A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Uruguay over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-02-04 02:42:32 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Uruguay')
This list contains all public commits for each user. There are 10136 total users in the region and you need at least 9 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | Gabr1el20 (Gabriel Delgado) |
7327 | |
2. | mathiashole (Mathias Mangino) |
1535 | |
3. | Mandy9943 (Armando Cesar Martin Calderón) |
1429 | |
4. | fzipi (Felipe Zipitría) |
1104 | |
5. | titoBouzout (Tito) |
1091 | |
6. | SantiagoPintos (Santiago Pintos) |
1046 | |
7. | fedegonc (federico goncalvez) |
1022 | |
8. | CeciliaBPerdomo (Cecilia Perdomo) |
957 | |
9. | IGMontero (Ignacio Montero) |
908 | |
10. | dcadenas (Daniel Cadenas) |
869 | |
11. | gonzalomelov (Gonzalo Melo) |
854 | |
12. | yanquisalexander (Alexander Barrios) |
837 | |
13. | facundominguez (Facundo Domínguez) |
718 | |
14. | anibalpacheco (Aníbal Pacheco) |
704 | |
15. | IonesioJunior (Ionésio Junior) |
680 | |
16. | IgnacioQuevedo (Ignacio Quevedo) |
663 | |
17. | rynkowsg (Greg Rynkowski) |
615 | |
18. | acoppes (Ariel Coppes) |
606 | |
19. | damiansire (Damian Sire) |
603 | |
20. | jmbejar (Jorge Bejar) |
598 | |
21. | mauroloprete (Mauro Loprete) |
587 | |
22. | KrasniKot (Emanuel Trias) |
536 | |
23. | obispobruno (Bruno Obispo) |
528 | |
24. | AGuekdjian (Anthony Guekdjian) |
523 | |
25. | URUWorks (URUWorks) |
516 | |
26. | ssisaias (Isaias S. Silva) |
483 | |
27. | bienflorencia (Florencia Grattarola) |
473 | |
28. | MauSanDev (Mauro Sanchez) |
453 | |
29. | agu-z (Agus Zubiaga) |
424 | |
30. | camillepeder (Peder) |
415 | |
31. | drbarzaga (Dayan Perez) |
395 | |
32. | jpmonettas (Juan Monetta) |
391 | |
33. | noxware (Franco Profeti) |
382 | |
34. | martindsq (Martin Dutra) |
379 | |
35. | mrsarm (Mariano Ruiz) |
376 | |
36. | jagcruz (Jaime Alan Gutiérrez Cruz) |
375 | |
37. | santimattius (Santiago Mattiauda) |
372 | |
38. | santiagorodriguez96 (Santiago Rodriguez) |
355 | |
39. | clari182 (Clara Youdale) |
354 | |
40. | fruetalo182 (Facundo Ruetalo Yanes) |
349 | |
41. | mateoroldos (Mateo Roldos) |
348 | |
42. | 04mg (Manuel Graña) |
346 | |
43. | cmateu (Cecilia Mateu) |
325 | |
44. | FedeLopez17 (Federico López) |
321 | |
45. | cesarvarela (Cesar Varela) |
313 | |
46. | dottox (Nacho) |
308 | |
47. | sergioAff (Sergio Adrian Fernández) |
307 | |
48. | Ikken9 () |
299 | |
49. | wbreeze (Douglas Lovell) |
296 | |
50. | brunocarpio (Bruno Carpio) |
296 | |
51. | spastorino (Santiago Pastorino) |
294 | |
52. | jorgepz (Jorge Pérez Zerpa) |
290 | |
53. | nachop51 (Ignacio Peralta) |
281 | |
54. | JuanmaPilon (Juan Martin Pilon) |
273 | |
55. | Miguel22247 (Miguel Pacheco) |
265 | |
56. | BRJoaquin (Joaquin Vigna) |
257 | |
57. | protobon (ayrton) |
254 | |
58. | na7hk3r (Sergio Mathias Curbelo) |
252 | |
59. | elsantiF (Santiago) |
248 | |
60. | jgnacio (jgnacio) |
245 | |
61. | dariomnalerio (Dario Nalerio) |
245 | |
62. | leog (Leo Giovanetti) |
241 | |
63. | ninotrivelli (Nico B Trivelli) |
237 | |
64. | mateogall0 (Mateo Gallo) |
237 | |
65. | xqft (Estéfano Bargas) |
232 | |
66. | rmraya (Rodolfo M. Raya) |
230 | |
67. | guidodinello () |
221 | |
68. | ar (Alejandro Revilla) |
219 | |
69. | JuliLaterza (Julián Laterza) |
212 | |
70. | ignatiosdev (Ignacio Cattalurda) |
211 | |
71. | MauroEldritch (Mauro Eldritch) |
211 | |
72. | maadeval (Mateo Álvarez) |
211 | |
73. | EmoPorEmilio (Emilio Franceschini) |
210 | |
74. | jvalenzani-hbtn (Javier Valenzani) |
208 | |
75. | michelsampil (Michel Sampil △) |
207 | |
76. | Chewawi (Aarón Rafael) |
205 | |
77. | marianozunino (Mariano Zunino) |
205 | |
78. | droserasprout (Lev Gorodetskii) |
204 | |
79. | NicoV00 (Nicolás Valles) |
203 | |
80. | Pythonesa (Pythonesa) |
201 | |
81. | nandosobral03 (Fernando Sobral) |
199 | |
82. | ggMartinez (Gonzalo Martinez) |
193 | |
83. | mauricioszabo (Maurício Szabo) |
191 | |
84. | Fabrisdev (Fabri) |
188 | |
85. | andrewgigena (Andrew Gigena) |
185 | |
86. | Baraujo25 (Joaquin Araujo ) |
183 | |
87. | fernan2lopezkto (Juan Rey) |
182 | |
88. | daedalus (Darío Clavijo) |
177 | |
89. | Zailer43 () |
175 | |
90. | lalidiaz (Laura Diaz) |
174 | |
91. | natydasilva (Natalia da Silva) |
171 | |
92. | profeluisfagundez (Luis Eduardo Fagúndez) |
170 | |
93. | vandriodd (Luz Saavedra) |
170 | |
94. | AaronEGH16 (Aaron Gonzalez) |
169 | |
95. | SebastianBandera () |
168 | |
96. | darilrt (DarilRT) |
168 | |
97. | ZahiriNatZuke (Yohan González Almaguer) |
162 | |
98. | Johsua-123 (Johsua Hartwig) |
161 | |
99. | cristopherpds (Cristopher Paiva) |
160 | |
100. | mjsorribas (Maximiliano José Sorribas) |
159 | |
101. | emalopezperez (Emanuel Lopez) |
155 | |
102. | carlosplanchon (Carlos A. Planchón) |
155 | |
103. | faustom721 (Fausto Márquez) |
154 | |
104. | matismasters (Matis) |
153 | |
105. | lucasloisp (Lucas Lois) |
150 | |
106. | gabitoju (Juan Gabito) |
150 | |
107. | httpdss (Kenneth Belitzky) |
147 | |
108. | htejera (oh!) |
145 | |
109. | guillermoap (Guillermo Aguirre) |
145 | |
110. | Bautisc (Bautisc) |
142 | |
111. | MartaFagundez (Marta Fagúndez) |
142 | |
112. | SimonPintos8 (Simón Pintos) |
142 | |
113. | acabreragnz (Toni Cabrera) |
140 | |
114. | diegomura (Diego Muracciole) |
139 | |
115. | Melones5 (Alexis Joel Santos) |
139 | |
116. | grazianobolla (Graziano Bolla) |
136 | |
117. | rxavier (Rafael Xavier) |
136 | |
118. | jmoliugp (Juan Oliú) |
134 | |
119. | LautharoFerreyra (Lautharo) |
133 | |
120. | ppazos (Pablo Pazos Gutiérrez) |
133 | |
121. | hentype85 (Martin Leiro) |
132 | |
122. | camilavinik (Camila) |
131 | |
123. | SirFreddie (Rodrigo Luque) |
130 | |
124. | diegocurbelo (Diego Curbelo) |
129 | |
125. | juan-apa (Juan Aparicio) |
128 | |
126. | rodrigoi (Rodrigo Iloro) |
126 | |
127. | santib (Santiago Bartesaghi) |
125 | |
128. | nacho-pancho (Ignacio Francisco Ramírez Paulino) |
123 | |
129. | gamousquesORT (Gastón Mousqués) |
123 | |
130. | MachadoOtto (Jorge Machado) |
121 | |
131. | sncalvo (Santiago Calvo) |
119 | |
132. | letiesperon (Leti Esperón) |
119 | |
133. | PatricioNapoli (Pato) |
118 | |
134. | luisgabrielroldan (Gabriel Roldán) |
117 | |
135. | jotaemepereira (Juan Manuel Pereira) |
117 | |
136. | nramirezuy (Nicolás Ramírez) |
117 | |
137. | Shadowsx3 (Emma) |
115 | |
138. | gabrielaramburu (Gabriel Aramburu) |
114 | |
139. | franciscocobas (Francisco Cobas) |
114 | |
140. | MateoArbini (Mateo Arbini) |
114 | |
141. | gusaaaaa (Gusa) |
114 | |
142. | notsag-dev (Gastón Giménez) |
112 | |
143. | kiedanski (Diego Kiedanski) |
112 | |
144. | brainsaysno (Nicolás Russo) |
110 | |
145. | dbstratta (Diego Stratta) |
109 | |
146. | aboedo (Andy Boedo) |
109 | |
147. | nicodevs (Nico Devs) |
108 | |
148. | wolivera (Will) |
106 | |
149. | rabelenda () |
105 | |
150. | sborrazas (Sebastian Borrazas) |
105 | |
151. | josechifflet (Jose Pedro Chifflet) |
103 | |
152. | maurogoyeneche (Mauro Goyeneche) |
103 | |
153. | mochetts (Martin Mochetti) |
101 | |
154. | ferares (Fermín Ares) |
101 | |
155. | ismamz (Ismael Martínez) |
99 | |
156. | kobzevvv (VLADIMIR KOBZEV) |
98 | |
157. | SebaAguiar (Sebastian Aguiar) |
98 | |
158. | Matyrela (Matías Varela) |
97 | |
159. | BiancaMe (Bianca Lopez) |
93 | |
160. | Kiri-1 (Belen Jesus ) |
92 | |
161. | ideka (Gerardo Marset) |
91 | |
162. | n1colasf (Nicolas) |
90 | |
163. | feijoes (Pedro Calado Moura) |
89 | |
164. | LeticiaErrandonea (Leticia Errandonea Mattos) |
89 | |
165. | rperez89 (Rodrigo Perez) |
88 | |
166. | ivan-burgio (Iván Burgio) |
87 | |
167. | aferragu (Andres Ferragut) |
87 | |
168. | martinrodfl (Diego Martin Rodriguez) |
87 | |
169. | MartinLVila (Martin Vila) |
84 | |
170. | lfdominguez (Luis Felipe Dominguez Vega) |
83 | |
171. | emisilvacab (Emiliano Silva) |
83 | |
172. | rordeix (Rodrigo Ordeix) |
83 | |
173. | DiegoFleitas (Diego Fleitas) |
82 | |
174. | i5o (Ignacio Rodríguez) |
82 | |
175. | adriandleon (Adrian De León) |
81 | |
176. | dangra (Daniel Graña) |
81 | |
177. | tpiaggio (Tomas Piaggio) |
79 | |
178. | damianpajares (Juan Damián Pajares) |
78 | |
179. | erikfloresq (Erik Flores) |
77 | |
180. | xe-nvdk (Ignacio Van Droogenbroeck) |
77 | |
181. | vmsilvamolina (Victor Silva) |
76 | |
182. | Xentar111 (Carlos Matias) |
75 | |
183. | federicomontero86 (Federico Montero) |
75 | |
184. | tat1roliv (Tati Oliveira) |
74 | |
185. | Diego-Bonora () |
73 | |
186. | ignaciomosca (Ignacio Mosca) |
72 | |
187. | osvald0 (Osvaldo Colina) |
72 | |
188. | JesusAlbornoz29 (Alfredo J. Albornoz) |
71 | |
189. | spoturno (Tomás Spoturno) |
70 | |
190. | AgustinCoding (AgustinCode) |
70 | |
191. | FiorellaCrocco (Fiorella Crocco Grappiolo) |
69 | |
192. | pablovilas (Pablo Vilas) |
68 | |
193. | AVelazquez97 (Alexis Velázquez) |
68 | |
194. | gonzaloebiz (Gonzalo Dominguez) |
68 | |
195. | FedeZet (Federico Coelho) |
68 | |
196. | ferqueve (Fernando Quevedo) |
67 | |
197. | andresmarpz (Andrés Martínez) |
67 | |
198. | aguscorvo (Agustina Corvo) |
66 | |
199. | martinopertti (Martín Opertti) |
65 | |
200. | nacho-alesina05 (Ignacio Alesina ) |
65 | |
201. | martinLopez99 (Martin Lopez) |
65 | |
202. | Vicemi () |
64 | |
203. | h-kravs (Kravs) |
63 | |
204. | carlosaraque22 (Carlos Araque) |
63 | |
205. | nachalca (Ignacio Alvarez-Castro) |
63 | |
206. | joacod (Joaquin Diaz) |
61 | |
207. | aritsune (ari) |
60 | |
208. | yasniel1408 (Yasniel Fajardo Egues) |
59 | |
209. | agustints (Agustín Tornielli) |
59 | |
210. | jubar (Julio Barrios) |
59 | |
211. | mollerjorge (Jorge Moller) |
59 | |
212. | Korchea (Guillermo Vega) |
58 | |
213. | mforets (Marcelo Forets) |
58 | |
214. | gclaramunt (Gabriel Claramunt) |
57 | |
215. | lucaspintos909 (Lucas Pintos) |
57 | |
216. | martinduva (Martín D'Uva) |
57 | |
217. | AxiomaAbsurdo (Matias Mortara) |
57 | |
218. | Itaybre (Itay Brenner) |
56 | |
219. | Vaka217 (Gonzalo Cabaleiro) |
56 | |
220. | novadaemon (Jesús García) |
55 | |
221. | mateo-khalil (Mateo Khalil (Harry)) |
55 | |
222. | axel-lois (Axel Lois) |
54 | |
223. | santiago-salinas (Santiago Salinas) |
54 | |
224. | leopiney (Leonardo Piñeyro) |
54 | |
225. | mathiramilo (Mathias Ramilo) |
54 | |
226. | sebastianlujan (Sebastian) |
54 | |
227. | RodolfoDelgadoDev () |
53 | |
228. | Facundoblanco10 (Facu) |
52 | |
229. | sbarcelona11 (Sebastian Barcelona) |
52 | |
230. | LizzyFox-code () |
52 | |
231. | iSnakeBuzz (Martín) |
52 | |
232. | agustinateme (Agustina Teme) |
51 | |
233. | jpchavat (JP Chavat) |
50 | |
234. | fdiaz (Francisco Diaz) |
49 | |
235. | ernius (Ernesto Copello) |
47 | |
236. | raxelo (Lucas Goyeche) |
46 | |
237. | mrsln (Marsel Atniashev) |
45 | |
238. | lucasgio (Iosvany Alvarez) |
45 | |
239. | martinsolari (Martin Solari) |
44 | |
240. | carbotton (Majo) |
44 | |
241. | jumanbar (Juan Manuel Barreneche) |
44 | |
242. | mchirino89 (Mauricio Chirino) |
43 | |
243. | christianMiguez (Christian Mattias) |
43 | |
244. | pablo-riveiro-uy (Pablo Riveiro) |
43 | |
245. | paulapereda (Paula Pereda Suárez) |
43 | |
246. | bilby91 (Martín Fernández) |
43 | |
247. | wiredmatt (Mateo) |
43 | |
248. | javiber (javier) |
41 | |
249. | maxpiva (Maximo Piva) |
41 | |
250. | georginapuig (Georgina) |
40 | |
251. | wilmer2000 (Wilmer Blanco) |
40 | |
252. | rr69sport (Richard Ramírez) |
39 | |
253. | dertin (Guillermo Céspedes Tabárez) |
39 | |
254. | ismaelpadilla (Ismael Padilla) |
39 | |
255. | Vextil (Joaquín Cuitiño) |
38 | |
256. | sofiadecuadra (Sofía Decuadra) |
38 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | pentoai | 3 |
2. | flutter | 2 |
3. | mercadolibre | 2 |
4. | ucudal | 2 |
5. | pedidosya | 2 |
6. | wyeworks | 2 |
7. | gemserk | 1 |
8. | cinelartv | 1 |
9. | automattic | 1 |
10. | ibm | 1 |