A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in United States over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-03-11 02:44:47 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'United States')
This list contains all public contributions for each user. There are 1626290 total users in the region and you need at least 902 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | seanpm2001 (Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2) |
70029 | |
2. | rgbkrk (Kyle Kelley) |
49285 | |
3. | zhaoolee (zhaoolee) |
33509 | |
4. | RamiKrispin (Rami Krispin) |
27420 | |
5. | brianchandotcom (Brian Chan) |
25037 | |
6. | bdraco (J. Nick Koston) |
14143 | |
7. | tianon (Tianon Gravi) |
11369 | |
8. | jeremylong (Jeremy Long) |
8481 | |
9. | AArnott (Andrew Arnott) |
8128 | |
10. | facebook-github-bot (Facebook Community Bot) |
8052 | |
11. | charliermarsh (Charlie Marsh) |
7486 | |
12. | ChrisRackauckas (Christopher Rackauckas) |
7280 | |
13. | alesanchezr (Alejandro Sanchez) |
6993 | |
14. | jherr (Jack Herrington) |
6769 | |
15. | g0t4 (Wes Higbee) |
6730 | |
16. | lxRbckl (Alex Arbuckle) |
6258 | |
17. | leecalcote (Lee Calcote) |
5951 | |
18. | Tyriar (Daniel Imms) |
5887 | |
19. | ankane (Andrew Kane) |
5701 | |
20. | vladmandic (Vladimir Mandic) |
5519 | |
21. | dtolnay (David Tolnay) |
5400 | |
22. | timkpaine (Tim Paine) |
5377 | |
23. | JoshuaKGoldberg (Josh Goldberg ✨) |
5326 | |
24. | rohitpaulk (Paul Kuruvilla) |
5046 | |
25. | swharden (Scott W Harden) |
5042 | |
26. | hadley (Hadley Wickham) |
5036 | |
27. | mitchellh (Mitchell Hashimoto) |
4898 | |
28. | natew (Nate Wienert) |
4731 | |
29. | ljharb (Jordan Harband) |
4728 | |
30. | segiddins (Samuel Giddins) |
4704 | |
31. | josh (Joshua Peek) |
4678 | |
32. | woodruffw (William Woodruff) |
4587 | |
33. | Innei (Innei) |
4465 | |
34. | glenn-jocher (Glenn Jocher) |
4464 | |
35. | scripting (Dave Winer) |
4462 | |
36. | alexeagle (Alex Eagle) |
4401 | |
37. | schollz (Zack) |
4395 | |
38. | jackpot51 (Jeremy Soller) |
4269 | |
39. | lucidrains (Phil Wang) |
4243 | |
40. | vkarpov15 (Valeri Karpov) |
4019 | |
41. | refcell (refcell) |
3973 | |
42. | jacoblee93 (Jacob Lee) |
3879 | |
43. | lalalune (Shaw) |
3632 | |
44. | giswqs (Qiusheng Wu) |
3626 | |
45. | kentcdodds (Kent C. Dodds) |
3612 | |
46. | jdx () |
3584 | |
47. | bagder (Daniel Stenberg) |
3499 | |
48. | simonw (Simon Willison) |
3482 | |
49. | SukkaW (Sukka) |
3469 | |
50. | JakeWharton (Jake Wharton) |
3422 | |
51. | dblock (Daniel (dB.) Doubrovkine) |
3395 | |
52. | kylebarron (Kyle Barron) |
3357 | |
53. | basnijholt (Bas Nijholt) |
3329 | |
54. | pamelafox (Pamela Fox) |
3315 | |
55. | alex (Alex Gaynor) |
3238 | |
56. | ezyang (Edward Z. Yang) |
3191 | |
57. | apoelstra (Andrew Poelstra) |
3145 | |
58. | Jarred-Sumner (Jarred Sumner) |
3132 | |
59. | gadenbuie (Garrick Aden-Buie) |
3127 | |
60. | joelparkerhenderson (Joel Parker Henderson) |
3016 | |
61. | koush (Koushik Dutta) |
3006 | |
62. | EmilHvitfeldt (Emil Hvitfeldt) |
2947 | |
63. | ttscoff (Brett Terpstra) |
2922 | |
64. | torvalds (Linus Torvalds) |
2907 | |
65. | danirabbit (Danielle Foré) |
2891 | |
66. | AlexNesvit (Alex NESVIT) |
2884 | |
67. | motdotla (mot) |
2821 | |
68. | christian-bromann (Christian Bromann) |
2793 | |
69. | ice1000 (Tesla Zhang) |
2778 | |
70. | anmonteiro (Antonio Nuno Monteiro) |
2764 | |
71. | Wilfred (Wilfred Hughes) |
2704 | |
72. | jverkoey (Jeff Verkoeyen) |
2686 | |
73. | ZacSweers (Zac Sweers) |
2671 | |
74. | ericmjl (Eric Ma) |
2649 | |
75. | rwjblue (Robert Jackson) |
2632 | |
76. | jasnell (James M Snell) |
2588 | |
77. | kean (Alex Grebenyuk) |
2580 | |
78. | ChrisTitusTech (Chris Titus) |
2565 | |
79. | eddelbuettel (Dirk Eddelbuettel) |
2551 | |
80. | awni (Awni Hannun) |
2445 | |
81. | bshaffer (Brent Shaffer) |
2445 | |
82. | yurishkuro (Yuri Shkuro) |
2438 | |
83. | geohot (George Hotz) |
2438 | |
84. | jgamblin (Jerry Gamblin) |
2437 | |
85. | taylorotwell (Taylor Otwell) |
2393 | |
86. | ashvardanian (Ash Vardanian) |
2366 | |
87. | benmccann (Ben McCann) |
2344 | |
88. | pirate (Nick Sweeting) |
2297 | |
89. | brandonroberts (Brandon Roberts) |
2295 | |
90. | jennifer-shehane (Jennifer Shehane) |
2223 | |
91. | ijjk (JJ Kasper) |
2218 | |
92. | LeaVerou (Lea Verou) |
2199 | |
93. | IEvangelist (David Pine) |
2194 | |
94. | inducer (Andreas Klöckner) |
2190 | |
95. | edemaine (Erik Demaine) |
2189 | |
96. | sckott (Scott Chamberlain) |
2177 | |
97. | jonahwilliams (Jonah Williams) |
2177 | |
98. | jefftriplett (Jeff Triplett) |
2129 | |
99. | joshlong (Josh Long) |
2129 | |
100. | joelhooks (Joel Hooks) |
2119 | |
101. | BillWagner (Bill Wagner) |
2090 | |
102. | raineorshine (Raine Revere) |
2071 | |
103. | PatrickAlphaC (Patrick Collins) |
2042 | |
104. | andrewrk (Andrew Kelley) |
2037 | |
105. | coolaj86 (AJ ONeal) |
2028 | |
106. | rhatdan (Daniel J Walsh) |
2019 | |
107. | ggreer (Geoff Greer) |
1983 | |
108. | Manishearth (Manish Goregaokar) |
1979 | |
109. | felangel (Felix Angelov) |
1957 | |
110. | nikomatsakis (Niko Matsakis) |
1942 | |
111. | yihui (Yihui Xie) |
1938 | |
112. | major (Major Hayden) |
1936 | |
113. | EvanBacon (Evan Bacon) |
1933 | |
114. | mine-cetinkaya-rundel (Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel) |
1928 | |
115. | yonggekkk (甬哥侃侃侃ygkkk) |
1917 | |
116. | stephencelis (Stephen Celis) |
1905 | |
117. | sampsyo (Adrian Sampson) |
1904 | |
118. | nathanchance (Nathan Chancellor) |
1898 | |
119. | cnlohr (cnlohr) |
1896 | |
120. | gr2m (Gregor Martynus) |
1890 | |
121. | tommoor (Tom Moor) |
1881 | |
122. | curran (Curran Kelleher) |
1876 | |
123. | bahmutov (Gleb Bahmutov) |
1866 | |
124. | rasbt (Sebastian Raschka) |
1864 | |
125. | andygrove (Andy Grove) |
1863 | |
126. | jakevdp (Jake Vanderplas) |
1849 | |
127. | peterbe (Peter Bengtsson) |
1848 | |
128. | jeremyevans (Jeremy Evans) |
1847 | |
129. | nex3 (Natalie Weizenbaum) |
1821 | |
130. | zeux (Arseny Kapoulkine) |
1815 | |
131. | nolanlawson (Nolan Lawson) |
1789 | |
132. | ctb (C. Titus Brown) |
1779 | |
133. | zardus (Yan Shoshitaishvili) |
1773 | |
134. | BurntSushi (Andrew Gallant) |
1772 | |
135. | zhyncs (Yineng Zhang) |
1764 | |
136. | estelle (Estelle Weyl) |
1738 | |
137. | vczh () |
1716 | |
138. | tannerlinsley (Tanner Linsley) |
1715 | |
139. | sea-bass (Sebastian Castro) |
1713 | |
140. | kevmoo (Kevin Moore) |
1712 | |
141. | jaredly (Jared Forsyth) |
1706 | |
142. | eseidel (Eric Seidel) |
1705 | |
143. | v0lkan (Volkan Özçelik) |
1699 | |
144. | MlgmXyysd (Jaida Wu) |
1691 | |
145. | danielhanchen (Daniel Han) |
1689 | |
146. | jwiegley (John Wiegley) |
1687 | |
147. | gafferongames (Glenn Fiedler) |
1683 | |
148. | tarcieri (Tony Arcieri) |
1677 | |
149. | davidfowl (David Fowler) |
1672 | |
150. | zacharee (Zachary Wander) |
1667 | |
151. | tomast1337 (Nicolas Vyčas Nery ) |
1665 | |
152. | alxhub (Alex Rickabaugh) |
1654 | |
153. | wez (Wez Furlong) |
1634 | |
154. | merrymercy (Lianmin Zheng) |
1628 | |
155. | mkeeter (Matt Keeter) |
1614 | |
156. | kennethreitz (Kenneth Reitz) |
1610 | |
157. | transitive-bullshit (Travis Fischer) |
1596 | |
158. | afeld (Aidan Feldman) |
1595 | |
159. | ScriptedAlchemy (Zack Jackson) |
1594 | |
160. | ConradIrwin (Conrad Irwin) |
1586 | |
161. | epwalsh (Pete Walsh) |
1575 | |
162. | mraible (Matt Raible) |
1572 | |
163. | jamesgpearce (James Pearce) |
1564 | |
164. | ternaus (Vladimir Iglovikov) |
1553 | |
165. | namin (Nada Amin) |
1551 | |
166. | hawkw (Eliza Weisman) |
1551 | |
167. | derekcollison (Derek Collison) |
1550 | |
168. | nzakas (Nicholas C. Zakas) |
1544 | |
169. | terrytangyuan (Yuan Tang) |
1534 | |
170. | mtlynch (Michael Lynch) |
1529 | |
171. | mmp (Matt Pharr) |
1528 | |
172. | himself65 (Alex Yang) |
1526 | |
173. | gitster (Junio C Hamano) |
1526 | |
174. | sunng87 (Ning Sun) |
1518 | |
175. | tobymao (Toby Mao) |
1514 | |
176. | ThioJoe () |
1507 | |
177. | amcdnl (Austin) |
1491 | |
178. | indirect (André Arko) |
1477 | |
179. | bradfitz (Brad Fitzpatrick) |
1469 | |
180. | keith (Keith Smiley) |
1467 | |
181. | ericholscher (Eric Holscher) |
1453 | |
182. | sebastienros (Sébastien Ros) |
1444 | |
183. | mattgodbolt (Matt Godbolt) |
1441 | |
184. | donmccurdy (Don McCurdy) |
1429 | |
185. | nartc (Chau Tran) |
1420 | |
186. | davidism (David Lord) |
1419 | |
187. | dcramer (David Cramer) |
1403 | |
188. | mikecao (Mike Cao) |
1402 | |
189. | mbrandonw (Brandon Williams) |
1393 | |
190. | rwxrob (Rob Muhlestein) |
1392 | |
191. | TooTallNate (Nathan Rajlich) |
1390 | |
192. | SteveMacenski (Steve Macenski) |
1387 | |
193. | icculus (Ryan C. Gordon) |
1382 | |
194. | hamelsmu (Hamel Husain) |
1378 | |
195. | leerob (Lee Robinson) |
1371 | |
196. | Alex313031 (Alex F.) |
1351 | |
197. | liyin2015 (Li Yin) |
1326 | |
198. | alysonla (Alyson La) |
1313 | |
199. | skyzh (Alex Chi Z.) |
1290 | |
200. | nedbat (Ned Batchelder) |
1258 | |
201. | willingc (Carol Willing) |
1254 | |
202. | ardan-bkennedy (William Kennedy) |
1252 | |
203. | shepmaster (Jake Goulding) |
1250 | |
204. | liuliu (Liu Liu) |
1249 | |
205. | emeryberger (Emery Berger) |
1241 | |
206. | bvaughn (Brian Vaughn) |
1240 | |
207. | hyperb1iss (Stefanie Jane) |
1228 | |
208. | VikParuchuri (Vik Paruchuri) |
1227 | |
209. | geerlingguy (Jeff Geerling) |
1216 | |
210. | mistercrunch (Maxime Beauchemin) |
1202 | |
211. | jaredhanson (Jared Hanson) |
1202 | |
212. | Cyan4973 (Yann Collet) |
1202 | |
213. | tmcw (Tom MacWright) |
1200 | |
214. | lvgalvao (Luciano Filho) |
1196 | |
215. | rmosolgo (Robert Mosolgo) |
1195 | |
216. | colesbury (Sam Gross) |
1195 | |
217. | mxcl (Max Howell) |
1188 | |
218. | schneems (Richard Schneeman) |
1188 | |
219. | wu-sheng (吴晟 Wu Sheng) |
1178 | |
220. | ericniebler (Eric Niebler) |
1177 | |
221. | devongovett (Devon Govett) |
1176 | |
222. | tshemsedinov (Timur Shemsedinov) |
1174 | |
223. | elicwhite (Eli White) |
1174 | |
224. | GloriousEggroll (Thomas Crider) |
1167 | |
225. | shiffman (Daniel Shiffman) |
1162 | |
226. | umputun (Umputun) |
1161 | |
227. | sethvargo (Seth Vargo) |
1151 | |
228. | syrusakbary (Syrus Akbary) |
1151 | |
229. | jgm (John MacFarlane) |
1148 | |
230. | jart (Justine Tunney) |
1146 | |
231. | palkan (Vladimir Dementyev) |
1139 | |
232. | neodigm (Scott C. Krause) |
1132 | |
233. | jamesward (James Ward) |
1130 | |
234. | ryanfleury (Ryan Fleury) |
1128 | |
235. | jkitchin (John Kitchin) |
1122 | |
236. | mbostock (Mike Bostock) |
1121 | |
237. | VictorTaelin (Victor Taelin) |
1120 | |
238. | sebmarkbage (Sebastian Markbåge) |
1118 | |
239. | mattt (Mattt) |
1107 | |
240. | jeremyphilemon (Jeremy) |
1097 | |
241. | rodydavis (Rody Davis) |
1090 | |
242. | jonrohan (Jon Rohan) |
1081 | |
243. | schwa (Jonathan Wight) |
1074 | |
244. | drwpow (Drew Powers) |
1074 | |
245. | AllenDowney (Allen Downey) |
1066 | |
246. | stefanv (Stefan van der Walt) |
1060 | |
247. | mwaskom (Michael Waskom) |
1057 | |
248. | haacked (Phil Haack) |
1049 | |
249. | mjackson (Michael Jackson) |
1047 | |
250. | deltakosh (David Catuhe) |
1037 | |
251. | gnachman (George Nachman) |
1034 | |
252. | eliben (Eli Bendersky) |
1032 | |
253. | zachlatta (Zach Latta) |
1028 | |
254. | jackyzha0 (Jacky Zhao) |
1027 | |
255. | coryhouse (Cory House) |
1023 | |
256. | gamemann (Christian Deacon) |
1021 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | w3c | 8 |
2. | conda-forge | 7 |
3. | 7 | |
4. | apache | 6 |
5. | microsoft | 6 |
6. | llvm | 5 |
7. | vercel | 5 |
8. | rust-lang | 5 |
9. | aspnet | 4 |
10. | azure | 4 |