A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Brazil over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2024-12-05 00:23:57 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Brazil')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 437036 total users in the region and you need at least 206 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/brazil_private/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/brazil_private/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/brazil_private/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/brazil_private/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | FabianaCampanari (Fabiana 🚀 Campanari) |
34990 | |
2. | pinceladasdaweb (Pedro Rogério) |
23805 | |
3. | viniciuspatzer (Vinícius Patzer) |
9786 | |
4. | julioxavierr (Julio Xavier) |
8226 | |
5. | micalevisk (Micael Levi L. Cavalcante) |
7737 | |
6. | sibelius (Sibelius Seraphini) |
6941 | |
7. | caarlos0 (Carlos Alexandro Becker) |
6594 | |
8. | ocefpaf (Filipe) |
6496 | |
9. | tiagorlampert (Tiago Rodrigo Lampert) |
6423 | |
10. | noghartt (Guilherme) |
6030 | |
11. | daniloab (Danilo Assis) |
5311 | |
12. | guiireal (Guilherme França) |
5135 | |
13. | aridsm (Ariane Morelato) |
5112 | |
14. | gastaldi (George Gastaldi) |
5033 | |
15. | aew (Edward Wible) |
4976 | |
16. | vitormattos (Vitor Mattos) |
4775 | |
17. | fersilva16 (Fernando Silva) |
4722 | |
18. | osvaldokalvaitir (Osvaldo Kalvaitir Filho) |
4686 | |
19. | wbruno (William Bruno) |
4682 | |
20. | bush1D3v (Victor José Lopes Navarro) |
4525 | |
21. | nascjoao (João Nascimento) |
4524 | |
22. | jmonteiro (Julio Monteiro) |
4330 | |
23. | jjunior96 (Junior Alves) |
4149 | |
24. | EduardoJM (Eduardo Oliveira) |
4037 | |
25. | ViniciusDeep (Vinicius Mangueira) |
3857 | |
26. | gabrielbuzziv (Gabriel Buzzi Venturi) |
3755 | |
27. | Yagasaki7K (Anderson Marlon) |
3742 | |
28. | tonysm (Tony Messias) |
3694 | |
29. | thalef (Thiago Carvalho) |
3684 | |
30. | Dovyski (Fernando Bevilacqua) |
3637 | |
31. | devajmeireles (AJ) |
3610 | |
32. | joaogabriel-sg (João Gabriel) |
3609 | |
33. | felipemotarocha (Felipe Rocha) |
3594 | |
34. | joaomdmoura (João Moura) |
3577 | |
35. | beatrizmilz (Beatriz Milz) |
3423 | |
36. | EdiJunior88 (Edivaldo Junior) |
3407 | |
37. | GuilhermeSantos001 (GuilhermeSantos) |
3380 | |
38. | SamuelRocha91 (Samuel Rocha) |
3362 | |
39. | andrewsmedina (Andrews Medina) |
3193 | |
40. | vcapretz (Vitor Capretz) |
3147 | |
41. | lucioerlan (Erlan) |
3103 | |
42. | devzgabriel (Gabriel Silva) |
3087 | |
43. | AndersonDinizDev (Anderson Diniz) |
3079 | |
44. | alexnogueirasilva (Alex Nogueira) |
3058 | |
45. | patrickelectric (Patrick José Pereira) |
3040 | |
46. | diegopacheco (Diego Pacheco) |
3025 | |
47. | ricaun (Luiz Henrique Cassettari) |
3021 | |
48. | omariosouto (Mario Souto) |
3002 | |
49. | felipecastrosales (Felipe Sales) |
2986 | |
50. | joaom00 (João Pedro Magalhães) |
2973 | |
51. | lklima (Lucas Lima) |
2963 | |
52. | mateusfg7 (Mateus Felipe Gonçalves) |
2916 | |
53. | filipenevola (Filipe Névola) |
2886 | |
54. | Malabarba (Artur Malabarba) |
2881 | |
55. | lucasfcosta (Lucas da Costa) |
2852 | |
56. | maateusilva (Mateus Silva) |
2841 | |
57. | joaopauloaramuni (João Paulo Aramuni) |
2833 | |
58. | igorescodro (Igor Escodro) |
2812 | |
59. | sombriks (Leonardo Silveira) |
2801 | |
60. | tomast1337 (Nicolas Vyčas Nery ) |
2798 | |
61. | EloyMuniz (Eloy) |
2778 | |
62. | KennedyTedesco (Kennedy Tedesco) |
2778 | |
63. | vininjr (Marcus Vinicius) |
2763 | |
64. | larissadcew (Larissa Barcellos Ferreira) |
2762 | |
65. | Gutoneitzke (Gustavo Neitzke) |
2758 | |
66. | rafaeldelboni (Rafael Delboni) |
2745 | |
67. | Lorenalgm (Lorena GM) |
2693 | |
68. | jansenfelipe (Jansen Felipe) |
2680 | |
69. | zanfranceschi (Francisco Zanfranceschi) |
2663 | |
70. | dukex (Duke) |
2652 | |
71. | insidegui (Guilherme Rambo) |
2601 | |
72. | Devsgeeknerd (Paulo Vanderley) |
2580 | |
73. | joaovictornsv (João Victor Negreiros) |
2569 | |
74. | joaohcrangel (João Rangel) |
2564 | |
75. | juliohm (Júlio Hoffimann) |
2563 | |
76. | movibe (Willian Ribeiro Angelo) |
2548 | |
77. | saade (Guilherme Saade) |
2540 | |
78. | ericdallo (Eric Dallo) |
2526 | |
79. | erickzanardo (Erick) |
2520 | |
80. | danielgatis (Daniel Gatis) |
2520 | |
81. | lucasmazza (Lucas Mazza) |
2511 | |
82. | andersao (Anderson Andrade) |
2490 | |
83. | GBDev13 (Gabriel Borges) |
2485 | |
84. | leonardomso (Leonardo Maldonado) |
2484 | |
85. | dersonsena (Kilderson Sena) |
2456 | |
86. | guilatrova (Guilherme Latrova) |
2435 | |
87. | gabrieldejesus (Gabriel de Jesus) |
2433 | |
88. | danielfm (Daniel Martins) |
2400 | |
89. | bltavares (Bruno Tavares) |
2397 | |
90. | fgrehm (Fabio) |
2393 | |
91. | zanotta (Rodrigo Zanotta) |
2387 | |
92. | villares (Alexandre B A Villares) |
2379 | |
93. | CristianoRC (Cristiano Raffi Cunha) |
2360 | |
94. | andreynering (Andrey Nering) |
2316 | |
95. | anthonyleier (Anthony Cruz) |
2306 | |
96. | ChristoPy (Christopher Ribeiro) |
2288 | |
97. | lucasfernog (Lucas Fernandes Nogueira) |
2269 | |
98. | bdlukaa (Bruno D'Luka) |
2264 | |
99. | TiagoGouvea (Tiago Gouvêa) |
2260 | |
100. | pu2clr (Ricardo Lima Caratti) |
2238 | |
101. | nicholasess (Nicholas Eduardo) |
2232 | |
102. | RafaelGSS (Rafael Gonzaga) |
2195 | |
103. | fdaciuk (Fernando Daciuk) |
2185 | |
104. | lazaronixon (Lázaro Nixon) |
2176 | |
105. | ericof (Érico Andrei) |
2132 | |
106. | vitorfs (Vitor Freitas) |
2120 | |
107. | Kayke-Fujinaka (Kayke Alves Fujinaka) |
2068 | |
108. | SpruceGabriela (Gabriela Pinheiro) |
2056 | |
109. | vhfmag (Victor Magalhães) |
2055 | |
110. | rafa-thayto (Rafael Thayto) |
2051 | |
111. | gabrieldonadel (Gabriel Donadel Dall'Agnol) |
2035 | |
112. | reu (Rodrigo Navarro) |
2034 | |
113. | arthurfiorette (Arthur Fiorette) |
2028 | |
114. | adeonir (Adeonir Kohl) |
2014 | |
115. | cezarsa (Cezar Sá Espinola) |
2010 | |
116. | tgmarinho (Thiago Marinho) |
2006 | |
117. | avrcoelho (André Coelho) |
2002 | |
118. | pedrobergamini (Pedro Bergamini) |
2000 | |
119. | wilcorrea (William Correa) |
1989 | |
120. | AlexGalhardo (Alex Galhardo) |
1978 | |
121. | laryssamagalhaes (Laryssa Magalhães) |
1973 | |
122. | manoelcampos (Manoel Campos) |
1963 | |
123. | suissa (Jean Carlo Nascimento) |
1960 | |
124. | ImGabreuw (Gabriel Geronazzo) |
1959 | |
125. | Ruan-Portella (Ruan Portella) |
1956 | |
126. | matheusfrancisco (Matheus Francisco) |
1953 | |
127. | iaurg (Italo A.) |
1953 | |
128. | larien (Lauren Ferreira) |
1949 | |
129. | georgeguimaraes (George Guimarães) |
1943 | |
130. | peguimasid (Guilhermo Masid) |
1936 | |
131. | kauemurakami (Kauê Murakami) |
1934 | |
132. | mstuttgart (Michell Stuttgart) |
1917 | |
133. | Wellers0n (Wellerson) |
1907 | |
134. | fcosta-dev (Fernando Costa) |
1903 | |
135. | vmesel (Vinicius Mesel) |
1896 | |
136. | biantris (Beatriz Oliveira) |
1892 | |
137. | jgcmarins (João Marins) |
1881 | |
138. | tuliofaria (Tulio Faria) |
1871 | |
139. | Misterio77 (Gabriel Fontes) |
1852 | |
140. | victorvoid (Victor Igor) |
1845 | |
141. | vinniciusgomes (Vinnicius Gomes) |
1825 | |
142. | avelino (Avelino) |
1821 | |
143. | claudiosanches (Claudio Sanches) |
1811 | |
144. | vedovelli (Fábio Vedovelli) |
1810 | |
145. | jairhenrique (Jair Henrique) |
1805 | |
146. | LauraBeatris (Laura Beatris) |
1799 | |
147. | heynemann (Bernardo Heynemann) |
1796 | |
148. | danilovaz (Danilo Vaz) |
1796 | |
149. | lubien (Lubien) |
1785 | |
150. | gabriel-hahn (Gabriel Hahn Schaeffer) |
1774 | |
151. | IzaacBaptista (Izaac Baptista) |
1768 | |
152. | leocavalcante (Leo Cavalcante) |
1760 | |
153. | mateuschaves (Mateus Henrique) |
1744 | |
154. | eemr3 (Emerson Moreira) |
1740 | |
155. | felipefialho (Felipe Fialho) |
1738 | |
156. | vinicius73 (Vinicius Reis) |
1734 | |
157. | ErickPetru (Erick Eduardo Petrucelli) |
1728 | |
158. | mazulo (Patrick Mazulo) |
1719 | |
159. | icarojobs (Tio Jobs) |
1685 | |
160. | PedroHLC (Pedro Lara Campos) |
1682 | |
161. | PotHix (PotHix) |
1677 | |
162. | evaporei (Eva Pace) |
1674 | |
163. | TiuTalk (Thiago Belem) |
1671 | |
164. | alfakini (Alan R. Fachini) |
1666 | |
165. | comigor (Igor Borges) |
1651 | |
166. | ellisonleao (Ellison) |
1650 | |
167. | 0xb0b1 (Paulo Vicente) |
1645 | |
168. | marcosvcorsi (Marcos Vinicius Corsi) |
1642 | |
169. | thiagorider (Thiago Rider Augusto) |
1640 | |
170. | evertramos (Evert R.) |
1640 | |
171. | Nick-Gabe (Nícolas Gabriel) |
1623 | |
172. | lvgalvao (Luciano Filho) |
1611 | |
173. | robertotcestari (Roberto Cestari) |
1595 | |
174. | IgorHalfeld (Igor Luiz Halfeld) |
1595 | |
175. | jacksonpires (Jackson Pires) |
1586 | |
176. | kelvins (Kelvin S. do Prado) |
1581 | |
177. | MrPowerGamerBR (MrPowerGamerBR) |
1570 | |
178. | Amad3eu (Luiz Felipe Warmling Amadeu) |
1558 | |
179. | luizstacio (Luiz Estácio | stacio.eth) |
1557 | |
180. | hugooliveirad (Hugo de Oliveira) |
1550 | |
181. | keppelen (Giovanni keppelen) |
1545 | |
182. | J-Keven (Jhonnas Keven) |
1536 | |
183. | Marcos9868 (Marcos Melo Ferreira) |
1535 | |
184. | diogojhony (Jhony) |
1529 | |
185. | Pixelikas (Lucas Naspolini) |
1505 | |
186. | julianapedroso (Juliana Pedroso) |
1502 | |
187. | allisson (Allisson Azevedo) |
1501 | |
188. | dleitee (Daniel Leite de Oliveira) |
1498 | |
189. | crgimenes (Cesar Gimenes) |
1496 | |
190. | coreh (Marco Buono) |
1494 | |
191. | markhc (Marcelo Conceição) |
1490 | |
192. | tiago-aguiar (Tiago Aguiar) |
1483 | |
193. | Grubba27 (Gabriel Grubba) |
1482 | |
194. | barbaracalderon (Barbara Calderon) |
1476 | |
195. | porres (porres) |
1476 | |
196. | daltonmenezes (Dalton Menezes) |
1475 | |
197. | GuilhermeSenna (Guilherme Senna Cruz) |
1468 | |
198. | zoedsoupe (zoeyrinha) |
1457 | |
199. | anajulialeite (Ana Júlia Leite) |
1455 | |
200. | fjsj (Flávio Juvenal) |
1453 | |
201. | viniciusdacal (Vinicius Dacal) |
1447 | |
202. | breakzplatform (Joselito) |
1442 | |
203. | renatorib (Renato Ribeiro) |
1436 | |
204. | ribeiroevandro (Evandro Ribeiro) |
1425 | |
205. | lucasferreira (Lucas Ferreira) |
1418 | |
206. | juanplopes (Juan Lopes) |
1410 | |
207. | jpedroschmitz (João Pedro Schmitz) |
1410 | |
208. | RafaelGoulartB (RafaelGoulart) |
1391 | |
209. | JuanBindez (Juan Bindez) |
1383 | |
210. | otavio (Otavio Salvador) |
1380 | |
211. | diego3g (Diego Fernandes) |
1363 | |
212. | dunossauro (Eduardo Mendes) |
1360 | |
213. | jakeliny (Jakeliny Gracielly) |
1347 | |
214. | diaspd (Pedro Dias ) |
1346 | |
215. | DiegoVictor (Diego Victor) |
1339 | |
216. | jhonataT (Jhonata Tenório) |
1338 | |
217. | danielweinmann (Daniel Weinmann) |
1336 | |
218. | MrsRina (Rina) |
1334 | |
219. | DevSouza (Andre Souza) |
1332 | |
220. | CauanDZN (Cauan Victor) |
1325 | |
221. | 4lessandrodev (Alessandro dev.) |
1325 | |
222. | danielBRTanimacao (Daniel Tenório) |
1322 | |
223. | gomex (Rafael Gomes) |
1320 | |
224. | eduardo-mior (Eduardo Mior) |
1318 | |
225. | Kecbm (Klecianny Melo) |
1315 | |
226. | Cassianosch (Cassiano Scheidemantel) |
1314 | |
227. | bugarela (Gabriela Moreira) |
1310 | |
228. | adrielcafe (Adriel Café) |
1306 | |
229. | klzns (Breno Calazans) |
1303 | |
230. | thiagopac (Thiago Pires) |
1303 | |
231. | pedronauck (Pedro Nauck) |
1294 | |
232. | r3nanp (Renan Pereira) |
1280 | |
233. | mauriciomutte (Maurício Mutte) |
1280 | |
234. | danieldsf (Daniel Farias) |
1275 | |
235. | luizbatanero (Luiz Batanero) |
1270 | |
236. | pantuza (Gustavo Pantuza) |
1268 | |
237. | VictorTaelin (Victor Taelin) |
1265 | |
238. | brenopolanski (Breno Polanski) |
1263 | |
239. | paulofaria (Paulo Faria) |
1258 | |
240. | lucasteles (Lucas Teles ) |
1255 | |
241. | canove (Cassio Santos) |
1250 | |
242. | josepholiveira (Joseph Oliveira) |
1244 | |
243. | alessandrofeitoza (Alessandro Feitoza) |
1243 | |
244. | OtacilioN (Otacilio Maia) |
1240 | |
245. | renatogroffe (Renato Groffe) |
1239 | |
246. | danielbergholz (Daniel Bergholz) |
1235 | |
247. | yamadapc (Pedro Tacla Yamada) |
1217 | |
248. | williamkoller (William Koller) |
1215 | |
249. | biancarosa (bianca rosa) |
1213 | |
250. | melissawm (Melissa Weber Mendonça) |
1209 | |
251. | nicoddemus (Bruno Oliveira) |
1208 | |
252. | laisfrigerio (Lais Frigério) |
1207 | |
253. | fccoelho (Flávio Codeço Coelho) |
1199 | |
254. | nurycaroline (Nurielly Caroline Brizola) |
1197 | |
255. | paulosalvatore (Paulo Salvatore) |
1197 | |
256. | pedrocava (Pedro Cavalcante Oliveira) |
1194 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | nubank | 9 |
2. | react-brasil | 5 |
3. | getomni | 5 |
4. | rocketseat | 5 |
5. | nixos | 4 |
6. | grupoboticario | 4 |
7. | vuejs-br | 4 |
8. | opencodeco | 3 |
9. | doximity | 3 |
10. | rocketseat-education | 3 |