A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Rwanda over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2024-09-20 09:12:10 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Rwanda')
This list contains all public commits for each user. There are 4290 total users in the region and you need at least 6 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/rwanda/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/rwanda/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/rwanda/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/rwanda/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | rwema3 (Bagirishya Rwema Dominique ) |
3581 | |
2. | tchasinga (Tchasinga jacques) |
3381 | |
3. | iraduyves (YVES) |
2868 | |
4. | kevindermot99 (Kevin MK) |
2784 | |
5. | elyse502 (Elysée NIYIBIZI) |
1956 | |
6. | 0xJonaseb11 (Jonas Sebera) |
1935 | |
7. | richard457 (Muragijimana) |
1876 | |
8. | brunoblaise (Mudacumura Brunoblaise) |
1804 | |
9. | byiringiroscar (Oscar Byiringiro) |
1660 | |
10. | faid-terence (Terence Faid JABO ) |
1566 | |
11. | Christianib003 (Christian Iradukunda Byiringiro) |
1504 | |
12. | TonyBlaiseNTAHE (Tony Blaise NTAHE) |
1493 | |
13. | Joshua-Coded (CodeNinja) |
1477 | |
14. | Oliviier-dev (Olivier BYIRINGIRO) |
1393 | |
15. | DevRamona (Ramona Ingabire) |
1315 | |
16. | devfabien (Fabien I) |
1315 | |
17. | vixalien (Angelo Verlain Shema) |
1303 | |
18. | l-isaro (Leslie Isaro) |
1303 | |
19. | Gasorekibo (Gasore Mugwaneza) |
1252 | |
20. | mumugisha (Alphonse Mugisha) |
1147 | |
21. | baudoinvic (baudoin) |
1121 | |
22. | Olivier-Kango (Olivier Kango) |
1109 | |
23. | codeWithEdison (Edison UWIHANGANYE) |
1079 | |
24. | nguwenezapchristian (Nguweneza P Christian) |
1074 | |
25. | mugabe-rob (MUGABE Robertson) |
1052 | |
26. | bikriira (Iradufasha Bikri) |
1045 | |
27. | Jospin6 (Jospin Ndagano) |
1010 | |
28. | eadewusic (EUNICE ADEWUSI (CLIMIRADI)) |
1008 | |
29. | kayc0des (Kingsley B. Boafo) |
997 | |
30. | IvyMurage (Ivy-Murage) |
970 | |
31. | Ronnie5562 (Ronald Abimbola) |
946 | |
32. | gilberthappi (Eng. Happi Gilbert) |
932 | |
33. | Moussa-Kalam (Moussa Kalam AMZAT) |
929 | |
34. | jefftrojan (Trojan0x) |
919 | |
35. | hirwajeaneric (HIRWA Jean Eric) |
889 | |
36. | Maaxboon (Maax) |
862 | |
37. | dazeez1 (Azeez Damilare Gbenga) |
860 | |
38. | GasanaJr (Didas Junior GASANA) |
859 | |
39. | Lambertn33 (Nsengimana Lambert) |
858 | |
40. | Julesntizimira (Jules Ntizimira) |
844 | |
41. | kirengamartial (Kirenga Martial) |
842 | |
42. | gracebir (Grace Nshokano) |
837 | |
43. | Rugwiroparfait (NSANZIMANA RUGWIRO Dominique Parfait) |
832 | |
44. | KevinRebakure (Rebakure) |
829 | |
45. | RUKUNDO-Prince (Prince_R) |
815 | |
46. | Iadolphe007 (IMANISHIMWE ADOLPHE) |
808 | |
47. | leandreAlly (LEANDRE ALLY) |
804 | |
48. | jodosjodos (jodos) |
794 | |
49. | mariegrace31 (Marie Grâce Bahati) |
790 | |
50. | Viateur-akimana (Viateur) |
772 | |
51. | Justice00000 (CeeJay) |
752 | |
52. | AristideI (Aristide ISINGIZWE) |
751 | |
53. | charite-uwatwembi (charite UWATWEMBI) |
751 | |
54. | iAmNsengi (Eliezer Nsengi) |
750 | |
55. | Bateyjosue (Josue Batey) |
745 | |
56. | belyne () |
738 | |
57. | EzechielKiregha (Kiregha Corporation ) |
733 | |
58. | nishimweprince (Nishimwe Prince) |
728 | |
59. | Dau2004 (Chol Daniel Deng Dau) |
722 | |
60. | JacquelineTuyisenge () |
696 | |
61. | josueahadi (Habib Josue Ahadi) |
691 | |
62. | albert-byiringiro (Albert Byiringiro) |
683 | |
63. | haroldmud (Arnold Mudosa) |
678 | |
64. | pacifiquem (Murangwa Pacifique) |
673 | |
65. | FabCode67 (MWANAFUNZI Fabrice) |
672 | |
66. | Erica-Livia (Erica-Livia) |
664 | |
67. | Derrick-Nuby (Derrick [Nuby] Iradukunda) |
664 | |
68. | Beccatoni (Rebecca Mutoni) |
664 | |
69. | njdam (Jean Damascene Ngaboyimana) |
655 | |
70. | winnyineza (Winny Didine Ineza) |
654 | |
71. | RealLionelMuhire (Lionel Muhire) |
652 | |
72. | manzitresor (Tresor Manzi) |
647 | |
73. | kaybrian (Kayongo Johnson Brian) |
646 | |
74. | owans (Owanate Amachree) |
642 | |
75. | oreste-abizera (Oreste Abizera) |
640 | |
76. | kareraolivier (kareraolivier) |
639 | |
77. | RichardIshimwe (Ishimwe Richard) |
634 | |
78. | reponseashimwe (Reponse Ashimwe) |
631 | |
79. | PRIEST099 (Ahadi) |
623 | |
80. | munyanezaarmel (Munyaneza Armel) |
621 | |
81. | kambereBr (Bruno Kambere) |
617 | |
82. | VBamurange (Victoria Bamurange) |
617 | |
83. | Gatwaza (Gatwaza) |
610 | |
84. | wayneleon1 (Rurangwa Leo) |
606 | |
603 | |
86. | kajugadaniels (KAJUGA Daniels) |
602 | |
87. | Manzi-Cedrick (Manzi Cedrick ) |
602 | |
88. | gloriaumutoni (Gloria Umutoni) |
599 | |
89. | robsdagreat (@Robs_dagreat) |
591 | |
90. | Sagastein (Ishimwe Sage) |
581 | |
91. | GarrixA (Aphrodis Uwineza) |
580 | |
92. | Cedric921 (cedric karungu) |
577 | |
93. | Paulin-NIYOBYOSE (Paulin ) |
572 | |
94. | rugema3 (alex Rugema) |
571 | |
95. | fabrice-niyongabo (Fabrice Niyongabo) |
571 | |
96. | Makuo67 (Okeke Makuochukwu) |
567 | |
97. | MUGISHA-Pascal (MUGISHA Pascal) |
554 | |
98. | raphyrenu (Raphy) |
547 | |
99. | tchamianest (tchami) |
542 | |
100. | kunda4 (Agnes IRADUKUNDA) |
530 | |
101. | muhozajohn (Muhoza John) |
529 | |
102. | Angekarara (Ange Karara Mbabazi) |
526 | |
103. | shyakachaste (Shyaka Chaste) |
525 | |
104. | DUSHIME1212 (DUSHIME Don Aime Hosanna) |
524 | |
105. | ZigaLarissa (Ziga Larissa) |
519 | |
106. | Uwihanganyeobed (Mayor vargas) |
515 | |
107. | MunyinyaMaurice (Munyinya Shema Maurice ) |
514 | |
108. | edine-noella (Edine Noella Mugisha) |
510 | |
109. | Kingcedru (BYISHIMO Cedrick) |
508 | |
110. | HIRWA13 (Junior Hirwa) |
507 | |
111. | EddyShimwa (Pray Eddy SHIMWA) |
505 | |
112. | ekinyua (Elvis Kinyua) |
499 | |
113. | Ben6jamin () |
489 | |
114. | longmaker2 (Long Maker Long Deng) |
488 | |
115. | tox-in (tony herve) |
480 | |
116. | ell-sie (Elsie Agasaro Ndiramiye) |
478 | |
117. | YvesISH (Yves ISHIMWE) |
477 | |
118. | B3zaleel (Bezaleel Olakunori) |
476 | |
119. | SundayOlubode (Sam Olubode) |
474 | |
120. | danielburongu (Daniel) |
474 | |
121. | yvanddniyo (Yvan) |
472 | |
122. | bahati10 (bahati yves) |
465 | |
123. | Tshobohwa (Salomon Tshobohwa) |
457 | |
124. | AngeloChristian1 (Gatete Ishema Angelo Christian) |
453 | |
125. | esthcarelle (Esther Carrelle) |
448 | |
126. | hirwaNkevin (K.H. Nzitatira) |
446 | |
127. | musangamfure (Musangamfura Emmanuel ) |
445 | |
128. | UWAMAHOR (Pascaline Uwamahoro) |
443 | |
129. | hozayves (Yves Muhoza) |
443 | |
130. | Chidera0001 (chidera Anele) |
441 | |
131. | serapieTuyishime (TUYISHIME Serapie) |
440 | |
132. | Obedine-Flore (OBEDINE FLORE NANGA FOBUZIE) |
440 | |
133. | Ruran8wa (Prince Rurangwa) |
440 | |
134. | NdekoCode (Arick Bulakali) |
440 | |
135. | dean-daryl (Dean Daryl MURENZI) |
436 | |
136. | innocentemutabazi (Innocente Mutabazi Umuhuza) |
434 | |
137. | Faustin-king (King) |
428 | |
138. | mugishab2020 (Edson Mugisha) |
423 | |
139. | soleil00 () |
422 | |
140. | Emmanuel-Begati (Emmanuel Musa Yakubu) |
420 | |
141. | boris-ny (Boris Nyilindekwe) |
420 | |
142. | Duncanwar (Duncanwar) |
420 | |
143. | Nsoro-Allan (Nsoro Allan) |
417 | |
144. | aimee-annabelle (Annabelle Ineza) |
415 | |
145. | Chartine02 (Noella Marie Chartine Uwase) |
414 | |
146. | peninah98 (Penine Ngizwenayo ) |
412 | |
147. | TresorRw (CYUSA Alain Tresor) |
411 | |
148. | 6hislain (Mugemana Ghislain) |
411 | |
149. | aimable0 (Nkurikiyimana Aimable) |
409 | |
150. | kelliaUmuhire (Kellia Umuhire) |
408 | |
151. | regisrex (Régis N.) |
407 | |
152. | ProgrammerDATCH (Mr. David) |
406 | |
153. | jazzybruno (Jazzy Bruno) |
403 | |
154. | nsanzimfura-eric (Nsanzimfura Eric) |
398 | |
155. | rutaganda-salim (Salim Rutaganda) |
396 | |
156. | kclaudeeager (Kwizera Claude) |
393 | |
157. | Emmanuel-Melon (Emmanuel Gatwech ) |
392 | |
158. | musayann (Yannick Musafiri) |
392 | |
159. | gasangw (Gasangwa Thomas) |
392 | |
160. | niyobertin (Niyonkuru Bertin) |
389 | |
161. | Nigorjeanluc (NDIRAMIYE Igor Jean-Luc ) |
387 | |
162. | wubeshetA (Wubeshet Yimam) |
384 | |
163. | Isaiah-Essien (Isaiah Essien(ub bobo)) |
381 | |
164. | clin2on3mun (MUNANA Clinton) |
381 | |
165. | Muhodari (Muhodari Sage) |
379 | |
166. | Mutesa-Cedric (MUTESA Cedric) |
377 | |
167. | ericus123 (AMANI Eric) |
376 | |
168. | Mugisha-isaac (MUGISHA ISAAC) |
373 | |
169. | Muhire-Josue (Muhire-Josue) |
373 | |
170. | Chambeline-Nkah () |
368 | |
171. | ktscates (Cates NSENGIYUMVA) |
365 | |
172. | MugemaneBertin2001 (Mugemane Bertin) |
363 | |
173. | Dorcas126 (Uwimbabazi Dorcas) |
362 | |
174. | Ndaziramiyep (Patrick) |
361 | |
175. | Ireme-Nyawe () |
360 | |
176. | aimedidierm (Aime Didier Mugisha) |
357 | |
177. | AnicetFantomas (Anicet Murhula) |
353 | |
178. | Latiah (Latifah) |
349 | |
179. | Valentin-Shyaka (B.Valentin ) |
347 | |
180. | AngeNicole (Ange Nicole Mukundwa) |
346 | |
181. | CynthiaUmuhire (Cynthia) |
344 | |
182. | honorine22 (Honorine) |
339 | |
183. | ndungtse (Ndungutse Charles) |
338 | |
184. | Nkusibeni23 (Benny) |
337 | |
185. | danjor667 (Jordan S. L. Nguepi ) |
336 | |
186. | DavidkingMazimpaka (David_King Mazimpaka) |
334 | |
187. | LYCE899 (Coulibaly Amani) |
334 | |
188. | HenriTresor (Henri Tresor) |
329 | |
189. | Kylapurity (Purity Kihiu) |
326 | |
190. | Innocent259 (Innocent NDAHIMANA) |
319 | |
191. | Samuelwanza (Samuel Wanza) |
318 | |
192. | irfiacre (IRADUKUNDA Allelua Fiacre) |
317 | |
193. | ambroisegithub (AMBROISE Muhayimana) |
312 | |
194. | IGIRANEZAJosue (Josue Igiraneza) |
311 | |
195. | pauline12ish34 (Marie Pauline Ishimwe) |
310 | |
196. | Juleshb (HABARUREMA Jules) |
310 | |
197. | Gadrawingz (Gad Iradufasha) |
310 | |
198. | DeliceLydia (Lydia Ingabire) |
309 | |
199. | ericpisco (Eric Pisco) |
305 | |
200. | Titisunflower (Henriette ) |
305 | |
201. | munezeromicha (munezeromicha) |
302 | |
202. | rubailly (Bailly Rurangirwa ) |
301 | |
203. | christianbiring1 (Christian Biringanine) |
301 | |
204. | TammyBriggs (Tamunotonye Briggs) |
301 | |
205. | Miompolly (Miompolly) |
301 | |
206. | pattusdev (Rwego Patrick) |
301 | |
207. | ayoisaiah (Ayooluwa Isaiah) |
299 | |
208. | IrakozeLoraine (IrakozeLoraine) |
297 | |
209. | Morioh (Mourice Onyonyi) |
293 | |
210. | ashrafutuyubahe (Ashrafu ) |
292 | |
211. | Deborah-Kamikazi (Deborah Kamikazi) |
292 | |
212. | Heisjabo (JABO Jean Marie ) |
289 | |
213. | hbapte (ISHIMWE Jean Baptiste) |
287 | |
214. | Freedisch (Freedisch) |
285 | |
215. | sharangabo (sharangabo) |
285 | |
216. | bizip (bizimungu pascal) |
284 | |
217. | teerenzo (Renzaho Emmanuel) |
284 | |
218. | songa1 (Cishahayo Songa Achille) |
281 | |
219. | mugishap (Mugisha Precieux) |
281 | |
220. | BertinKimberly (Bertin Iradukunda) |
280 | |
221. | descholar-ceo (Mugirase Emmanuel) |
278 | |
222. | masonk16 (Mason Mapfundematsva) |
276 | |
223. | patiencemanzen (Manirabona Hirwa Patience) |
276 | |
224. | BenoitIT (Benoit ) |
275 | |
225. | BenM4k (Benedict Makomo) |
274 | |
226. | edenlisk (Enock Nkumbuyedeni Nsanzimfura) |
272 | |
227. | umulewi (LEWIS NTEGEREJIMANA) |
270 | |
228. | MohamedAYasin (Mohamed Ahmed Yasin) |
267 | |
229. | FabriceIRANKUNDA (IRANKUNDA Fabrice) |
265 | |
230. | mnshimiyimana (Maureen) |
265 | |
231. | patsicko (MANIBAHO Patrick ) |
262 | |
232. | iranziprince01 (Prince Iranzi) |
260 | |
233. | Emmanuel-kwizera (Kwizera Emmanuel) |
258 | |
234. | Y-elv (Elvis MUGISHA) |
256 | |
235. | N-Pacis (Nkubito Pacis) |
254 | |
236. | zbahati (Bahati zirimwabagabo) |
254 | |
237. | masterchief-00 (Pacifique Kwizera) |
252 | |
238. | fredshema (Fred Shema) |
250 | |
239. | valens200 (valens niyonsenga) |
249 | |
240. | edmondgaks (Edmond ) |
249 | |
241. | gisachris (gisa chris) |
249 | |
242. | M-Umwari (Umwari Marlene) |
249 | |
243. | Mugisha146 (MUGISHA Emmanuel) |
245 | |
244. | Florien2208 (MAHORO MPAKANYI Florien) |
244 | |
245. | k3lly003 (Ntirushwa Brice) |
243 | |
246. | the-coder-kalisa (KALISA INEZA Giovanni) |
242 | |
247. | EricNiyo73 (Eric NIYOKWIZERWA) |
242 | |
248. | elijahladdie (Elie Kuradusenge) |
241 | |
249. | fabmukunzi (Fabrice Mukunzi) |
241 | |
250. | niyirerayannick (NIYIRERA Yannick) |
235 | |
251. | pamely (Pamely ZANTOU) |
234 | |
252. | Chiesa14 (Remy Chiesa) |
232 | |
253. | Nide17 (Niyomwungeri Parmenide Ishimwe) |
231 | |
254. | dosite-dev (IRADUKUNDA Cyiza Dosite) |
229 | |
255. | Christophe210 (Nshimiyimana Christophe ) |
228 | |
256. | MikeManzi (Mike Manzi) |
228 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | atlp-rwanda | 6 |
2. | eddiehubcommunity | 5 |
3. | hackclub | 5 |
4. | microverseinc | 4 |
5. | dev-protocol | 2 |
6. | drop-youngers | 2 |
7. | opentoolbox-gh | 2 |
8. | rwandaopensource | 2 |
9. | chesslablab | 2 |
10. | cypht-org | 2 |