A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Romania over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2024-11-19 09:08:02 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Romania')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 34066 total users in the region and you need at least 24 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/romania_private/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/romania_private/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/romania_private/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/romania_private/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | rennokki (Alexander G.) |
94183 | |
2. | 0-vortex (TED Vortex (Teodor-Eugen Duțulescu)) |
66021 | |
3. | timisalin01 (TIMIS ALIN) |
52381 | |
4. | im-razvan (Iacob Razvan) |
32033 | |
5. | daemon3000 (Cristian Geambasu) |
8313 | |
6. | dhongu (Dorin Hongu) |
7807 | |
7. | cristijora (Cristi Jora) |
6679 | |
8. | ilg-ul (Liviu Ionescu) |
5838 | |
9. | plesalex100 (Pleș Alexandru) |
5586 | |
10. | eliandoran (Elian Doran) |
4785 | |
11. | rarestoma (Toma Rares) |
4735 | |
12. | radumarias (Radu Marias) |
4667 | |
13. | Bogdanp (Bogdan Popa) |
4044 | |
14. | cossssmin (Cosmin Popovici) |
3955 | |
15. | horeapopa (Horea Popa) |
3845 | |
16. | iampava (Alexandru Pavaloi) |
3623 | |
17. | MAJigsaw77 (Mihai Alexandru) |
3604 | |
18. | iulianpascalau (Iulian Pascalau) |
3340 | |
19. | andreibancioiu (Andrei Băncioiu) |
2991 | |
20. | madalinpopa (Madalin Popa) |
2862 | |
21. | conache (Cristian Conache) |
2833 | |
22. | ksenonadv () |
2807 | |
23. | craciunoiuc (Cezar Craciunoiu) |
2782 | |
24. | adrianthedev (Adrian Marin) |
2698 | |
25. | lupu60 (lupu) |
2667 | |
26. | dorucioclea (Cioclea Doru Octavian) |
2665 | |
27. | teogor (Teodor Grigor) |
2660 | |
28. | Paul-Bob (Paul Bob) |
2538 | |
29. | razvalex (Razvan Dumitru) |
2461 | |
30. | pcnc (Paul Cioanca) |
2409 | |
31. | vitalie (Vitalie Cherpec) |
2374 | |
32. | andrewdoro (Andrei Dorobantu) |
2371 | |
33. | Demon000 (Cosmin Tanislav) |
2286 | |
34. | arturgrigor (Artur Grigor) |
2192 | |
35. | andrei-marinica (Andrei Marinica) |
2177 | |
36. | viczam (Victor Zamfir) |
2129 | |
37. | danielgafni (Daniel Gafni) |
2018 | |
38. | tiberiuichim (Tiberiu Ichim) |
2013 | |
39. | Utwo (Utwo) |
1993 | |
40. | simmmpleweb (Simmmple) |
1933 | |
41. | costinsin (Costin Sin) |
1926 | |
42. | ignatandrei (Andrei Ignat) |
1914 | |
43. | app-generator (App Generator) |
1901 | |
44. | cretueusebiu (Eusebiu Cretu) |
1880 | |
45. | CosminPerRam (CosminPerRam) |
1875 | |
46. | hmlendea (Horațiu Mlendea) |
1854 | |
47. | vladfrangu (Vlad Frangu) |
1795 | |
48. | alecslupu (Alexandru Emil Lupu) |
1788 | |
49. | vladmihalcea (Vlad Mihalcea) |
1722 | |
50. | fufexan (Mihai Fufezan) |
1719 | |
51. | mariusflorescu (marius florescu) |
1701 | |
52. | PaulRBerg (Paul Razvan Berg) |
1699 | |
53. | denesb (Botond Dénes) |
1684 | |
54. | ijula (Ionuț Jula) |
1678 | |
55. | rklaehn (Rüdiger Klaehn) |
1675 | |
56. | pdanpdan (Popescu Dan) |
1672 | |
57. | nclandrei (Andrei-Mihai Nicolae) |
1671 | |
58. | florinionce (Florin Ionce) |
1666 | |
59. | teosarca (Teo Sarca) |
1661 | |
60. | avoinea (Alin Voinea) |
1661 | |
61. | cristicretu (Cristian Crețu) |
1658 | |
62. | pandulapeter (Pandula Péter) |
1655 | |
63. | robipop22 (Robert Pop) |
1653 | |
64. | sebiboga (Boga Sebastian Nicolae) |
1648 | |
65. | razvand (Razvan Deaconescu) |
1645 | |
66. | silviutroscot (Silviu Troscot) |
1622 | |
67. | icebreaker (Mihail Szabolcs) |
1613 | |
68. | sfat (Andrei Sfat) |
1592 | |
69. | gabimoncha (gabimoncha) |
1592 | |
70. | devsprint (Gabriel Ciuloaica) |
1570 | |
71. | Alexejhero (Alexejhero) |
1546 | |
72. | selul (Marius Cristea) |
1544 | |
73. | serban-petrescu (Serban Petrescu) |
1539 | |
74. | vladiliescu (Vlad Iliescu) |
1527 | |
75. | alexo (Alex Objelean) |
1522 | |
76. | codrin-iftimie (Codrin Iftimie) |
1516 | |
77. | tudoramariei (Tudor) |
1507 | |
78. | dxps (Marius Ileana) |
1479 | |
79. | Matyrobbrt () |
1478 | |
80. | carmenmitru (Mitru Carmen) |
1471 | |
81. | ovy9086 (Ovidiu Latcu) |
1463 | |
82. | laurci (Laurentiu Ciobanu) |
1460 | |
83. | cristipufu (Cristi Pufu) |
1440 | |
84. | ExtremeXT () |
1429 | |
85. | MizouziE (Sam) |
1429 | |
86. | CiganOliviu (Cigan Oliviu David) |
1417 | |
87. | Andrei250 (Andrei Dumitrescu) |
1400 | |
88. | gabrielmocanu (Gabriel Mocanu) |
1391 | |
89. | lnicola (Laurențiu Nicola) |
1391 | |
90. | CyberMist2 () |
1387 | |
91. | vtemian (Vlad Temian) |
1373 | |
92. | rursache (Radu Ursache) |
1370 | |
93. | andreialecu (Andrei Alecu) |
1370 | |
94. | GhitaB (Ghiță Bizău) |
1355 | |
95. | mhitza (Marius Ghita) |
1338 | |
96. | ionelmc (Ionel Cristian Mărieș) |
1332 | |
97. | GeorgianaElena (Georgiana) |
1327 | |
98. | vladh (Vlad-Stefan Harbuz) |
1317 | |
99. | abaicus (Andrei Băicuș) |
1294 | |
100. | alexaandru (Alexandru Ungur) |
1278 | |
101. | SebastianM-C (Sebastian Micluța-Câmpeanu) |
1266 | |
102. | willfrew (Will Frew) |
1261 | |
103. | bvdr (Bogdan Dragomir) |
1259 | |
104. | sebastiantecsi (Sebastian Tecsi) |
1258 | |
105. | danpercic86 (Dan Percic) |
1255 | |
106. | zenopopovici (Zeno Popovici) |
1253 | |
107. | andrei-antal (Andrei Antal) |
1246 | |
108. | Tedyst (Tedy Stoica) |
1245 | |
109. | mircearoata () |
1241 | |
110. | andreicioban (Andrei Cioban) |
1240 | |
111. | afurculita (Alexandru Furculita) |
1233 | |
112. | ioanluca (Ioan Luca ) |
1231 | |
113. | horatiu-udrea (Horațiu Udrea) |
1227 | |
114. | nokwin (Dmytro Batarin) |
1211 | |
115. | danmana (Dan Manastireanu) |
1207 | |
116. | icflorescu (Ionut-Cristian Florescu) |
1198 | |
117. | josephkb87 (KIYINI Joseph Balamazze) |
1187 | |
118. | prescientmoon () |
1168 | |
119. | andreimaxim (Andrei Maxim) |
1144 | |
120. | feketemihai (Fekete Mihai) |
1136 | |
121. | zoliky (Zoltán Király) |
1116 | |
122. | mercer (Emilian Losneanu) |
1116 | |
123. | razgraf (Razvan Gabriel Apostu) |
1069 | |
124. | imimali (Imre Gergely Mali) |
1061 | |
125. | scaraliu (Sam) |
1049 | |
126. | ghosty2004 (ghosty) |
1040 | |
127. | arhtudormorar (Tudor Morar) |
1023 | |
128. | alexjercan (Alexandru Jercan) |
1003 | |
129. | 3rd (Andrei Neculaesei) |
999 | |
130. | cassilup (Cassi Lup) |
986 | |
131. | mircea-pavel-anton (Mircea-Pavel Anton) |
980 | |
132. | andreivladbrg (Andrei Vlad Birgaoanu) |
963 | |
133. | alexandruradovici (Alexandru Radovici) |
962 | |
134. | revolter (Iulian Onofrei) |
956 | |
135. | cipriancraciun (Ciprian Dorin Craciun) |
946 | |
136. | cond0r (Catalin Pinte) |
934 | |
137. | RaresAil (N. Rares Ailincai) |
932 | |
138. | solarmia (Solarmia) |
932 | |
139. | niladam (Madalin Tache) |
931 | |
140. | JakyeRU (Jakye) |
929 | |
141. | motorina0 (Vlad Stan) |
927 | |
142. | Chocksy (Ciocanel Razvan) |
921 | |
143. | Radu-Raicea (Radu Raicea) |
919 | |
144. | philogicae () |
918 | |
145. | andreihrs (Andrei Hrs) |
914 | |
146. | bogdanbujdea (Bogdan Bujdea) |
912 | |
147. | lor6 (Loredana Crusoveanu) |
903 | |
148. | teodor-pripoae (Teodor Pripoae) |
894 | |
149. | legraphista (Ștefan-Gabriel Muscalu) |
891 | |
150. | drazvan (Razvan Dinu) |
879 | |
151. | agologan (Alexandru Gologan) |
878 | |
152. | turcuciprian (Ciprian Turcu) |
873 | |
153. | kind3r (Emanuel Posescu) |
866 | |
154. | bogdansolga (Bogdan Solga) |
865 | |
155. | ovidiumihaibelciug (Belciug Ovidiu-Mihai) |
858 | |
156. | skpha13 (Adrian Mincu) |
855 | |
157. | fangg19 (Șerban Alex Jonny) |
846 | |
158. | valentin-stamate (Valentin Stamate) |
843 | |
159. | ml3m (mlem) |
825 | |
160. | ichim-david (Ichim David) |
815 | |
161. | danzisky (Daniel C Nwaeke) |
804 | |
162. | sasurobert (Robert Sasu) |
800 | |
163. | catalina757 (Catalina) |
791 | |
164. | alexgrozav (Alex Grozav) |
789 | |
165. | cristianbica (Cristian Bica) |
786 | |
166. | gabriel-samfira (Gabriel) |
785 | |
167. | algunion (Marius Fersigan) |
773 | |
168. | mirceamaierean (Mircea Măierean) |
771 | |
169. | katistix (Paul T.) |
769 | |
170. | mgax (Alex Morega) |
766 | |
171. | VladCuciureanu (Vlad Cuciureanu) |
763 | |
172. | eduardconstantin (Eduard-Constantin Ibinceanu) |
758 | |
173. | SutuSebastian (Sutu Sebastian) |
756 | |
174. | stefanasandei (Stefan Asandei) |
754 | |
175. | LucaConstantin (Luca Constantin) |
753 | |
176. | jkxyz (Josh Kingsley) |
741 | |
177. | amiclaus (Antoniu Miclăuş) |
734 | |
178. | muhlemmer (Tim Möhlmann) |
730 | |
179. | andrei-cacio (Andrei Cacio) |
729 | |
180. | dragosholban (Dragos Holban) |
727 | |
181. | mateioprea (Matei Oprea) |
727 | |
182. | danburzo (Dan Burzo) |
725 | |
183. | ClimenteA (Alin Climente) |
724 | |
184. | StancuFlorin (Stancu Florin) |
718 | |
185. | marianposaceanu (Posăceanu Marian) |
717 | |
186. | danakim (Dan Achim) |
717 | |
187. | ubogdan (Bogdan Ungureanu) |
710 | |
188. | skafandri (ilyes kooli) |
705 | |
189. | mihaimoga (Ștefan-Mihai MOGA) |
705 | |
190. | AlexBordei (Alex Bordei) |
697 | |
191. | crissdev (Cristian Trifan) |
695 | |
192. | BogdanMFometescu (Bogdan Fometescu) |
693 | |
193. | condor2 () |
690 | |
194. | mariusbancila (Marius Bancila) |
683 | |
195. | quasiperfect (Ionut Marinescu) |
680 | |
196. | alexandrubagu (Alexandru Bogdan Bâgu ) |
678 | |
197. | aromanro (Adrian Roman) |
667 | |
198. | andreisilviudragnea (Andrei Silviu Dragnea) |
666 | |
199. | binaryk (Lupacescu Eduard) |
666 | |
200. | s1lviu (Silviu Stroe) |
665 | |
201. | Mihaiii (Mihai Chirculescu) |
664 | |
202. | baron-chain (BARON CHAIN) |
659 | |
203. | balazscsaba2006 (Balazs Csaba) |
659 | |
204. | marianciorasteanu (Marian Ciorasteanu) |
654 | |
205. | raisercostin (Costin Grigore) |
653 | |
206. | Grizzlly (Andrei Stan) |
651 | |
207. | alexandruz (Alexandru-Cristian Zănogeanu) |
650 | |
208. | NiceAesth (Andrei Baciu) |
648 | |
209. | stefangabos (Stefan Gabos) |
648 | |
210. | mvpopuk (Marian Pop) |
646 | |
211. | lucianghinda (Lucian Ghinda) |
645 | |
212. | NYOGamesCOM (13Thomas) |
638 | |
213. | victorrentea (Victor Rentea) |
637 | |
214. | TeodorVecerdi (Teodor Vecerdi) |
637 | |
215. | razvancrainea (Răzvan Crainea) |
636 | |
216. | comandrei (Andrei Coman) |
629 | |
217. | costingh (Costin) |
621 | |
218. | CosminNechifor (Cosmin Nechifor) |
618 | |
219. | vasyop (Andrei Vasilescu) |
617 | |
220. | mihaiandrei97 (Mihai-Adrian Andrei) |
616 | |
221. | Vegas007 (Emanuel Constantin) |
611 | |
222. | costibleotu (Costin Bleotu) |
609 | |
223. | kiorky (kiorky) |
600 | |
224. | metas-rc (Ruxandra Craciunescu) |
599 | |
225. | mogasergiu (Sergiu Moga) |
599 | |
226. | alexvelea (Alex Velea) |
598 | |
227. | badu (Bogdan Dinu) |
595 | |
228. | Woolfy25 (Ciutre Ramon) |
595 | |
229. | AndreiDuma (Andrei Duma) |
592 | |
230. | Mirch (Mircea Teodor Oprea) |
591 | |
231. | ClaudiuCeia (Claudiu Ceia ) |
591 | |
232. | Jarvx200 (Bigu Cezar) |
587 | |
233. | rolisz (Roland Szabo) |
586 | |
234. | dsaltares (David Saltares) |
586 | |
235. | wmariuss (Marius Stanca) |
581 | |
236. | cunev (0c) |
578 | |
237. | givanz (Givan) |
578 | |
238. | alexnaiman (Alexandru Naiman) |
575 | |
239. | dimitrietataru (Dimitrie Tataru) |
575 | |
240. | bencagri (Çağrı S.) |
570 | |
241. | vvandriichuk (v.andriichuk) |
563 | |
242. | GavriloviciEduard (Gavrilovici Eduard) |
561 | |
243. | alin23 (Alin Panaitiu) |
558 | |
244. | alexnm (Alex Moldovan) |
548 | |
245. | sandreim (Andrei Sandu) |
544 | |
246. | octavian-regatun (Octavian Regatun) |
542 | |
247. | janosrusiczki (János Rusiczki) |
542 | |
248. | padurean (Valentin Padurean (Ogg)) |
541 | |
249. | vladolaru (Vlad Olaru) |
540 | |
250. | adriangeorge (C. George-Adrian) |
537 | |
251. | boldijar (Boldijar Paul) |
535 | |
252. | catalinpit (Catalin Pit) |
533 | |
253. | NitescuLucian (Lucian Nitescu) |
526 | |
254. | RazvanN7 (Razvan Nitu) |
525 | |
255. | dnutiu (Denis Nuțiu) |
518 | |
256. | victorholo (Victor Holotescu) |
508 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | code4romania | 5 |
2. | collective | 4 |
3. | uipath | 4 |
4. | eea | 4 |
5. | systems-cs-pub-ro | 4 |
6. | eaudeweb | 4 |
7. | cs-pub-ro | 3 |
8. | pybucuresti | 3 |
9. | rosedu | 3 |
10. | sablier-labs | 3 |