A list of the most active GitHub users

Most active GitHub users in Brazil

This is a list of most active GitHub users in Brazil over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here. This list was generated at 2025-03-10 00:20:24 +0000 and machine-readable JSON is available for:

This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):

           .filter(_.location == 'Brazil') 

This list contains all public contributions for each user. There are 450565 total users in the region and you need at least 212 followers to be on this list.

Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:

[![ badge](](
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![ badge](](
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.

Rank User Contribs Picture
1. FabianaCampanari
(Fabiana 🚀 Campanari)
30350 Avatar for FabianaCampanari
2. ocefpaf
7498 Avatar for ocefpaf
3. gastaldi
(George Gastaldi)
4544 Avatar for gastaldi
4. vitormattos
(Vitor Mattos)
3924 Avatar for vitormattos
5. caarlos0
(Carlos Alexandro Becker)
3746 Avatar for caarlos0
6. diegopacheco
(Diego Pacheco)
3252 Avatar for diegopacheco
7. SamuelRocha91
(Samuel Rocha)
3251 Avatar for SamuelRocha91
8. lazaronixon
(Lázaro Nixon)
3022 Avatar for lazaronixon
9. joaopauloaramuni
(João Paulo Aramuni)
2935 Avatar for joaopauloaramuni
10. patrickelectric
(Patrick José Pereira)
2711 Avatar for patrickelectric
11. Devsgeeknerd
(Paulo Vanderley)
2620 Avatar for Devsgeeknerd
12. vbuxbaum
(Vitor [Bux]baum)
2555 Avatar for vbuxbaum
13. juliohm
(Júlio Hoffimann)
2463 Avatar for juliohm
14. andreterceiro
(André de Paula Terceiro)
2245 Avatar for andreterceiro
15. MrPowerGamerBR
1959 Avatar for MrPowerGamerBR
16. RafaelGSS
(Rafael Gonzaga)
1936 Avatar for RafaelGSS
17. Ninja1375
(Antônio Nascimento )
1840 Avatar for Ninja1375
18. lucasfernog
(Lucas Fernandes Nogueira)
1681 Avatar for lucasfernog
19. jacobaraujo7
(Jacob Moura)
1671 Avatar for jacobaraujo7
20. tomast1337
(Nicolas Vyčas Nery )
1657 Avatar for tomast1337
21. alessandrofeitoza
(Alessandro Feitoza)
1652 Avatar for alessandrofeitoza
22. porres
1645 Avatar for porres
23. beatrizmilz
(Beatriz Milz)
1643 Avatar for beatrizmilz
24. pu2clr
(Ricardo Lima Caratti)
1642 Avatar for pu2clr
25. devajmeireles
1580 Avatar for devajmeireles
26. ericof
(Érico Andrei)
1556 Avatar for ericof
27. EdiJunior88
(Edivaldo Junior)
1512 Avatar for EdiJunior88
28. Yagasaki7K
1454 Avatar for Yagasaki7K
29. EloyMuniz
1449 Avatar for EloyMuniz
30. dunossauro
(Eduardo Mendes)
1446 Avatar for dunossauro
31. ricaun
(Luiz Henrique Cassettari)
1413 Avatar for ricaun
32. Pixelikas
(Lucas Naspolini)
1403 Avatar for Pixelikas
33. renatogroffe
(Renato Groffe)
1389 Avatar for renatogroffe
34. villares
(Alexandre B A Villares)
1340 Avatar for villares
35. fructuoso
(Victor Fructuoso)
1325 Avatar for fructuoso
36. JosiTubaroski
(Jozeliane (Josi) Quoos Tubaroski ✽)
1264 Avatar for JosiTubaroski
37. danielBRTanimacao
(Daniel Tenório)
1243 Avatar for danielBRTanimacao
38. bmorcelli
1217 Avatar for bmorcelli
39. wellifabio
(Wellington Fábio de Oliveira Martins)
1214 Avatar for wellifabio
40. bdlukaa
(Bruno D'Luka)
1212 Avatar for bdlukaa
41. endel
(Endel Dreyer)
1203 Avatar for endel
42. lvgalvao
(Luciano Filho)
1196 Avatar for lvgalvao
43. pedroeuzebiodev
(Pedro Euzebio)
1184 Avatar for pedroeuzebiodev
44. Misterio77
(Gabriel Fontes)
1167 Avatar for Misterio77
45. anajulialeite
(Ana Júlia Leite)
1159 Avatar for anajulialeite
46. emersonpessoa01
(𝐄𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐚)
1146 Avatar for emersonpessoa01
47. diaspd
(Pedro Dias )
1139 Avatar for diaspd
48. evaporei
(Eva Pace)
1137 Avatar for evaporei
49. nicoddemus
(Bruno Oliveira)
1131 Avatar for nicoddemus
50. JuanBindez
(Juan Bindez)
1130 Avatar for JuanBindez
51. felipensp
(Felipe Pena)
1124 Avatar for felipensp
52. melissawm
(Melissa Weber Mendonça)
1124 Avatar for melissawm
53. VictorTaelin
(Victor Taelin)
1120 Avatar for VictorTaelin
54. DiegoVictor
(Diego Victor)
1113 Avatar for DiegoVictor
55. Emersonpinho
(Emerson pinho)
1099 Avatar for Emersonpinho
56. erickzanardo
1088 Avatar for erickzanardo
57. pedro-filho-81
1061 Avatar for pedro-filho-81
58. alegauss
(Alê Oliveira)
1057 Avatar for alegauss
59. steinerkelvin
(Kelvin Steiner)
1041 Avatar for steinerkelvin
60. rvalyi
(Raphaël Valyi)
1033 Avatar for rvalyi
61. saade
(Guilherme Saade)
1025 Avatar for saade
62. barbaracalderon
(Barbara Calderon)
1022 Avatar for barbaracalderon
63. brunoerg
(Bruno Garcia)
1016 Avatar for brunoerg
64. fjsj
(Flávio Juvenal)
984 Avatar for fjsj
65. nathadriele
(Nathalia Adriele)
963 Avatar for nathadriele
66. rafapereirabr
(Rafael H M Pereira)
963 Avatar for rafapereirabr
67. pedronauck
(Pedro Nauck)
947 Avatar for pedronauck
68. Rafaelmdcarneiro
(Rafael Carneiro)
946 Avatar for Rafaelmdcarneiro
69. senapk
(David Sena Oliveira)
945 Avatar for senapk
70. joaohcrangel
(João Rangel)
939 Avatar for joaohcrangel
71. adeonir
(Adeonir Kohl)
934 Avatar for adeonir
72. avelino
931 Avatar for avelino
73. danielhe4rt
(Daniel Reis)
926 Avatar for danielhe4rt
74. fccoelho
(Flávio Codeço Coelho)
923 Avatar for fccoelho
75. felipesanches
(Felipe Corrêa da Silva Sanches)
920 Avatar for felipesanches
76. felipementel
(Felipe Augusto)
903 Avatar for felipementel
77. sombriks
(Leonardo Silveira)
896 Avatar for sombriks
78. araujo88
(Götz von Berlichingen)
896 Avatar for araujo88
79. kevenleone
(Keven Leone)
876 Avatar for kevenleone
80. tabarra
875 Avatar for tabarra
81. guiseek
(Guilherme Siquinelli)
854 Avatar for guiseek
82. bugarela
(Gabriela Moreira)
853 Avatar for bugarela
83. osvaldokalvaitir
(Osvaldo Kalvaitir Filho)
852 Avatar for osvaldokalvaitir
84. 4lessandrodev
(Alessandro dev.)
845 Avatar for 4lessandrodev
85. dfalbel
(Daniel Falbel)
836 Avatar for dfalbel
86. joanmdrs
(Joan Medeiros)
824 Avatar for joanmdrs
87. ruymon
(Ruy Monteiro)
817 Avatar for ruymon
88. robertotcestari
(Roberto Cestari)
816 Avatar for robertotcestari
89. adolfont
(Adolfo Neto)
815 Avatar for adolfont
90. turicas
(Álvaro Justen)
815 Avatar for turicas
91. marcosfshirafuchi
(Marcos Shirafuchi)
815 Avatar for marcosfshirafuchi
92. luizchaves
(Luiz Carlos)
810 Avatar for luizchaves
93. bamboo
(Rodrigo Bamboo)
809 Avatar for bamboo
94. davidbuzatto
(David Buzatto)
807 Avatar for davidbuzatto
95. biantris
(Beatriz Oliveira)
804 Avatar for biantris
96. PedroHLC
(Pedro Lara Campos)
799 Avatar for PedroHLC
97. joaomdmoura
(João Moura)
799 Avatar for joaomdmoura
98. rafaelq80
(Rafael Queiróz)
797 Avatar for rafaelq80
99. hiperesp
(Gabriel Lopes)
795 Avatar for hiperesp
100. sleipnir
(Adriano Santos)
795 Avatar for sleipnir
101. leouieda
(Leonardo Uieda)
794 Avatar for leouieda
102. yamadapc
(Pedro Tacla Yamada)
793 Avatar for yamadapc
103. piedro404
(Pedro Henrique Martins Borges)
793 Avatar for piedro404
104. sunag
781 Avatar for sunag
105. bush1D3v
(Victor José Lopes Navarro)
780 Avatar for bush1D3v
106. cesardeazevedo
(Cesar Augusto Dias)
776 Avatar for cesardeazevedo
107. DavidsonGomes
(Davidson Gomes)
768 Avatar for DavidsonGomes
108. argentinaluiz
(Luiz Carlos)
759 Avatar for argentinaluiz
109. ericdallo
(Eric Dallo)
758 Avatar for ericdallo
110. arthurfiorette
(Arthur Fiorette)
750 Avatar for arthurfiorette
111. alisonpezzott
(Alison Pezzott)
749 Avatar for alisonpezzott
112. tonysm
(Tony Messias)
748 Avatar for tonysm
113. Grubba27
(Gabriel Grubba)
744 Avatar for Grubba27
114. msfidelis
(Matheus Fidelis )
733 Avatar for msfidelis
115. otavio
(Otavio Salvador)
731 Avatar for otavio
116. zoedsoupe
722 Avatar for zoedsoupe
117. glaucia86
(Glaucia Lemos)
714 Avatar for glaucia86
118. pinceladasdaweb
(Pedro Rogério)
712 Avatar for pinceladasdaweb
119. nathsouzadev
(Nathally Souza)
705 Avatar for nathsouzadev
120. mateusfg7
(Mateus Felipe Gonçalves)
704 Avatar for mateusfg7
121. augusto-herrmann
(Augusto Herrmann)
702 Avatar for augusto-herrmann
122. grote
(Torsten Grote)
701 Avatar for grote
123. LeoRVergani
(Leonardo Vergani)
691 Avatar for LeoRVergani
124. carlosedp
(Carlos Eduardo)
688 Avatar for carlosedp
125. mauri870
(Mauri de Souza Meneguzzo)
683 Avatar for mauri870
126. EduardoJM
(Eduardo Oliveira)
671 Avatar for EduardoJM
127. luanaxcardoso
(Luana Cardoso)
663 Avatar for luanaxcardoso
128. felipecastrosales
(Felipe Sales)
657 Avatar for felipecastrosales
129. giggio
(Giovanni Bassi)
654 Avatar for giggio
130. WesleyRodrigues55
652 Avatar for WesleyRodrigues55
131. williamkoller
(William Koller)
651 Avatar for williamkoller
132. LauraBeatris
(Laura Beatris)
632 Avatar for LauraBeatris
133. bgcicca
(Bruno Ciccarino λ)
630 Avatar for bgcicca
134. matheusgr
(Matheus Gaudencio do Rêgo)
628 Avatar for matheusgr
135. jeferson-paz
(Jeferson Paz)
628 Avatar for jeferson-paz
136. uLipe
(Felipe Neves)
626 Avatar for uLipe
137. andreyvdl
625 Avatar for andreyvdl
138. nikumu
(André Bianchi)
625 Avatar for nikumu
139. lndsilva
(Laércio Silva)
623 Avatar for lndsilva
140. RafaelBarbosatec
(Rafael Almeida Barbosa)
600 Avatar for RafaelBarbosatec
141. cristian-sbardelotto
(Cristian Sbardelotto)
599 Avatar for cristian-sbardelotto
142. felipeelia
(Felipe Elia)
591 Avatar for felipeelia
143. marina6coneto
(Marina Cesconeto dos Santos)
591 Avatar for marina6coneto
144. vndmtrx
(Eduardo N.S.R.)
590 Avatar for vndmtrx
145. manoelcampos
(Manoel Campos)
590 Avatar for manoelcampos
146. RodrigoDornelles
586 Avatar for RodrigoDornelles
147. guiireal
(Guilherme França)
580 Avatar for guiireal
148. frednora
(Fred Nora)
578 Avatar for frednora
149. DanWBR
(Daniel Wagner)
577 Avatar for DanWBR
150. rodrigobranas
(Rodrigo Branas)
576 Avatar for rodrigobranas
151. CyberSecurityUP
(Joas A Santos)
571 Avatar for CyberSecurityUP
152. evedornelles
(Évelim Dornelles )
570 Avatar for evedornelles
153. MrsRina
565 Avatar for MrsRina
154. rafaeldelboni
(Rafael Delboni)
564 Avatar for rafaeldelboni
155. cirospaciari
(Ciro Spaciari)
562 Avatar for cirospaciari
156. wilsonfreitas
(Wilson Freitas)
560 Avatar for wilsonfreitas
157. MarcoWorms
(Marco Guaspari Worms)
558 Avatar for MarcoWorms
158. terroo
(Marcos Oliveira)
558 Avatar for terroo
159. felipefialho
(Felipe Fialho)
556 Avatar for felipefialho
160. MellonFive
(Felipe Castelli Mellão)
553 Avatar for MellonFive
161. ErickWendel
(Erick Wendel)
553 Avatar for ErickWendel
162. peguimasid
(Guilhermo Masid)
551 Avatar for peguimasid
163. Fekleite
(Fernanda Leite)
548 Avatar for Fekleite
164. felipemotarocha
(Felipe Rocha)
548 Avatar for felipemotarocha
165. paulosalvatore
(Paulo Salvatore)
548 Avatar for paulosalvatore
166. nicholasess
(Nicholas Eduardo)
542 Avatar for nicholasess
167. hishamhm
(Hisham Muhammad)
541 Avatar for hishamhm
168. kauemurakami
(Kauê Murakami)
538 Avatar for kauemurakami
169. moniquelive
(Cyber Oliveira)
532 Avatar for moniquelive
170. insidegui
(Guilherme Rambo)
529 Avatar for insidegui
171. GeorgesStavracas
(Georges Basile Stavracas Neto)
529 Avatar for GeorgesStavracas
172. dearrudam
(Maximillian Arruda)
526 Avatar for dearrudam
173. santanche
(André Santanchè)
521 Avatar for santanche
174. AlexGalhardo
(Alex Galhardo)
521 Avatar for AlexGalhardo
175. wpjunior
(Wilson Júnior)
518 Avatar for wpjunior
176. FranciscoWallison
(Francisco Wallison)
513 Avatar for FranciscoWallison
177. KennedyTedesco
(Kennedy Tedesco)
511 Avatar for KennedyTedesco
178. jjunior96
(Junior Alves)
509 Avatar for jjunior96
179. gilbarbara
(Gil Barbara)
508 Avatar for gilbarbara
180. emanuelsacoman
(Emanuel Vinícius Sacoman)
507 Avatar for emanuelsacoman
181. edgardmessias
(Edgard Lorraine Messias)
506 Avatar for edgardmessias
182. Taimisson
(Taimisson C.)
503 Avatar for Taimisson
183. filipecalegario
(Filipe Calegario)
486 Avatar for filipecalegario
184. waltereidi
(Walter Matsuda)
486 Avatar for waltereidi
185. dukex
483 Avatar for dukex
186. MrBElga
(Daniel Elias Fonseca Rumin)
483 Avatar for MrBElga
187. agostinhomarcia
(Márcia Agostinho)
482 Avatar for agostinhomarcia
188. fabricioveronez
(Fabricio Veronez)
481 Avatar for fabricioveronez
189. scarletquasar
(Scarlet Rose)
480 Avatar for scarletquasar
190. wilcorrea
(William Correa)
478 Avatar for wilcorrea
191. danielbergholz
(Daniel Bergholz)
476 Avatar for danielbergholz
192. mstuttgart
(Michell Stuttgart)
475 Avatar for mstuttgart
193. noghartt
474 Avatar for noghartt
194. anthonyleier
(Anthony Cruz)
469 Avatar for anthonyleier
195. joaocarloslima
(João Carlos Lima e Silva)
466 Avatar for joaocarloslima
196. Sophia-15
(Sophia Gallindo)
463 Avatar for Sophia-15
197. cassiobotaro
(Cássio Botaro)
459 Avatar for cassiobotaro
198. heynemann
(Bernardo Heynemann)
458 Avatar for heynemann
199. jeniferGoncalvesDaSilvaDev
(Jenifer Gonçalves da Silva)
456 Avatar for jeniferGoncalvesDaSilvaDev
200. ryukinix
(Manoel V. Machado)
454 Avatar for ryukinix
201. ericknathan
(Erick Nathan)
453 Avatar for ericknathan
202. DanielTomazi
(Daniel Tomazi de Oliveira)
452 Avatar for DanielTomazi
203. lanroo
445 Avatar for lanroo
204. eemr3
(Emerson Moreira)
443 Avatar for eemr3
205. lucasteles
(Lucas Teles )
438 Avatar for lucasteles
206. JoseLucasapp
436 Avatar for JoseLucasapp
207. wilsonneto-dev
(Wilson Neto B.R.)
435 Avatar for wilsonneto-dev
208. georgeguimaraes
(George Guimarães)
432 Avatar for georgeguimaraes
209. helviojunior
(Helvio Junior (M4v3r1cK))
431 Avatar for helviojunior
210. luizstacio
(Luiz Estácio | stacio.eth)
431 Avatar for luizstacio
211. KPMGE
(Kevin Carvalho de Jesus)
431 Avatar for KPMGE
212. sibelius
(Sibelius Seraphini)
429 Avatar for sibelius
213. Amadeo-Frontend
429 Avatar for Amadeo-Frontend
214. FelipeFama
(felipe fama)
426 Avatar for FelipeFama
215. roziscoding
425 Avatar for roziscoding
216. abrantesasf
(Abrantes Araújo Silva Filho)
424 Avatar for abrantesasf
217. pachicodes
(Pachi Parra)
422 Avatar for pachicodes
218. wolwerr
(Ricardo Machado)
421 Avatar for wolwerr
219. otaviossousa
(Otavio Sousa)
419 Avatar for otaviossousa
220. Kecbm
(Klecianny Melo)
415 Avatar for Kecbm
221. leocavalcante
(Leo Cavalcante)
414 Avatar for leocavalcante
222. thotypous
(Paulo Matias)
410 Avatar for thotypous
223. giovannamoeller
(Giovanna Moeller)
410 Avatar for giovannamoeller
224. matheusfrancisco
(Matheus Francisco)
410 Avatar for matheusfrancisco
225. marcglasberg
(Marcelo Glasberg)
407 Avatar for marcglasberg
226. lfcnassif
(Luis Filipe Nassif)
405 Avatar for lfcnassif
227. arademaker
(Alexandre Rademaker)
403 Avatar for arademaker
228. GuilhermeNobrega
(Mclaren Senna mp4/6)
396 Avatar for GuilhermeNobrega
229. crgimenes
(Cesar Gimenes)
389 Avatar for crgimenes
230. lubien
388 Avatar for lubien
231. jonathafernandes
(Jonatha Fernandes )
386 Avatar for jonathafernandes
232. thiagopac
(Thiago Pires)
382 Avatar for thiagopac
233. rkhaotix
(Raphael Araújo e Silva)
381 Avatar for rkhaotix
234. RankracerBR
(Augusto Pontes)
381 Avatar for RankracerBR
235. vqrca
(Valquíria Alencar)
380 Avatar for vqrca
236. leandrocgsi
(Leandro Costa)
372 Avatar for leandrocgsi
237. wilkerlucio
(Wilker Lúcio)
371 Avatar for wilkerlucio
238. RaizaCirne
(Raíza Cirne Braz)
370 Avatar for RaizaCirne
239. robsontenorio
(Robson Tenório)
368 Avatar for robsontenorio
240. micalevisk
(Micael Levi L. Cavalcante)
363 Avatar for micalevisk
241. Rychillie
363 Avatar for Rychillie
242. caiorss
(Caio Rordrigues)
363 Avatar for caiorss
243. liara987
363 Avatar for liara987
244. lucasfcosta
(Lucas da Costa)
359 Avatar for lucasfcosta
245. serradura
(Rodrigo Serradura)
358 Avatar for serradura
246. meleu
356 Avatar for meleu
247. VitorCarvalho67
(Sr. Carvalho)
355 Avatar for VitorCarvalho67
248. vaamonde
(Robson Vaamonde)
354 Avatar for vaamonde
249. renatosousafilho
(Renato Filho)
353 Avatar for renatosousafilho
250. danvitoriano
(Dan Vitoriano 🌈)
353 Avatar for danvitoriano
251. aripiprazole
(gabrielle oliveira)
352 Avatar for aripiprazole
252. leandrocfe
(Leandro Ferreira)
351 Avatar for leandrocfe
351 Avatar for ASPPIBRA
254. Iazzetta
(Guilherme IA)
347 Avatar for Iazzetta
255. ProfAndersonVanin
(Anderson Vanin)
345 Avatar for ProfAndersonVanin
256. eulixir
(João Pedro Alves)
341 Avatar for eulixir


Rank Organization Members
1. nubank 5
2. nixos 4
3. fuellabs 3
4. opencodeco 3
5. conda-forge 3
6. destructhub 3
7. nodejs 2
8. nodesource 2
9. editor-bootstrap 2
10. php-brasil 2