A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Worldwide over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2024-12-29 22:12:33 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
This list contains all public contributions for each user. There are 142867664 total users in the region and you need at least 1673 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![committers.top badge](https://user-badge.committers.top/worldwide_public/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.committers.top/worldwide_public/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![committers.top badge](https://org-badge.committers.top/worldwide_public/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.committers.top/worldwide_public/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | seanpm2001 (Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2) |
70719 | |
2. | isyuricunha (Yuri) |
46306 | |
3. | aeneasr (hackerman) |
26984 | |
4. | azure-sdk (Azure SDK Bot) |
19161 | |
5. | omololevy (Levy Omolo) |
12874 | |
6. | danielroe (Daniel Roe) |
9861 | |
7. | ornicar (Thibault Duplessis) |
6847 | |
8. | steven-tey (Steven Tey) |
6217 | |
9. | nicolas-grekas (Nicolas Grekas) |
5854 | |
10. | peppy (Dean Herbert) |
5644 | |
11. | fabpot (Fabien Potencier) |
5464 | |
12. | 1995parham (Parham Alvani) |
5303 | |
13. | george0st (jist) |
5292 | |
14. | jdx () |
5274 | |
15. | ljharb (Jordan Harband) |
5256 | |
16. | dsherret (David Sherret) |
5062 | |
17. | jskeet (Jon Skeet) |
4819 | |
18. | MikeMcQuaid (Mike McQuaid) |
4480 | |
19. | terrymanu (Liang Zhang) |
4369 | |
20. | Koenkk (Koen Kanters) |
4282 | |
21. | Xuanwo (Xuanwo) |
4261 | |
22. | kentcdodds (Kent C. Dodds) |
3972 | |
23. | pamelafox (Pamela Fox) |
3597 | |
24. | kdy1 (Donny/강동윤) |
3571 | |
25. | giswqs (Qiusheng Wu) |
3510 | |
26. | kovidgoyal (Kovid Goyal) |
3444 | |
27. | bpasero (Benjamin Pasero) |
3354 | |
28. | JakeWharton (Jake Wharton) |
3342 | |
29. | tarsius (Jonas Bernoulli) |
3295 | |
30. | wojtekmaj (Wojciech Maj) |
3272 | |
31. | ligi (ligi) |
3268 | |
32. | josevalim (José Valim) |
3122 | |
33. | ai (Andrey Sitnik) |
3105 | |
34. | hrydgard (Henrik Rydgård) |
3023 | |
35. | matklad (Alex Kladov) |
2991 | |
36. | tisonkun (tison) |
2873 | |
37. | afc163 (afc163) |
2834 | |
38. | asottile (Anthony Sottile) |
2698 | |
39. | linux-china (Libing Chen) |
2690 | |
40. | jph00 (Jeremy Howard) |
2682 | |
41. | mxschmitt (Max Schmitt) |
2663 | |
42. | fanquake (fanquake) |
2610 | |
43. | zachleat (Zach Leatherman) |
2608 | |
44. | ericmjl (Eric Ma) |
2592 | |
45. | tiangolo (Sebastián Ramírez) |
2530 | |
46. | dai-shi (Daishi Kato) |
2523 | |
47. | Alvin9999 (自由上网) |
2517 | |
48. | tonybaloney (Anthony Shaw) |
2456 | |
49. | kamyu104 (kamyu) |
2419 | |
50. | edemaine (Erik Demaine) |
2350 | |
51. | atinux (Sébastien Chopin) |
2321 | |
52. | mafintosh (Mathias Buus) |
2313 | |
53. | taylorotwell (Taylor Otwell) |
2308 | |
54. | jspahrsummers (Justin Spahr-Summers) |
2306 | |
55. | EndlessCheng (灵茶山艾府 [0x3F]) |
2295 | |
56. | Alex313031 (Alex F.) |
2199 | |
57. | codebytere (Shelley Vohr) |
2153 | |
58. | ChinmayKaitade (Chinmay Kaitade) |
2138 | |
59. | zeux (Arseny Kapoulkine) |
2097 | |
60. | aryashah2k (Arya Shah) |
2079 | |
61. | kripken (Alon Zakai) |
1999 | |
62. | paullewis (Paul Lewis) |
1997 | |
63. | driesvints (Dries Vints) |
1971 | |
64. | himself65 (Alex Yang) |
1967 | |
65. | neubig (Graham Neubig) |
1946 | |
66. | fasterthanlime (Amos Wenger) |
1944 | |
67. | StanGirard (Stan Girard) |
1888 | |
68. | felangel (Felix Angelov) |
1882 | |
69. | yyx990803 (Evan You) |
1863 | |
70. | hathach (Ha Thach) |
1848 | |
71. | JamesNK (James Newton-King) |
1836 | |
72. | wooorm (Titus) |
1817 | |
73. | kevmoo (Kevin Moore) |
1815 | |
74. | mattpocock (Matt Pocock) |
1806 | |
75. | sindresorhus (Sindre Sorhus) |
1765 | |
76. | guybedford (Guy Bedford) |
1705 | |
77. | BurntSushi (Andrew Gallant) |
1689 | |
78. | Qix- (Josh Junon) |
1681 | |
79. | WerWolv (Nik) |
1677 | |
80. | emersion (Simon Ser) |
1672 | |
81. | EvanBacon (Evan Bacon) |
1605 | |
82. | zkat (Kat Marchán) |
1603 | |
83. | shiffman (Daniel Shiffman) |
1591 | |
84. | davidfowl (David Fowler) |
1580 | |
85. | ErikBjare (Erik Bjäreholt) |
1573 | |
86. | TooTallNate (Nathan Rajlich) |
1526 | |
87. | merrymercy (Lianmin Zheng) |
1518 | |
88. | nzakas (Nicholas C. Zakas) |
1517 | |
89. | donmccurdy (Don McCurdy) |
1510 | |
90. | BEPb (Andrej Marinchenko) |
1493 | |
91. | leerob (Lee Robinson) |
1471 | |
92. | JanDeDobbeleer (Jan De Dobbeleer) |
1466 | |
93. | samuelcolvin (Samuel Colvin) |
1462 | |
1453 | |
95. | HarshCasper (Harsh Mishra) |
1438 | |
96. | alexellis (Alex Ellis) |
1434 | |
97. | ThioJoe () |
1395 | |
98. | brentvatne (Brent Vatne) |
1380 | |
99. | vinceliuice (Vince) |
1377 | |
100. | pfrazee (Paul Frazee) |
1365 | |
101. | dvyukov (Dmitry Vyukov) |
1298 | |
102. | steveruizok (Steve Ruiz) |
1291 | |
103. | holtzy (Holtz Yan) |
1288 | |
104. | koaning (vincent d warmerdam ) |
1281 | |
105. | archibate (彭于斌) |
1279 | |
106. | normanmaurer (Norman Maurer) |
1273 | |
107. | doodlewind (Yifeng Wang) |
1270 | |
108. | poteto (lauren) |
1268 | |
109. | fabiospampinato (Fabio Spampinato) |
1190 | |
110. | tmcw (Tom MacWright) |
1189 | |
111. | timneutkens (Tim Neutkens) |
1180 | |
112. | Urigo (Uri Goldshtein) |
1178 | |
113. | aler9 (Alessandro Ros) |
1177 | |
114. | sethvargo (Seth Vargo) |
1166 | |
115. | Geal (Geoffroy Couprie) |
1155 | |
116. | privatenumber (Hiroki Osame) |
1136 | |
117. | rstoenescu (Razvan Stoenescu) |
1133 | |
118. | miguelgrinberg (Miguel Grinberg) |
1129 | |
119. | SaurabhSSB (Saurabh Singh Bhandari) |
1127 | |
120. | mwaskom (Michael Waskom) |
1124 | |
121. | bizz84 (Andrea Bizzotto) |
1105 | |
122. | merveenoyan (Merve Noyan) |
1102 | |
123. | arjuncvinod (Arjun C Vinod) |
1085 | |
124. | astrojuanlu (Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez) |
1079 | |
125. | cpojer (Christoph Nakazawa) |
1076 | |
126. | jsuarezruiz (Javier Suárez) |
1068 | |
127. | doggy8088 (Will 保哥) |
1067 | |
128. | leifermendez (Leifer Mendez) |
1059 | |
129. | webdevcody (Web Dev Cody) |
1056 | |
130. | jcheng5 (Joe Cheng) |
1046 | |
131. | rochacbruno (Bruno Rocha) |
1044 | |
132. | joreilly (John O'Reilly) |
1044 | |
133. | ziaukhan (Zia Khan) |
1039 | |
134. | mattgodbolt (Matt Godbolt) |
1038 | |
135. | mikepenz (Mike Penz) |
1015 | |
136. | romainfrancois (Romain François) |
985 | |
137. | wklken (wklken) |
982 | |
138. | topepo (Max Kuhn) |
973 | |
139. | Dhravya (Dhravya Shah) |
970 | |
140. | umputun (Umputun) |
961 | |
141. | geekan (Alexander Wu) |
946 | |
142. | JacksonTian (Jackson Tian) |
937 | |
143. | ChristianChiarulli (Christian Chiarulli) |
937 | |
144. | oobabooga () |
934 | |
145. | ocornut (omar) |
927 | |
146. | mame (Yusuke Endoh) |
918 | |
147. | gwern (Gwern Branwen) |
916 | |
148. | 4ian (Florian Rival) |
907 | |
149. | craftzdog (Takuya Matsuyama) |
905 | |
150. | isaacs (isaacs) |
892 | |
151. | Nutlope (Hassan El Mghari) |
889 | |
152. | yole (Dmitry Jemerov) |
883 | |
153. | lynnlangit (Lynn Langit) |
877 | |
154. | raysan5 (Ray) |
877 | |
155. | SaraVieira (Sara Vieira) |
872 | |
156. | zeke (Zeke Sikelianos) |
867 | |
157. | philschmid (Philipp Schmid) |
860 | |
158. | atomiks () |
858 | |
159. | nandorojo (Fernando Rojo) |
839 | |
160. | chrislusf (Chris Lu) |
818 | |
161. | mariotaku (Mariotaku) |
813 | |
162. | matz (Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto) |
808 | |
163. | VikParuchuri (Vik Paruchuri) |
794 | |
164. | MarshallOfSound (Samuel Attard) |
790 | |
165. | aaronpk (Aaron Parecki) |
789 | |
166. | ddgksf2013 (Cuttlefish) |
786 | |
167. | cmliu (CMLiussss) |
782 | |
168. | fnando (Nando Vieira) |
779 | |
169. | coolsnowwolf (coolsnowwolf) |
776 | |
170. | ramsey (Ben Ramsey) |
771 | |
171. | rrousselGit (Remi Rousselet) |
757 | |
172. | angiejones (Angie Jones) |
755 | |
173. | jamesqquick (James Q Quick) |
753 | |
174. | easychen (Easy) |
748 | |
175. | RichardLitt (Richard Littauer) |
746 | |
176. | mikermcneil (Mike McNeil) |
744 | |
177. | nishant-Tiwari24 (Nishant Tiwari) |
736 | |
178. | leimao (Lei Mao) |
731 | |
179. | ehmatthes (Eric Matthes) |
717 | |
180. | patriciogonzalezvivo (Patricio Gonzalez Vivo) |
717 | |
181. | antoniolg (Antonio Leiva) |
712 | |
182. | gajus (Gajus Kuizinas) |
697 | |
183. | swankjesse (Jesse Wilson) |
691 | |
184. | SteveSandersonMS (Steve Sanderson) |
682 | |
185. | jerryjliu (Jerry Liu) |
680 | |
186. | tonsky (Nikita Prokopov) |
678 | |
187. | markerikson (Mark Erikson) |
676 | |
188. | bnoordhuis (Ben Noordhuis) |
672 | |
189. | purcell (Steve Purcell) |
671 | |
190. | Lessica (i_82) |
666 | |
191. | stas00 (Stas Bekman) |
663 | |
192. | xiaolai (xiaolai) |
658 | |
193. | hu8813 (hüseyin kaya aydin) |
657 | |
194. | airyland (Airyland) |
656 | |
195. | praeclarum (Frank A. Krueger) |
656 | |
196. | felipemotarocha (Felipe Rocha) |
654 | |
197. | Dimillian (Thomas Ricouard) |
648 | |
198. | rwightman (Ross Wightman) |
635 | |
199. | OmarElsakka1 (Omar El-Sakka) |
624 | |
200. | sunface (Sunface) |
623 | |
201. | Grafikart (Jonathan) |
623 | |
202. | miguelmota (miguel) |
622 | |
203. | chenjiandongx (dongdong) |
621 | |
204. | tw93 (Tw93) |
614 | |
205. | rui314 (Rui Ueyama) |
609 | |
206. | iluwatar (Ilkka Seppälä) |
604 | |
207. | csharpfritz (Jeffrey T. Fritz) |
598 | |
208. | ErickWendel (Erick Wendel) |
596 | |
209. | cuixiaorui (阿崔cxr) |
587 | |
210. | ageron (Aurélien Geron) |
583 | |
211. | topjohnwu (John Wu) |
580 | |
212. | Shehab-Hegab (Shehab-Hegab ) |
572 | |
213. | zhangdaiscott (JEECG) |
566 | |
214. | wincent (Greg Hurrell) |
565 | |
215. | ekzhang (Eric Zhang) |
557 | |
216. | knadh (Kailash Nadh) |
549 | |
217. | Jinjiang (Jinjiang) |
542 | |
218. | kenjinote (kenji) |
535 | |
219. | KittyGiraudel (Kitty Giraudel) |
535 | |
220. | gre (@greweb) |
534 | |
221. | riverscuomo (Rivers Cuomo) |
534 | |
222. | siddharthkp (Siddharth Kshetrapal) |
526 | |
223. | ZHO-ZHO-ZHO () |
522 | |
224. | onevcat (Wei Wang) |
520 | |
225. | oldratlee (李鼎) |
512 | |
226. | turicas (Álvaro Justen) |
511 | |
227. | cart (Carter Anderson) |
508 | |
228. | tobegit3hub (tobe) |
506 | |
229. | ktbyers (Kirk Byers) |
504 | |
230. | donho (Don HO) |
498 | |
231. | manfredsteyer (Manfred Steyer) |
497 | |
232. | argyleink (Adam Argyle) |
490 | |
233. | lyricat (Lyric Wai) |
490 | |
234. | yanyiwu (Yanyi Wu) |
488 | |
235. | shuding (Shu Ding) |
480 | |
236. | ekmett (Edward Kmett) |
476 | |
237. | wesbos (Wes Bos) |
475 | |
238. | itwanger (沉默王二) |
470 | |
239. | FrancescoXX (Francesco Ciulla) |
468 | |
240. | audreyfeldroy (Audrey M. Roy Greenfeld) |
466 | |
241. | ianlancetaylor (Ian Lance Taylor) |
454 | |
242. | bennadel (Ben Nadel) |
454 | |
243. | codefollower (codefollower) |
453 | |
244. | Doriandarko (Pietro Schirano) |
450 | |
245. | tyranid (James Forshaw) |
443 | |
246. | bingoogolapple (上帝小助手) |
443 | |
247. | buckyroberts (Bucky Roberts) |
439 | |
248. | timothystewart6 (Techno Tim) |
436 | |
249. | VB10 (Veli Bacik) |
422 | |
250. | staltz (André Staltz) |
420 | |
251. | PaulKinlan (Paul Kinlan) |
420 | |
252. | foyzulkarim (Foyzul Karim) |
419 | |
253. | daimajia (代码家) |
408 | |
254. | pyricau (py - Pierre Yves Ricau) |
407 | |
255. | laanwj () |
405 | |
256. | CyberSecurityUP (Joas A Santos) |
404 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | microsoft | 11 |
2. | nodejs | 8 |
3. | vercel | 7 |
4. | conda-forge | 5 |
5. | apache | 5 |
6. | github-stars | 5 |
7. | azure | 5 |
8. | nvidiagameworks | 4 |
9. | babel | 4 |
10. | 4 |