A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Worldwide over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-03-11 04:15:26 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
This list contains all public commits for each user. There are 151975374 total users in the region and you need at least 1553 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | felixonmars (Felix Yan) |
76301 | |
2. | RamiKrispin (Rami Krispin) |
27354 | |
3. | dante4rt (Rama) |
25105 | |
4. | omololevy (Levy Omolo) |
16408 | |
5. | itsKayWat (itsKayWat) |
10058 | |
6. | JonnyBurger (Jonny Burger) |
6424 | |
7. | lxRbckl (Alex Arbuckle) |
6255 | |
8. | ChrisRackauckas (Christopher Rackauckas) |
5712 | |
9. | azu (azu) |
5304 | |
10. | instrik (Aakash Agarwal) |
5039 | |
11. | orhun (Orhun Parmaksız) |
4979 | |
12. | folke (Folke Lemaitre) |
4672 | |
13. | jeroen (Jeroen Ooms) |
4609 | |
14. | josh (Joshua Peek) |
4225 | |
15. | dtolnay (David Tolnay) |
4087 | |
16. | fabpot (Fabien Potencier) |
4026 | |
17. | Connor9994 (Connor) |
4014 | |
18. | kovidgoyal (Kovid Goyal) |
3570 | |
19. | sxzz (Kevin Deng 三咲智子) |
3506 | |
20. | Innei (Innei) |
3460 | |
21. | 88250 (D) |
3433 | |
22. | mercyblitz (Mercy Ma) |
2979 | |
23. | koush (Koushik Dutta) |
2929 | |
24. | utilForever (Chris Ohk) |
2764 | |
25. | snipe (snipe) |
2762 | |
26. | wojtekmaj (Wojciech Maj) |
2697 | |
27. | charliermarsh (Charlie Marsh) |
2649 | |
28. | kamilmysliwiec (Kamil Mysliwiec) |
2594 | |
29. | midudev (Miguel Ángel Durán) |
2496 | |
30. | EndlessCheng (灵茶山艾府 [0x3F]) |
2487 | |
31. | asottile (Anthony Sottile) |
2478 | |
32. | giswqs (Qiusheng Wu) |
2439 | |
33. | jdx () |
2436 | |
34. | sanjay-kv (Sanjay Viswanathan) |
2413 | |
35. | jgamblin (Jerry Gamblin) |
2412 | |
36. | linux-china (Libing Chen) |
2396 | |
37. | ice1000 (Tesla Zhang) |
2374 | |
38. | damienbod (damienbod) |
2366 | |
39. | saadeghi (Pouya Saadeghi) |
2326 | |
40. | terrymanu (Liang Zhang) |
2213 | |
41. | segunadebayo (Segun Adebayo) |
2193 | |
42. | snicoll (Stéphane Nicoll) |
2184 | |
43. | MikeMcQuaid (Mike McQuaid) |
2175 | |
44. | freekmurze (Freek Van der Herten) |
2150 | |
45. | kamyu104 (kamyu) |
2150 | |
46. | standardgalactic (Cogito Ergo Sum) |
2120 | |
47. | kyegomez (Kye Gomez) |
2117 | |
48. | nunomaduro (Nuno Maduro) |
2108 | |
49. | alexcrichton (Alex Crichton) |
2060 | |
50. | paulmillr (Paul Miller) |
1981 | |
51. | bep (Bjørn Erik Pedersen) |
1959 | |
52. | nelsonic (Nelson) |
1924 | |
53. | yonggekkk (甬哥侃侃侃ygkkk) |
1897 | |
54. | MaskRay (Fangrui Song) |
1896 | |
55. | yanglbme (Libin YANG) |
1892 | |
56. | WebReflection (Andrea Giammarchi) |
1839 | |
57. | jedisct1 (Frank Denis) |
1798 | |
58. | aryashah2k (Arya Shah) |
1734 | |
59. | keijiro (Keijiro Takahashi) |
1733 | |
60. | thetutlage (Harminder Virk) |
1722 | |
61. | bagder (Daniel Stenberg) |
1717 | |
62. | rtivital (Vitaly Rtishchev) |
1705 | |
63. | algorithmzuo (左程云) |
1704 | |
64. | zardus (Yan Shoshitaishvili) |
1667 | |
65. | MlgmXyysd (Jaida Wu) |
1661 | |
66. | edemaine (Erik Demaine) |
1652 | |
67. | Jarred-Sumner (Jarred Sumner) |
1647 | |
68. | kean (Alex Grebenyuk) |
1642 | |
69. | posva (Eduardo San Martin Morote) |
1641 | |
70. | WerWolv (Nik) |
1626 | |
71. | HerringtonDarkholme (Herrington Darkholme) |
1610 | |
72. | zeux (Arseny Kapoulkine) |
1602 | |
73. | formidablae (Andi Ferhati) |
1597 | |
74. | josevalim (José Valim) |
1578 | |
75. | fiatjaf (fiatjaf_) |
1569 | |
76. | tiye (题叶) |
1538 | |
77. | xPaw (Pavel Djundik) |
1537 | |
78. | XIU2 () |
1497 | |
79. | BEPb (Andrej Marinchenko) |
1488 | |
80. | kennethreitz (Kenneth Reitz) |
1488 | |
81. | mluukkai (Matti Luukkainen) |
1460 | |
82. | ThioJoe () |
1445 | |
83. | vinceliuice (Vince) |
1423 | |
84. | sindresorhus (Sindre Sorhus) |
1378 | |
85. | ripienaar (R.I.Pienaar) |
1374 | |
86. | nikomatsakis (Niko Matsakis) |
1338 | |
87. | pilcrowonpaper (pilcrow) |
1335 | |
88. | hathach (Ha Thach) |
1326 | |
89. | CamDavidsonPilon (Cameron Davidson-Pilon) |
1317 | |
90. | renatogroffe (Renato Groffe) |
1290 | |
91. | shahednasser (Shahed Nasser) |
1281 | |
92. | whitequark (Catherine) |
1253 | |
93. | hamelsmu (Hamel Husain) |
1232 | |
94. | nikic (Nikita Popov) |
1230 | |
95. | hyperb1iss (Stefanie Jane) |
1204 | |
96. | holtzy (Holtz Yan) |
1182 | |
97. | Anuken () |
1163 | |
98. | jjallaire () |
1154 | |
99. | lihaoyi (Li Haoyi) |
1142 | |
100. | ZacSweers (Zac Sweers) |
1136 | |
101. | kepano (Steph Ango) |
1130 | |
102. | GloriousEggroll (Thomas Crider) |
1118 | |
103. | cpojer (Christoph Nakazawa) |
1115 | |
104. | hkirat (Kirat) |
1103 | |
105. | mikepenz (Mike Penz) |
1067 | |
106. | rasbt (Sebastian Raschka) |
1052 | |
107. | webdevcody (Web Dev Cody) |
1051 | |
108. | AllenDowney (Allen Downey) |
1049 | |
109. | tiangolo (Sebastián Ramírez) |
1046 | |
110. | ezyang (Edward Z. Yang) |
1044 | |
111. | mxcl (Max Howell) |
1033 | |
112. | anonrig (Yagiz Nizipli) |
1019 | |
113. | afc163 (afc163) |
1018 | |
114. | mjackson (Michael Jackson) |
1016 | |
115. | sorrycc (chencheng (云谦)) |
986 | |
116. | captn3m0 (Nemo) |
978 | |
117. | pydanny (Daniel Roy Greenfeld) |
961 | |
118. | singhsanket143 (Sanket Singh) |
958 | |
119. | vasturiano (Vasco Asturiano) |
942 | |
120. | windingwind () |
940 | |
121. | tshemsedinov (Timur Shemsedinov) |
937 | |
122. | gamemann (Christian Deacon) |
935 | |
123. | jserv (Jim Huang) |
934 | |
124. | kornelski (Kornel) |
931 | |
125. | hasherezade (hasherezade) |
930 | |
126. | LukeMathWalker (Luca Palmieri) |
915 | |
127. | valyala (Aliaksandr Valialkin) |
911 | |
128. | shiffman (Daniel Shiffman) |
907 | |
129. | khaosdoctor (Lucas Santos) |
883 | |
130. | hanxiao (Han Xiao) |
878 | |
131. | paullewis (Paul Lewis) |
875 | |
132. | mvdan (Daniel Martí) |
873 | |
133. | threepointone (Sunil Pai) |
857 | |
134. | lllyasviel () |
855 | |
135. | XiaomingX (Y11) |
850 | |
136. | BurntSushi (Andrew Gallant) |
848 | |
137. | MarisaKirisame (霧雨魔理沙) |
846 | |
138. | gwern (Gwern Branwen) |
825 | |
139. | alex (Alex Gaynor) |
823 | |
140. | ChinmayKaitade (Chinmay Kaitade) |
818 | |
141. | TooTallNate (Nathan Rajlich) |
809 | |
142. | mattgodbolt (Matt Godbolt) |
806 | |
143. | cortinico (Nicola Corti) |
803 | |
144. | donmccurdy (Don McCurdy) |
802 | |
145. | yole (Dmitry Jemerov) |
794 | |
146. | kaushikgopal (Kaushik Gopal) |
792 | |
147. | brson (Brian Anderson) |
790 | |
148. | dataprofessor (Chanin Nantasenamat) |
780 | |
149. | KieSun (yck) |
778 | |
150. | turicas (Álvaro Justen) |
771 | |
151. | mathiasbynens (Mathias Bynens) |
759 | |
152. | isaacs (isaacs) |
754 | |
153. | SkalskiP (Piotr Skalski) |
746 | |
154. | emersion (Simon Ser) |
737 | |
155. | zloirock (Denis Pushkarev) |
736 | |
156. | casey (Casey Rodarmor) |
735 | |
157. | mattt (Mattt) |
733 | |
158. | arpitbbhayani (Arpit Bhayani) |
732 | |
159. | eliben (Eli Bendersky) |
732 | |
160. | stevekinney (Steve Kinney) |
725 | |
161. | nandorojo (Fernando Rojo) |
724 | |
162. | excid3 (Chris Oliver) |
716 | |
163. | saket (Saket Narayan) |
707 | |
164. | ericniebler (Eric Niebler) |
699 | |
165. | marten-seemann (Marten Seemann) |
697 | |
166. | serengil (Sefik Ilkin Serengil) |
689 | |
167. | himself65 (Alex Yang) |
679 | |
168. | junegunn (Junegunn Choi) |
678 | |
169. | gaearon (dan) |
669 | |
170. | KyleAMathews (Kyle Mathews) |
661 | |
171. | emirkaanozdemr (Emir Kaan Özdemir) |
661 | |
172. | denysdovhan (Denys Dovhan) |
660 | |
173. | davidkpiano (David Khourshid) |
656 | |
174. | pomber (Rodrigo Pombo) |
653 | |
175. | danielhe4rt (Daniel Reis) |
653 | |
176. | aidenybai (Aiden Bai) |
652 | |
177. | duongminh318 () |
647 | |
178. | laurent22 (Laurent Cozic) |
645 | |
179. | avelino (Avelino) |
643 | |
180. | UberGuidoZ (UberGuidoZ) |
641 | |
181. | schneems (Richard Schneeman) |
640 | |
182. | haacked (Phil Haack) |
640 | |
183. | KATT (Alex / KATT) |
628 | |
184. | Salvelop07 (Salvador) |
628 | |
185. | hu8813 (hüseyin kaya aydin) |
623 | |
186. | Lissy93 (Alicia Sykes) |
617 | |
187. | leimao (Lei Mao) |
613 | |
188. | medcl (Medcl) |
607 | |
189. | bbatsov (Bozhidar Batsov) |
602 | |
190. | Tohidkhan6332 (Tohid Khan ) |
601 | |
191. | ryansolid (Ryan Carniato) |
598 | |
192. | joaomdmoura (João Moura) |
597 | |
193. | miguelgrinberg (Miguel Grinberg) |
595 | |
194. | andrewlock (Andrew Lock) |
590 | |
195. | Thuotracy (Tracy Wangari) |
589 | |
196. | nzakas (Nicholas C. Zakas) |
587 | |
586 | |
198. | kousen (Ken Kousen) |
578 | |
199. | WindowsAddict (WindowsAddict) |
573 | |
200. | danielmiessler (Daniel Miessler) |
570 | |
201. | ijjk (JJ Kasper) |
567 | |
202. | khannedy (Eko Kurniawan Khannedy) |
567 | |
203. | jakevdp (Jake Vanderplas) |
564 | |
204. | overtrue (安正超) |
563 | |
205. | topepo (Max Kuhn) |
559 | |
206. | Tyrrrz (Oleksii Holub) |
557 | |
207. | odersky () |
554 | |
208. | twostraws (Paul Hudson) |
553 | |
209. | csev (Charles Severance) |
552 | |
210. | SteveMacenski (Steve Macenski) |
551 | |
211. | mame (Yusuke Endoh) |
550 | |
212. | ethanflower1903 (Ethan Flower-01100101 01110100 01101000 01100001 01101110) |
548 | |
213. | kriskowal (Kris Kowal) |
542 | |
214. | terrytangyuan (Yuan Tang) |
538 | |
215. | SaraVieira (Sara Vieira) |
521 | |
216. | Premalatha-success (Premalatha T) |
519 | |
217. | danvega (Dan Vega) |
518 | |
218. | phil-opp (Philipp Oppermann) |
517 | |
219. | akasakaid (Fawwaz Thoerif) |
515 | |
220. | arvidn (Arvid Norberg) |
514 | |
221. | anitaa1990 (Anitaa Murthy) |
514 | |
222. | AliSoftware (Olivier Halligon) |
512 | |
223. | stephentoub (Stephen Toub) |
511 | |
224. | youngyangyang04 (程序员Carl) |
507 | |
225. | riverscuomo (Rivers Cuomo) |
505 | |
226. | arunoda (Arunoda Susiripala) |
504 | |
227. | earlephilhower (Earle F. Philhower, III) |
499 | |
228. | CyberSecurityUP (Joas A Santos) |
497 | |
229. | sebastienros (Sébastien Ros) |
495 | |
230. | trinhminhtriet (Triet Trinh) |
495 | |
231. | dsyer (Dave Syer) |
495 | |
232. | manfredsteyer (Manfred Steyer) |
491 | |
233. | Klerith (Fernando Herrera) |
489 | |
234. | MuratYucedag () |
487 | |
235. | srush (Sasha Rush) |
478 | |
236. | ekzhang (Eric Zhang) |
477 | |
237. | ZeroCho (Hyunyoung Cho) |
477 | |
238. | ariya (Ariya Hidayat) |
476 | |
239. | jessesquires (Jesse Squires) |
471 | |
240. | janishar (Janishar Ali) |
469 | |
241. | wkentaro (Kentaro Wada) |
466 | |
242. | kenjinote (kenji) |
462 | |
243. | brandon-rhodes (Brandon Rhodes) |
461 | |
244. | mbostock (Mike Bostock) |
460 | |
245. | ekmett (Edward Kmett) |
459 | |
246. | jamesqquick (James Q Quick) |
454 | |
247. | WangYihang (Yihang Wang) |
454 | |
248. | jojoldu (DongUk Lee) |
453 | |
249. | goncy (Gonzalo Pozzo) |
453 | |
250. | orta (Orta Therox) |
451 | |
251. | bradfitz (Brad Fitzpatrick) |
445 | |
252. | michaelliao (Crypto Michael) |
442 | |
253. | bennyhuo (Benny Huo) |
440 | |
254. | sadanandpai (Sadanand Pai) |
431 | |
255. | yoksel (Yoksel) |
430 | |
256. | shiftkey (Brendan Forster) |
427 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | conda-forge | 7 |
2. | rust-lang | 5 |
3. | babel | 4 |
4. | rust-lang-nursery | 4 |
5. | epicgames | 3 |
6. | nodejs | 3 |
7. | styled-components | 3 |
8. | 3 | |
9. | tc39 | 3 |
10. | reactjs | 3 |