A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Worldwide over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-02-04 04:12:39 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
This list contains all public contributions for each user. There are 148719192 total users in the region and you need at least 2641 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | wizardforcel (布客飞龙) |
61989 | |
2. | danielroe (Daniel Roe) |
10734 | |
3. | charliermarsh (Charlie Marsh) |
7855 | |
4. | phodal (Fengda Huang) |
6947 | |
5. | steven-tey (Steven Tey) |
6910 | |
6. | antfu (Anthony Fu) |
6708 | |
7. | fabpot (Fabien Potencier) |
5393 | |
8. | JoshuaKGoldberg (Josh Goldberg ✨) |
5318 | |
9. | dtolnay (David Tolnay) |
5130 | |
10. | peppy (Dean Herbert) |
5026 | |
11. | dsherret (David Sherret) |
5013 | |
12. | hadley (Hadley Wickham) |
4747 | |
13. | glenn-jocher (Glenn Jocher) |
4652 | |
14. | alexcrichton (Alex Crichton) |
4599 | |
15. | MikeMcQuaid (Mike McQuaid) |
4426 | |
16. | Connor9994 (Connor) |
4388 | |
17. | lucidrains (Phil Wang) |
4094 | |
18. | Rich-Harris (Rich Harris) |
3863 | |
19. | stefanprodan (Stefan Prodan) |
3736 | |
20. | nikic (Nikita Popov) |
3724 | |
21. | caarlos0 (Carlos Alexandro Becker) |
3692 | |
22. | sobolevn () |
3660 | |
23. | ggerganov (Georgi Gerganov) |
3638 | |
24. | kdy1 (Donny/강동윤) |
3582 | |
25. | sebastianbergmann (Sebastian Bergmann) |
3575 | |
26. | kovidgoyal (Kovid Goyal) |
3549 | |
27. | sxzz (Kevin Deng 三咲智子) |
3522 | |
28. | bonigarcia (Boni García) |
3517 | |
29. | simonw (Simon Willison) |
3478 | |
30. | willmcgugan (Will McGugan) |
3299 | |
31. | SukkaW (Sukka) |
3239 | |
32. | Jarred-Sumner (Jarred Sumner) |
3151 | |
33. | koush (Koushik Dutta) |
2985 | |
34. | utilForever (Chris Ohk) |
2908 | |
35. | Borda (Jirka Borovec) |
2883 | |
36. | asottile (Anthony Sottile) |
2775 | |
37. | nikitavoloboev (Nikita) |
2716 | |
38. | ice1000 (Tesla Zhang) |
2701 | |
39. | kamilmysliwiec (Kamil Mysliwiec) |
2697 | |
40. | nunomaduro (Nuno Maduro) |
2571 | |
41. | appleboy (Bo-Yi Wu) |
2558 | |
42. | mercyblitz (Mercy Ma) |
2535 | |
43. | ChrisTitusTech (Chris Titus) |
2500 | |
44. | mafintosh (Mathias Buus) |
2486 | |
45. | wx-chevalier (王下邀月熊) |
2449 | |
46. | mrousavy (Marc Rousavy) |
2430 | |
47. | edemaine (Erik Demaine) |
2360 | |
48. | segunadebayo (Segun Adebayo) |
2294 | |
49. | taylorotwell (Taylor Otwell) |
2281 | |
50. | LeaVerou (Lea Verou) |
2256 | |
51. | lihaoyi (Li Haoyi) |
2250 | |
52. | Alvin9999 (自由上网) |
2242 | |
53. | posva (Eduardo San Martin Morote) |
2125 | |
54. | gaearon (dan) |
2095 | |
55. | jessfraz (Jess Frazelle) |
2070 | |
56. | wooorm (Titus) |
2063 | |
57. | joshlong (Josh Long) |
2061 | |
58. | vczh () |
2045 | |
59. | freekmurze (Freek Van der Herten) |
2031 | |
60. | kripken (Alon Zakai) |
2028 | |
61. | rasbt (Sebastian Raschka) |
1992 | |
62. | paullewis (Paul Lewis) |
1952 | |
63. | felangel (Felix Angelov) |
1945 | |
64. | rexim (Alexey Kutepov) |
1932 | |
65. | jennybc (Jennifer (Jenny) Bryan) |
1901 | |
66. | yihui (Yihui Xie) |
1876 | |
67. | nolanlawson (Nolan Lawson) |
1873 | |
68. | tiye (题叶) |
1825 | |
69. | fasterthanlime (Amos Wenger) |
1805 | |
70. | standardgalactic (Cogito Ergo Sum) |
1789 | |
71. | sindresorhus (Sindre Sorhus) |
1782 | |
72. | stephentoub (Stephen Toub) |
1752 | |
73. | pilcrowonpaper (pilcrow) |
1742 | |
74. | BurntSushi (Andrew Gallant) |
1723 | |
75. | cnlohr (cnlohr) |
1706 | |
76. | hathach (Ha Thach) |
1687 | |
77. | wenshao (Shaojin Wen) |
1677 | |
78. | samuelcolvin (Samuel Colvin) |
1671 | |
79. | jwiegley (John Wiegley) |
1667 | |
80. | algorithmzuo (左程云) |
1631 | |
81. | tannerlinsley (Tanner Linsley) |
1616 | |
82. | dusty-nv (Dustin Franklin) |
1601 | |
83. | dunglas (Kévin Dunglas) |
1596 | |
84. | YunYouJun (云游君) |
1558 | |
85. | bvaughn (Brian Vaughn) |
1524 | |
86. | XIU2 () |
1507 | |
87. | zcbenz (Cheng) |
1497 | |
88. | BEPb (Andrej Marinchenko) |
1483 | |
89. | evilsocket (Simone Margaritelli) |
1464 | |
90. | shiffman (Daniel Shiffman) |
1435 | |
91. | mbostock (Mike Bostock) |
1430 | |
92. | trueadm (Dominic Gannaway) |
1412 | |
93. | poteto (lauren) |
1391 | |
94. | vinceliuice (Vince) |
1383 | |
95. | c9s () |
1382 | |
96. | jaredhanson (Jared Hanson) |
1355 | |
97. | hkirat (Kirat) |
1354 | |
98. | patak-dev (patak) |
1343 | |
99. | dunossauro (Eduardo Mendes) |
1323 | |
100. | brentvatne (Brent Vatne) |
1317 | |
101. | fengmk2 (fengmk2) |
1307 | |
102. | thomasp85 (Thomas Lin Pedersen) |
1274 | |
103. | VictorTaelin (Victor Taelin) |
1274 | |
104. | pydanny (Daniel Roy Greenfeld) |
1270 | |
105. | mitsuhiko (Armin Ronacher) |
1250 | |
106. | jart (Justine Tunney) |
1229 | |
107. | mattgodbolt (Matt Godbolt) |
1227 | |
108. | jserv (Jim Huang) |
1219 | |
109. | mikepenz (Mike Penz) |
1214 | |
110. | skyzh (Alex Chi Z.) |
1213 | |
111. | KATT (Alex / KATT) |
1204 | |
112. | geerlingguy (Jeff Geerling) |
1197 | |
113. | mxcl (Max Howell) |
1184 | |
114. | tshemsedinov (Timur Shemsedinov) |
1172 | |
115. | privatenumber (Hiroki Osame) |
1147 | |
116. | LukeMathWalker (Luca Palmieri) |
1143 | |
117. | cpojer (Christoph Nakazawa) |
1138 | |
118. | singhsanket143 (Sanket Singh) |
1129 | |
119. | karpathy (Andrej) |
1124 | |
120. | doodlewind (Yifeng Wang) |
1118 | |
121. | miguelgrinberg (Miguel Grinberg) |
1116 | |
122. | bigtreetech (BIGTREETECH) |
1111 | |
123. | KyleAMathews (Kyle Mathews) |
1105 | |
124. | bizz84 (Andrea Bizzotto) |
1100 | |
125. | tmcw (Tom MacWright) |
1085 | |
126. | Lissy93 (Alicia Sykes) |
1073 | |
127. | alexeygrigorev (Alexey Grigorev) |
1060 | |
128. | doggy8088 (Will 保哥) |
1058 | |
129. | alanhamlett (Alan Hamlett) |
1038 | |
130. | mjackson (Michael Jackson) |
1030 | |
131. | OfficialCodeVoyage (Pavlo Bondarenko) |
1003 | |
132. | davidkpiano (David Khourshid) |
991 | |
133. | khaosdoctor (Lucas Santos) |
990 | |
134. | SkalskiP (Piotr Skalski) |
982 | |
135. | danielhe4rt (Daniel Reis) |
977 | |
136. | meliksahyorulmazlar (Meliksah Yorulmazlar) |
964 | |
137. | domenic (Domenic Denicola) |
964 | |
138. | timneutkens (Tim Neutkens) |
955 | |
139. | ocornut (omar) |
954 | |
140. | lxgw (ʟxɢᴡ) |
948 | |
141. | Rafaelmdcarneiro (Rafael Carneiro) |
946 | |
142. | j2kun (Jeremy Kun) |
935 | |
143. | leifermendez (Leifer Mendez) |
933 | |
144. | dhh (David Heinemeier Hansson) |
929 | |
145. | gamemann (Christian Deacon) |
928 | |
146. | arpitbbhayani (Arpit Bhayani) |
914 | |
147. | isaacs (isaacs) |
886 | |
148. | XiaomingX (Y11) |
880 | |
149. | chrisbanes (Chris Banes) |
876 | |
150. | bbatsov (Bozhidar Batsov) |
856 | |
151. | phil-opp (Philipp Oppermann) |
849 | |
152. | rusty1s (Matthias Fey) |
848 | |
153. | tqchen (Tianqi Chen) |
844 | |
154. | mathiasbynens (Mathias Bynens) |
843 | |
155. | mckaywrigley (Mckay Wrigley) |
843 | |
156. | pomber (Rodrigo Pombo) |
833 | |
157. | philipplackner (Philipp Lackner) |
831 | |
158. | niuhuan () |
806 | |
159. | medcl (Medcl) |
806 | |
160. | KieSun (yck) |
779 | |
161. | jamesqquick (James Q Quick) |
766 | |
162. | youngyangyang04 (程序员Carl) |
765 | |
163. | bnoordhuis (Ben Noordhuis) |
758 | |
164. | xtaci (xtaci) |
757 | |
165. | mattt (Mattt) |
754 | |
166. | matz (Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto) |
749 | |
167. | eddiejaoude (Eddie Jaoude) |
746 | |
168. | Aakashdeveloper (Aakash ) |
733 | |
169. | rui314 (Rui Ueyama) |
722 | |
170. | amueller (Andreas Mueller) |
720 | |
171. | antoniolg (Antonio Leiva) |
711 | |
172. | tenderlove (Aaron Patterson) |
706 | |
173. | joyeecheung (Joyee Cheung) |
704 | |
174. | smallnest (smallnest) |
703 | |
175. | FiloSottile (Filippo Valsorda) |
700 | |
176. | rwightman (Ross Wightman) |
691 | |
177. | markdalgleish (Mark Dalgleish) |
678 | |
178. | stolinski (Scott Tolinski) |
675 | |
179. | hu8813 (hüseyin kaya aydin) |
654 | |
180. | tonsky (Nikita Prokopov) |
646 | |
181. | AUTOMATIC1111 () |
645 | |
182. | swankjesse (Jesse Wilson) |
641 | |
183. | SteveSandersonMS (Steve Sanderson) |
640 | |
184. | egoist (EGOIST) |
634 | |
185. | markerikson (Mark Erikson) |
630 | |
186. | srush (Sasha Rush) |
620 | |
187. | overtrue (安正超) |
613 | |
188. | patriciogonzalezvivo (Patricio Gonzalez Vivo) |
606 | |
189. | jeffersongoncalves (Jefferson Gonçalves) |
604 | |
190. | lh3 (Heng Li) |
604 | |
191. | munificent (Bob Nystrom) |
601 | |
192. | hanxiao (Han Xiao) |
601 | |
193. | yangzongzhuan (若依) |
600 | |
194. | be5invis (Belleve) |
599 | |
195. | photonstorm (Richard Davey) |
591 | |
196. | rsc (Russ Cox) |
589 | |
197. | denysdovhan (Denys Dovhan) |
586 | |
198. | ageron (Aurélien Geron) |
584 | |
199. | kujian (前端开发博客) |
580 | |
200. | rtfeldman (Richard Feldman) |
579 | |
201. | chenjiandongx (dongdong) |
574 | |
202. | Shehab-Hegab (Shehab-Hegab ) |
572 | |
203. | rodrigobranas (Rodrigo Branas) |
569 | |
204. | ErickWendel (Erick Wendel) |
567 | |
205. | Grafikart (Jonathan) |
567 | |
206. | twostraws (Paul Hudson) |
559 | |
207. | Klerith (Fernando Herrera) |
555 | |
208. | felipefialho (Felipe Fialho) |
552 | |
209. | gregkh (Greg Kroah-Hartman) |
549 | |
210. | muan (Mu-An Chiou) |
547 | |
211. | manfredsteyer (Manfred Steyer) |
538 | |
212. | mikeckennedy (Michael Kennedy) |
535 | |
213. | wesm (Wes McKinney) |
534 | |
214. | t3dotgg (Theo Browne) |
524 | |
215. | geekan (Alexander Wu) |
508 | |
216. | ashleygwilliams (ashley williams) |
507 | |
217. | jlengstorf (Jason Lengstorf) |
491 | |
218. | mxstbr (Max Stoiber) |
491 | |
219. | djvelimir (Velimir Đurković) |
483 | |
220. | ekmett (Edward Kmett) |
477 | |
221. | otaviossousa (Otavio Sousa) |
476 | |
222. | opa334 (Lars Fröder) |
467 | |
223. | guilhermerodz (Guilherme Rodz) |
466 | |
224. | nolimits4web (Vladimir Kharlampidi) |
464 | |
225. | acheong08 (Antonio Cheong) |
463 | |
226. | williamFalcon (William Falcon) |
461 | |
227. | cuixiaorui (阿崔cxr) |
461 | |
228. | VB10 (Veli Bacik) |
449 | |
229. | ryanflorence (Ryan Florence) |
446 | |
230. | tjdevries (TJ DeVries) |
438 | |
231. | CharlesCreativeContent (Shawn Charles) |
419 | |
232. | dabit3 (Nader Dabit) |
418 | |
233. | paulirish (Paul Irish) |
417 | |
234. | kunal-kushwaha (Kunal Kushwaha) |
415 | |
235. | remy (Remy Sharp) |
411 | |
236. | loiane (Loiane Groner) |
411 | |
237. | daimajia (代码家) |
408 | |
238. | IgorMinar (Igor Minar) |
400 | |
239. | RogueMaster (RogueMaster) |
396 | |
240. | shadcn (shadcn) |
394 | |
241. | bradtraversy (Brad Traversy) |
392 | |
242. | lyswhut (lyswhut) |
386 | |
243. | mperham (Mike Perham) |
386 | |
244. | zu1k (zu1k) |
385 | |
245. | ANG13T (Angelina T (G4LXY)) |
380 | |
246. | pbatard (Pete Batard) |
374 | |
247. | graydon (Graydon Hoare) |
374 | |
248. | evanw (Evan Wallace) |
371 | |
249. | surmon-china (Surmon) |
370 | |
250. | anvaka (Andrei Kashcha) |
370 | |
251. | CarlosAlexandre197 (Carlos Alexandre ) |
358 | |
252. | HuXn-WebDev () |
357 | |
253. | ahmadawais (Ahmad Awais ⌘) |
356 | |
254. | youssefHosni (Youssef Hosni) |
352 | |
255. | filiph (Filip Hracek) |
351 | |
256. | felixge (Felix Geisendörfer) |
345 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | nodejs | 7 |
2. | reactjs | 7 |
3. | github-stars | 5 |
4. | conda-forge | 5 |
5. | vuejs | 5 |
6. | rust-lang-nursery | 5 |
7. | googlers | 5 |
8. | vercel | 4 |
9. | h5bp | 4 |
10. | elk-zone | 4 |