A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in United States over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-03-11 02:44:47 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'United States')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 1626290 total users in the region and you need at least 902 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | seanpm2001 (Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2) |
104304 | |
2. | rgbkrk (Kyle Kelley) |
49479 | |
3. | zhaoolee (zhaoolee) |
33509 | |
4. | RamiKrispin (Rami Krispin) |
27444 | |
5. | brianchandotcom (Brian Chan) |
25037 | |
6. | mine-cetinkaya-rundel (Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel) |
23064 | |
7. | bdraco (J. Nick Koston) |
14177 | |
8. | tianon (Tianon Gravi) |
11571 | |
9. | cheshire137 (Sarah Vessels) |
11263 | |
10. | g0t4 (Wes Higbee) |
10968 | |
11. | tommoor (Tom Moor) |
9743 | |
12. | AArnott (Andrew Arnott) |
9163 | |
13. | rohitpaulk (Paul Kuruvilla) |
8817 | |
14. | jeremylong (Jeremy Long) |
8496 | |
15. | CleanCut (Nathan Stocks) |
8324 | |
16. | alesanchezr (Alejandro Sanchez) |
8220 | |
17. | facebook-github-bot (Facebook Community Bot) |
8052 | |
18. | natew (Nate Wienert) |
7961 | |
19. | charliermarsh (Charlie Marsh) |
7786 | |
20. | lalalune (Shaw) |
7757 | |
21. | leecalcote (Lee Calcote) |
7738 | |
22. | ralyodio () |
7732 | |
23. | ChrisRackauckas (Christopher Rackauckas) |
7534 | |
24. | josh (Joshua Peek) |
7222 | |
25. | Tyriar (Daniel Imms) |
7082 | |
26. | bvolpato (Bruno Volpato) |
6886 | |
27. | jherr (Jack Herrington) |
6769 | |
28. | timkpaine (Tim Paine) |
6738 | |
29. | glenn-jocher (Glenn Jocher) |
6385 | |
30. | lxRbckl (Alex Arbuckle) |
6370 | |
31. | ngokevin (Kevin Ngo) |
6162 | |
32. | Innei (Innei) |
5979 | |
33. | transitive-bullshit (Travis Fischer) |
5784 | |
34. | colebemis (Cole Bemis) |
5775 | |
35. | ankane (Andrew Kane) |
5701 | |
36. | keith (Keith Smiley) |
5659 | |
37. | vladmandic (Vladimir Mandic) |
5639 | |
38. | idimetrix (Dmitry Selikhov) |
5593 | |
39. | swharden (Scott W Harden) |
5424 | |
40. | dtolnay (David Tolnay) |
5400 | |
41. | wesdoyle (Wes Doyle) |
5370 | |
42. | JoshuaKGoldberg (Josh Goldberg ✨) |
5368 | |
43. | alexeagle (Alex Eagle) |
5279 | |
44. | gr2m (Gregor Martynus) |
5143 | |
45. | SukkaW (Sukka) |
5142 | |
46. | excid3 (Chris Oliver) |
5128 | |
47. | woodruffw (William Woodruff) |
5118 | |
48. | hassanhabib (Hassan Rezk Habib) |
5106 | |
49. | hadley (Hadley Wickham) |
5047 | |
50. | kdrag0n (Danny Lin) |
5027 | |
51. | mitchellh (Mitchell Hashimoto) |
4982 | |
52. | hdm (HD Moore) |
4939 | |
53. | jacoblee93 (Jacob Lee) |
4916 | |
54. | tmcw (Tom MacWright) |
4851 | |
55. | jefftriplett (Jeff Triplett) |
4825 | |
56. | ljharb (Jordan Harband) |
4818 | |
57. | segiddins (Samuel Giddins) |
4761 | |
58. | rnystrom (Ryan Nystrom) |
4744 | |
59. | scripting (Dave Winer) |
4743 | |
60. | merrymercy (Lianmin Zheng) |
4705 | |
61. | schollz (Zack) |
4554 | |
62. | jackpot51 (Jeremy Soller) |
4523 | |
63. | jjunior96 (Junior Alves) |
4487 | |
64. | lucidrains (Phil Wang) |
4428 | |
65. | bradfitz (Brad Fitzpatrick) |
4391 | |
66. | LeaVerou (Lea Verou) |
4371 | |
67. | giswqs (Qiusheng Wu) |
4346 | |
68. | ZacSweers (Zac Sweers) |
4243 | |
69. | koush (Koushik Dutta) |
4225 | |
70. | tomast1337 (Nicolas Vyčas Nery ) |
4223 | |
71. | CharlieGreenman (Charlie Greenman) |
4202 | |
72. | 4nalog () |
4178 | |
73. | refcell (refcell) |
4177 | |
74. | simonw (Simon Willison) |
4120 | |
75. | basnijholt (Bas Nijholt) |
4113 | |
76. | jdx () |
4112 | |
77. | ahmadawais (Ahmad Awais ⌘) |
4078 | |
78. | mikeckennedy (Michael Kennedy) |
4044 | |
79. | vkarpov15 (Valeri Karpov) |
4019 | |
80. | ekzhang (Eric Zhang) |
4011 | |
81. | praeclarum (Frank A. Krueger) |
3983 | |
82. | taylorotwell (Taylor Otwell) |
3936 | |
83. | JakeWharton (Jake Wharton) |
3883 | |
84. | mdlayher (Matt Layher) |
3881 | |
85. | bagder (Daniel Stenberg) |
3826 | |
86. | motdotla (mot) |
3812 | |
87. | jeffrafter (Jeff Rafter (he/him)) |
3752 | |
88. | anmonteiro (Antonio Nuno Monteiro) |
3734 | |
89. | christian-bromann (Christian Bromann) |
3685 | |
90. | kentcdodds (Kent C. Dodds) |
3637 | |
91. | ice1000 (Tesla Zhang) |
3614 | |
92. | benbalter (Ben Balter) |
3577 | |
93. | Jarred-Sumner (Jarred Sumner) |
3569 | |
94. | ryanb (Ryan Bates) |
3517 | |
95. | pamelafox (Pamela Fox) |
3509 | |
96. | mxcl (Max Howell) |
3502 | |
97. | wagslane (Lane Wagner) |
3491 | |
98. | indirect (André Arko) |
3482 | |
99. | dblock (Daniel (dB.) Doubrovkine) |
3448 | |
100. | migueldeicaza (Miguel de Icaza) |
3448 | |
101. | alex (Alex Gaynor) |
3445 | |
102. | tpope (Tim Pope) |
3418 | |
103. | gadenbuie (Garrick Aden-Buie) |
3390 | |
104. | jordanhudgens (Jordan Hudgens) |
3387 | |
105. | chris-sev (Chris Sev) |
3361 | |
106. | kylebarron (Kyle Barron) |
3357 | |
107. | abraham (Abraham Williams) |
3339 | |
108. | felangel (Felix Angelov) |
3335 | |
109. | ericmjl (Eric Ma) |
3335 | |
110. | joelparkerhenderson (Joel Parker Henderson) |
3326 | |
111. | himself65 (Alex Yang) |
3307 | |
112. | MrXyfir (xyfir) |
3305 | |
113. | brian-salvatore (Brian Salvatore) |
3280 | |
114. | kean (Alex Grebenyuk) |
3250 | |
115. | amcdnl (Austin) |
3245 | |
116. | timothystewart6 (Techno Tim) |
3198 | |
117. | JaviSoto (Javi) |
3191 | |
118. | ezyang (Edward Z. Yang) |
3191 | |
119. | eddelbuettel (Dirk Eddelbuettel) |
3179 | |
120. | apoelstra (Andrew Poelstra) |
3145 | |
121. | zacharee (Zachary Wander) |
3123 | |
122. | leafo (leaf) |
3094 | |
123. | jakesgordon (Jake Gordon) |
3093 | |
124. | ashvardanian (Ash Vardanian) |
3079 | |
125. | leerob (Lee Robinson) |
3067 | |
126. | ttscoff (Brett Terpstra) |
3048 | |
127. | namin (Nada Amin) |
3046 | |
128. | MlgmXyysd (Jaida Wu) |
3044 | |
129. | jackyzha0 (Jacky Zhao) |
3042 | |
130. | EmilHvitfeldt (Emil Hvitfeldt) |
3040 | |
131. | sampsyo (Adrian Sampson) |
3014 | |
132. | cameronmcefee (Cameron McEfee) |
3009 | |
133. | Trinkle23897 (Jiayi Weng) |
2994 | |
134. | afeld (Aidan Feldman) |
2994 | |
135. | lostintangent (Jonathan Carter) |
2988 | |
136. | liuliu (Liu Liu) |
2971 | |
137. | gafferongames (Glenn Fiedler) |
2959 | |
138. | AlexNesvit (Alex NESVIT) |
2926 | |
139. | derekcollison (Derek Collison) |
2922 | |
140. | torvalds (Linus Torvalds) |
2907 | |
141. | danirabbit (Danielle Foré) |
2891 | |
142. | heathdutton (Heath Dutton ☕) |
2883 | |
143. | afollestad (Aidan Follestad) |
2862 | |
144. | ijjk (JJ Kasper) |
2824 | |
145. | ggreer (Geoff Greer) |
2797 | |
146. | hanxiao (Han Xiao) |
2781 | |
147. | josephmisiti (Joseph Misiti) |
2751 | |
148. | gauntface (Matt Gaunt-Seo) |
2741 | |
149. | coryhouse (Cory House) |
2733 | |
150. | lattner (Chris Lattner) |
2732 | |
151. | inducer (Andreas Klöckner) |
2719 | |
152. | Wilfred (Wilfred Hughes) |
2705 | |
153. | rwjblue (Robert Jackson) |
2703 | |
154. | zardus (Yan Shoshitaishvili) |
2703 | |
155. | treyhunner (Trey Hunner) |
2689 | |
156. | jverkoey (Jeff Verkoeyen) |
2686 | |
157. | edemaine (Erik Demaine) |
2668 | |
158. | gpeal (Gabriel Peal) |
2654 | |
159. | jasnell (James M Snell) |
2643 | |
160. | jxnblk (Brent Jackson) |
2642 | |
161. | dthree (DC) |
2611 | |
162. | zhyncs (Yineng Zhang) |
2609 | |
163. | coolaj86 (AJ ONeal) |
2600 | |
164. | jennifer-shehane (Jennifer Shehane) |
2595 | |
165. | ChrisTitusTech (Chris Titus) |
2585 | |
166. | bennadel (Ben Nadel) |
2582 | |
167. | jonrohan (Jon Rohan) |
2580 | |
168. | iheanyi (Iheanyi Ekechukwu) |
2547 | |
169. | jamtur01 (James Turnbull) |
2541 | |
170. | geohot (George Hotz) |
2520 | |
171. | dabbott (Devin Abbott) |
2509 | |
172. | gvergnaud (Gabriel Vergnaud) |
2502 | |
173. | jasonlong (Jason Long) |
2489 | |
174. | stephencelis (Stephen Celis) |
2483 | |
175. | jgamblin (Jerry Gamblin) |
2470 | |
176. | awni (Awni Hannun) |
2464 | |
177. | bcherny (Boris Cherny) |
2464 | |
178. | IEvangelist (David Pine) |
2454 | |
179. | bshaffer (Brent Shaffer) |
2445 | |
180. | ottomated () |
2441 | |
181. | yurishkuro (Yuri Shkuro) |
2438 | |
182. | jeresig (John Resig) |
2434 | |
183. | eseidel (Eric Seidel) |
2417 | |
184. | kognise (Lexi Mattick) |
2413 | |
185. | benmccann (Ben McCann) |
2407 | |
186. | ternaus (Vladimir Iglovikov) |
2402 | |
187. | jwage (Jonathan H. Wage) |
2394 | |
188. | fideloper (Chris Fidao) |
2393 | |
189. | rmosolgo (Robert Mosolgo) |
2388 | |
190. | sckott (Scott Chamberlain) |
2380 | |
191. | jlevy (Joshua Levy) |
2372 | |
192. | pirate (Nick Sweeting) |
2354 | |
193. | joshlong (Josh Long) |
2347 | |
194. | samuelclay (Samuel Clay) |
2329 | |
195. | searls (Justin Searls) |
2308 | |
196. | Swizec (Swizec Teller) |
2301 | |
197. | jeremyphilemon (Jeremy) |
2300 | |
198. | brandonroberts (Brandon Roberts) |
2295 | |
199. | leostratus (Leo Stratus) |
2293 | |
200. | epwalsh (Pete Walsh) |
2276 | |
201. | EvanBacon (Evan Bacon) |
2275 | |
202. | cnlohr (cnlohr) |
2274 | |
203. | rwxrob (Rob Muhlestein) |
2269 | |
204. | shreyashankar (Shreya Shankar) |
2263 | |
205. | nartc (Chau Tran) |
2256 | |
206. | maryrosecook (Mary Rose Cook) |
2250 | |
207. | KirillOsenkov (Kirill Osenkov) |
2239 | |
208. | theacodes (Stargirl Flowers) |
2235 | |
209. | jamesward (James Ward) |
2234 | |
210. | eliben (Eli Bendersky) |
2234 | |
211. | joelhooks (Joel Hooks) |
2222 | |
212. | rasbt (Sebastian Raschka) |
2213 | |
213. | virattt (Virat Singh) |
2201 | |
214. | wez (Wez Furlong) |
2185 | |
215. | Timer (Joe Haddad) |
2177 | |
216. | jonahwilliams (Jonah Williams) |
2177 | |
217. | mattt (Mattt) |
2165 | |
218. | parkr (Parker Moore) |
2141 | |
219. | erikbern (Erik Bernhardsson) |
2138 | |
220. | buckyroberts (Bucky Roberts) |
2135 | |
221. | brianlovin (Brian Lovin) |
2133 | |
222. | sunng87 (Ning Sun) |
2131 | |
223. | brannondorsey (Brannon Dorsey) |
2111 | |
224. | nealwu (Neal Wu) |
2110 | |
225. | BillWagner (Bill Wagner) |
2090 | |
226. | jeremy (Jeremy Daer) |
2085 | |
227. | beejjorgensen (Brian "Beej Jorgensen" Hall ) |
2077 | |
228. | raineorshine (Raine Revere) |
2071 | |
229. | Eugeny (Eugene) |
2071 | |
230. | t3dotgg (Theo Browne) |
2064 | |
231. | calebporzio (Caleb Porzio) |
2057 | |
232. | riverscuomo (Rivers Cuomo) |
2053 | |
233. | VikParuchuri (Vik Paruchuri) |
2051 | |
234. | PatrickAlphaC (Patrick Collins) |
2042 | |
235. | andrewrk (Andrew Kelley) |
2037 | |
236. | WillKoehrsen (Will Koehrsen) |
2034 | |
237. | rhatdan (Daniel J Walsh) |
2024 | |
238. | johnleider (John Leider) |
2018 | |
239. | davidfowl (David Fowler) |
2001 | |
240. | kennethreitz (Kenneth Reitz) |
2000 | |
241. | yihui (Yihui Xie) |
1995 | |
242. | hramos (Héctor Ramos) |
1988 | |
243. | paulredmond (Paul Redmond) |
1980 | |
244. | Manishearth (Manish Goregaokar) |
1979 | |
245. | ShangtongZhang (Shangtong Zhang) |
1969 | |
246. | adbertram (Adam Bertram) |
1962 | |
247. | major (Major Hayden) |
1946 | |
248. | joshdholtz (Josh Holtz) |
1944 | |
249. | eugeneyan (Eugene Yan) |
1943 | |
250. | nikomatsakis (Niko Matsakis) |
1942 | |
251. | aaronksaunders (Aaron K Saunders) |
1938 | |
252. | dfinke (Doug Finke) |
1937 | |
253. | terkelg (Terkel) |
1933 | |
254. | rodydavis (Rody Davis) |
1921 | |
255. | yonggekkk (甬哥侃侃侃ygkkk) |
1917 | |
256. | julien-c (Julien Chaumond) |
1912 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | microsoft | 9 |
2. | conda-forge | 6 |
3. | github | 6 |
4. | azure | 5 |
5. | microsoftdocs | 5 |
6. | github-beta | 5 |
7. | vercel | 5 |
8. | w3c | 5 |
9. | 4 | |
10. | llvm | 4 |