancini (Marco Lancini) |
1267 | |
253. | OlafenwaMoses (MOSES OLAFENWA) |
1263 | |
254. | gasman (Matt Westcott) |
1263 | |
255. | gerhard (Gerhard Lazu) |
1262 | |
256. | a-h (Adrian Hesketh) |
1262 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | epicgames | 6 |
2. | tc39 | 4 |
3. | jazzband | 4 |
4. | microsoft | 4 |
5. | torchbox | 4 |
6. | exercism | 3 |
7. | conda-forge | 3 |
8. | wintercg | 3 |
9. | ocaml | 3 |
10. | vercel | 3 |