A list of the most active GitHub users

Most active GitHub users in Brazil

This is a list of most active GitHub users in Brazil over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here. This list was generated at 2024-11-30 00:18:44 +0000 and machine-readable JSON is available for:

This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):

           .filter(_.location == 'Brazil') 

This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 437006 total users in the region and you need at least 279 followers to be on this list.

Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:

[![ badge](](
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![ badge](](
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.

Rank User Contribs Picture
1. FabianaCampanari
(Fabiana 🚀 Campanari)
35349 Avatar for FabianaCampanari
2. pinceladasdaweb
(Pedro Rogério)
24043 Avatar for pinceladasdaweb
3. julioxavierr
(Julio Xavier)
8351 Avatar for julioxavierr
4. micalevisk
(Micael Levi L. Cavalcante)
7844 Avatar for micalevisk
5. sibelius
(Sibelius Seraphini)
7020 Avatar for sibelius
6. caarlos0
(Carlos Alexandro Becker)
6676 Avatar for caarlos0
7. tiagorlampert
(Tiago Rodrigo Lampert)
6454 Avatar for tiagorlampert
8. ocefpaf
6335 Avatar for ocefpaf
9. noghartt
6150 Avatar for noghartt
10. daniloab
(Danilo Assis)
5440 Avatar for daniloab
11. gastaldi
(George Gastaldi)
5241 Avatar for gastaldi
12. guiireal
(Guilherme França)
5097 Avatar for guiireal
13. aew
(Edward Wible)
5030 Avatar for aew
14. vitormattos
(Vitor Mattos)
4686 Avatar for vitormattos
15. wbruno
(William Bruno)
4683 Avatar for wbruno
16. osvaldokalvaitir
(Osvaldo Kalvaitir Filho)
4597 Avatar for osvaldokalvaitir
17. bush1D3v
(Victor José Lopes Navarro)
4552 Avatar for bush1D3v
18. jjunior96
(Junior Alves)
4182 Avatar for jjunior96
19. EduardoJM
(Eduardo Oliveira)
4053 Avatar for EduardoJM
20. gabrielbuzziv
(Gabriel Buzzi Venturi)
3895 Avatar for gabrielbuzziv
21. tonysm
(Tony Messias)
3748 Avatar for tonysm
22. Dovyski
(Fernando Bevilacqua)
3687 Avatar for Dovyski
23. beatrizmilz
(Beatriz Milz)
3589 Avatar for beatrizmilz
24. felipemotarocha
(Felipe Rocha)
3576 Avatar for felipemotarocha
25. joaomdmoura
(João Moura)
3555 Avatar for joaomdmoura
26. larissadcew
(Larissa Barcellos Ferreira)
3553 Avatar for larissadcew
27. EdiJunior88
(Edivaldo Junior)
3455 Avatar for EdiJunior88
28. GuilhermeSantos001
3374 Avatar for GuilhermeSantos001
29. SamuelRocha91
(Samuel Rocha)
3301 Avatar for SamuelRocha91
30. andrewsmedina
(Andrews Medina)
3220 Avatar for andrewsmedina
31. lucioerlan
3145 Avatar for lucioerlan
32. patrickelectric
(Patrick José Pereira)
3114 Avatar for patrickelectric
33. alexnogueirasilva
(Alex Nogueira)
3071 Avatar for alexnogueirasilva
34. omariosouto
(Mario Souto)
3023 Avatar for omariosouto
35. felipecastrosales
(Felipe Sales)
3016 Avatar for felipecastrosales
36. diegopacheco
(Diego Pacheco)
2963 Avatar for diegopacheco
37. lklima
(Lucas Lima)
2941 Avatar for lklima
38. sombriks
(Leonardo Silveira)
2925 Avatar for sombriks
39. maateusilva
(Mateus Silva)
2912 Avatar for maateusilva
40. Malabarba
(Artur Malabarba)
2900 Avatar for Malabarba
41. lucasfcosta
(Lucas da Costa)
2855 Avatar for lucasfcosta
42. tomast1337
(Nicolas Vyčas Nery )
2803 Avatar for tomast1337
43. vininjr
(Marcus Vinicius)
2770 Avatar for vininjr
44. Gutoneitzke
(Gustavo Neitzke)
2767 Avatar for Gutoneitzke
45. joaopauloaramuni
(João Paulo Aramuni)
2714 Avatar for joaopauloaramuni
46. Lorenalgm
(Lorena GM)
2712 Avatar for Lorenalgm
47. juliohm
(Júlio Hoffimann)
2691 Avatar for juliohm
48. zanfranceschi
(Francisco Zanfranceschi)
2664 Avatar for zanfranceschi
49. insidegui
(Guilherme Rambo)
2602 Avatar for insidegui
50. Devsgeeknerd
(Paulo Vanderley)
2584 Avatar for Devsgeeknerd
51. joaohcrangel
(João Rangel)
2576 Avatar for joaohcrangel
52. erickzanardo
2562 Avatar for erickzanardo
53. joaovictornsv
(João Victor Negreiros)
2545 Avatar for joaovictornsv
54. ericdallo
(Eric Dallo)
2543 Avatar for ericdallo
55. jansenfelipe
(Jansen Felipe)
2525 Avatar for jansenfelipe
56. danielgatis
(Daniel Gatis)
2515 Avatar for danielgatis
57. leonardomso
(Leonardo Maldonado)
2504 Avatar for leonardomso
58. lucasmazza
(Lucas Mazza)
2503 Avatar for lucasmazza
59. dersonsena
(Kilderson Sena)
2503 Avatar for dersonsena
60. andersao
(Anderson Andrade)
2495 Avatar for andersao
61. danielfm
(Daniel Martins)
2448 Avatar for danielfm
62. fgrehm
2437 Avatar for fgrehm
63. villares
(Alexandre B A Villares)
2420 Avatar for villares
64. GBDev13
(Gabriel Borges)
2419 Avatar for GBDev13
65. gabrieldejesus
(Gabriel de Jesus)
2397 Avatar for gabrieldejesus
66. nicholasess
(Nicholas Eduardo)
2331 Avatar for nicholasess
67. ChristoPy
(Christopher Ribeiro)
2310 Avatar for ChristoPy
68. bdlukaa
(Bruno D'Luka)
2293 Avatar for bdlukaa
69. fdaciuk
(Fernando Daciuk)
2271 Avatar for fdaciuk
70. lucasfernog
(Lucas Fernandes Nogueira)
2263 Avatar for lucasfernog
71. RafaelGSS
(Rafael Gonzaga)
2194 Avatar for RafaelGSS
72. Ruan-Portella
(Ruan Portella)
2170 Avatar for Ruan-Portella
73. vitorfs
(Vitor Freitas)
2110 Avatar for vitorfs
74. Kayke-Fujinaka
(Kayke Alves Fujinaka)
2052 Avatar for Kayke-Fujinaka
75. SpruceGabriela
(Gabriela Pinheiro)
2047 Avatar for SpruceGabriela
76. reu
(Rodrigo Navarro)
2033 Avatar for reu
77. AlexGalhardo
(Alex Galhardo)
2012 Avatar for AlexGalhardo
78. arthurfiorette
(Arthur Fiorette)
2003 Avatar for arthurfiorette
79. pedrobergamini
(Pedro Bergamini)
1985 Avatar for pedrobergamini
80. iaurg
(Italo A.)
1983 Avatar for iaurg
81. avrcoelho
(André Coelho)
1976 Avatar for avrcoelho
82. wilcorrea
(William Correa)
1972 Avatar for wilcorrea
83. ImGabreuw
(Gabriel Geronazzo)
1967 Avatar for ImGabreuw
84. larien
(Lauren Ferreira)
1963 Avatar for larien
85. manoelcampos
(Manoel Campos)
1962 Avatar for manoelcampos
86. suissa
(Jean Carlo Nascimento)
1958 Avatar for suissa
87. georgeguimaraes
(George Guimarães)
1956 Avatar for georgeguimaraes
88. tgmarinho
(Thiago Marinho)
1953 Avatar for tgmarinho
89. fcosta-dev
(Fernando Costa)
1941 Avatar for fcosta-dev
90. biantris
(Beatriz Oliveira)
1939 Avatar for biantris
91. jgcmarins
(João Marins)
1921 Avatar for jgcmarins
92. vmesel
(Vinicius Mesel)
1910 Avatar for vmesel
93. Wellers0n
1896 Avatar for Wellers0n
94. tuliofaria
(Tulio Faria)
1880 Avatar for tuliofaria
95. victorvoid
(Victor Igor)
1856 Avatar for victorvoid
96. avelino
1831 Avatar for avelino
97. vedovelli
(Fábio Vedovelli)
1822 Avatar for vedovelli
98. heynemann
(Bernardo Heynemann)
1820 Avatar for heynemann
99. vinniciusgomes
(Vinnicius Gomes)
1817 Avatar for vinniciusgomes
100. LauraBeatris
(Laura Beatris)
1815 Avatar for LauraBeatris
101. Misterio77
(Gabriel Fontes)
1814 Avatar for Misterio77
102. claudiosanches
(Claudio Sanches)
1813 Avatar for claudiosanches
103. lubien
1780 Avatar for lubien
104. eemr3
(Emerson Moreira)
1777 Avatar for eemr3
105. danilovaz
(Danilo Vaz)
1776 Avatar for danilovaz
106. mateuschaves
(Mateus Henrique)
1764 Avatar for mateuschaves
107. IzaacBaptista
(Izaac Baptista)
1754 Avatar for IzaacBaptista
108. felipefialho
(Felipe Fialho)
1753 Avatar for felipefialho
109. vinicius73
(Vinicius Reis)
1738 Avatar for vinicius73
110. evaporei
(Eva Pace)
1737 Avatar for evaporei
111. leocavalcante
(Leo Cavalcante)
1734 Avatar for leocavalcante
112. icarojobs
(Tio Jobs)
1691 Avatar for icarojobs
113. TiuTalk
(Thiago Belem)
1677 Avatar for TiuTalk
114. Marcos9868
(Marcos Melo Ferreira)
1672 Avatar for Marcos9868
115. PotHix
1671 Avatar for PotHix
116. 0xb0b1
(Paulo Vicente)
1644 Avatar for 0xb0b1
117. ellisonleao
1641 Avatar for ellisonleao
118. kelvins
(Kelvin S. do Prado)
1641 Avatar for kelvins
119. lvgalvao
(Luciano Filho)
1639 Avatar for lvgalvao
120. Nick-Gabe
(Nícolas Gabriel)
1620 Avatar for Nick-Gabe
121. IgorHalfeld
(Igor Luiz Halfeld)
1596 Avatar for IgorHalfeld
122. MrPowerGamerBR
1591 Avatar for MrPowerGamerBR
123. jacksonpires
(Jackson Pires)
1590 Avatar for jacksonpires
124. crgimenes
(Cesar Gimenes)
1573 Avatar for crgimenes
125. hugooliveirad
(Hugo de Oliveira)
1545 Avatar for hugooliveirad
126. keppelen
(Giovanni keppelen)
1519 Avatar for keppelen
127. tiago-aguiar
(Tiago Aguiar)
1507 Avatar for tiago-aguiar
128. dleitee
(Daniel Leite de Oliveira)
1503 Avatar for dleitee
129. daltonmenezes
(Dalton Menezes)
1503 Avatar for daltonmenezes
130. allisson
(Allisson Azevedo)
1492 Avatar for allisson
131. coreh
(Marco Buono)
1483 Avatar for coreh
132. barbaracalderon
(Barbara Calderon)
1478 Avatar for barbaracalderon
133. zoedsoupe
1458 Avatar for zoedsoupe
134. viniciusdacal
(Vinicius Dacal)
1457 Avatar for viniciusdacal
135. anajulialeite
(Ana Júlia Leite)
1448 Avatar for anajulialeite
136. RafaelGoulartB
1443 Avatar for RafaelGoulartB
137. juanplopes
(Juan Lopes)
1424 Avatar for juanplopes
138. renatorib
(Renato Ribeiro)
1416 Avatar for renatorib
139. breakzplatform
1414 Avatar for breakzplatform
140. otavio
(Otavio Salvador)
1410 Avatar for otavio
141. dunossauro
(Eduardo Mendes)
1402 Avatar for dunossauro
142. jpedroschmitz
(João Pedro Schmitz)
1385 Avatar for jpedroschmitz
143. JuanBindez
(Juan Bindez)
1379 Avatar for JuanBindez
144. thiagopac
(Thiago Pires)
1372 Avatar for thiagopac
145. jakeliny
(Jakeliny Gracielly)
1366 Avatar for jakeliny
146. DiegoVictor
(Diego Victor)
1363 Avatar for DiegoVictor
147. diego3g
(Diego Fernandes)
1350 Avatar for diego3g
148. diaspd
(Pedro Dias )
1343 Avatar for diaspd
149. MrsRina
1341 Avatar for MrsRina
150. CauanDZN
(Cauan Victor)
1339 Avatar for CauanDZN
151. eduardo-mior
(Eduardo Mior)
1332 Avatar for eduardo-mior
152. r3nanp
(Renan Pereira)
1332 Avatar for r3nanp
153. bugarela
(Gabriela Moreira)
1330 Avatar for bugarela
154. josepholiveira
(Joseph Oliveira)
1328 Avatar for josepholiveira
155. luizbatanero
(Luiz Batanero)
1326 Avatar for luizbatanero
156. brenopolanski
(Breno Polanski)
1309 Avatar for brenopolanski
157. adrielcafe
(Adriel Café)
1297 Avatar for adrielcafe
158. gomex
(Rafael Gomes)
1296 Avatar for gomex
159. danieldsf
(Daniel Farias)
1281 Avatar for danieldsf
160. pantuza
(Gustavo Pantuza)
1279 Avatar for pantuza
161. jhonataT
(Jhonata Tenório)
1275 Avatar for jhonataT
162. VictorTaelin
(Victor Taelin)
1260 Avatar for VictorTaelin
163. Cassianosch
(Cassiano Scheidemantel)
1259 Avatar for Cassianosch
164. OtacilioN
(Otacilio Maia)
1257 Avatar for OtacilioN
165. paulofaria
(Paulo Faria)
1250 Avatar for paulofaria
166. renatogroffe
(Renato Groffe)
1248 Avatar for renatogroffe
167. williamkoller
(William Koller)
1247 Avatar for williamkoller
168. pedronauck
(Pedro Nauck)
1246 Avatar for pedronauck
169. danielbergholz
(Daniel Bergholz)
1245 Avatar for danielbergholz
170. canove
(Cassio Santos)
1242 Avatar for canove
171. yamadapc
(Pedro Tacla Yamada)
1234 Avatar for yamadapc
172. alessandrofeitoza
(Alessandro Feitoza)
1230 Avatar for alessandrofeitoza
173. biancarosa
(bianca rosa)
1230 Avatar for biancarosa
174. melissawm
(Melissa Weber Mendonça)
1228 Avatar for melissawm
175. felipe-augusto
(Felipe Augusto)
1226 Avatar for felipe-augusto
176. fccoelho
(Flávio Codeço Coelho)
1224 Avatar for fccoelho
177. lesimoes
(Leandro Simões)
1219 Avatar for lesimoes
178. caironoleto
(Cairo Noleto)
1218 Avatar for caironoleto
179. pedrocava
(Pedro Cavalcante Oliveira)
1199 Avatar for pedrocava
180. paulosalvatore
(Paulo Salvatore)
1191 Avatar for paulosalvatore
181. laisfrigerio
(Lais Frigério)
1188 Avatar for laisfrigerio
182. birobirobiro
(João Inácio Neto)
1177 Avatar for birobirobiro
183. nicoddemus
(Bruno Oliveira)
1176 Avatar for nicoddemus
184. DanielHe4rt
(Daniel Reis)
1174 Avatar for DanielHe4rt
185. nathanssantos
(Nathan S. Santos)
1174 Avatar for nathanssantos
186. egermano
(Bruno Germano)
1170 Avatar for egermano
187. guzztavo2
(Gustavo Teles Bonifácio)
1169 Avatar for guzztavo2
188. cami-la
(Camila Cavalcante)
1163 Avatar for cami-la
189. alegauss
(Alê Oliveira)
1153 Avatar for alegauss
190. akinncar
(Akinn Rosa)
1149 Avatar for akinncar
191. cypherm0nk
1146 Avatar for cypherm0nk
192. mthbernardes
(Matheus Bernardes)
1146 Avatar for mthbernardes
193. thelinuxlich
(Alisson Cavalcante Agiani)
1145 Avatar for thelinuxlich
194. rodrigobranas
(Rodrigo Branas)
1129 Avatar for rodrigobranas
195. taq
(Eustáquio Rangel)
1128 Avatar for taq
196. zehfernandes
(Zeh Fernandes)
1128 Avatar for zehfernandes
197. lucianopf
(Luciano Pellacani Franca)
1126 Avatar for lucianopf
198. serradura
(Rodrigo Serradura)
1122 Avatar for serradura
199. matheusgr
(Matheus Gaudencio do Rêgo)
1120 Avatar for matheusgr
200. gilsondev
(Gilson Filho)
1113 Avatar for gilsondev
201. endel
(Endel Dreyer)
1113 Avatar for endel
202. vcampitelli
(Vinícius Campitelli)
1112 Avatar for vcampitelli
203. filipeximenes
(Filipe A Ximenes)
1111 Avatar for filipeximenes
204. roziscoding
1109 Avatar for roziscoding
205. eminetto
(Elton Minetto)
1108 Avatar for eminetto
206. rafaelq80
(Rafael Queiróz)
1108 Avatar for rafaelq80
207. Taimisson
(Taimisson C.)
1100 Avatar for Taimisson
1099 Avatar for ASPPIBRA
209. sergiokopplin
(Sérgio A. Kopplin)
1098 Avatar for sergiokopplin
210. ionixjunior
(Ione Souza Junior)
1093 Avatar for ionixjunior
211. dfalbel
(Daniel Falbel)
1079 Avatar for dfalbel
212. brunolemos
(Bruno Lemos)
1079 Avatar for brunolemos
213. dellamora
( Francielle Dellamora)
1073 Avatar for dellamora
214. argentinaluiz
(Luiz Carlos)
1073 Avatar for argentinaluiz
215. msfidelis
(Matheus Fidelis )
1073 Avatar for msfidelis
216. adolfont
(Adolfo Neto)
1069 Avatar for adolfont
217. aripiprazole
(gabrielle oliveira)
1060 Avatar for aripiprazole
218. viniciusfinger
(Vinicius Finger)
1060 Avatar for viniciusfinger
219. danielbonifacio
(Daniel Bonifacio)
1057 Avatar for danielbonifacio
220. onlurking
(Diogo Felix)
1051 Avatar for onlurking
221. danhpaiva
(Daniel Paiva)
1049 Avatar for danhpaiva
222. glaucia86
(Glaucia Lemos)
1036 Avatar for glaucia86
223. MarcoWorms
(Marco Guaspari Worms)
1033 Avatar for MarcoWorms
224. rafaskb
(Rafa Skoberg)
1033 Avatar for rafaskb
225. Luk4x
(Lucas Maciel)
1030 Avatar for Luk4x
226. MatheusEli
(Matheus Eli)
1025 Avatar for MatheusEli
227. bamboo
(Rodrigo Bamboo)
1023 Avatar for bamboo
228. fabiolealsc
(Fabio Leal Schmitz)
1014 Avatar for fabiolealsc
229. inkasadev
(Phillipe Martins)
1009 Avatar for inkasadev
230. ErickWendel
(Erick Wendel)
998 Avatar for ErickWendel
231. maykbrito
(Mayk Brito)
997 Avatar for maykbrito
232. dthabata
(Thabata Dornelas)
995 Avatar for dthabata
233. steniowagner
(Stenio Wagner)
991 Avatar for steniowagner
234. juliarizza
(Júlia Rizza)
982 Avatar for juliarizza
235. piedro404
(Pedro Henrique Martins Borges)
972 Avatar for piedro404
236. jacobaraujo7
(Jacob Moura)
968 Avatar for jacobaraujo7
237. vinnydeveloper
(Vinicius Oliveira)
959 Avatar for vinnydeveloper
238. felipensp
(Felipe Pena)
959 Avatar for felipensp
239. fabricioveronez
(Fabricio Veronez)
959 Avatar for fabricioveronez
240. brunobritodev
(Bruno Brito)
958 Avatar for brunobritodev
241. wilkerlucio
(Wilker Lúcio)
956 Avatar for wilkerlucio
242. Rychillie
954 Avatar for Rychillie
243. leouieda
(Leonardo Uieda)
941 Avatar for leouieda
244. Ninja1375
(Antônio Nascimento )
939 Avatar for Ninja1375
245. davidsdearaujo
(David Araujo)
937 Avatar for davidsdearaujo
246. cristian-sbardelotto
(Cristian Sbardelotto)
935 Avatar for cristian-sbardelotto
247. vitor-mendrone-deel
(Vitor Mendrone)
930 Avatar for vitor-mendrone-deel
248. Rafaelmdcarneiro
(Rafael Carneiro)
927 Avatar for Rafaelmdcarneiro
249. willmendesneto
(Will Mendes)
926 Avatar for willmendesneto
250. luanaxcardoso
(Luana Cardoso)
905 Avatar for luanaxcardoso
251. fakenickels
902 Avatar for fakenickels
252. MrBElga
(Daniel Elias Fonseca Rumin)
893 Avatar for MrBElga
253. Math-Vieira
(🐉 Matheus Vieira )
891 Avatar for Math-Vieira
254. aron-bordin
872 Avatar for aron-bordin
255. jtrecenti
(Julio Trecenti)
871 Avatar for jtrecenti
256. gumaciel
(Gustavo Maciel)
871 Avatar for gumaciel


Rank Organization Members
1. getomni 6
2. react-brasil 6
3. rocketseat 5
4. nubank 5
5. curso-r 3
6. github-stars 3
7. conda-forge 3
8. nixos 3
9. vuejs-br 3
10. grupoboticario 3