A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Venezuela over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2024-11-19 21:07:07 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Venezuela')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 13725 total users in the region and you need at least 9 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/venezuela_private/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/venezuela_private/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/venezuela_private/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/venezuela_private/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | thevacs (Juan Rivas) |
7620 | |
2. | jlcarrascof (Javier Jesus Martínez Fariñas) |
5478 | |
3. | angel-rs (Angel Rodríguez) |
4618 | |
4. | josejmv (Jose Vasquez) |
4257 | |
5. | JesusJimenezG (Jesús Jiménez) |
4092 | |
6. | tommygonzaleza (Tomas Gonzalez) |
3971 | |
7. | NeftaliYagua (Neftalí Yagua) |
3924 | |
8. | andlicon (Andrés Zabala) |
3573 | |
9. | mcljs (Michael Chacón) |
3211 | |
10. | rockcesar (César Cordero Rodríguez) |
3210 | |
11. | ecanquiz (Ernesto Canquiz) |
2944 | |
12. | ixcheldelsun (Ixchel García A. ) |
2927 | |
13. | guetteman (Luis Güette) |
2791 | |
14. | jtovarto (Johan Tovar) |
2699 | |
15. | play-station (Fulvio Farina Arboccò) |
2670 | |
16. | nardoayala (Bernardo Ayala) |
2588 | |
17. | jkauze (Jesus Kauze) |
2531 | |
18. | rsca7213 (Ricardo Salvatorelli) |
2461 | |
19. | gleamx (Jesus E Rodriguez V) |
2458 | |
20. | Dave136 (David Arenas) |
2446 | |
21. | pablom58 (Pablo Miguel) |
2407 | |
22. | jesusgraterol (Jesus Graterol) |
2278 | |
23. | rubengp99 (Ruben Garcia) |
2257 | |
24. | franciscoluna-28 (Francisco Luna) |
2257 | |
25. | angelmavare (Angel Mavare) |
2199 | |
26. | BioRazor (David Abreu) |
2185 | |
27. | almiavicas (Alvaro Avila) |
2005 | |
28. | Alexanderwags (William ) |
1974 | |
29. | EdwinBetanc0urt (Edwin Betancourt) |
1971 | |
30. | The-King-Destroy (ⁱᵃᵐ|𝔇ĕ𝐬†𝓻⊙γ𒆜) |
1970 | |
31. | DtxdF (DtxdF) |
1950 | |
32. | Samueru-sama (Samuel) |
1948 | |
33. | criptopreto (Rosmer Campos) |
1924 | |
34. | feute (Angel Gomez) |
1906 | |
35. | LucianoAngel (Angel Luciano) |
1898 | |
36. | LuisReyes98 (Luis Rogelio Reyes Hernández) |
1857 | |
37. | adolfojmnz (Adolfo Jimenez) |
1843 | |
38. | ZeusPod (ZeusPod) |
1814 | |
39. | elgeokareem (William Vegas) |
1797 | |
40. | josher8a (Joshua Hernandez) |
1792 | |
41. | anhurtadop (Anthony Hurtado) |
1782 | |
42. | orozCoding (Angel Orozco) |
1780 | |
43. | Hector1567XD (Feredev) |
1775 | |
44. | heliomar-pena (Heliomar Peña) |
1767 | |
45. | Delta27222 (Angel Hernandez) |
1713 | |
46. | bratik121 (Bryant ) |
1687 | |
47. | MrRedu (Eduardo) |
1687 | |
48. | williamscch (Williams Colmenares) |
1626 | |
49. | gpuglia (Gustavo Puglia) |
1624 | |
50. | Pancratzia (Laura Ortega) |
1621 | |
51. | danestves (Daniel Esteves) |
1619 | |
52. | jodaz (Jesus Ordosgoitty) |
1581 | |
53. | kikeztw (Carlos Puente) |
1516 | |
54. | JySa65 (Junior Sanchez) |
1509 | |
55. | gusaln (Gustavo López) |
1500 | |
56. | Wgil (Warao) |
1496 | |
57. | leomerida15 (Dimas Leopoldo Mérida Flores) |
1484 | |
58. | joseorono (José Miguel Oroño) |
1474 | |
59. | AnthonyDugarte (Anthony Dugarte) |
1455 | |
60. | gabitodev (Gabriel Garcia) |
1432 | |
61. | Rickhersd (Ricardo Sánchez) |
1394 | |
62. | ERosendo (Eduardo Rosendo) |
1393 | |
63. | isturiz (Mauricio Istúriz) |
1388 | |
64. | wilsenhc (Wilsen Hernández) |
1388 | |
65. | h2jose (Jose Hernandez) |
1386 | |
66. | zenx5 (Octavio Martinez) |
1380 | |
67. | Noralgorithm (Jose Andres) |
1372 | |
68. | aiuoe (rub3n) |
1353 | |
69. | CarlosArgelio (Carlos Argelio) |
1348 | |
70. | rpire (Rubén D. Pire) |
1344 | |
71. | zerontec (Leoberto Zeron) |
1332 | |
72. | alessandrovaru (Alessandro Varuzza) |
1298 | |
73. | Xeuz27 (Jesus Alejandro Gutierrez Guevara) |
1286 | |
74. | gabrieelgomez (Gabriel Gómez) |
1245 | |
75. | carrasquel () |
1226 | |
76. | LuisAlejandro (Luis Alejandro) |
1225 | |
77. | EdinsonRequena (Edinson Requena) |
1195 | |
78. | Ruthmy (Ruth Abreu) |
1192 | |
79. | Jesusm1229 (Jesus Eduardo Medina Gallo) |
1180 | |
80. | aaramirez (Alexander A. Ramírez M.) |
1172 | |
81. | SantiiRepair (Santiago Ramirez) |
1150 | |
82. | maximosojo (Máximo Sojo) |
1149 | |
83. | henrriusdev (Henrry Bourgeot) |
1135 | |
84. | ShonnyAIO (Jonathan Torres) |
1131 | |
85. | Cariea (Carmelo Naim) |
1130 | |
86. | mariajgrimaldi (Maria Grimaldi) |
1116 | |
87. | map0logo (Francisco Palm) |
1115 | |
88. | Rahisbel (Rahisbel Herrera) |
1099 | |
89. | ArthurTorres75 (Arthur Torres) |
1098 | |
90. | wilmeragsgh (Wil) |
1089 | |
91. | jurdanetac (Juan Urdaneta) |
1084 | |
92. | cabrerahector (Héctor Cabrera) |
1082 | |
93. | AnnyChacon (Anny Chacón) |
1061 | |
94. | NTBBloodbath (Alejandro) |
1054 | |
95. | albertogg (Alberto Grespan) |
1053 | |
96. | cgmark101 (Marcos Yeguez) |
1052 | |
97. | lehafari (Alejandro) |
1044 | |
98. | Zoomelectrico (Jose Roberto Quevedo Gabizon) |
1042 | |
99. | DiegoEfu (Diego Faria) |
1034 | |
100. | Yeraldi29 (Yeraldi Mujica) |
1033 | |
101. | AlejandroJRosas (Alejandro Rosas) |
1024 | |
102. | edwinvrgs (Edwin Vargas) |
1024 | |
103. | decode9 (Jorge Bastidas) |
1015 | |
104. | Paraguanads (Eliécer R. Hernández F.) |
1014 | |
105. | joerod1 (José Angel Rodríguez) |
1013 | |
106. | romanrguez192 (Román Rodríguez) |
1004 | |
107. | yotkadata (Jan Kühn) |
996 | |
108. | FranLMSP (Franco) |
993 | |
109. | frako23 (Francisco Orozco) |
972 | |
110. | levelasquez (Leonardo Velasquez) |
972 | |
111. | carlo697 (Carlos Peña) |
957 | |
112. | ekisler (Emisael Kisler) |
939 | |
113. | josuesan (Josue Sanchez) |
936 | |
114. | gutoccs (Gustavo Escobar Cobos) |
933 | |
115. | fadrian06 (fadrian06) |
916 | |
116. | joseconejoo (Olwer Altuve) |
908 | |
117. | phanorcoll (Phanor Coll) |
903 | |
118. | brayanesteves (Brayan Esteves) |
898 | |
119. | gonzalezlrjesus (Jesús R. González L.) |
892 | |
120. | DaikoneKisu (Daikone) |
882 | |
121. | perezperret (Santiago Perez) |
881 | |
122. | samu939 (Samuel Alonso) |
874 | |
123. | ThePhoenixBird (ThePhoenixBird) |
854 | |
124. | mdapena (Manuel Da Pena) |
849 | |
125. | josealvaradoo (Jose Alvarado) |
846 | |
126. | ralvarezdev (Ramón Álvarez) |
842 | |
127. | rootspyro (root@spyro:~#) |
830 | |
128. | ddla12 (David Linarez) |
821 | |
129. | cuevasrja (Juan Andrés Cuevas) |
816 | |
130. | marianoeramirez (Mariano ramirez) |
812 | |
131. | alicedev94 (Dilan Marcano) |
808 | |
132. | Douglas571 (Douglas Socorro) |
807 | |
133. | jsantanders (Jesus Santander) |
803 | |
134. | juanevillam (Juan Villa) |
802 | |
135. | davecast (David Castillo) |
799 | |
136. | ocurieles (Orlando Curieles) |
780 | |
137. | leninnava (Lenin A. Nava) |
775 | |
138. | yamelsenih (Yamel Senih) |
769 | |
139. | DanielGeek (Daniel Ángel Barreto) |
748 | |
140. | fernandogprieto (Fernando G. Prieto) |
741 | |
141. | cdfornari (Carlos Fornari) |
739 | |
142. | gaboroa14 (Gabriel Roa) |
733 | |
143. | anyelopetit (Anyelo Petit) |
732 | |
144. | gabrielgalati24 (Gabriel) |
726 | |
145. | yolitzr (Yolit Zacarías) |
723 | |
146. | CADSV (Carlos Doffiny S-V) |
720 | |
147. | barbozadiego (Diego Barboza) |
719 | |
148. | elib0 (Eli j. Chavez) |
718 | |
149. | HopeAero (Emmanuel Salcedo) |
717 | |
150. | hendridg (Hendrid Gonzalez) |
717 | |
151. | Leandro-Larrea (Leandro) |
709 | |
152. | javierd79 (Javier Diaz) |
705 | |
153. | DarwinLozada (Darwin Lozada) |
680 | |
154. | justcarlux (JustCarluX) |
674 | |
155. | cesarodriguez4 (Cesar Jr Rodriguez) |
670 | |
156. | JoSantana0005 (Jose Santana) |
669 | |
157. | franjorub (Francisco Rubial) |
662 | |
158. | ahn-nath (Nathaly Toledo) |
649 | |
159. | AdolfoChS97 (Adolfo Chafardett) |
647 | |
160. | maucoderGit (Mauricio Gonzalez Falcon) |
645 | |
161. | krysal (Krystle Salazar) |
640 | |
162. | thecil (thecil) |
634 | |
163. | Alex99y (Alex Yammine) |
633 | |
164. | rjalvarez27 (Raúl Alvarez ) |
633 | |
165. | andres15alvarez (Andres Alvarez) |
631 | |
166. | Michael-Liendo (Michael Liendo) |
627 | |
167. | cesarleaz (César Gabriel Leañez) |
614 | |
168. | Arch-Noize (Noize (or Salt)) |
612 | |
169. | mardous (Christian Martínez A.) |
610 | |
170. | th3alexdev (Alexander Pérez) |
609 | |
171. | marcoah (Marco Hernandez) |
607 | |
172. | jochdev (José Heredia) |
600 | |
173. | rawr-code (RawrCode) |
595 | |
174. | quiKieSamus (Rubén ) |
593 | |
175. | JChiquin (Jorge Chiquín Valderrama) |
586 | |
176. | luislandaetam (Luis Landaeta) |
581 | |
177. | jlbousing (Jorge Bou-saad) |
579 | |
178. | diegog-ux10 (Diego Granados) |
560 | |
179. | moniquitatxt (Mónica Cuaulma) |
555 | |
180. | Duccem (Jose Manuel Veliz) |
554 | |
181. | rodolfomayora (Rodolfo Mayora Pereda) |
553 | |
182. | InfVlad (Vladimir Infante) |
551 | |
183. | itsronalds (Ronald Abu Saleh) |
551 | |
184. | josera21 (Jose Camacaro) |
548 | |
185. | Pkcarreno (Pedro Carreño) |
547 | |
186. | AlexR1712 (Alexander J. Rodriguez D.) |
545 | |
187. | djmbdv (David José Márquez Batiz) |
542 | |
188. | joselatines (Jose Latines) |
537 | |
189. | Akrista (Jorge Thomas - Akrista) |
528 | |
190. | diangogav (Diango Gavidia) |
525 | |
191. | rega1237 (Rafael Guzman) |
525 | |
192. | yorlysoro (yorlysoro) |
521 | |
193. | ceap80 () |
520 | |
194. | Ing-Brayan-Martinez (Brayan Martinez) |
519 | |
195. | rotcax (Victor Caceres) |
509 | |
196. | sinfallas (Jesús Palencia) |
504 | |
197. | CableDorado2 (CD2) |
503 | |
198. | sebasvivas1 (Sebastian Vivas) |
490 | |
199. | antoniojh10 (Antonio Hernández) |
478 | |
200. | gantoreno (Gabriel Moreno) |
477 | |
201. | WarGuerrero (Edward Guerrero) |
474 | |
202. | mamcode (Manuel Alejandro) |
471 | |
203. | lautarovc (Lautaro Villalón) |
464 | |
204. | italovisconti (Italo Visconti) |
460 | |
205. | Rcontre360 (0xR360) |
458 | |
206. | Valgarite (Carlos Gutiérrez) |
455 | |
207. | Wiar8 (Sebastian Noguera) |
455 | |
208. | lalan21j (Luis Mata) |
454 | |
209. | newmanls (Newman Sánchez) |
453 | |
210. | Grimcall (Crøss) |
453 | |
211. | AlfredoVillegas (Alfredo Villegas) |
453 | |
212. | gbrlmrllo (Gabriel Morillo) |
444 | |
213. | Ezzz-dev (Alejandro Mujica) |
442 | |
214. | cesarbellob (Cesar Bello) |
435 | |
215. | wldrocha (Wladimir Rocha) |
426 | |
216. | ImMamey () |
424 | |
217. | Noheliajoeliana (Nohelia) |
424 | |
218. | MaEscalanteHe (Manuel Escalante) |
424 | |
219. | VENF (Víctor Naranjo) |
424 | |
220. | metalpoch (Keiber Urbila) |
420 | |
221. | Jdvd01 (Jose Velasquez) |
419 | |
222. | jordicuevas (Jordi Cuevas) |
416 | |
413 | |
224. | davidcedres (David Cedres) |
412 | |
225. | gaidygomez (gaidyjg) |
406 | |
226. | AndreDev385 (André Izarra) |
400 | |
227. | SirFrey (Moises Castellanos) |
399 | |
228. | daluisgarcia (Daniel Luis) |
399 | |
229. | VonHeikemen (Heiker) |
397 | |
230. | argenisosorio (Argenis Osorio) |
396 | |
231. | kenshimota (The Mot) |
396 | |
232. | alejandro0619 (Alejandro Lopez) |
394 | |
233. | carlosdlacoste (Carlos D'Lacoste) |
394 | |
234. | delfinbeta (Dayan Betancourt) |
388 | |
235. | fjsaez (Francisco José Sáez Soto) |
387 | |
236. | deimianvasquez (Deimian Vásquez) |
384 | |
237. | drfcozapata (Francisco Zapata) |
383 | |
238. | joelabreurojas (Joel Abreu Rojas) |
382 | |
239. | Khanos (Epilef Rodriguez) |
381 | |
240. | jefferson10147 (Jefferson Montilla ) |
378 | |
241. | jaleco8 (Jesus Leon) |
375 | |
242. | davidadc (David Delgado) |
374 | |
243. | Depredador-cloud (Depredador-cloud) |
363 | |
244. | albertiaedev (Alberto Hernández) |
363 | |
245. | ernestomedinam (Ernesto Medina) |
361 | |
246. | magajh (Maga Giorgianni) |
355 | |
247. | miguelpinero (Miguel Piñero) |
355 | |
248. | DiegoTineo (Diego Tineo) |
352 | |
249. | oteroweb (Jose Otero (Oteroweb)) |
345 | |
250. | mrigorir (Marco Parra) |
341 | |
251. | ArtuKILL (Arturo Lecuona) |
339 | |
252. | leandrogavidia (Leandro Gavidia Santamaria) |
338 | |
253. | gabrielelpidio (Gabriel De Andrade) |
337 | |
254. | darkusphantom (Luis Rodriguez) |
336 | |
255. | hostelix (Israel Lugo) |
336 | |
256. | juanert (Juan Rodriguez) |
332 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | rust-lang-ve | 3 |
2. | ps1115-skala | 2 |
3. | somossistemasca | 2 |
4. | mac-usb | 2 |
5. | firebaseve | 2 |
6. | pyve | 2 |
7. | ubuntuve | 2 |
8. | canaimagnulinux | 2 |
9. | fullstacklabs | 1 |
10. | set-point | 1 |