A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Romania over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2024-11-19 09:08:02 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Romania')
This list contains all public commits for each user. There are 34066 total users in the region and you need at least 24 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/romania/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/romania/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/romania/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/romania/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | 0-vortex (TED Vortex (Teodor-Eugen Duțulescu)) |
64856 | |
2. | timisalin01 (TIMIS ALIN) |
52227 | |
3. | im-razvan (Iacob Razvan) |
32021 | |
4. | ilg-ul (Liviu Ionescu) |
5730 | |
5. | radumarias (Radu Marias) |
4145 | |
6. | MAJigsaw77 (Mihai Alexandru) |
3050 | |
7. | cossssmin (Cosmin Popovici) |
2055 | |
8. | Demon000 (Cosmin Tanislav) |
1836 | |
9. | ignatandrei (Andrei Ignat) |
1638 | |
10. | app-generator (App Generator) |
1609 | |
11. | andreibancioiu (Andrei Băncioiu) |
1597 | |
12. | hmlendea (Horațiu Mlendea) |
1510 | |
13. | tiberiuichim (Tiberiu Ichim) |
1503 | |
14. | teogor (Teodor Grigor) |
1481 | |
15. | andrei-marinica (Andrei Marinica) |
1473 | |
16. | ExtremeXT () |
1393 | |
17. | iulianpascalau (Iulian Pascalau) |
1317 | |
18. | Bogdanp (Bogdan Popa) |
1233 | |
19. | craciunoiuc (Cezar Craciunoiu) |
1168 | |
20. | rklaehn (Rüdiger Klaehn) |
1157 | |
21. | sebiboga (Boga Sebastian Nicolae) |
1146 | |
22. | avoinea (Alin Voinea) |
1051 | |
23. | fufexan (Mihai Fufezan) |
1030 | |
24. | josephkb87 (KIYINI Joseph Balamazze) |
968 | |
25. | alexjercan (Alexandru Jercan) |
959 | |
26. | mircearoata () |
952 | |
27. | GhitaB (Ghiță Bizău) |
937 | |
28. | alexaandru (Alexandru Ungur) |
936 | |
29. | GeorgianaElena (Georgiana) |
926 | |
30. | teosarca (Teo Sarca) |
899 | |
31. | Matyrobbrt () |
896 | |
32. | adrianthedev (Adrian Marin) |
885 | |
33. | tudoramariei (Tudor) |
851 | |
34. | lnicola (Laurențiu Nicola) |
790 | |
35. | madalinpopa (Madalin Popa) |
784 | |
36. | lor6 (Loredana Crusoveanu) |
777 | |
37. | prescientmoon () |
774 | |
38. | Alexejhero (Alexejhero) |
754 | |
39. | revolter (Iulian Onofrei) |
704 | |
40. | mircea-pavel-anton (Mircea-Pavel Anton) |
689 | |
41. | mihaimoga (Ștefan-Mihai MOGA) |
684 | |
42. | 3rd (Andrei Neculaesei) |
681 | |
43. | razvand (Razvan Deaconescu) |
676 | |
44. | Paul-Bob (Paul Bob) |
666 | |
45. | skpha13 (Adrian Mincu) |
648 | |
46. | stefangabos (Stefan Gabos) |
645 | |
47. | ml3m (mlem) |
645 | |
48. | drazvan (Razvan Dinu) |
641 | |
49. | victorrentea (Victor Rentea) |
630 | |
50. | razvancrainea (Răzvan Crainea) |
625 | |
51. | cristicretu (Cristian Crețu) |
592 | |
52. | kiorky (kiorky) |
585 | |
53. | eliandoran (Elian Doran) |
580 | |
54. | dimitrietataru (Dimitrie Tataru) |
571 | |
55. | givanz (Givan) |
564 | |
56. | denesb (Botond Dénes) |
560 | |
57. | PaulRBerg (Paul Razvan Berg) |
558 | |
58. | dorucioclea (Cioclea Doru Octavian) |
558 | |
59. | baron-chain (BARON CHAIN) |
557 | |
60. | Woolfy25 (Ciutre Ramon) |
546 | |
61. | costinsin (Costin Sin) |
545 | |
62. | arhtudormorar (Tudor Morar) |
544 | |
63. | dsaltares (David Saltares) |
541 | |
64. | Mirch (Mircea Teodor Oprea) |
533 | |
65. | condor2 () |
529 | |
66. | gabriel-samfira (Gabriel) |
518 | |
67. | zoliky (Zoltán Király) |
512 | |
68. | philogicae () |
498 | |
69. | ClimenteA (Alin Climente) |
495 | |
70. | vladh (Vlad-Stefan Harbuz) |
488 | |
71. | dxps (Marius Ileana) |
480 | |
72. | Mihaiii (Mihai Chirculescu) |
479 | |
73. | nmatei (Nicolae Matei) |
474 | |
74. | eduardconstantin (Eduard-Constantin Ibinceanu) |
473 | |
75. | icflorescu (Ionut-Cristian Florescu) |
469 | |
76. | mhitza (Marius Ghita) |
467 | |
77. | andreivladbrg (Andrei Vlad Birgaoanu) |
462 | |
78. | dhongu (Dorin Hongu) |
441 | |
79. | arolariu (Alexandru-Razvan Olariu) |
429 | |
80. | janosrusiczki (János Rusiczki) |
427 | |
81. | Ernyoke (Ervin Szilágyi) |
420 | |
82. | stefanasandei (Stefan Asandei) |
418 | |
83. | alecslupu (Alexandru Emil Lupu) |
416 | |
84. | cipriancraciun (Ciprian Dorin Craciun) |
411 | |
85. | ghitacornel (ghita cornel teodor) |
405 | |
86. | dnutiu (Denis Nuțiu) |
402 | |
87. | ichim-david (Ichim David) |
391 | |
88. | NsdHSO (( Nechiforel David-Samuel ) NsdHSO ) |
387 | |
89. | lambrugeorge (Lambru Adrian Georgian) |
387 | |
90. | cristipufu (Cristi Pufu) |
383 | |
91. | pdanpdan (Popescu Dan) |
383 | |
92. | Tedyst (Tedy Stoica) |
379 | |
93. | mihaioltean (Mihai Oltean) |
374 | |
94. | marianciorasteanu (Marian Ciorasteanu) |
371 | |
95. | commodo (Alexandru Ardelean) |
362 | |
96. | THDigi (Digi) |
362 | |
97. | danielgafni (Daniel Gafni) |
353 | |
98. | selul (Marius Cristea) |
349 | |
99. | CiganOliviu (Cigan Oliviu David) |
347 | |
100. | s1lviu (Silviu Stroe) |
342 | |
101. | sopyb (Sopy) |
338 | |
102. | aromanro (Adrian Roman) |
335 | |
103. | vladfrangu (Vlad Frangu) |
328 | |
104. | AndreeaDraghici (Drăghici Andreea-Maria) |
327 | |
105. | bogdanripa (Bogdan Ripa) |
319 | |
106. | sabinmarcu (Sabin Marcu) |
317 | |
107. | alexgrozav (Alex Grozav) |
317 | |
108. | bumbitzu (Adrian Bumbu) |
313 | |
109. | radude89 (Radu Dan) |
308 | |
110. | andrewdoro (Andrei Dorobantu) |
308 | |
111. | horia141 (Horia Coman) |
308 | |
112. | Mesi21 (Molnar Emese) |
306 | |
113. | vycdev (vycdev) |
305 | |
114. | vladmihalcea (Vlad Mihalcea) |
304 | |
115. | alexandruradovici (Alexandru Radovici) |
304 | |
116. | RomulusMirauta (Romulus Mirauta) |
302 | |
117. | ionutnechita (Ionut Nechita) |
300 | |
118. | SPIRY-RO (Spiry) |
299 | |
119. | motorina0 (Vlad Stan) |
298 | |
120. | razgraf (Razvan Gabriel Apostu) |
297 | |
121. | andrija-djurovic (Andrija Djurovic) |
294 | |
122. | hognogicristina (Cristina Hognogi) |
293 | |
123. | andrei-pavel (Andrei Pavel) |
283 | |
124. | didinele (Denis-Adrian Cristea) |
281 | |
125. | alin23 (Alin Panaitiu) |
277 | |
126. | fac3m4n (Kevo) |
275 | |
127. | alexnm (Alex Moldovan) |
275 | |
128. | andreireporter13 (Andrei Cojocaru) |
273 | |
129. | florianstancioiu (Florian Stăncioiu) |
271 | |
130. | VladDBA (Vlad Drumea) |
268 | |
131. | CosminPerRam (CosminPerRam) |
268 | |
132. | raisercostin (Costin Grigore) |
267 | |
133. | cmin764 (Cosmin Poieana) |
266 | |
134. | metas-rc (Ruxandra Craciunescu) |
260 | |
135. | mirceamaierean (Mircea Măierean) |
258 | |
136. | sasurobert (Robert Sasu) |
256 | |
137. | lucteo (Lucian Radu Teodorescu) |
250 | |
138. | kopsha (Florin Ciurcanu) |
245 | |
139. | mgax (Alex Morega) |
242 | |
140. | Matoka26 (Dogaru Mihail Danut) |
241 | |
141. | ionelmc (Ionel Cristian Mărieș) |
241 | |
142. | D4rK7355608 (D4rK) |
238 | |
143. | andreisilviudragnea (Andrei Silviu Dragnea) |
234 | |
144. | andreiv03 (Andrei Voicu) |
231 | |
145. | lavibia (Lavinia Bianca) |
231 | |
146. | trifangrobert (Robert Trifan) |
229 | |
147. | SutuSebastian (Sutu Sebastian) |
225 | |
148. | marqbeniamin (Beniamin Marcu) |
223 | |
149. | costinEEST (Constantin Câmpean) |
222 | |
150. | WarriorsSami (Bărbuț-Dică Sami) |
222 | |
151. | mishoo (Mihai Bazon) |
219 | |
152. | ArmynC (ArminC) |
218 | |
153. | NiceAesth (Andrei Baciu) |
217 | |
154. | laurci (Laurentiu Ciobanu) |
216 | |
155. | CatalinFrancu (Cătălin Frâncu) |
216 | |
156. | neatudarius (Darius Neațu) |
214 | |
157. | RealKC (Dumitru Mițca) |
207 | |
158. | raluvy95 (CatNowBlue) |
206 | |
159. | Jarvx200 (Bigu Cezar) |
203 | |
160. | flavius-dinu (Flavius Dinu) |
203 | |
161. | abaicus (Andrei Băicuș) |
201 | |
162. | axbg (Alex Bișag) |
200 | |
163. | ionandrei44 (Andrei Ion) |
200 | |
164. | danoneata (Dan Oneață) |
199 | |
165. | catalinpit (Catalin Pit) |
199 | |
166. | andiradulescu (Andrei Radulescu) |
199 | |
167. | PopaGeorgianVictor () |
197 | |
168. | muhlemmer (Tim Möhlmann) |
193 | |
169. | SebastianM-C (Sebastian Micluța-Câmpeanu) |
193 | |
170. | eduardsui (Eduard Suica) |
189 | |
171. | georgebrata (George Brata) |
188 | |
172. | draganescu (Andrei Draganescu) |
188 | |
173. | ghosty2004 (ghosty) |
188 | |
174. | claudiubelu (Claudiu Belu) |
188 | |
175. | Codrax (Codrut) |
187 | |
176. | cristeab (Bogdan Cristea) |
184 | |
177. | georgecatalin (George Calin) |
183 | |
178. | liadomide (Lia Domide) |
182 | |
179. | liviuchircu (Liviu Chircu) |
180 | |
180. | TeodorVecerdi (Teodor Vecerdi) |
178 | |
181. | VladCuciureanu (Vlad Cuciureanu) |
177 | |
182. | capr (Cosmin Apreutesei) |
176 | |
183. | calind (Calin Don) |
174 | |
184. | marius-sucan (Marius Șucan) |
168 | |
185. | KrivanRaulAdrian (Krivan Raul) |
167 | |
186. | danburzo (Dan Burzo) |
165 | |
187. | mogasergiu (Sergiu Moga) |
165 | |
188. | tetele (Tudor Sandu) |
165 | |
189. | critoma (critoma) |
164 | |
190. | octavian-regatun (Octavian Regatun) |
162 | |
191. | xslendix (Slendi) |
162 | |
192. | andreimaxim (Andrei Maxim) |
161 | |
193. | bogdansolga (Bogdan Solga) |
161 | |
194. | gabrielpreda (Gabriel Preda) |
161 | |
195. | tehniq3 (Nicu FLORICA (niq_ro)) |
160 | |
196. | mihaifm (Mihai Ciuraru) |
158 | |
197. | xAlpharax (Alphara) |
155 | |
198. | RazvanN7 (Razvan Nitu) |
154 | |
199. | SimonelDavid (Simonel-Olimpiu David) |
153 | |
200. | ader1990 (Adrian Vladu) |
152 | |
201. | silviuburceadev (Silviu BURCEA) |
151 | |
202. | ionescu77 (Răzvan Ionescu) |
151 | |
203. | padreati (Aurelian Tutuianu) |
150 | |
204. | AlexandraBledea (Alexandra Mihaela Bledea) |
150 | |
205. | mihneamanolache (Mihnea-Octavian Manolache) |
149 | |
206. | vitalie (Vitalie Cherpec) |
148 | |
207. | lucianghinda (Lucian Ghinda) |
147 | |
208. | apetenchea (Alex Petenchea) |
143 | |
209. | solarmia (Solarmia) |
143 | |
210. | groovemen (Stefan) |
142 | |
211. | razvan404 (Răzvan-Gabriel Petec) |
141 | |
212. | catileptic () |
140 | |
213. | sanzor (Hadrian93) |
139 | |
214. | serbanghita (Şerban Ghiţă) |
138 | |
215. | PHPVibe (PHPVibe) |
137 | |
216. | rursache (Radu Ursache) |
136 | |
217. | edwardinio18 (Alex-Edward Iakab) |
135 | |
218. | DreadKnight (Dread Knight) |
135 | |
219. | gabrielmocanu (Gabriel Mocanu) |
134 | |
220. | adrg (Adrian-George Bostan) |
133 | |
221. | TheLuckyCoder (Răzvan Filea) |
132 | |
222. | puiu-iulia (Iulia Puiu) |
131 | |
223. | andreipfeiffer (Andrei Pfeiffer) |
130 | |
224. | WopsS (Octavian Dima) |
129 | |
225. | katistix (Paul T.) |
129 | |
226. | simmmpleweb (Simmmple) |
129 | |
227. | nbianca (Bianca Nenciu) |
128 | |
228. | rennokki (Alexander G.) |
126 | |
229. | rainbowdashh (Alexandru S.) |
126 | |
230. | nottimnik (timnik) |
126 | |
231. | ShadowsAdi (Adrian Cirstea) |
125 | |
232. | icebreaker (Mihail Szabolcs) |
125 | |
233. | Pepi100 (Radu Nedelcu) |
124 | |
234. | silviuaavram (Silviu Alexandru Avram) |
124 | |
235. | vvandriichuk (v.andriichuk) |
123 | |
236. | pandulapeter (Pandula Péter) |
122 | |
237. | ana-rosu (Ana Rosu) |
120 | |
238. | theodorDiaconu (Theodor Diaconu) |
119 | |
239. | cunev (0c) |
118 | |
240. | mehanix (Nicoleta Ciaușu) |
117 | |
241. | stefannastasa (Nastasă Ștefan - Alexandru) |
116 | |
242. | Oreoezi (Badea Sabin-Codruț) |
115 | |
243. | TaEduard (Eduard Tamsa) |
115 | |
244. | CristiFati (Cristi Fati) |
114 | |
245. | CutzuDev (Alex) |
113 | |
246. | comandrei (Andrei Coman) |
113 | |
247. | conache (Cristian Conache) |
112 | |
248. | pancudaniel7 (Daniel) |
112 | |
249. | SimedruF (Automatic-House.ro) |
111 | |
250. | Joywalker (Alex R.) |
111 | |
251. | zuzuleinen (Andrei Boar) |
111 | |
252. | TudorMurariu (Tudor) |
108 | |
253. | GabrielMajeri (Gabriel Majeri) |
108 | |
254. | mihai-vlc (Mihai Ionut Vilcu) |
106 | |
255. | ardek66 (Dragos) |
106 | |
256. | ZmoleCristian (Zmole Cristian) |
105 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | collective | 4 |
2. | eea | 4 |
3. | eaudeweb | 4 |
4. | tragdate | 4 |
5. | systems-cs-pub-ro | 3 |
6. | cloudbase | 3 |
7. | plone | 3 |
8. | sablier-labs | 3 |
9. | unikraft | 3 |
10. | hexcellents | 3 |